Headline – an interesting, eye-catching headline or one that clearly sums up your thesis Image of you By-line - a sentence or two which names you as the writer of the article and includes a brief summary of the focus of your feature article. (* Smaller print than the headline, but larger than the article) Images of war / things relevant to your poems + captions PART OF FEATURE ARTICLE INTRODUCTION (ensure you have grabbed the audience’s attention, developed the background information, zoomed into your specific topic and stated your thesis) The first paragraph outlines the subject / purpose / theme of the article, it may also: ❑ Provoke the reader's interest by making an unusual statement. ❑ Provide any necessary background information. ❑ Draw on the statement / question you were given ❑ ❑ Establish the writer's tone Create a relationship between the writer and the reader. BODY (where you discuss your three poems and analyse them in a way that directly answers the question - whilst maintaining the journalistic tone and using persuasive devices). ● Socio-cultural context PRACTICE LANGUAGE / VISUAL FEATURES YOU COULD USE LANGUAGE FEATURES Using a question – if the reader wants to know more they will need to read on Quote – lets the subject of the article do the talking right away Action/adventure introduction – begins with the high point of excitement. It starts as the bomb drops, the car runs off the road, the dam wall bursts… Description introduction – describes places or people Summary – gives details about the subject in a brief lead. These details have to be interesting enough to make the reader want to continue Shock/horror introduction – uses sensational information to get the reader to read on. This will heighten the drama to intensify its appeal. VISUAL FEATURES Large font for Headline Image of yourself beside your byline Columns (divide your page into two) Smaller paragraph size Quoting: necessary for you to analyse all 3 poems and prove your thesis In text referencing: the line numbers of the poem. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Influences on the poet (nationality, that country’s beliefs about war (e.g. was it glorified), Worldview and mindset (if they served and how it affected them e.g. Siegfried got shell shock) Introduce poem and give brief summary (if you know style specify, also specify year it was written and Point of view (whether it is in first/second/third person -- e.g. a soldier accusing other soldiers of forgetting) Theme and the types of human suffering described. tone and how this is influenced by the language features Language features How all of this positions readers to accept the intended reading Summarise the ideas, attitudes and values expressed in the poem (e.g. attitudes to war) and use this to link forward to next poem Examples: ● ‘Noble’, ‘whine’ and ‘sorrowful’ (Homecoming, Lines 8 & 13) carry the emotion of their flight home with their long vowel sounds to denote the moaning of grief. ● ‘Howl of their homecoming’(‘Homecoming’ , Line 17) can be compared to the final dying moments of the young men…. ● These compelling lines, ‘someone still yelling out and stumbling/and flound’ring like a man in fire or lime…./he plunges at me guttering, choking, drowning,’ (‘Dulce Et Decorum Est,’ Lines 11 – 12, 15) indicate that men drowned helplessly in the toxic gasses, creating a real and very horrific image of death. Owen’s imagery indubitably states that there is no glory in dying for your country. Pace: should develop to give the reader enough information in each paragraph as needed. ‘Too much too soon’, especially if you start analysing and giving examples in the introduction, kills the article and has the effect of boring the reader. Flow of Paragraphs: Paragraphs should flow so that the reader does not feel a jolt from any sudden changes of subject. The trick is to use a ‘transition’. A transition is a word or sentence that connects paragraphs and take the thoughts of the reader away from the old paragraph into the new. Persuasive devices: use a range of forms of persuasion e.g. (repetition, group of three, rhetorical question, metaphor, simile, alliteration, emotive language, expert opinion/quote, hyperbole, anecdote, inclusive language, tricolon, grammatical inversion, puns, irony, humour / sarcasm, motif, symbolism etc.) Types of appeal: use ethos, pathos and logos (appeal to character, emotional appeal and appeal to reason). High modality language - makes you sound sure of yourself e.g. definately, thus it is clear, without a doubt, undoubtedly, certainly Sophisticated punctuation - try to use sophisticated forms of punctuation including semi colon (;), colon (:), dash ( ) and ellipses (…) VISUAL FEATURES Pull quotes Images and captions CONCLUSION: Summarises argument and restates the thesis. Should get the reader to ponder about the issues being discussed (what are the wider implications? What do you want them to take away from this?) For further tips, see Miss Rigby’s feature articles PowerPoint