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Atomic Structure Review Worksheet

Atomic Structure Review Worksheet
Name: ______________________________________________ Class Period: _________
1. What is the atomic mass of Carbon:
2. What is the atomic symbol for Sodium:
3. What is the number of neutrons in Lithium:
4. What is the number of electrons in Neon:
5. What is the number of protons in Boron:
6. What is the atomic mass of Helium:
7. How many neutrons are in the element pictured above:
8. What is the atomic mass of the atom in the picture above:
9. What subatomic particle is positively charged:
10. What subatomic particle is negatively charged:
11. What subatomic particle is neutral in charge:
12. What two particles are in the nucleus:
Write “True” or “False” (do not write “T” or “F”)
13. The nucleus is the largest part of the atom and takes up the most space:
14. The electrons are the lightest in weight of the three subatomic particles:
15. An atom is mainly empty space:
16. Electrons are in an area known as the electron cloud:
17. ½ of an oxygen atom can combine with 2/3 of a hydrogen atom:
18. An isotope is an atom which has a different number of neutrons :
19. Carbon 14 is an isotope of Carbon which has 8 neutrons instead of 6:
20. There is a maximum of 2 electrons in the 1st energy level and 10 in the 2nd:
Atomic Structure Review Worksheet
21. What is the charge of an atom with 7 protons and 9 electrons: _______
22. What is the charge on an ion with 3 protons and 1 electron: _________
23. What is the charge on an ion a Chlorine ion with 17 protons and 18 electrons: _______
24. What is the charge if there are 59 protons and 62 electrons: ______
25. What is the mass of Carbon-14:
26. What is the number of protons in Carbon-14:
27. What is the number of neutrons in Carbon -14:
28. What is the number of protons in the radioactive Uranium-238:
29. What is the number of neutrons in Sulfur-33:
30. Which element is the atom shown above: __________________________
31. What is the mass of the atom shown above: _________________________
32. How many valence electrons are shown in the atom above: ______________
33. Which subatomic particle did J.J. Thomson discover in order to create his plum pudding
model of the atom: ____________________
34. The nucleus was discovered by which scientist: