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Internal Computer Structure: CPU, Motherboard, Memory

Internal Structure of a Computer
C. P. U
It is the brain of the machine, since all processes are performed there. This is responsible for processing
the data it receives and its role is to coordinate and control all the operations of the system, in particular
carried out the execution of programs stored in main memory, taking his instructions to examine them
and then run them one after another.
The CPU consists of three main sections which are:
* control unit
* arithmetic logic unit
* unit of storage (memory)
*(ram memory and rom memory)
A motherboard is the central or primary circuit of a system of computation or other complex electronic
system. The motherboard is the main component of a personal computer. It is the component that
integrates all the others
Main memory is that component of the computer system that stores programs and data that are being
processed. It, at runtime, must contain the operating system, the instructions for manipulating the data
and the data itself.
Cache memory is part of the motherboard and processor (there are two types) and is used to quickly
access the information that uses the processor. There is a primary cache and secondary cache. The
primary cache is defined by the processor and so we cannot remove or put. On the other hand the
secondary cache can be added to the motherboard.
Computers used two types of random access memory:
• Read-only (ROM - Read Only Memory) memory
• Reading and writing (RAM - Random Access Memory) memory
Random Access Memory
RAM, or random access memory in computer science, semiconductor memory that can be read and
written by the microprocessor or other hardware devices. Access to the storage positions can be in any
order. Currently the RAM memory for personal computers is usually manufactured in insertable
modules called SIMM.
Read only memory or ROM., in computing, semiconductor-based memory that contains instructions or
data that can be read but not modified. In computers IBM PC and compatible, the ROM memories often
contain the software necessary for the operation of the system.
It is an electronic card that connects a slot that has the computer (CPU, motherboard specific) which has
as main functions: generation, input or sound reproduction and recording of the same.
It is an electronic component required to generate a video signal that is sent to a video through a cable
screen. The video card is typically found in the computer's system board or an expansion board.
Graphics card brings together all the information that should be displayed on the screen and acts as an
interface between the processor and monitor; the information is sent to this by plate after receiving
through the bus system. Graphics cards consist, basically, of a display or RAM memory, video controller
video, and generator of characters, and today also have a graphics accelerator.
The device most used at the moment to connect a network device are network cards or better known as
NIC (Network Interface Card), this device is about the size of a standard card that can come from an
integrated on motherboards or individually, is placed in the PC expansion slots or laptops through USB