question no 1. draw the transfer characteristics of NMOS inverter with passive load off ( rd = 4k,8k,16k) with vdd = 6v ( use the characteristics curves of mosfet of your choice ) and also determine the noise margin for all load.? Ans,, QUESTION NO 2. Draw the transfer characteristics for NMOS inverter with saturated load, unsaturated load, depletion load also determine the noise margin for all of the above (use graph paper for transfer characteristics).? Question no 3. Comment in details on the performance of practical gate.? Question no 4. Realize the following logic function by using NMOS and CMOS technology.? (ABC+D) (E+F) (AB+C) (DE+F) Question.1 Present ERA of electronics circuits designs is based on active loads are used instead of passive loads due to easy fabrication. The transfer characteristics for the load as well driver MOSFET is given along with Vt( threshold voltage) for each MOSFET. You are required to do the following.? Threshold voltage for driver and load MOSFET = 1.5 volts and Vdd = 6 volts 1. Draw the unsaturated load.? 2. Draw the load line for unsaturated load.? 3. Draw the transfer characteristics curve for load line.? 4. Determine the noise margins from transfer characteristics.? 5. How to improve above design.? 6. DESIGN IN DETAIL THERAPEUTIC PLAN FOR BORDERLINE PATIENTS ?