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Theology Worksheet for Class 3 - Islamic Studies

‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
‫مدارس دارالهجرة األهلية‬
Dar-ul-Hijrah National Schools
Madinah Munawarah
‫بالمدينة المنورة‬
‫تحت إشراف وزاره التعليم‬
Under the supervision of Min. of Education
Indian Section
‫القسم الهندی‬
‫رقم الترخيص‬
555885598555555 ‫الرقم الضريبي‬
325 - 5533
Lic. No. 520-3855
VAT No. 300448894800003
Worksheet for Periodic Assessment 2 (PA2)
Class: - 3
Teacher’s Name: - Mr. Syed Faiz Ali
Q.A: Choose the correct answer.
1. Allah gave good news of the conquest of
a. Makkah
b. Madinah
2. Victory was due to
a. a large army
b. the will of Allah
3. After Victory a Muslim should
a. Praise Allah
b. Work hard
4. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was from the tribe of
a. Harbi
b. Quraish
5. The Quraish used to worship
a. Allah
b. Idols
6. In Summer the Quraish used to travel to
a. Yemen
b. Syria
7. The main occupation of the Quraish was
a. trading
b. agriculture
8. In winter the Quraish used to travel to
a. Yemen
b. Syria
9. Faith is like
a. armor
b. bless
10. Man is mostly in a state of
a. loss
b. gain
11. Sabr is a desirable ---------- of a Muslim
a. quantity
b. quality
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Subject: - Theology
12. Good deeds ---------- to a good life
a. lead
b. Save
13. A Muslim must always speak the
a. false
b. truth
14. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) upheld
a. Tawhid
b. religion
15. Tawhid means ---------- of Allah
a. Other
b. Oneness
16. In the matter of religion there is no
a. compromise
b. Surely
17. Muslims must uphold the principle of
a. Means
b. Tawhid
18. A Kafir means on who ---------- Islam
a. Disbelief
b. Obey
19. A Muslim should follow the way of
a. the Iman
b. Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
20. Those opposed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) will be
a. ruined
b. purified
21. Allah orders His Prophet to
a. Fast Ramadhan
b. Pray and Sacrifice
22. In this Surah, Allah will grant His Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
a. Victory
b. Al-Kawthar
23. Allah orders His Prophets to pray and
a. Sacrifice
b. Granted
24. Everyone is free to choose his ---------a. religion
b. matter
25. Success and Victory are granted by
a. Allah
b. Forgiveness
26. Allah gives us ---------a. Thanks
b. Everything
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27. Muslims must have these
a. qualities
b. losers
28. Everyone is free to choose his ---------a. religion
b. untruth
29. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born at
a. Madinah
b. Makkah
30. Advise people to be ---------a. Truthful
b. Untruth
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