Developmental Milestones Collection Form Preschooler Anecdotal Record-Creative Development Child #7 Observer’s Name: Cecilia Solis Date: 10/29/2020 Describe what you observed the child do and what you heard the child say. Video 1: She is in class doing the life cycle of a frog.She and her peers had a piece of paper and picture hanging from their necks to tell them what part of the life cycle they were. She was acting like a frog and hopped to her peers and told them “I'm the eggs”. Her peers corrected her and told her that she was the froglet. She then went to her teacher and directected her to the part of the life cycle that belonged to. She then marched around the “life cycle” and went to her position in the life cycle. She began to swing her paper that was around her neck. She started spinning and jumping around in the same spot. The teacher was helping her and her peers correct the life cycle. It then got to her turn in the life cycle and she jumped like a frog and exclaimed with a smile on her face while lifting the paper to her eyes and said “I’m a Froglet!” After her it was her teacher and she said with a lot of excitement that her teacher was the froggie. Video 2: Her along with her peer are examining a frog with magnifying glasses. Her peer said it looked like a spider and they both giggled together. She then continued to try to smell the frog cage and said “ I hope it smells like pretty roses.”, and continued to lean in and smell it; after she smelled it she said “mmm,yummy” then giggled. She pointed at the frog cage and asked her teacher if she could take the lid off the cage; she got excited and said “yay!”. She then got a smell of how the cage smelled like with the lid off and made a face of disgust, backed away from the cage, covered her nose and said “Eww! P.U.”. She leaned back into the cage to get a better look at the frog and tried to touch the frog and the rock which was it’s home. She asked the teacher if they slept on the rock and continued to make sleeping noises, pretended to snore and sleep as if that’s what the frog was doing. She then told her friend to smell the water with a smile on her face and put her hand behind her peers back to kind of push her into smelling the water because she knew that it didn’t smell yummy like she said before. The anecdote illustrates the following developmental milestone(s): ● Gross motor: It shows this skill when she hops from place to place pretending to be a frog. When she swings her neck back and forth moving the sign on her neck. ● She shows social development because she is able to follow instructions on how to be in the order of the “life cycle of the frog” she can tell and understand where she should go in the order. ● Fine motor: It shows when she’s looking at the frog through the magnifying glass. She knows that using the magnifying glass she can lean forward and get a better look at the frog.