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Records Archiving Training Course Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Brisbane Geelong Canberra Parramatta

Duration: 80 min
High School
Records Management
Professional Development
Grade: 9 - 12
Training overview
Records managers are responsible to accurately, securely, and effectively manage
information received from a variety of public and private sectors organisations. The
Records Management Training Program offers services to support professional
facilitators who provide records management training.
Training overview
What kind of records are kept?
Planning for records disasters is the responsibility of state and local government
agencies. They also have to plan to mitigate losses from disasters and to recover
valuable records and information after disasters.
Training overview
Here's what you'll learn
Through face-to-face instruction, hands-on activities, and demonstrations, you will
learn how to apply records management principles.
These skills are essential to managing information as your greatest asset. These
skills will vary depending on the role you play in the organization. However,
regardless of what your role is, information professionals should have a broad
understanding of information management issues beyond their narrow role.
Training overview
Privacy and Data Protection: Don't forget privacy and data protection if you haven't
added anything to your list this year. Organizations must get this part right. Many
regulations are in place already, and new ones are being announced each day. While
there are technical pieces and regulations that are specific to certain jurisdictions, the
foundations are applicable to all organizations.
Training overview
Participants will learn how to identify and protect their most important records,
respond to an emergency, and maintain access to these records throughout the
crisis. This course also provides a common base or core knowledge among state,
territorial, tribe, and local governments as well as the functions of Records
Management and Information Technology.
Training overview
What is a records manager? Typical employers Qualifications and training Key skills
Records managers oversee an organisation's records from their creation and
preservation through to disposal.
Professional Skills
These skills can be applied to any job, no matter what your title. These skills can
make a significant difference in your success in the role you hold, and if they are not
present, it will usually result in less effectiveness.
On request, the Records Management Program offers training presentations to
offices and departments. These presentations provide an overview of records
management and can be customized to suit the needs of each department.
Training overview
For a presentation or training session, please contact the Records Manager.
A Records and archiving training course can be taken as a 1-day or 1/2-day
This webinar will discuss the challenges of managing electronic records in active
business system and offer solutions to ensure that records are properly maintained
no matter where they reside.
An online course is a great way to learn the skills required to become a record
manager specialist. There are many online courses that can help you grow your
career, such as those offered by Udemy or Coursera. We found courses that will help
record managers improve their skills in electronic records, data entry and information
management. We recommend that you find a training course near you.
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