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English-Russian Vocabulary List

to take evasive action уклоняться, маневрировать (formal) (of a ship, aircraft, etc. in
war) to get out of the way or try to escape, e. g. During the Second World War many
planes had to take evasive action while crossing the channel.
confirm 1) подтверждать, подкреплять 2) одобрять vt
1) to support, make certain; give proof (of),
E. g. Please confirm your telephone message in writing. The delegate confirmed that
the election would be on June 20th.
2) to give approval to (a person, agreement, position, etc.), to agree to,
E. g. When do you think the President will confirm you in office?
Confirmation 1) подтверждение; поддержка, одобрение 2) утверждение, принятие
1) the act of confirming,
E. g. The confirmation of the agreement was received with satisfaction by the public.
2) proof, smth that confirms, e. g. Your news was really confirmation for my beliefs.
Confirmed закоренелый, неисправимый, убежденный
confirmed drunkard - алкоголик, bachelor –холостяк , opponent of (reforms) –
противник реформ
store 1) снабжать, оснащать; наполнять 2) хранить, сохранять 3) запасать,
откладывать (тж. store up, store away) 4) а) убирать на хранение б) отдавать на
хранение, хранить на складе
2) to store food in the cupboard – хранить в
1) to store one's furniture – наполнять
3) to store one's cupboard with food – запастись едой, иметь …..полной еды
4) Where do you store your fur coat for the summer? Куда ты убрала?
а) This animal makes a store of nuts for the winter – делает запасы на зиму. b) My
food store is in the kitchen. Запасы еды на кухне
in store наготове, про запас, грядущий; предстоящий (кому-л.); предназначенный
(для кого-л.)
1) to keep a few pounds in store for a rainy day – на чёрный день
2) Who knows what is in store for us? Кто знает, что нас ждет впереди?
Синонимы: in reserve, in stock, on hand 1. Saved up in case of need; ready for use or
for some purpose.
2. Ready to happen; waiting. - Often used in the phrase "hold in store" or "have in
set much (great, small, little) store by smth, smb придавать (не)большое значение
кому-л./чему-л, e. g. He sets greatstore by his sister' s ability
store house склад; хранилище; амбар; кладовая n (used lit. and fig.), e. g. The
store house was a large grey building stuffed with any kind of furniture.
He is a store house of information. –ходячая энциклопедия
overlook 1) возвышаться (над городом, местностью и т. п.) 2) не заметить,
просмотреть, пропустить 3) не обращать внимания, не придавать значения,
игнорировать; смотреть сквозь пальцы, прощать
1) Our room overlooked the sea.
2) Every time the question of promotion came up, Smith was always overlooked.
3) I overlooked that breech of discipline as you were concentrating on a very important
Syn. open on, give on, face, miss
absorb 1) всасывать, впитывать; абсорбировать; поглощать 2) понимать,
постигать 3) поглощать (внимание); впитывать (знания)
1)A sponge absorbs water. Some materials absorb sound.
2) to absorb smth from smth, e. g. He absorbed all the information on the text and was
easily able to repeat it.
3) (in, by), e. g. I was totally absorbed in a book and didn't hear her call. His film
absorbed all his attention.
absorbing 1) абсорбирующий, впитывающий, всасывающий 2) всепоглощающий,
захватывающий, увлекательный
1) a sound-absorbing surface.
2) an absorbing tale of adventure, e. g. It was such an absorbing mystery that I could
not put it down.
absorption 1) всасывание, впитывание; абсорбция, поглощение 2) погруженность
мысли, работу и т. п.); поглощенность, сосредоточенность 3) поглощение,
включение в число членов, присоединение; ассимиляция
1) The absorption of different materials varies greatly.
2) Their total absorption in the project lasted for three months.
3) It took very little time for the absorption of the town's small enterprises into one big
way путь; дорога n
1) a road or track (used lit. and fig.), e. g. Are you going my way? Нам по пути?
to block the way преградить путь к чему-л Will you step aside, you're blocking the
to clear the way подготовить почву (for smth or smb) Clear the way for the car.
to make way потесниться, дать место (for smth or smb) All traffic must make way
for a fire-engine.
to feel (grope) one's way 1) пробираться ощупью 2) действовать осторожно 3)
выяснять обстановку
1)We groped our way through the dark streets.
2)"Have you come to any definite conclusion yet?" 3)"No, I'm still feeling my way."
to feel about with the hands; to search for in a hesitating way, e. g.
to give way уступать, сдаваться, давать волю отчаянию, давать дорогу, сломаться
1) The branch gave way and I fell into the stream.
His legs gave way and he fell on his side
The army gave way (= retired) before the advance of the enemy.
2) Don't give way to despair. (
3)His anger gave way to curiosity.
to go out of one's way стараться изо всех сил He went out of his way to do me a
out-of-the-way отдалѐнный; далѐкий; труднодоступный
1) Students come to Moscow from the most out-of-the-way parts of the county.
2) I was so ashamed, I didn't know which way to look.
to know (see, find out) which way the wind blows знать, куда ветер дует
He always seems to know which way the wind blows (is blowing).
3) to make (push, fight, feel, force, elbow,shoulder, pick, etc.) one's way (along, forward,
to, towards, back, home, etc.), e. g. He pushed (elbowed, forced, etc.) his way through
the crowd.
4). Don't change anything, I like it that way.
to know one's way about знать все ходы и выходы
You needn't worry about her, she knows her way about and can take care of herself.
all (quite, just) the other way about всѐ как раз наоборот (AE around)
"As far as I know he denied what he had said before." "Quite the other way about. He
confirmed everything."
(in) one way or another (other, the other) так или иначе, e. g. You'll have to do it one
way or another, there's no getting away from it.
5) I don't like his ways at all.
to have a way with smb иметь подход к кому-л
She'll make a good teacher, she has a way with children.
it (this) is always the way with smb, it is always the case with smb это обычно,
характерно для него Tom failed me again, this is always the way with him.
6) In one way that explanation is satisfactory, but in another way it is not.
in no way никоим образом, e. g. The photos are in no way similar.
by way of в виде, через:
1) He said something by way of apology.
2) He went to town by way of the old road.
Underway – по ходу, With the election campaign underway the candidates began
giving a great deal of speeches.
1) to be in disgrace быть в немилости
2) to describe with much detail (in great detail) описывать подробно
3) as a matter of fact фактически, на самом деле
4) to picture to oneself (literary) представлять себе, воображать
5) to come up to one's expectation (BE), to meet one's expectations (AE) отвечать
ожиданиям, удовлетворять требованиям, соответствовать, подходить
6) in the first (second, last) place во-первых
7) to open on to (smth) (of a window, door) вести, открываться на
8) to be one pace (mile) away from smb or smth на шаг (милю) дальше от
9) to change the subject переменить тему разговора
10) (for) the greater part of the day (the time; the year; of one's time) (more literary)
большая часть
11) (to look, to come, etc.) in one's direction/in the direction of по направлению к
12) to be inclined to do smth быть склонным, расположенным делать что-л.
13) to be in a tight corner (spot) быть в трудном положении
14) to claim one's attention требовать к себе чьего-л. внимания
15) in comparison with в сравнении с
16) to be in search of smb or smth быть в поисках
17) in one's haste of (doing) smth делать впопыхах
An unwarranted stretch of imagination неоправданный полѐт фантазии;
The delights that he had justly forfeited радости, которых он лишился по своим
Unrivalled merit достоинство
Admit the flawlessness of the reasoning (не)признать безупречность основания;
Wriggle one’s way with
Obvious stealth of purpose задуманной уловкой;
Self-imposed sentry duty наложенная на себя караульная обязанность;
Fortify suspicions подтвердить подозрения;
Things for the eyes to feast on там были замечательные вещи радующие глаз;
Such luxuries were not to be over-indulged in нельзя злоупотреблять такой
(of) one who has suffered undignified and unmerited detention того, кто незаслуженно
и недостойно пострадал от содержания под стражей