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OLLP Baptism Appointment System Pre-Proposal

BS Information Technology
DATE: JULY 09, 2021
OLLP Baptism Appointment System
This study is a web-based system in which it will serve as an online appointment for Our Lady of Lourdes
Parish Baptismal System. The customer will fill up forms for the requirements that are needed, it has
also an adult baptismal and new born baptismal in which the parents and godparents will be seminar if it
was a new born, and if it was adult baptism the candidate for adult baptism will be schedule for the
seminar together with his godparents. After they fill up the form it will display the total amount of
payment, in which the baptismal cost 300 pesos and if the godparents excede more than two, they will
pay additional 25 each godparent.
No need for user authentication. If ever the customer will choose online payment it will only be made via
Gcash. As of now, barangays that are not within the scope of OLLP ministry are not eligible for the
BS Information Technology
Requirements will be posted on the dashboard system. They will choose if it is an adult or new
born baptism, after choosing they will proceed to the fill up of forms. Total payment amount will
display after filling-up the form, the system will have 2 mode of payments, GCash or Walk-in.
Schedule for initial interview will be sent via email, client can choose if he wants to be
interviewed online or in-person. After initial interview, schedule for the seminar for pre-jordan
and baptism will be appointed.
Microsoft Visual Studio Code version 1.52.1
XAMPP version 7.2.6-0
Windows Edition: Window 10 Home Single Language
Manufacturer: Acer
Model: Aspire A315-53G
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz 1.80 GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 4.00 GB (3.88 GB usable)
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
Parish Management System
Nguyễn, Đức Khoan
Huynh, Minh Khoi
Huynh, Minh Tuan
Le, Minh Quan
Nowadays there are many parishes and parishioners in Viet Nam so management is necessary. Understanding and
controlling parishioners, families, sacraments and societies’ information are necessary for management of parish
priests. Managing all of information above is complex and waste of time. Because data of each parish is unique and
does not have any data connection among parishes therefore updating and searching data is still difficult. Our
system will do these things, it helps user to manage and look up information among parishes more quickly and more
efficient instead of paper searching. System also supports to moving information of parishioners or families from a
parish to another parish quickly and exactly. Data among parishes is consistent because of online connection.
Possibility of losing data when system is corrupted or virus will be decreased. Data can be updated anywhere have
internet connection.
• Development of centralized Parish Record and Information Management System (PRIMS) to
support Strategic Information System Plan (SISP) of Diocese of Cubao
Mikka M. Barlis1 ; Jeremy Stephen Tan2 ; Edelyn Tanquerio3 ; Mel Llesol4 ; Grace Lorraine Intal5 School
of Information Technology
BS Information Technology
Mapua University, Muralla St. Intramuros Manila, Philippines
e-mail: mikkabarlis@gmail.com1 ; ylanstephen@gmail.com2 ; edsstanquerido@gmail.com3 ;
mel.llesol@gmail.com4 ; gldintal@mapua.edu.ph5
Parishes, being a community service organization provides a wide range of transactions and activities to
accommodate the needs of the congregation (both in terms of ecclesiastical and financial aspects) thus, Parishes
ought to have a plan with systematic strategies in order to serve their people more accurately and efficiently. The
study aims to support the Strategic Information Systems Plan (SISP) of the Diocese of Cubao through the design
and development of a centralized Information System for its parishes to address the issues on their traditional system
such as spending much time searching for information, generating reports, and loss of valuable records. The
researchers validated those issues through conducting interviews and observations. By implementing iterative
approach in system development, a prototype named “Centralized Parish Record and Information Management
System”, has been developed and simulated.
Establish a new file plan in a diocese of the German Catholic Church
Schmerbauch M
Archeion (2020) (121) 327-341
In the article, the author presents a diocese-wide records management project in Germany that began in 2010. Also,
the results of the processes are discussed, as well as the various steps in implementing a new file plan. The need
for a new file plan in the diocese’s parishes has a historical context in the history of the German Catholic Church
over the last two decades. Because the Catholic Church has the same administrative system from the Vatican to
diocese to parish in almost every country in the world, the article’s findings can be transferred into the parish records
management processes of the dioceses of other countries.
Exploring the Needs of Parties in Church Management in Building Knowledge
Management System of Financial Reporting
Simangunsong C
Metekohy E
Journal of Applied Accounting and Taxation (2019) 4(2) 165-183
This study explores the possible adoption of the Knowledge Management System (KMS) in church management
which is an agent in the agency relationship between the management and congregation and donors. Since the
agents mostly do not realize that they need to know that they are responsible for the presentation of Financial
Reports, thus they do not realize that they need a Knowledge Management System for the Accounting and Financial
Reporting; the need must be investigated. Moreover, in the case study church, the accounting process is very much
not applied as the result of a lack of knowledge. This fact tells that churches need knowledge of the accounting
process. All of those types of knowledge need to be managed in a system. The methodology used in this
investigation was The Soft System Methodology (SSM). SSM emphasizes on understanding the problem situations
faced by church management and expresses the situations in rich pictures. Data were gathered from interviews,
focus group discussions and observations. A protestant church in Jakarta is the case study setting, focusing on
BS Information Technology
pastors who give sermons, presbyters, administrators together with employees who manage all churches’ activities.
The findings highlight problems faced by the various stakeholders and propose solutions in the form of a conceptual
model for a Knowledge Management System platform to improve learning as well as utilizing digitized knowledge
of Accounting and Financial Reporting.
Increasing accountability through internal control mechanism in religious organization
Radianto W
Laturette K
Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews (2019) 7(6) 1204-1209
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the implementation of internal control in religious institutions,
especially church institutions. A difference in church governance certainly differentiates the church's
internal control, so the issue of internal control is very important and interesting for further investigation.
Methodology: This study used a sample of 100 churches. The researchers used questionnaires in data
collection. The sampling method used is the purposive sampling method. To see whether there are
differences in internal control between different church governance styles, the researchers used the chisquare analysis. Results: The findings of this study are as follows: all churches have realized the
importance of accountability that must be held to gain the trust of their congregants. Hence, all churches
sampled in this study already have an internal control system. This study found differences in the systems
based on church governance. Therefore, it is known that governance differentiates churches’ internal
control systems. Implications: The implication of this research is that a church must have an effective
internal control system. This is necessary because the church must be accountable to all of its
stakeholders, especially the church congregants. The implementation of the internal control system may
differ according to the church management system. However, the elements of the internal control system
must be the same even though the process of implementing the internal control system is different.