Uploaded by Amanda Daniels

PLC At Work Live Agenda: July 27-29 Institute Schedule

Time July 27–29
Livestream Institute from Buckley Washington,
Agenda Times are Central Standard Time (Our Time)
Day 1, Tuesday, July 27
9:15 - 9:45 - Registration and Continental Breakfast Provided by District PTOs
9:50-10:00- Welcome
❖ Room - BHS Auditorium ➢ Chuck McCauley, Superintendent of Bartlesville Public Schools &
➢ Sara Freeman, Guest, Truity Community Partner Guest
10:00 - 11:45 - Keynote - Regina Stephens Owens
A Declaration of Interdependence: Designing Culture and Developing
Community for Learning
11:45 - 12:00 - Break: Snacks Provided by Community Organizations and PTOs
12:00 - 1:30 - Breakout Sessions
❖ Room # 010, Session Host - Ms. Rene Burns, Hoover Principal
➢ Tim Brown - Student Data Notebooks: Developing Ownership,
Motivation and a Growth Mindset
❖ Room #: Hospitality Room, Session Host - Ms. Dianne Martinez, Executive
Director, Elementary and Professional Development
➢ Luis F. Cruz - English Learners and PLCs
❖ Room # 009, Session Host: Mr. Jason Langham, Executive Director, Secondary
and Special Services
➢ Heather Friziellie, Julie A. Schmidt, or Jeanne Spiller: Yes We can!
Collaboration for All Learners
❖ Room # 008
❖ , Session Host - Ms. Staci Bankston, Wilson Principal
➢ Timothy D. Kanold - Heart and Soul: Living a Fully Engaged,
High-Energy, Well-Balanced Professional Life?
❖ Room # 015, Session Host - Ms. Keri Gardner, Central Principal
➢ Mike Mattos - Are We a Group or a Team?
❖ Room # 005, Session Host - Ms. LaDonna Chancellor, BHS Principal
➢ Anthony Muhammad - Bringing the Four PLC Questions to Life: Ensuring
the Sysemic Implementation of the PLC at Work Process
❖ Room # 006, Session Host - Mr. Eliot Smith, BHS Asst. Principal
➢ Maria Nielsen - The 15 Day Challenge: Win Quick, Win Often
❖ Room #007 - Session Host: Mr. Kevin Brown, Jane Phillips Principal
➢ Regina Stephens Owens - The Why Effect: Intentional Systems Drive
Inspirational Cultures
1:30 - 2:30 - Lunch - At BHS, Commons Area - Lunch PROVIDED by Truity - BPS
Community Partner - Lunch Host - Sara Freeman
2:30 - 4:00 - Breakout Sessions
❖ Room # 010 - Session Host - Ms. Chanda Myers
➢ Tim Brown - Raising Questions and Finding Answers in our Grading
❖ Room # Hospitality Room - Ms. Dianne Martinez, Executive Director,
Elementary and Professional Development
➢ Luis F. Cruz - I Like What I’m Hearing! So How Do We Initiate Our PLC
❖ Room # 009 - Room Host - Mr. Matt Hancock, BHS Asst. Principal
➢ Heather Friziellie, Julie A. Schmidt, or Jeanne Spiller: Question One in
an All- Means- All Culture
❖ Room # 008 - Room Host - Mr. Joey Eidson, Madison Principal
➢ Timothy D. Kanold - Heart and Soul: Thriving in a Community Culture:
Vulnerability, Belonging, and Validation
❖ Room #015 - Room Host - Mr. Jason Langham, Executive Director, Secondary
and Special Services
➢ Mike Mattos - Personalized Learning in a PLC at Work: Developing
Student Agency Through the Four Critical Questions
❖ Room # 005 - Session Host - Ms. Mandy Lumbley, BHS Assistant Principal
➢ Anthony Muhammad -Overcoming the Achievement Gap Trap:
Liberating Mindsets to Effect Change
❖ Room # - 006 - Ms. Amanda Daniels, Assistant Principal, Wayside
➢ Maria Nielsen - Show Me What Ya Got: Student Engagement Strategies
to Keep Pulse on Learning
❖ Room # 007- Ms. Tiffany Holmes, Assistant Principal, Ranch Heights
➢ Regina Stephens Owens - Leveraging Technology to Strengthen Teams
Day 2 - 9:15 - 9:45 - Registration and Continental Breakfast Provided by District PTOs
9:50 - 10:00 ❖ BHS Auditorium Welcome and Special Message
➢ Dianne Martinez, Executive Director, Elementary & PD
➢ Lisa Cary - Bartlesville United Way, Executive Director
10:00 - 11:45 - Keynote - Mike Mattos
In the Eye of the Storm: Staying Focused and Grasping Opportunity During
Challenging Times
11:45 - 12:00 - Break: Snacks Provided by Community Organizations and PTOs
12:00 - 1:30 - Breakout Sessions
❖ Room # 010 , Session Host - Ms. Morgan Axsom, Madison Principal
➢ Tim Brown - Getting on the same page: establishing Collective
Commitments About Learning and Collaboration
❖ Room # 009, Session Host - Ms. Dianne Martinez, Exec. Director, Elem and PD
➢ Luis F. Cruz - Remembering Rick DuFur: Embracing the “Tight and
Loose” of the PLC Process
❖ Room # Hospitality Room, Session Host Ms.Tiffany Holmes, Asst. Principal
Ranch Heights
➢ Heather Friziellie, Julie A. Schmidt, or Jeanne Spiller: Timothy D. Kanold
- Raising the Bar and Closing the Gp: whatever it Takes in Elementary
❖ Room # 008, Session Host - Ms. Keri Gardner, Central Principal
➢ Timothy D. Kanold - Your K-12 PLC Mathematics Focus: Great
Instruction and Tasks?
❖ Room # 015 - Session Host - Mr. Jason Langham, Exec. Dir., Secondary and
Special Services
➢ Mike Mattos -Raising the Bar and Closing the Gap: Whatever it Takes in
Secondary Schools
❖ Room # 005 - Session Host - Ms. Amanda Daniels, Asst. Principal, Wayside
➢ Anthony Muhammad - Building Culture, Creating Purpose and
Overcoming Frustration on your PLC Journey
❖ Room #006 - Session Host - Mr. Michael Harp - BHS Asst. Principal
➢ Maria Nielsen - Help your Team: Overcoming Common Collaborative
Challenges in a PLC
❖ Room #007 - Session Host - Ms. Staci Bankston, Wilson Principal
➢ Regina Stephens Owens - The Why Effect: Intentional Systems Drive
Inspirational Cultures
1:30 - 2:30 - Lunch - At BHS, Commons Area - Lunch PROVIDED by Bartlesville United Way BPS Community Partner - Lunch Host - Lisa Cary
2:30 - 4:00 - Breakout Sessions
❖ Room # 015 - Session Host -Mr. Kevin Brown, Principal, Jane Phillips
➢ Tim Brown - Coming Soon
❖ Room # Hospitality Room - Mr. Jason Langham, Exec. Dir., Secondary and
Special Services
➢ Luis F. Cruz - Taping Before Painting: Taking the Critical Steps to
Respond Collectively When Students Don’t Learn
❖ Room # 010 - Room Host - Ms. Shawn Imhoff, Asst. Principal, Central
➢ Heather Friziellie, Julie A. Schmidt, or Jeanne Spiller: Timothy D. Kanold
- Differentiation for Teams: Taking it to the Next Level
❖ Room # 009 - Session Host - Mrs.Chanda Myers, Principal, Ranch Heights
➢ Timothy D. Kanold - Your K-12 PLC Mathematics Focus: Assessing,
Homework, and Grading!
❖ Room #008 - Session Host - Ms. Dianne Martinez, Exec. Dir., Elem. and PD
➢ Mike Mattos -Guiding Principles for Principals: Tips and Tools for
Leading the PLC Process
❖ Room # 005 - Session Host - Ms. Rene Burns, Principal, Hoover
➢ Anthony Muhammad - Beyond Conversations: Race, Equity, and Social
Justice through the PLC Process
❖ Room #006 - Session Host - Ms. LaDonna Chancellor
➢ Maria Nielsen - Common Assessments: The Key to Uncommon Results
for Student and Teacher Learning
❖ Room # 007 - Session Host Mr. Michael Harp, Asst. Principal, BHS
➢ Regina Stephens Owens - All for One: A Community of Singletons
Wired by Relevance and Results
4:00 - 4:15 - Break
4:15 - 5:00 - BHS Auditorium - Team Time with Mike Mattos
(7:00 - 8:00 - Webinar Maria Nielsen - Parents as Partners- Optional)
Day 3
9:30 - 10:00 - Opening - Full Breakfast provided by Bartlesville Public School Foundation
10:00 - 11:30 - Breakout Sessions
❖ Room # 015 - Session Host - Mr. Matt Hancock, Asst. Principal, BHS
➢ Tim Brown - Student Data Notebooks: Developing Ownership motivation
and a Growth Mindset
❖ Room # 010 - Session Host - Ms. Staci Bankston, Principal, Wilson
➢ Luis F. Cruz - I am Sold on PLCs: Practical tools and Directions to Be
❖ Room # 009 - Session Host - Ms. Mandy Lumbley, Asst. Principal, BHS
➢ Heather Friziellie, Julie A. Schmidt, or Jeanne Spiller: Timothy D. Kanold
- Protocols for Results: Turning Data Into Information
❖ Room # 008 - Mr. Eliot Smith, Asst. Principal, BHS
➢ Timothy D. Kanold - Attending to Your Professional Well-Being: Living
Your Life Between the Zeroes!
❖ Room # 005 - Session Host - Mr. Jason Langham, Exec., Dir, Secondary and
Special Services
➢ Mike Mattos Taking Action: How the PLC at Work Framework Drives an
Effective Multitiered System of Supports
❖ Room # 006 - Session Host - Ms. Dianne Martinez - Exec. Dir., Elem. and PD
➢ Anthony Muhammad - Collaboration is a Lifestyle, Not a Meeting!
❖ Room # Hospitality Room - Ms. Amanda Daniels, Asst Principal, Wayside
➢ Maria Nielsen - Elementary ELA Strategies to Keep your Students on
❖ Room # 007 - Session Host, Ms. Rene Burns, Principal, Hoover
➢ Regina Stephens Owens -Collective Efficacy at Work
11:30 - 11:45 - Break - Snacks Provided by BPS PTOs
11:45 - 1:45 - BHS Auditorium Keynote - Anthony Muhammad
Moving Beyond “PLC Lite”; Nurturing Full Commitment to the PLC Process
1:45 - 2:00 ❖ BHS Auditorium Closing Remarks
➢ Jason Langham, Exec. Dir., Secondary and Special Services
➢ Blair Ellis, Executive Director, Bartlesville Public School