GROUP 5 TUTORIAL TASK WEEK 4 GROUP MEMBER : SAMINI NABILA ALIF SNEHA NAJIHAH Multiliteracies: Multimodality o o o Multimodal is the dynamic convergence of two or more communication modes within the same text and where all modes are attended to as part of meaning-making (The New London Group, 1996). Most of the texts we use are multimodal, including books when we take the visual and design elements into account. Modes’ are defined as abstract ways of organizing meaning making which can realize ideational, interpersonal and textual meanings, and which can do so, in principle, in materially different media, with sound, graphically, or in both media. Expressing and developing ideas Students learn how the different meaning making resources can be used to: construct the nature of the events, the objects and participants involved, and the setting and circumstances in which they occur o who, what, where and when, and to express actions and ideas. o o learn how, in a text, effective authors control and use an increasingly differentiated range of clause structures, words and word groups o combinations of sound, image, movement, verbal elements and layout. o learn that the conventions, patterns and generalisations that relate to English spelling involve the origins of words, word endings, Greek and Latin roots, base words and affixes. Interacting and relating with others Students learn : o How to design of interactive meaning in a multimodal text includes consideration of the social setting. o How interactions between the viewer/reader/listener and the subject can be established. o how to build and maintain relationships. -Students need to learn how to express knowledge, skills, feelings, attitudes and opinions, credibility, and power through different modes. EXAMPLE: o Listening and speaking interactions (purposes and contexts) o Listening and speaking interactions (skills) o Oral presentations Text structure and organisation How do design and layout build meaning and guide the reader/viewer/listener through the text? o o o o Students learn how different modes are used to structure a text in a particular way to create cohesive and coherent texts, with varying levels of complexity. For example, students learn how the image maker guides the viewer through the text through the deliberate choices of visual design at the level of the whole text, and components within the text. In examining how the image or text is organised, students learn how visual design choices can prioritise some meanings and background others (Painter, Martin, & Unsworth, 2013). how the author guides the reader/viewer through the text through effective use of resources at the level of the whole text, the paragraph and the sentence. RESOURCES o scipline/english/literacy/multimodal/Pages/multimodaloverview.aspx#lin k70 o THANK YOU