CONTEXT IN OTHELLO Geographical Context • The majority of the play takes place on the small island of Cyprus, just south of Greece. This island was annexed by Venice (Italy) in 1489 but conquered by the Turks in 1571. • Although today Venice is a well-known city in Italy, at the time of the play it was its own oligarchic city-state whose enormous wealth many came through trade predominately with the Turks (hence the importance of Cyprus). As a result people during Shakespeare’s time viewed Venice as a place of luxury and culture. Cyprus What do you notice about the city? Why might this be important in the play? PREDICT: How might the physical environment impact the events of the play? Venice Modern day Venice What is the play based on? • The military events in Othello are based upon historical fact, albeit loosely. • Selim the Second launched the Turkish attack on Cyprus in 1570. Hi general, Mustapha, conquered the island one year later. World Context • During the 16th century European countries were beginning to expand their trade routes thus coming into contact with new cultures. • One new culture was Mauretania, found in Northern Africa. As a result, Europeans during Shakespeare’s time referred to people from this area as Moors. Othello, the play’s protagonist, is referred to as “The Moor” on a few occasions in the play, suggesting where we can trace his lineage to. • Iago, a central character in the play, is a Spanish name. During Shakespeare’s time Spain was England’s greatest enemy as they were their biggest competition in colonization. Social Context • During the 16th century a person’s job was a reflection of their character and reputation. • As a result, being in the army was one of the more prestigious jobs. Depending on the rank one had in the army certain qualities and characteristics were associated with them. Hierarchy 1. General – Othello. Only those thought to be logical, loyal, brave, trustworthy and courageous were promoted to this position. Highest position available. 2. Lieutenant – Cassio is promoted to this rank by Othello. It’s title literally means “place-holder” which means the lieutenant is second in command to the general and holds this place in the general’s absence. As a result the lieutenant was thought to have the same qualities as the general. 3. Ancient – Iago. Also known as the ensign, this man was responsible for carrying the flag on the battlefield. Since the flag identified the locations of the army in battle, it was crucial to allowing the soldiers to find their position. The ancient/ensign had to be extremely courageous and loyal, maintaining his position in the face of death. The ancient/ensign is third in command, under the lieutenant and general. Societal Context • England was a patriarchal society. This meant that men made all of the decisions for the family members in their household. Women were expected to be subservient. • As a result fathers would often choose who and when their daughters would marry. Suitable partners were selected from men of common or higher social and economic rank. Marriages were often treated as a business transaction, as a means for improving a family’s status. • Once a woman was married she was expected to obey her husband’s choices and decisions. (Thus, when Desdemona weds Othello without her father’s knowledge or permission she breaks several social codes.) Front loading Let’s think about LOYALTY. 1. You have the opportunity to choose the school captain position. You KNOW your best friend wants the position, but there is another candidate that you know also wants the position. You think the other candidate is likely more qualified and suited for the position, but you know your best friend will be upset if they do not get it. They both know you have the choice. What do you do? A friend has decided she wants to date a boy of a drastically different race to your group of friends. None of your friendship circle has had anything to do with his race, and you know nothing about him other than his race. Do you think you would be apprehensive about this? Why? Would specific races/cultures be more alarming to you than others? Would you choose to voice your opinions to her? You have a new boyfriend/girlfriend. You know your dad/primary carer won’t approve of them because of their race. Do you choose to tell them about them anyway, knowing there will be backlash or keep the relationship a secret? Why? You hear rumours that your boyfriend/girlfriend is seeing your best friend behind your back, but it is unsure for what reason. Who do you approach first- your best friend or your partner to ask about it? Why? You have a friend who comes to you and tells you that they are in love with your best friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend. Do you tell your other friend that they have told you this or do you remain quiet? Why? What can you conclude about the nature of LOYALTY in human relationships?