Zagazig University Faculty of Computers and Informatics First Term – Second Year 2021/2020 f Report Writing and Presentation skills [HU-101] Modern Technology in Education A research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for passing the first semester 2020 evaluation by Ramadan Hamdy Mohammed Elbagoury ( 8 ) Radwan Elsyed Abdelmonaim (8) Romany Makram Ageeb Girges (8) Fady Monier Fouad ( 13 ) Supervised by: Dr. Alshaimaa Adel Tantawy Dr. Nora Zaki Abstract: Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences. Technology has certainly changed the way we live ; technology plays an important role in every sphere of life. Several manual tasks can be automated, thanks to technology. Also, many complex and critical processes can be carried out with ease and greater efficiency with the help of modern technology. Thanks to the application of technology, living has changed, and it has changed for better Cuse of covid-19 pandemic and the world countries keenness on setting its citizen in a good and safe place and chosing the distance learning to keep all students safe we chose this article to determain the advantage and disadvantage of using the technology in education process And we find that using technologies model help students and teachers in the education process so we should care about the ways in which technology and education are related to each other Technology has revolutionized the field of education. The importance of technology in schools cannot be ignored. In fact, with the onset of computers in education, it has become easier for teachers to impart knowledge and for students to acquire it. The use of technology has made the process of teaching and learning all the more enjoyable | P a g e ii Table of Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1 2. Main Research Contents .............................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Modern Technology Impact ................................................................................................................ 2 2.2 Some Model Of Technology In Education ......................................................................................... 4 2.3 Factors Affecting Technology In Education ........................................................................................ 5 3. Results and Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 7 4. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 7 References ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 | P a g e iii 1. Introduction There is no doubt that education is the important thing in our delay life. so nearby most people are keen on learning and do different researches about modern educational articles. Education is about learning skills and knowledge. It also means helping people to learn how to do things and support them to think about what they learn. It's also important for educators to teach ways to find and use information. Through education, the knowledge of society, country, and of the world is passed on from generation to generation. This may include education in morality, for example learning how to act as loyal, honest and effective citizen. Teaching at a young age is like engraving in stone due to the lack of a person's responsibilities, so he is more able to comprehend and memorize, and this does not prevent the elderly from learning, but rather perseverance and diligence, and the Prophet promised that whoever seeks a path in which he seeks knowledge, God Almighty will facilitate this path for him and make it easy for him. Education is not limited to a specific science, but it may be in the forensic, medical, academic, human history, life sciences and others, given the importance of education, so the state must provide facilities that help in developing education and encourage the community's children to participate in the course of the educational process from All aspects. Since the modern technology evolution, the world become a small village and life become easier and more comfortable than ever. So, developments that human made reach the education side and make it comfortable and attractive to the people who wanted to learn the era of 21st century is often regarded as an era of technology. Technology, today, plays a very important role in our life. It is seen as a basis of growth of an economy. An economy which is poor in technology can never grow in today’s scenario. This is because technology makes our work much easier and less time consuming. The impact of technology can be felt in every possible field one such field is Education. Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences. Technology has certainly changed the way we live. It has impacted different facets of life and redefined living. Undoubtedly, technology plays an important role in every sphere of life. Several manual tasks can be automated, thanks to technology. Also, many complex and critical processes can be carried out with ease and greater efficiency with the help of modern technology. |Page1 2. Main Research Contents 2.1 Modern Technology Impact According to the latest insights as to how exactly modern students of today prefer to use technology and how does their learning get an impact if they use technology, it was revealed that the use of modern equipment technology and tools, the learning and interactivity of students increases. They also find it much more interactive, as well as full of interesting areas, when aided by technology. The transfer of knowledge becomes very easy and convenient, as well as effective. What this means is, that our minds now tend to work faster when assisted with the use of modern technology, be it any part of life, here we talk about education. The reliance and dependence of such an innovation, that simply makes life an easy, smooth journey is completely unavoidable these days even in schools, universities and colleges. Students today can make use of technology in the many ways the role of technology, in a traditional school setting, is to facilitate, through increased efficiency and effectiveness, the education of knowledge and skills. In order to fully examine this thesis, we must first define several terms. Efficiency will be defined as the quickness by which we obtain knowledge, while the term effectiveness is associated with the amount of imparted knowledge that is operationally mastered. When technology is directly applied to an educational setting, such as a school, both the students and teachers can be viewed as learners. Thus, we can operate under the assumption that any increase in teacher knowledge and utilization has the impact of increased learning in students. Ultimately, technology should serve to increase student achievement in schools.Technology can aid in educational achievement through two primary methods: the removal of physical barriers to learning and the transition of focus from the retention of knowledge to its utilization. Each of these methods must be examined in the context of their relation to both the student and the instructor in order to see their value and effect in educational settings. So if we mention the importance of using techonology in education process we will have a great help that make education attractive and comfortable than ever so we sould carage the students , researcher and people in the stage of post graduate to use and learn the methods of modern technology that will help them doing their work in easy and comfortable ways . |Page2 Even more beneficial is the use of educational technology, in particular multimedia and simulations, to remove physical barriers such as location and financial limitations. For example, students can view images, which may even consist of videos, of distant landmarks and geographical locations, in lieu of physically traveling to the site. While it may be unfeasible to arrange a field trip for even a few students, all students with access to the internet can use three dimensional and geographic programs to figuratively walk through a distant area. The cost of this aforementioned geographical technology is one of its great advantages, as this technology can be readily accessed for no cost through technology provided by the corporation Google and their web-based map tools. students can also benefit from distance learning, much like their counterparts in the teaching profession. Technology can be used for classes to communicate with other school sites and/or allow multiple classes to attend hosted web conferences and seminars. For example, students studying other cultures may have the opportunity to directly speak with individuals of another nation. Thus by removing physical barriers such as financial costs and geographical, restraints technology can allow more opportunities for both teachers and students to participate in learning scenarios or to explore content on a level that is inaccessible within their immediate environment. By not only increasing the amount of learning opportunities, but by providing even more enriching learning opportunities through simulation and multimedia we can increase the assimilation of knowledge. |Page3 2.2 Some model of technology in education 1- Internet Connection The internet has grown in importance by many folds, over the process of decade. Its importance in the education world can now never be undermined. Despite the chances of fraud and drawbacks, the use of the internet is like a blessing for students. Today, the internet is something that is present in almost everything we use. From television to gaming consoles, and our phones, the internet is literally everywhere. The use of the internet allows students to find amazing convenience, they can find various kinds of help, tutorials and other kinds of assisting material which could be used to academically improve and enhance their learning 2- Using Projectors and Visuals Visual images always have a strong appeal compared to words. Using projectors and visuals to aid in learning is another form of great technological use. Top institutions around the world, now rely on the use of amazing PowerPoint presentations and projections in order to keep the learning interactive and interesting. Technological use such as projectors within the schools and colleges can take the interaction and interest levels right up and also improve motivation. Students like to see appealing visuals and something that entices them to think rather than just reading words. The learning part also becomes pretty efficient when it comes to technology. 3- Digital Footprint in Education Sector If we talk about digital and education, then the penetration of digital media within the education sector has now grown. This penetration has resulted in round the clock connectivity with students and different forums that are available for different kinds of assignments or help. As the power of digital increases, there are and there will be more applications that will assist students in development and learning . 4- Online Degrees with The Use of Technology Online degrees now have become a very common phenomenon. People wish to take up online courses for their learning and certifications. Top institutions offer amazing online programs with the use of various applications and the internet. This is a concept that will continue to rise as it gets more support and awareness. The online degree scenario around the world is more famous among students who work and look for flexible studying programs |Page4 2.3 Factors Affectiong Technology in Education There is no doubt that technology is a gift from god so we should make the best use of it as much as we can to reach a great stage in our daily life , thus some problem will appear and some good factors will appear some of its factors . 1) Factors related by Teachers 1- Teachers Need to Learn About Modern Technology about the enormous challenge teachers are facing in our society due to the rapid expansion of knowledge. The modern technologies are demanding that teachers learn how to use these technologies in their teaching. Hence these new technologies increase the teachers' training needs and some people said that teacher's attitudes toward computers are a key factor in the successful implementation of ICT in education. They pointed out that teachers do not always have positive attitudes towards computers and their poor attitudes may lead to a failure of the computer- based projects. 2- Personal characteristics Personal characteristics (such as age, educational level, educational experience, gender, perceptions and trends), as they contribute to the integration and adoption of technology in education, but teachers 'willingness to integrate information and communication technology in teaching determines the effectiveness of technology, as teachers' attitudes affect the adoption and integration of technology in education. Those who have concerns and inefficiencies in the use of technology resort to adopting the traditional method of teaching, as understanding personal characteristics plays an important role in teachers' use of technology 3- Teachers attitudes and perceptions the success in integrating technology depends directly on the teachers’ attitude towards their use of it. He who believes that technology does not meet his needs and the needs of his students, it is natural not to use it in education, so those who have positive beliefs and attitudes towards using technology will use it, while those whose beliefs were On the contrary, of course they do not use them, and in order to succeed in educational practices, the user must develop positive attitudes towards innovation |Page5 4- Information and communication technology efficiency it means that the individual has the ability to deal with a wide range of different computer applications to apply multiple purposes, it is an indication of the integration of technology, studies indicate that teachers who have negative or neutral attitudes towards technology integration basically lack the knowledge and skills that allow Inclusion, as well as technical competence and pedagogical competence, have a direct link with trust and are closely related to their perception of inclusion of information and communication technology 2) Factors related by Educational institution 1- The recommended time for using technology An important factor in the extent to which technology is used in the classroom in addition to the amount of training on it, which in turn helps and facilitates and develops the use of information technology in education and the application of professional development in education 2- Availability of technical support in order to keep abreast of changes and correct errors that may be encountered, so the majority of reports in Turkish schools emphasize the need for a technical expert to deal with technological technologies in the school that adopts the use of technology in education, and its absence makes the adoption and integration of technology undesirable Tags and frustrated for fear of errors and technical failure 3- Continuous training whether it is professional or ordinary to use technology in the classroom, these programs must be educational and technical in addition to the fact that teachers need experts to increase their knowledge of methods of inclusion in order to raise the level of content and knowledge and achieve the desired educational goal and facilitate the education process. Therefore, professional training must strengthen beliefs. Of success and the policies needed to enhance education and evaluate course plan commensurate with the objectives |Page6 3. Results and Discussion As we saw the standing of technology next to give us a great help in getting information ,so we should ask ourselfes some question about in what ways we should use the modern technologies and how we should use it and encourage our students to make the best use of it as much as we can to get a new stander level of education that help us invent new things helping us to pass our hard times and help us to get rid of our mistakes to the environment and keep it valid for our lifes 4. Conclusion Technology has a positive impact on education and at the same time may also pose negative effects. Teachers and students should take advantage of this in the good light and eliminate the drawbacks which are pulling back many of students as well as schools from achieving excellence. It is thus time for every country to introduce a more technologically equipped education sector in the future. Modern education depends on how to utilize various possibilities of modern technology to improve learning and teaching and therefore it is very important to prepare the younger generation of teachers to best use of modern technologies in the teaching process. Our contribution can serve as a sample of successful launch of prepared educational models into practice |Page7 References [1] EKB [2] Google Scholar [3] Research_gate [4] Telling Tales on Technology: Qualitative Studies of Technology and Education By Neil Selwyn Modern+Technology+in+Education&ots=KgEOVBw8-5&sig=Z6lU1wLkYWKi_T1lGXRE_xDu_o&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Modern%20Technology%20in%20Ed ucation&f=false [5] Technology in Education: Looking Toward 2020 edited by Raymond S. Nickerson, Philip P. Zodhiates &dq=Modern+Technology+in+Education&ots=k3PE55ThEy&sig=1PhwEerIzT_CDzZIFukVIxltjw&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Modern%20Technology%20in%20Education&f =false [6] Barak, M.: 1997, ‘Changing Emphases for School in the Information Society’, Focus on Education 41 [7] |Page8