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Push/Pull & Upper/Lower Workout Splits

Push/Pull and Upper/Lower Splits
Push-pull workouts require that you separate the body into 4 "functional groups"
Upper body Push
Upper body Pull
Lower body Push
Lower body Pull
You then begin training with this in mind, picking 1 to 3 appropriate exercises for each.
Upper/Lower push:
Bench Press
Overhead press
Upper/Lower pull:
BB Curls
This is obviously the most simplistic version. It is quite effective, remarkably so. It is also very
useful in "reverse", i.e.
Upper Push/Lower Pull:
OH press
Upper Pull/Lower Push
BB Curls
You would do these on alternating days, i.e. Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday-TuesdayThursday-Saturday. You can't do these 2 days in a row, because you can't deadlift and squat on
consecutive days, usually.
Upper-Lower workouts tend to be a bit more balanced, as opposed to push-pull, which tend to be
upper-body dominant. They also lend themselves easier to performing on consecutive days, i.e.
Monday-Tuesday/Thursday-Friday, as well as allowing for weekly progression of "heavy/light"
Upper - Monday (heavy)
Bench Press - 3x5
Barbell row - 4x5
Standing push Press - 3x8
T-Bar Row 4x8
Lower - Tuesday (light)
Squats - 2x10
SLDL - 3x10
leg extensions/curls - 2x15
Upper - Thursday (light)
Incline DB press 2x10
BTN Pullups - 3x10
Seated DB press - 2x10
- 3x10
Lower - Friday (Heavy)
Deadlifts - 3x3
Front squats 4x5
Don't sweat the exact reps or sets, you make these adjustments as you need. I listed them just as
very simple examples, without specific endorsement.
Both of these can fit nicely into a VRI (volume-recovery-intensity) type template as well.
Frankie NY's Mass Building Program
Sets and reps? Like I said before, if you want to gain mass you need to stay around 5-6 reps. 4x6
or 5x5 are both good combinations. In my experience the guys that make better gains on 8-12
reps are advanced bodybuilders or are on drugs. I don't care if you feel a pump or a burn or
whatever. That has nothing to do with size or strength, only momentarily pumping blood into a
Increasing your weights? You need to add weights to the bar every workout if you can. Going up
in 2 ½ or 5 pound increments is great. You won't be able to add more weight each week, but that
needs to be your mentality. Don't think about anything else but adding weight.
How long to stay on a routine? My experience is that around 8-12 weeks is best. Some guys say
that after 6-8 weeks they've hit a plateau and need to change their routine. That's hogwash. Most
of the time they've hit a plateau because they're not training hard enough or because they've
added in more exercises than what's in my program and hinder their recovery.
Deadlifts or Power Cleans
Barbell Rows, Dumbbell Rows, or Wide Grip Chins
Barbell Curls, Close Grip Underhand Chins, or Hammer Curls
Incline or Flat Barbell or Dumbbell Bench Press
Barbell or Dumbbell Shoulder Presses
Tricep Dips or Close Grip Bench Press
Front or Back Squats
Barbell or Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Calf Raises (3x12) - only if a seriously lagging bodypart
Weighted Crunches or Weighted Hanging Leg Raises (3x12)
Georges St-Pierre Workout:
Beginner Four-Day Split
Day 1 - Legs
Day 2 - Upper Body Pulls/Abs
Day 3 - Upper Body Presses
Day 4 - Recovery
Repeat Cycle From Day 1
Day 1: Legs
Beginner Legs Workout: Quads/Hamstrings/Lower Back
Tabata on the Stationary Bike: 20 sec on, 10 sec off. Repeat 8 times.
Barbell Complex Legs Cycle:
Repeat cycle 3 times, rest 90 seconds
Deadlifts: 1 warm up set of 12 reps
5 reps
Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 5 reps
Cleans: 5 reps
Front Squats: 5 reps
Push Press (to put weight behind head): 1 rep
Squats: 5 reps
Good Mornings: 5 reps
Bodyweight Squats: Do as many as you can to burn out legs.
Calves: Bodyweight Standing Calves, holding a machine for stability to failure.
Rest 90 seconds. Then move on to the next cycle.
Day 2: Upper Body Pulls/Abs
Beginner Upper Body Pull Cycle:
Tabata on the Rowing Machine: 20 sec on, 10 sec off. Repeat 8 times.
Upper Body Pull Cycle:
Repeat cycle 3 times, rest 90 seconds
High Pull: 1 warm up set of 10-12 reps
High Pull: 5 reps
Pull-ups (Underhand Grip): 1 set to failure
Medicine Ball Slams: 1 set to failure
TRX Inverted Lateral Rows (Overhand Grip) or Smith Machine with legs
elevated: 1 set to failure
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows 1 set of 5-12 reps (to failure)
Optional Bicep Curls 1 set to failure
Rest 90 seconds. Then move on to the next cycle.
Abs Cycle:
Repeat cycle 3 times, rest 90 seconds
Abs cycle should be done the same day as Upper Body Pull C ycle, but let your
body recover before starting your Abs cycle.
Barbell Twists: 1 set to failure
"Stir the Pot"
*: 1 set to failure
Leg Raises: 1 set to failure
Exercise Tips:
High Pull: An Olympic lift that works your traps but is an overall intense exercise
to get the blood flowing. Explode on the way up.
Pull-ups: Use Weight Assisted Machine or do Pulldowns if you are not strong
enough for Pull-ups. Use an underhand grip and explode up, slow on the way
down. This works both back and biceps so I see little need for Arm Curls.
TRX Inverted Lateral Rows: Go slightly wider than shoulder length on the TRX
Inverted Lateral Rows with Overhand Grip. If there is no TRX, use a Smith
Machine and pull yourself up with your legs positioned on a Stability Ball or
Stir The Pot: You do this by positioning your forearms on a stability ball and
extending your body up into the plank position, where your back is straight. Keep
your abdominals flexed and the rest of your body stationary while using your
arms to move the stability ball in a circular motion. You should look like you are
stirring a pot.
Leg Raises: Bend your knees if you're not strong enough to keep your legs
straight. Do this on a pull up bar and it provides a nice stretch for your back at the
end of workout.
Day 3: Upper Body Presses
Tabata on the Stationary Bike: 20 sec on, 10 sec off. Repeat 8 times.
Upper Body Press Cycle: Repeat cycle 3 times, rest 90 seconds
Warm Up lift: Standing Push Press: 1 set 10-12 reps
Standing Push Press: 1 set, 5-8 reps to failure
Dumbbell Chest Press: 1 drop set
Standing Lateral Shoulder Flyes: 1 set to failure
Triceps Extensions: 1 set to failure
Rest 90 seconds and then move on to next cycle.
Exercise Tips:
Standing Push Press: You should do this relatively heavy so that you reach
failure at approximately 5-8 reps. Only do one Clean, then explode up with Push
Presses, resist on the negative to failure.
Dumbbell Chest Press Drop Set: Start with heavy weight then drop
immediately to a lighter weight, then do one final drop. On the final drop only use
one dumbbell each side with other hand to your temple to stabilize. Start with
your dominant hand then switch to weaker arm. Only do this cycle once.
Day 4: Recovery
Recovery: Make sure to take full recovery days and get lots of sleep. Guys, take your girl out to
do something fun to make her feel special.
4 Day Split for Strength
Competetive shot-putter model:
Squats and pressing exercises
Pulling exercises such as cleans and snatches, and other back work
Squats and presses
Pulling exercises
Competetive powerlifter model:
Bench press and related exercises
Squatting and deadlifting exercises
Bench press and related exercises
Squatting and deadlifting exercises
Intermediate 4 Day Split Template:
Monday (Bench Press and Related Exercises)
Bench Press 5X5 (Sets Across)
(Press Assistance)
Push Press 1X5
or Standing DB Press 2X8
or Kettlebell Jerk 2x8
or KB Push Press 2x8
(alternate among the four)
Chin/Pull Ups 3X12 + Dips
Tuesday (Squats and Pulling Exercises)
Squats 5X5 (sets across)
Powercleans 5x3 (or Bentover BB Row 3x8)
GHR 5X10
Thursday (Press and Related Exercises)
Standing Press 5X5 (sets across)
(Bench Press Assistance)
DB Bench 3X6-12 (add weight when you get all 12)
Chin/Pull Ups 3x12 + Dips
Friday (High Intensity Squat and Deadlift Exercises)
Front Squat 5X3
alternate weekly w/
Back Squat 3x1 or 3x2 or 3x3 (alternate rep scheme)
10x2 Box Squats (65% of 5x5 weight)
Bench Press 1x1 (to be done on weeks w/3x1 Front Squats. Eliminate Thursday bench on these
Deadlift 1X5 (every week)
Intermediate 4 Day Split:
Squat or box squat 2-3 x 5
Glute/Ham Raises or pull throughs 3 x 10
Bent Row or Chest Supported row 4 x 6
Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8
Calf Raises 3 x 15
Bench Press or low board press 3 x 5, or 3 x 3
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 8
Military or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8
Skull Crushers 3 x 10
Ab work 3 x 10
Deadlift or rack deadlift 2-3 x 5
Leg press 2 x 10
Chin or lat pull-down 4 x 6
Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8
Calf Raises 3 x 15
Incline bench press or Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 5, or 3 x 3
Dumbbell Bench Press 4x8
Military or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8
Tricep pushdowns 3 x 10
Ab work 3 x 10