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Natural Disasters Lesson Plan for 7th Grade

UNIT 4: Green Issues
 Writing skills (Writing script)
 Speaking skills (Infographic Presentation)
Driving Questions
 Students will be able to identify natural disasters and their characteristics.
 Students will be able to identify where specific natural disasters occur.
 Students will be able to effectively communicate strategies to prepare for
natural disasters.
 Students will produce natural disaster preparation material which is
targeted to and accessible by the community potentially affected by the
disaster in question.
-How can my group and I help people in my school stay safe during a natural
Day One:
In-Depth Inquiry & Students complete a KWHLAQ graphic organizer about the topic. Use the
KWHLAQ inquiry approach to analyze problem and generate questions. Students
will write all this information into their inquiry journals.
Students will each be assigned one of these four natural disasters: Tsunami,
Hurricane, Flood, Earthquake.
Students will use the animations and games available to learn about natural
disasters in general, as well as their specific disasters, at their own discretion and
pace while in the computer lab (40 minutes)
Using this site: http://www.brainpop.com/science/earthsystem/naturaldisasters/
Students are encouraged to take the quiz before the lab time is up in order to
personalize their learning.
After a 10 minutes’ transition from the computer lab, students will then form
groups based on their assigned natural disaster.
They will use the information they found during the website exploration, as well
as what they already know to put together a short “lesson” with their group
members. They are encouraged to use their own creativity with technology to do
so (40 minutes). Students must use Canva social media resource.
Rubric will be given for the project/presentation, in order to give them the
opportunity of how to present the natural disaster.
Day Two:
Students will participate in a jigsaw learning activity (45 minutes).
Each student will then be reassigned to a group with members of one of each of
the natural disasters.
Each student will be responsible for teaching the other students in his or her group
about his or her natural disaster.
The students will be able to use the animations and games in order to portray what
they have learned in a more effective manner.
These projects will focus on the basics of natural disasters such as: characteristics
and where they occur, so students will create a solid foundation on which they
can build the rest of their knowledge.
Day Three:
Students will break into small groups and visit different stations around the room.
Each station will feature a different natural disaster: floods, hurricanes, tornadoes,
earthquakes, tsunami, wildfires, and volcanoes.
Groups will stay at each station for approximately 8-10 minutes, using graphic
organizers to keep track of new knowledge or thoughts.
Day Four:
Students will be divided into groups based on the natural disaster they choose the
day before. (At the end of the previous class period, the teacher will ensure that
near-equal numbers of students choose each disaster.)
Groups will discuss their responses to the disaster, focusing on how they would
encourage citizens to be prepared.
Each group will prepare a preliminary report on preparation for their disaster.
Day Five: Infographic content
Student groups will design (Draft) an infographic the natural disaster they have
been studying.
Students will understand the key components of different natural disasters.
Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of natural disasters.
Critique and
21st Century
Research and work.
Practice presentation product (Canva).
KWHAQ Graphic organizer.
Peer Feedback.
Edit writing outline.
After review by their teachers and peers, students will present their infographic
to the appropriate parties of their community (i.e. Emergency Management teams
and local council authority)
Learning Skills (Critical thinking, Creativity,
Literacy skills (Information, Media and Technology)