Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management MACRO PERSPECTIVE OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY First Semester, SY 2019-2020 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Course Code Course Title Pre-requisite Co-requisite Credit Units Time Allotment : : : : : : THC_111 Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality None None 3 Units 3 hours/week, 54 hours/semester Prepared by: Reviewed: ALEXANDER REX E. SANOSA, MM-TM InstructorDean Date: __________ JANE MARIE G. INOCENCIO, DM CHARIS MA. AMOR R. MANGCO, LPT Part-timer Instructor Date: __________ MAFEL A. PIOL, DM Chairperson of BSHM Program/DQMR – COT Date: __________ Date: __________ Approved: LEOMERO H. GARCIA, PhD Vice President for Academic Affairs Date: _________ Page 1 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran VISION A state university leading in research and innovation for human empowerment and social development. MISSION To advance the university with innovation human resource, responsive research, sustainable production, and demand-driven extension services. QUALITY POLICY "NSU is Yes to, Open to, and United to quality education by developing world-class graduates and intensifying research and development, extension, and production in compliance to statutory and regulatory requirements to ensure customer satisfaction that leads to the continual improvement of the quality management system." COLLEGE GOALS 1. Provision of advance instructions in the fields of tourism and hospitality industries; 2. Yielding globally competitive graduates of the dynamic needs of tourism and hospitality industry while inculcating professional ethics, traditional values and culture. 3. Building strong linkages among industries, government and educational institutions; both local and international, via collaborative research works, community development, and professional consultancy programs. I. Outcomes Page 2 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran Institutional Outcome Program Outcome Program Educational Objectives I,E,D Course Outcomes CO1.Deconstruct tourism concept and terms that are common in the different sectors under the tourism industry basing on the RA 9593 and the principles of tourism in the Philippine context (Dr. Zenaida Cruz). CO2. Evaluate the impacts of tourism to the society, economy and environment in local, national and global platforms through John Elkington’s Tourism Sustainability Framework widely known as the 3Ps or the Triple Bottom-line Framework. CO3. Propose strategic plans responsive on the current issues and future trends challenges of tourism throughSWOT Analysis and Risk and Opportunities Assessments as foundations in strategic planning. II. Course Description Page 3 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran This course is designed to give a clear and whole overview of Tourism and Hospitality as an ecosystem and goes beyond the usual closedconcept of tourism. It introduces the concepts and terms that are common throughout the different sectors. It also intends to develop, update and maintain local knowledge as well as industry knowledge. It shows the structure and scope of tourism as well as the impact of Tourism as an industry in relation to the world economy and society. It also illustrates the effects of the convergence of tourism with the other local industries and discusses the major factors that influence the history and future of tourism in the world and in the Philippines. It also introduces the sustainable goals of tourism and discusses, among others, how to develop protective environments for children in tourism destinations; to observe and perform risk mitigation activities; etc. The students will also learn to appreciate the key global organizations and the roles they play in influencing and monitoring tourism trends. (Copied from the suggested course description in the CHED Memorandum Order No. 62, series of 2017, Appendix E, page 51 of 73) III. Learning Plan Week Course Outcomes I. W1 W1-7 CO1 Teaching and Learning Assessment Tasks Activities VMGO Orientation The learners will have The students will have a 31) NSU Vision a game relating the minute papertest to 2) NSU Mission VMGO of the synthesize what they have 3) NSU Hymn university and the learn from the game 4) College Goals and college and after, the anchored on the VMGO. Program Objectives teacher will debrief them regarding the activity. The Meaning and The learners will have Thestudents will have their Importance of Tourism aninteractive group case analysis 1) Definition of Tourism lecturetteon the presentation on 2) Meaning of Tourist meaning, concepts, “Understanding the Tourist 3) Elements of Travel. terms, organizations Product” with the following 4) Residence of Traveler and importance of criteria: Topics II. Learning Resources Remarks University Code Article Review Rubric Journal Study of Koutoulas (2004) Principles of Page 4 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran Comprehension and 5) Purpose of Travel tourism response to article’ 6) The Nature of a Tours The learners will do an dimensional questions 7) The Tourist Product article reviewin Summary for Article 8) The Tourist Destination groups; 5 students in a Presentation 9) Tourist Services group on a journal Conclusions 10)Characteristic of study regarding The students will take a Tourism Importance of tourism and tourist summative test through Tourism product guided by pencil and paper test. 11)Tourism Network and dimensional Supply Components questions. 12)Tourism Organizations The groups will The group will present theirevent mapsregarding perform case analysis the history of tourismbased on the reviewed on their research from journal study. various literatures available in the internet with the III. The History of Tourism following criteria: 1) Early Tourism to Event Map Modern Tourism Documentation of 2) Origin of Tourism in the The students will work Events Philippines in groups; composed Content/facts of 5 students per group Accuracy that will research on Information fluency Style and Organization reliable literatures Mechanics regarding the origin and growth of tourism Presentation Time limit globally and nationally. Cooperation The group will have a Organization literature review Content Tourism Book of Dr. Cruz(2018), pp. 118, 57-127. Event Map Rubric Group Presentation Rubric Reliable literatures in the internet Principles of Tourism Book of Dr. Cruz (2018), pp. 1944. Page 5 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran IV. The Psychology of Travel 1) The Psychology of Travel 2) Travel as a Means to Satisfy a Need and Want. 3) Classification of Travelers based on Personality 4) Classification of Travelers based on Purpose of Travel 5) Travel Constraints presentation on the literatures they have The group will have their gathered and read. presentations of their inventories of travel constraints out from the journal article they have read entitled; “Understanding Travel Constraints: Application and Extension of a Leisure Constraints Model” assessed by these following criteria: The class will have an Time limit interactive Cooperation Organization discussion on how Content psychology influences The students will take a travel. summative test through The class will be pencil and paper test. working in groups; 5 in a group and each group will have its buzz sessionon a journal article relating common travel constraints of today guided by some dimensional questions. Group Presentation Rubric Principles of Tourism Book of Dr. Cruz (2008), pp. Journal Study of Nyaupane and Andereck (2008) Journal Study of Chen, Huang, and Cheng (2009) Journal Study of Ferreira, Perks, and Oosthuizen (2016) Journal Study of Madrigal (1995) Page 6 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran W8-14 CO2 V. The Economics of Tourism 1) The Role of Tourism in Economic Development 2) Economic Impact 3) Direct and Secondary Effects 4) Tourism Multiplier 5) Cost-Benefit Ratio 6) Undesirable Economic Aspects of Tourism 7) Employment Opportunities VI. The Sociology of Tourism 1) The Social Nature of Travel 2) The Social Effect of Tourism 3) Socioeconomic Variables and their Effect on Travel 4) Preferences of International Tourist 5) Types of Tourist Roles The class will have an interactive discussion on how tourism influences a country’s economy, society and environment. The class will be working in groups; 5 in a group and each group will review the given case studies relating tourism’s economic, social, and ecological impacts. After reviewing, the groups will craft an inventory of impacts as a project that are present today in the Philippines guided by the 3 Ps of John Elkington’s framework and provide solutions in the perspectives of The group will have presentations of project with these two of criteria: Project Quality Efficiency: their the sets and Identifying Problems Identifying Relevant Information Analyzing Problems Using strategies Reflecting Presentation Time limit Cooperation Organization Content The students will take a summative test through pencil and paper test. Journal Study of Wong, Cheung, and Wan (2013) Group Presentation Rubric Group Project Rubric Principles of Tourism Book of Dr. Cruz (2018), pp. 4556 & 128-151. Journal Study of Zak (2015) Journal Study of Pramanik and Ingkadijaya (2018) Journal Study of Jordan (2019) Journal Study of Sañosa (2019) Page 7 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran 6) Social Tourism the tourists, residents and the government. VII. Ecotourism 1) Definition of Ecotourism 2) Types of Ecotourists 3) Ecotourism’s Importance 4) Responsibilities of all tourism key stakeholders 5) 3Ps of John Elkington W1516 CO3 VIII. Tourism Beyond and The class will have an The groups will present to Tourism Issues interactive the panel their strategic - The Bright Future of discussion on plans on their chosen case Tourism and Hospitality tourism’s trend and study with these two sets of - Issues in Tourism future developments criteria: - The Future of Tourism influences a country’s Strategic Plan: Identified the issues and Hospitality economy, society and and matters on-point - Risk Mitigation Activities environment. Appropriateness of the in Tourism overgrowth The class will be solutions working in groups; 5 in Collaboration Organization a group and each Authenticity group will pick Presentation: reliablecase Time limit studywhich portrays Cooperation the status of a certain Organization Strategic Plan Evaluation Rubric Group Presentation Rubric Principles of Tourism Book of Dr. Cruz (2018), pp. 152-188. Reliable literatures in the internet Page 8 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran Content destination or attractionand make a personalSWOT inventory and Risk and Opportunity Assessment(ROA) out from the studythe group will pick. The group will then create their strategic plan guided by their SWOT inventory and ROAout from the case the groupswill analyze as their projects. Same groupings of the students will have their presentations of their strategic plans through panel discussion. Two Weeks (W17-18) is allotted for the adjustments on classroom engagement such as major examination, project making, research work, outreach activities, self-directed learning, and other curricular and extra-curricular activities. IV. References Chen, J. S., Huang, Y.-C., & Cheng, J.-S. (2009). Vacation Lifestyle and Travel Behaviors. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 26, 494-506. doi:10.1080/10548400903163038 Page 9 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran Cruz, Z. L. (2018). Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality (First ed.). Manila, Philippines: REX Book Store, Inc. Retrieved July 26, 2019 Ferreira, D., Perks, S., & Oosthuizen, N. (2016). Travellers’ perspectives of travel constraints and travel. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 5(4), 1-23. Retrieved July 26, 2019, from Jordan, R. P. (2019). Tourism Industry Generic Skills of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Students in Naval State University. 2nd International Multidisciplinary Research Conference (p. 114). Tacloban: Leyte Normal University. Retrieved July 30, 2019 Koutoulas, D. (2004). Understanding the Tourist Product. Interim Symposium of the Research Committee on International Tourism. Mytilini: International Sociological Association (ISA). doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2250.4806 Madrigal, R. (1995). Personal Values, Traveler Personality Type, and Leisure. Journal of Leisure Research, 27(2), 125-142. Retrieved July 26, 2019, from Nyaupane, G. P., & Andereck, K. L. (2008, May). Understanding Travel Constraints: Application. Journal of Travel Research, 46, 433439. doi:10.1177/0047287507308325 Pramanik, P. D., & Ingkadijaya, R. (2018). The Impact of Tourism on Village Society and its. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Researchgate. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/145/1/012060 Sañosa, A. E. (2019). Assessment of Readiness of the Food and Beverage Sector in Naval, Biliran to Change toward Sustainable Tourism Business Practices. 2nd International Multidisciplinary Research Conference (p. 117). Tacloban: Leyte Normal University. Retrieved July 30, 2019 Wong, M., Cheung, R., & Wan, C. (2013, June). A Study on Traveler Expectation, Motivation and Attitude. Contemporary Management Research, 9(2), 169-186. doi:10.7903/cmr.11023 Page 10 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran Zak, A. (2015). Triple Bottom Line Concept in Theory and Practice. (M. Rojek-Nowosielska, Ed.) Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wroctawiu Research Papers of Wroctaw University of Economics, 251-264. doi:10.15611/pn.2015.378.2 V. Suggested Readings VI. Vacation Lifestyle and Travel Behaviors, Chen, J. S., Huang, Y.-C., & Cheng, J.-S. (2009) Travellers’ perspectives of travel constraints and travel, Ferreira, D., Perks, S., & Oosthuizen, N. (2016) Personal Values, Traveler Personality Type, and Leisure, Madrigal, R. (1995) A Study on Traveler Expectation, Motivation and Attitude, Wong, M., Cheung, R., & Wan, C. (2013, June) Tourism Industry Generic Skills of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Students in Naval State University, Jordan (2019) Assessment of Readiness of the Food and Beverage Sector in Naval, Biliran to Change toward Sustainable Tourism Business Practices, Sañosa (2019) Course Requirements A. Lesson Assessments Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4 Assessment 5 Assessment 6 Group case analysis presentation Pencil and paper test Event mapping Group activity presentation Pencil and paper test Group project presentation CO1 CO1 CO1 CO1 CO1 CO2 100 points 30 points 100 points 100 points 30points 100 points Page 11 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran Assessment 7 Assessment 8 Pencil and paper test Groupproject presentation CO2 CO3 30 points 100 points B. Long Examinations Exam 1 Exam 2 C. Projects Project 1 Project 2 VII. Midterm Examination Final Examination 60 points 60 points Inventory of Tourism Impacts Strategic Plan 100 points 100 points Grading System Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Participation Attendance Projects TOTAL 100% VIII. 25% 30% 20% 10% 15% Classroom Policies 1. A student must be punctual and regular in his class attendance. 2. A student who is late fifteen (15) minutes should be marked absent. However, a student who has been tardy for three (3) times of less than fifteen (15) minutes shall be considered as having absent once. Page 12 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran 3. A student who incurs an absence of more than 20% of the total class hours in any given subject per semester will be dropped by the instructor/ professor concerned after notice has been served to the parents. 4. An absence is justifiable if caused by illness or other grave reasons. 5. For habitual absences, a student should present an excuse letter duly approved and signed by the guidance counselor when he/she reports to his classes. 6. No student is allowed to leave the classroom without due permission from the faculty member concerned. 7. Students should strive for academic excellence. 8. Dishonesty, cheating in class work, forging of school records, taking an examination in place of another student and/or stealing test questions/ disseminating contents to other students are major offenses which should be dealt with accordingly in accordance with the provisions of the University Code and in the Students’ Handbook. 9. Smoking and idle conversation are strictly prohibited. 10. Students under the influence of liquor shall not be allowed to attend classes. 11. Every student must help keep the classrooms, restrooms, and surroundings clean and tidy. 12. Avoid creating noise while waiting for the Instructor or Professor. If the Instructor or Professor is absent, leave the room quietly and study in the library. 13. Texting during classes is strictly prohibited. All mobile gadgets or cell phones should be in silent mode and/or turned off during classes. (excerpt from Students’ Handbook of Naval State University Rule XX, Section 78, #2) IX. Consultation Hours TFri – 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm X. Additional Requirements Learning Journal –This output will not be graded but will be required to complete the course. This learning journal should contain his/her learnings in every meeting. These learnings include but not limited to lessons learned, integrated values, and life lessons. Page 13 of 14 Republic of the Philippines Biliran Province State University College of Tourism Naval, Biliran Compilation of Handouts –This output will not be graded as well, but will also be required to complete the course. This compilation should contain all the handouts given by the instructor during the entire semester. Page 14 of 14