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Biometrics Technology: Types, Uses, Advantages & Disadvantages

Kristina Perić I1
contents of the presentation:
What is biometrics?;
Types of biometrics;
Use of biometrics;
Advantages and disadvantages of biometrics.
Biometrics is the measurement and statistical analysis of people's
unique physical and behavioral characteristics. Biometrics
tehnology can be used for either identification or verification
Authentication by biometric verification is becoming increasingly
common in corporate and public security systems, consumer
electronics and point-of-sale applications. In addition to security,
the driving force behind biometric verification has been
convenience, as there are no passwords to remember or security
tokens to carry.
The two main types of biometric identifiers are either
physiological characteristics (e.g. facial recognition, fingerprints,
iris recognition, vein recognition, voice recognition, DNA
matching…) or behavioral characteristics (e.g. signature dynamics,
the way we use objects, gestures…).
The most commonly known method of biometrics identification is
fingerprint biometrics. DNA identification is also an increasingly
popular form of biometrics tehnology.
The justice sistem uses biometrics tehnology for forensic
identification purposes. They can identify potential suspects whose
DNA may match evidence left at a crime scene, taking away of
responsibility for persons wrongly accused of crimes,
identification of crime victims, establishing family relathionships
and more.
The use of biometrics has plenty of advantages and disadvantages
regarding its use, security and other related functions.
Advantages of biometrics:
hard to fake or steal, unlike passwords;
easy and convenient to use;
nontransferable; and
efficient because templates take up less storage.
Disadvantages of biometrics:
It is costly to get a biometric system up and running.
Databases holding biometric data can still be hacked.
Errors such as false rejects and false accepts can still happen.
If a user gets injured, then a biometric authentication system may
not work