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Strategic Domain-Driven Design: An Introduction

By Petter Holmström
Domain Driven Design Crash Course
Strategic Domain-Driven Design
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) has been around since Eric Evans published his
book about the subject in 2003. I myself came into contact with DDD some years
ago when I joined a project that suffered from data consistency problems.
Duplicates showed up in the database, some information was not saved at all,
and you could run into optimistic locking errors anywhere and anytime. We
managed to solve this by using the building blocks of tactical domain-driven
I have learned more about domain-driven design since then and also to try to use
it in my projects wherever appropriate. However, during the past years when I
have talked to other developers, many of them have heard about the term
domain-driven design, but they do not know what it means. In this article series, I
am going to give a brief introduction to domain-driven design as I see and
understand it. The content is very much based on the books Domain-Driven
Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software by Eric Evans and
Implementing Domain-Driven Design by Vaughn Vernon. However, I have tried
to explain everything in my own words and also inject my own thoughts,
opinions, and experiences.
You will not become an expert in domain-driven design by reading my article
series, but I hope it inspires you to read more about it elsewhere. I also highly
encourage you to read the books by Evans and Vernon.
Now let us get started with the rst subject, namely strategic domain-driven
What is a Domain?
If I look up the word domain in the Dictionary app on my MacBook, I get the
following de nition:
[A]n area of territory owned or controlled by a particular ruler or government…
a speci ed sphere of activity or knowledge…
— Apple Dictionary
In the case of domain-driven design, it is the second part of the de nition that we
are interested in. In this case, activity is whatever an organization does and
knowledge is how the organization does it. We are also going to add the
environment in which the organization conducts its activities to the domain
The domain concept is very broad and abstract. To make it more concrete and
tangible, it makes sense to split it up into smaller parts called subdomains.
Finding these subdomains is not always an easy thing to do, and if you get them
wrong, you can run into trouble down the road when the pieces in your puzzle all
of a sudden do not t well together.
Before you go looking for subdomains, you should think about the subdomain
categories. All subdomains can be divided into three categories:
1. Core domains
2. Supporting subdomains
3. Generic subdomains
Not only will these categories help you to nd your subdomains, they will also
help you to prioritize your development efforts.
A core domain is what makes an organization special and different from other
organizations. An organization cannot succeed (or even exist) without being
exceptionally good in their core domain. Because the core domain is so
important, it should receive the highest priority, the biggest effort and the best
developers. For smaller domains you may only identify a single core domain,
larger domains may have more than one. You should be prepared to implement
the features of the core domain from scratch.
A supporting subdomain is a subdomain that is necessary for the organization
to succeed, but it does not fall into the core domain category. It is not generic
either because it still requires some level of specialization for the organization in
question. You may be able to start with an existing solution and tweak it or
extend it to your speci c needs.
A generic subdomain is a subdomain that does not contain anything special to
the organization but is still needed for the overall solution to work. You can save a
lot of time and work by trying to use off-the-shelf software for your generic
subdomains. A typical example would be user identity management.
It is worth noting that the same subdomain can fall into different categories
depending on what the organization does. For a company that specializes in
identity management, identity management is a core domain. However, for a
company that specializes in customer relations management, identity
management is a generic subdomain.
Finally, it is worth pointing out that all subdomains are important to the overall
solution regardless of the category in which they fall. They do, however, require
different amounts of effort and may also have different requirements of quality
and completeness.
Let’s say we are building an EMR (Electronic Medical Records) system for smaller
clinics. We have identi ed the following subdomains:
1. Patient Records for managing patient medical records (personal
information, medical history, etc.).
2. Lab for ordering lab tests and managing test results.
3. Scheduling for scheduling appointments.
4. File Archive for storing and managing les that are attached to the patient
records (such as different documents, X-ray pictures, scanned paper
5. Identity Management for making sure the right people have access to the
right information.
Now, how would we classify these subdomains? The most obvious ones are
archive and identity management which are clearly generic subdomains. But
what about the others? That depends on what is making this particular EMR
system stand out among the others in the market.
Since we are building an EMR system, it is pretty safe to assume that patient
records is a core domain. If we are going to take the market by making a system
that makes all the clinics work more ef ciently through clever and innovative
scheduling, then scheduling is probably also a core domain. Otherwise, it is a
supporting subdomain, maybe built on top of some existing scheduling engine.
The same reasoning can be applied to the lab subdomain: if a signi cant part of
our business case is a seamless integration between patient records and the lab,
then lab is most likely a core domain. Otherwise, it is a supporting subdomain.
From Problems to Solutions
You sometimes nd the domain referred to as the "problem domain". This comes
from the fact that the domain de nes problems that the software is going to
solve (after all, there is a reason why the software is being made in the rst place).
Vaughn Vernon splits a domain up into a problem space and a solution space.
The problem space concentrates on what business problems we are trying to
solve. The subdomains belong to this space.
The solution space concentrates on how the problems in the problem space are
going to be solved. It is more concrete, more technical and contains more details.
So how are we going to transform our problems into solutions?
The Ubiquitous Language
To be able to create software for a domain, you need a way of describing the
domain. Having a relational data model or something similar is not enough. You
need to be able to describe not only things and their relations but also the
dynamics such as events, processes, business invariants, how things change over
time, and so on. You need to be able to discuss and reason about the domain
with both your fellow developers and also the domain experts. What you need is
a ubiquitous language.
The ubiquitous language is a language that is consistently used by both domain
experts and developers to describe and discuss the domain. Apart from the code
itself, this language is the most important deliverable of a domain-driven design
process. A big part of the language is domain terminology already being used by
domain experts, but you may also need to invent new concepts and processes in
cooperation with the domain experts. Because of this, active participation from
the domain experts is absolutely essential for domain driven design to succeed. If
the customer is not interested in putting in the time and effort to teach your their
domain and help you create a ubiquitous language, you should either try to
convince the customer to change their mind or pick another design method.
You can document the ubiquitous language in various ways. A good starting
point is to create a glossary of terms. Business processes can be described
graphically using e.g. swimlane diagrams and ow charts. UML can be used to
describe the relationship between things and state diagrams to describe how
state changes as different things move through different processes. The
subdomains are also a part of the ubiquitous language, and you may even need
to de ne different "dialects" of the language for different subdomains. This
embodiment of the ubiquitous language is the domain model, and it will
eventually be transformed into working code. In other words, the domain model
is not the same as a data model or a UML class diagram.
The ubiquitous language has a nice feature, and that is that it tells you whether
you are on the right track or not. If you can easily explain a business concept or
process using the language, it means you are on the right track. If you, on the
other hand, nd your self struggling to explain something, you are most likely
missing something from the language and thereby also from your domain
model. When this happens, you should grab a domain expert and go looking for
the missing pieces. You may even stumble upon a revelation that turns your
existing model completely upside-down and results in a far superior domain
model than the one you had before.
Introducing Bounded Contexts
In a perfect world, there would be only one ubiquitous language and one model
that would explain everything about a single domain. Unfortunately, this is not
the case, save for very small and simple domains. Business processes may overlap
or even con ict. The same word may mean different things or different words
may mean the same thing in different contexts. There may be (and often are)
more than one way to solve a problem in the problem space, depending on how
you view it.
Instead of trying to nd the Big Uni ed Model, we choose to accept the facts and
instead introduce something called bounded contexts. A bounded context is a
distinct part of the domain in which a particular subset or dialect of the
ubiquitous language is consistent at all times. In other words, we are applying
divide and conquer and splitting the domain model up into smaller, more or less
independent models with clearly de ned boundaries. Every bounded context has
its own name and this name is a part of the ubiquitous language.
There is not necessarily a one-to-one mapping between bounded contexts and
subdomains. Since a bounded context belongs to the solution space and a
subdomain to the problem space, you should think about the bounded context
as one alternative solution among many possible solutions. Thus a single
subdomain can contain multiple bounded contexts. You may also nd yourself in
a situation where a single bounded context spans multiple subdomains. There is
no rule against this, but it is an indication that you may need to rethink your
subdomains or context boundaries.
Personally, I like to think about bounded contexts as separate systems (e.g.
separate executable JARs or deployable WARs in the Java world). A perfect realworld example of this is micro-services, where each micro-service can be
considered its own bounded context. However, this does not mean you have to
implement all your bounded contexts as micro-services. A bounded context
could also be a separate subsystem inside a single monolithic system.
Let’s revisit the EMR system in the previous example and more speci cally the
patient records core domain. What kind of bounded contexts could we nd
there? Now I am no expert on health care software so I will just make up some,
but hopefully, you will get the idea.
The system supports services for both doctor appointments and physiotherapy.
In addition, there is a separate onboarding process for new patients where they
are interviewed, photographed and given an initial assessment. This leads to the
following bounded contexts within the core domain:
1. Personal information for managing the patient’s personal information
(name, address, nancial information, medical background, etc).
2. Onboarding for introducing new patients into the system.
3. Medical Exams used by doctors when examining and treating the patient.
4. Physiotherapy used by physiotherapists when examining and treating the
In a very simple system, you probably would squeeze everything into a single
context, but this EMR is more advanced and provides streamlined and optimized
features for each type of service that is provided. However, we are still within the
same core subdomain.
Relationships Between Contexts
In a non-trivial system, very few (if any) bounded contexts are completely
independent. Most contexts will have some kind of relationship with other
contexts. Identifying these relationships is of importance not only technically
(how will the systems technically communitate with each other) but also to how
they are developed (how will the teams that develop the systems communicate
with each other).
The simplest way to identify relationships between bounded contexts is to
classify the contexts as upstream contexts and downstream contexts. Think of
the contexts as cities next to a river. The cities upstream dump stuff into the river,
which reaches the cities downstream. Some of the stuff is essential to the
downstream cities, and so they retrieve it from the river. Other stuff is harmful
and can do direct damage to the downstream cities ("sh*t rolls downhill").
Being upstream or downstream has its pros and cons. An upstream context does
not depend on any other contexts, which in a way makes it free to evolve in any
direction. However, the consequences of any changes may be severe in
downstream contexts and this may, in turn, impose restrictions on the upstream
context. A downstream context is restricted by its dependency on an upstream
context but does not need to worry about breaking other contexts further
downstream, which in a way gives the developers of the downstream context
freer hands than the developers of the upstream context.
You can describe the relationships graphically by using a dependency diagram
where arrows point from the downstream contexts to the upstream contexts, or
by using the U and D roles.
Finally keep in mind that a context can be both an upstream context and a
downstream context at the same time, depending on where you stand.
Context Maps and Integration Patterns
Once we know what our contexts are and how they are related, we have to
decide how to integrate them. This involves several important questions:
1. Where are the context boundaries?
2. How are the contexts going to communicate technically?
3. How are we going to map between the contexts' domain models (i.e. how are
we translating from one ubiquitous language to another)?
4. How are we going to guard against unwanted or problematic changes
occurring upstream?
5. How are we going to avoid causing trouble for downstream contexts?
The answers to these questions will be compiled into a context map. The context
map can be documented graphically like this:
To make it easier to create the context map, there are a set of ready-made
integration patterns that work for most use cases. Depending on which
integration pattern you pick, you may have to add additional information to the
context map to make it really useful.
The teams of both contexts cooperate. The interfaces - whatever they are - evolve
so that they accommodate the development needs of both contexts.
Interdependent features are properly planned and scheduled so that they cause
as little harm as possible to both teams.
Shared Kernel
Both contexts share a common code base which is the kernel. The kernel can be
modi ed by any of the teams, but not without consulting the other team rst. To
make sure no unintended side effects are introduced, continuous integration
(with automatic testing) is required. To keep things as simple as possible, the
shared kernel should be kept as small as possible. If a lot of model code ends up
in the shared kernel, it may be a sign that the contexts should, in fact, be merged
into one big context.
The contexts are in an upstream-downstream relationship, and this relationship is
formalized such that the upstream team is the supplier and the downstream
team is the customer. Thus, even though both teams can work more or less
independently on their systems, the upstream team (supplier) is required to take
the downstream team’s (customer) needs into account.
The contexts are in an upstream-downstream relationship. However, the
upstream team has no motivation to accommodate the downstream team’s
needs (it may be ordered as a service from a larger supplier, for example). The
downstream team decides to conform to the model of the upstream team,
whatever it happens to be.
Anticorruption Layer
The contexts are in an upstream-downstream relationship and the upstream
team does not care about the downstream team’s needs. However, instead of
conforming to the upstream model, the downstream team decides to create an
abstraction layer that protects the downstream context from changes in the
upstream context. This anticorruption layer lets the downstream teamwork with
a domain model that suits their needs the most, while still integrating with the
upstream context. When the upstream context changes, the anticorruption layer
must also change, but the rest of the downstream context can remain
unchanged. It may be a good idea to combine this strategy with continuous
integration where automated tests are used to detect changes in the upstream
Open Host Service
Access to a system is provided by clearly de ned services, using a clearly de ned
protocol. The protocol is open so that anybody who needs to can integrate with
the system. Web services and micro-services are a good example of this
integration pattern. This pattern is different from the others in that it does not
care about the relationship between the contexts and the teams that develop
them. You may end up combining the open host service pattern with any of the
other patterns.
The key when using this pattern is to keep the protocol simple and stable. You
most of the systems clients should be able to get what they need from this
protocol. Create special integration points for the remaining special cases.
Published Language
This is the integration pattern I personally nd it the most dif cult to properly
explain. The way I look at it, the published language is the closest relative to the
open host service and is often used together with that integration pattern. A
documented language (for example based on XML) is used for the input and
output of the system. There is no need to use a particular library or a particular
implementation of a spec as long as you conform to the published language.
Real world examples of published languages are MathML for representing
mathematical formulas and GML for representing geographical features in
geographical information systems.
Please note that you do not necessarily need to use web services together with a
published language. You could also have a setup where a le is dropped into a
directory and processed by a batch job that stores the output in another le.
Separate Ways
This integration pattern is special in that it does not perform any integration at
all. Still, it is an important pattern to keep in the toolbox and may end up saving a
lot of money and time. When the bene t of the integration between two
contexts is no longer worth the effort, it is better to cut the contexts loose from
each other and let them evolve independently. The reason for this could be that
the systems have simply evolved to a point where they are no longer related. The
(few) services provided by the upstream context that the downstream context
actually used are re-implemented inside the downstream context.
Why is Strategic Domain-Driven Design
I believe strategic domain-driven design was originally meant for larger projects
but I think you can bene t from it also in smaller projects - even if you end up not
using any other parts of DDD in the project.
For me personally, the major takeaways from strategic domain-driven design are
the following:
1. It introduces boundaries. Scope creep is a constant factor in all of my hobby
projects. Eventually, they become more exhaustive than fun to work on or
completely unrealistic to nish alone. When working on customer projects, I
have to work hard not to cause technical scope creep by overthinking or
overengineering things. Boundaries - wherever they are - help me to divide
the project into smaller parts and focus on the right ones at the right time.
2. It does not require me to nd a super-model that works in all cases. It
recognizes that in the real world, there are often many smaller models in
more or less clearly de ned contexts. Instead of breaking these models, it
embraces them.
3. It helps you to think about the value your system is going to bring and where
you should put the most of your efforts to get the biggest value. I have
personal experience from projects where properly identifying and then
concentrating on the core domain would have made a huge difference.
Unfortunately, I had not yet heard about strategic DDD and both time and
money were wasted.
I also know myself good enough to identify risks with this approach: nding
subdomains and bounded contexts for the sake of nding subdomains and
bounded contexts. When I learn something new that I like, I very much want to
try it out in the real world. That may sometimes mean I go looking for things that
are not there. My suggestion here is to always start with one core domain and
one bounded context. I do the domain modeling carefully, additional
subdomains and bounded contexts will eventually reveal themselves if they exist.
Next: Tactical Domain-Driven Design
In the next article in this series, we are going to look at tactical domain-driven
design. You will learn about the building blocks you can use to transform your
bounded contexts into implementable designs. These building blocks will also
aid you in creating the domain model and the ubiquitous language.
Next in series
Tactical Domain-Driven Design
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