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Music Theory Review Questions: Elements & Cultural Differences

Chapter Two Review Questions
1. Why does the book say that music is not a universal language? How is it unique?
Music is not a universal language, but a culture specific system of communication with its
own particular organization and sound.
2. List the elements of music.
Melody, Rhythm, Harmony, Timbre, Texture, Form
3. Describe the two components of melody?
Contour describes tones that move up or down in pitch and can convey emotion. Structure
phrases which use the principles of tension and release, beginning and end.
4. What makes melodies sound unique?
There's not really a lot of difference between the way you write a melody for one
genre, and the way you'd write it for another. What makes melodies sound different
is the way they're performed, and the kinds of chords and vocal harmonies you
might use to accompany them.
5. How does the phrasing of the melody portray different emotions?
Tones that move up or down in pitch and can convey emotion
6. What is a musical scale and how is it usually divided?
Ascending and descending steps or pitches. It is divided into 12 half steps.
7. How is Indian Raga Music different than Western music?
The pitches used in the raagcan be smaller that the Western half step and therefore
unusual to the Western ear.
8. Name the three components of rhythm.
Beat, Meter Patterns, Tempo
9. Indonesian music has what type of unusual rhythm?
Kotekan Pattern
10. What cultures do not use harmony?
Middle Eastern, Indian, Asian and Native American cultures DO NOT use
11. What is a chord and what element does it create in music?
Three or more tones sounding at the same time create a chord.
12. Name and give a brief description of the 3 musical elements used to create form.
Composers use repetition, contrast, and development to create tension or relaxation