WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF BIOMETRICS FOR ACCESS CONTROL? I N T RO D U C AT I O N Biometrics is the analysis of biological data using technology. Biometric access control represents a modern type of security technology that can present a series of benefits across multiple industries. Biometric access control is the use of this biological data to either grant or denies access to a building or area of a building. The main benefits of using biometric access control for security, convenience, and reduced costs. I N H E R E N T TO T H E U S E R Since biometrics use a person’s unique biology to verify their identity, it is extremely difficult for them to be taken or used by anyone other than the intended user. D i f f i c u l t to D u p l i c a te a n d E a s y Pe r m i s s i o n M a n a g e m e n t Biometrics are generally much harder to spoof because most modern biometric systems use liveness tests to ensure that the biometric data is coming from an actual human and not a forged replica. With biometrics such as Keyo, admins can instantly grant or revoke access permissions directly from the console dashboard, allowing them to ensure only active, non-suspended users are given access. C a n' t B e L o s t o r Fo r g o t te n a n d Fewe r Security Staff Biometric access control systems are remarkably convenient in that they allow authorized users to access the facility without needing anything other than themselves. Biometric access control systems can save companies money by reducing the need for dedicated security staff to man access points. According to Salary Expert, The average salary for a gate guard in the US is about $32,000 a year. E a s y Acce s s a n d E f f i c i e n c y Your biometric ID is always at hand, so no more fumbling in your pocket for a fob or ID card. With Keyo, your hand is your ID. Most biometrics are able to identify users in under a second, eliminating the inefficiency and time delays caused by manual identity checks, passwords, or PINs. Fewe r S e c u r i t y S t a f f A n d Z e ro Re p l a ce m e n t C o s t s Biometric access control systems can save companies money by reducing the need for dedicated security staff to man access points. According to Salary Expert, The average salary for a gate guard in the US is about $32,000 a year. Access control systems that use physical tokens such as keycards and fobs incur an extra hidden cost: lost token replacement rate. Lost cards and fobs are an all-too-common occurrence. P ro te c t E x p e n s ive Eq u i p m e n t The cost of potential security breaches outweighs the previous costs by an order of magnitude. In manufacturing facilities, for example, the use of machinery by unauthorized persons can void the warranty of the machine, creating enormous out-of-pocket costs to repair if it breaks. FIND US https://www.gulfstreaminfotech.com/