A Dissertation on “ANALYSIS OF STEEL BRACED RCC BUILDING USING DESIGNED BASE ISOLATOR” Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Civil – Structure submitted by Ms. Mohini Namdeo Khade Under the guidance of Dr. Y. M. Ghugal Professor and Head Department of Applied Mechanics Government College of Engineering, Karad Maharashtra State, India. Shivaji University Kolhapur (2019 - 20) i Government College of Engineering, Karad (An Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharastra) Applied Mechanics Department CERTIFACATE This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Analysis of Steel Braced RCC Building Using Designed Base Isolator,” has been completed by Ms. Mohini Namdeo Khade (18221101) in the academic year 2019-2020 in partial fulfillment of M-Tech (Structural Engineering) dissertation work. ii DECLARATION I hereby declare that I have performed, completed and written the dissertation entitled “Analysis Of Steel Braced Rcc Building Using Designed Base Isolator,” It has not been previously submitted for the basis of the award of any degree or diploma or other similar title of this for any other diploma/examining body or university. Place : Karad Ms. Mohini Namdeo khade Date: (Roll no.- 18221101) iii DISSERTATION APPROVAL SHEET Ms. Mohini Namdeo khade has done the appropriate work for the award of M. Tech in Structural Engineering of government college of engineering, Karad, (An Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharashtra). Date: Place: Examiner Name: Signature: Guide Name: Dr. Y. M. Ghugal Signature: iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have great pleasure in presenting this dissertation work report entitled “ANALYSIS OF STEEL BRACED RCC BUILDING USING DESIGNED BASE ISOLATOR” for partial fulfillment of the Masters of Engineering in Civil Structures. I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude towards my guide Dr. Y. M. Ghugal, Professor and Head, Applied Mechanics Department, Government College of Engineering, Karad for his well-formulated and indispensable guidance in the accomplishment of this report, without which this would not have been possible. I extend my sincere thanks to Dr. A. T. Pise, Principal, Government College of Engineering, Karad for providing institutional facilities, as well as extending all kinds of cooperation. I will fail in my duties if I do not mention my friends and classmates who were a constant source of inspiration and helped me during the project. Last but not the least; I am thankful to my parents and brother who helped me directly or indirectly for my completion of this course. I am thankful to all those who wished me success. Above all I render my gratitude to all who gave me inspiration and strength to complete this work. Place: - Karad. Date: Ms. Mohini Namdeo Khade. M.tech (Structural engineering) v ABSTRACT Effect of earthquake can be very hazardous to the structure influenced by these forces. There are many traditional methods for protection of structure against earthquake effects. But there are some disadvantages in these methods. Increasing strength and stiffness are some of the traditional methods. But they lead to higher sections and result in uneconomic design. To overcome these disadvantages associated with the traditional method, many vibration-control measures, called structural control, have been studied and remarkable advances in this respect have been made over recent years. This paper describes the effect of use of steel bracing, dampers and base isolator (lead rubber bearing) in a structure subjected to earthquake motion. The structure is designed in ETABs and then bracings, dampers, base isolator are applied respectively in 3 different models and results are compared. Force of ground motion that is earthquake force is applied to structure by using seismic coefficient method. Base isolated structure gives improved performance against seismic vibrations than conventional structure. The essential characteristics of base isolation system are isolation, energy dissipation, and restoring mechanism. It is shown that under design conditions, all base isolators can significantly reduce the acceleration transmitted to superstructure. Bracing and dampers are also useful reduction of storey drift and base shear. vi CONTENTS List of symbols List of Abbreviations List of Figures List of Table 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Behavior of structure during earthquake 1.3 Base isolation – introduction 1.4 Basic principle of base isolation 1.5 Basic requirements of base isolation 1.6 Types of base isolation devices 1.7 Effect of base isolation on structure 1.8 Properties of lead rubber bearing 1.8.1 Diagrammatic representation of LRB 1.8.2 Design formulae for LRB 1.8.3 Some parameters of LRB 1.8.4 Advantages of LRB 1.9 Bracing systems 1.9.1 Advantages of bracing systems 1.9.2 Types of bracing systems Concentric bracings Eccentric bracings 1.10 Dampers 1.11 Definitions of some parameters 2. LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 General 2.2 Remark on literature review 3. SYSTEM MODELLING 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Problem statement 3.3 Steps for modeling 3.4 Formulae for calculation of base shear 3.5 Design of base isolator 3.6 Calculation for Design of LRB 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Calculation of base shear by seismic coefficient method 4.2 Calculation of base shear as per UBC 97 formulae 4.3 Design formulae for LRB 4.4 Result for design of LRB 4.5 Results from ETABs 4.5.1 Max story displacement of various structure 4.5.2 Storey drift of various structure 4.5.3 Storey shear of various structure 4.5.4 Overturning moment of various structure 4.5.5 Story stiffness of various structure 1 2 2 3 3 4 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 11 11 12 15 18 19 20 21 33 33 34 37 38 39 40 46 46 47 48 49 50 vii 4.5.6 Time period of various structure 5. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Conclusions 5.2 Scope of future work References Acknowledgement 51 53 53 54 viii NOMENCLATURE VB - Base shear = Ah x W Z - Zone factor I - Importance factor R - Response reduction factor TD - Time period Na - Near source factor Nv - Near source factor Ca - Seismic coefficient Cv - Seismic coefficient BD - Damping coefficient β - Effective damping W - Maximum support reaction πΎ2 πΎ1 - Post yield ratio ix LIST OF FIGURES FIG 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.1 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 ILLUSTRATION Structure without Base isolator and with base isolator Elastomeric bearing Roller and ball bearing High Damping rubber bearing Lead rubber bearing Curved slider Diagrammatic representation of LRB New mode initialization Edit story and grid system data Material property data Frame section property data Restraining joints Seismic loading Assigning base isolator Frame section property data Seismic loading Result window Plan of RCC building Elevation of RCC building Elevation of RCC building with bracing Elevation of RCC building with dampers Elevation of RCC building with base isolator Cross sectional properties of LRB Graphical representation of max story displacement Graphical representation of max story drift Graphical representation of story shear Graphical representation of overturning moment Graphical representation of story stiffness Graphical representation of time period PAGE NO 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 21 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 29 30 31 32 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 x LIST OF TABLES FIG ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO 1.1 Types of dampers 11 1.2 Seismic intensity and zone factors based on seismic zone 13 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 36 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Calculation of base shear Summary of LRB properties Values of maximum storey displacement Values of storey drift Values of storey shear Values of overturning moments Values of storey stiffness Values of time period xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background For earthquake resistant design of buildings, the traditional method, i.e., increasing the strength, stiffness, and ductility of the members, has been in common use for a long time. So, dimensions of structure and the material consumption are expected to be more, which tends to higher cost of the buildings as well as larger seismic responses due to requirement of larger stiffness of the structures and leads to uneconomic conditions. Thus, the efficiency of the traditional method is somehow disadvantageous. To overcome these disadvantages, many vibration-control measures, have been studied, and called as structural control methods. The remarkable advances in this respect have been made over past years. Structural Control is a diverse field of study. Structural Control is the one of the areas of current research aiming to minimize vibrations in structure during events such as earthquakes and strong winds. In views of different vibration absorption methods, structural control is classified into active control, passive control, hybrid control, semi-active control. Base isolation is a passive vibration control system that does not require any external power source for its operation and utilizes the motion of the structure to develop the control forces. This technology may keep the building to remain essentially elastic and therefore ensuring safety during earthquakes of larger magnitudes. Since a base-isolated structure has fundamental frequency lower than both its fixed base frequency and the dominant frequencies of ground motion, the first mode of vibration of isolated structure involves deformation only in the isolation system whereas superstructure remains almost rigid. Viscous dampers are hydraulic devices that dissipate the kinetic energy of seismic events and cushion the impact between structures. These are versatile. They can be designed to allow free movement and controlled damping of a structure to protect from seismic events, wind load, or thermal motion. The use of different types of bracing made the construction of the skyscraper possible. Bracings are strong in compression. Increase in lateral load resisting capacity of structure can be considered by use of bracing. When bracings are positioned in Steel frame it behaves as diagonal compression strut and transmits compression force to another joint. Variations in the stiffness of columns can influence the mode of failure and lateral stiffness of the bracing. 1 1.2 Behavior of structure during earthquake When earthquake vibrations occur, they transmits seismic waves and they cause ground motion inside the surface of earth. As structure is resting on the earth’s surface, this ground motion is also transmitted into them. The base of the structure moves along with with the ground motion but the roof of structure tends to retain its position. But the roof is also forced to move as the walls and columns of the structure are connected. Under such conditions, the structures generally undergo brutal damage or tend to collapse. This damage can be reduced if the structure is ductile. Ductility is defined as an ability of a structure to face huge plastic deformation without loss in ultimate strength. The ductility of a structure ensures to predict the amount of dissipation of seismic energy that may be dissipated through plastic deformations, which is a very important factor for structural design subjected to seismic loads. 1.3 Base isolation – introduction Base isolation is separation of upper structure from base or from substructure by changing of fixed joint with flexible one. Increasing of flexibility is done by the inserting of such separating elements in structure, called as base isolators. Usually, these isolators are inserted between foundation and upper structure. Seismic isolation system absorbs larger part of seismic energy. Therefore, transmission of vibrations of soil to upper structure are considerably reduced. But in case of base isolated building, as the ground moves, inertia tends to keep structure in place resulting in the imposition of structure with large displacement in different stories. For base isolation structure the situation is quite different. In such cases, the whole upper structure gets a displacement (which naturally remains in limits) and the relative displacement of different stories is so small that the structure can withstand a comparatively high seismic tremor with a low seismic loading in safe, efficient and economic manner. Base isolation is a passive control system; it does not require any external force or energy for its activation. 2 Fig. 1.1. structure without Base isolator and with base isolator 1.4 Basic principle of base isolation Principle of using base isolation can be stated as response of a respective structure is modified such that ground below the structure is capable of moving without transmitting the motion to above structure. In other words, principal of base isolation system is to rectify the response of the structure so that the ground can move below the structure without transferring these motions into the superstructure. In an ideal system to achieve this flexibility in buildings this separation would be total. But in the real practices, it is necessary to have a vertical support to transfer the vertical loads to the base. Base isolation reduces the seismic demand of the structure instead of increasing the capacity of the structure. The relative displacement due to earthquake, between ground and perfectly rigid structure is zero. In case of an ideal flexible structure, the relative displacement of structure is equal to ground displacement. Therefore, displacement of real structures lies between the two explained above as no structure is perfectly rigid or flexible. 1.5 Basic requirements of base isolation Basic requirements of base isolation are as follows 1. Flexibility 2. Damping 3. Resistance against vertical loads and other service loads 1.6 Types of base isolation devices 3 Types of base isolation devices are as follows1) Elastomeric bearingThese are formed by layers of synthetic rubber or natural rubber in thin layers laid horizontally and it is bounded between steel plates. They are able to support high vertical load with less deformations. They become flexible when subjected to lateral loads. Fig. 1.2. Elastomeric bearing 2) Roller and ball bearingsFor isolation application in machinery isolation, roller and ball bearing are used. Fig. 1.3 Roller and ball bearing 4 3) High damping rubber bearingHDR bearing is made of special rubber with very high damping attribute. It is sandwiched together with layers of steel without any lead plugs. Rubber enable to absorb large energy of earthquake due to its elasticity. Fig. 1.4. High Damping rubber bearing 4) Lead Rubber BearingLRB isolators are composed of cylindrical rubber bearings. These are reinforced with steel shims. Shims are placed as alternate layers. Steel plates are also provided at the two ends of the isolator. The steel shims increase the load carrying capacity, thus the structure behaves stiff under vertical loads and flexible under horizontal loads. Fig. 1.5. Lead rubber bearing 5 5) Curved slider or pendulum bearingThis bearing is used in bridges as base isolator in earthquake prone areas. These are also called as friction pendulum isolators. Fig. 1.6 Curved slider 1.7 Effect of base isolation on structure In base isolation process, installation of mechanisms is done. This process decouples the structure or its contents from ground which is subjected to earthquake having potential of damaging the structure. This decoupling can be achieved by increasing flexibility of system. When seismic isolation or base isolation is used, overall structure considerably become more flexible and also, provision should be made for respective horizontal displacement. When seismic isolation system is provided with hysteretic force displacement characteristics, they can provide desired properties of isolator such as flexibility, force limitation under horizontal earthquake loads, high damping, together with high stiffness under smaller horizontal loads to limit wind induced motions. When isolator is provided at base of structure, it increases the natural period of overall structure and therefore decrease in its acceleration response to earthquake generated vibrations can be seen. Further decrease in response occurs with addition of damping. Increase in period along with damping can considerably reduce effect of the earthquake on structure so that less damaging loads and deformations are imposed on structure and its components. 6 1.8 Properties of lead rubber bearing 1.8.1 Diagrammatic representation of LRB Fig. 1.7 Diagrammatic representation of LRB 1.8.2 Formulae for design for LRB The formulae for design of lead rubber bearing are as follows – π πΆπ£ ππ· • Design displacement = π·π· = • Effective stiffness = πΎπ = • Energy dissipation per cycle = ππ· = 2π πΎπ π·π· 2 π½ • Force at π·π· = ππ· = • Stiffness in rubber = πΎ2 = πΎπ − • Yield displacement = π·π¦ = π€ π 4π 2 π₯ π΅π· 2π π₯ (π )2 π· ππ· 4π·π· ππ· π·π· ππ· πΎ1 −πΎ2 ππ· • ππ· required = • Revised stiffness of rubber = πΎπ ππππ’ππππ = πΎπ − • Thickness of rubber isolator = π‘ = • Area of isolator = π΄πππ = 4(π·π· −π·π¦ ) ππ· π·π· π·π· πΎ πΎπ ππππ’ππππ . π‘ πΊ 7 π·πππππ‘ππ ππ πΏπ π΅ • Shape factor = S = 4 π₯ π‘βππππππ π ππ π πππππ ππ’ππππ πππ¦ππ = • Shape factor = S = 2.4 ππ£ • Compression modulus = πΈπ = 6πΊπ 2 (1 − • Horizontal stiffness of isolator = πΎπ» = • Vertical stiffness of isolator = πΎπ£ = • Area of hysteresis loop = Ah = 4ππ· (π·π· − π·π¦ ) • Yield strength = πΉπ¦ = ππ· + ( πΎ2 . π·π¦ ) ππππ 4π‘π 1 π β 6πΊπ 2 πΎ ) πΊ π₯ π΄πππ π‘π πΈπ π₯ π΄πππ π‘π 1.8.3 Some properties of LRB Shear modulus of lead rubber = > Lowest about 10 MPa, Highest about 130 MPa 1.8.4 Advantages of LRB • Lead core provides rigidity and energy dissipation under high lateral loads • Shims help in boosting the load carrying capacity • Structure become stiff when subjected to vertical loads and flexible when subjected to horizontal loads. • Environmental protection is achieved by rubber which covers entire bearing. • Time period of the respective structure is increased when provided to RCC building. 1.9 Bracing systems The primary purpose of all kinds of structural systems used in the building type of structures is to transfer gravity loads (dead load, live load and snow load) effectively. In addition with these vertical loads, buildings are also subjected to lateral loads caused by wind, blasting or earthquake. Such lateral loads can produce sway movement or cause vibration or develop high stresses. Hence, for the structure, it is very important to have sufficient strength against vertical loads along with adequate stiffness to resist lateral forces. For this purpose, bracing system plays important role. Use of bracing system for structure effectively minimizes the lateral displacements. Bracings are classified as concentric, eccentric and knee bracing systems. Bracing is an economical and highly efficient method to increase the stiffness laterally in the framed structures. Bracing is efficient because the diagonal bracing works in axial stress and therefore call for minimum member sizes by providing the stiffness 8 and strength against horizontal shear. Thus use of bracing system results in reduction of lateral movement as well as torsional motion of the structures under seismic loading. 1.9.1 Advantages of bracing systems The Advantages of bracing system are as follows, • Increase in stiffness. • Less storey drift. • Base shear is increased. • Structure becomes more resistant against earthquake. • Peak displacement is minimum 1.9.2 Types of bracing systems Concentric bracingsVarious types of concentric bracing are :Diagonal bracing – Trussing or triangulation is formed by inserting diagonal structural members into rectangular areas of a structural frame, helping to stabilize the frame. If a single brace is used, it must be sufficiently resistant to tension and compression. These systems rely on both compression and tension braces for stability, and so the stiffness and strength of the compression braces must be explicitly accounted for. Diagonal bracing is a structural component of just about any building. It provides lateral stability preventing collapse of a wall, deck, roof, etc. X bracing – Cross-bracing (or X-bracing) uses two diagonal members crossing each other. These only need to be resistant to tension, one brace acting to resist sideways forces at a time depending on the direction of loading. As a result, steel cables can also be used for cross bracing. However, this provides the least available space within the façade for openings and results in the greatest bending in floor beams. V bracing – This involves two diagonal members extending from the top two corners of a horizontal member and meeting at a centre point at the lower horizontal member, in the shape of a V. Inverted V-bracing (also known as chevron bracing) involves the two members meeting at a centre point on the upper horizontal member. Both mean that the buckling capacity of the compression brace is likely to be significantly less than the tension yield capacity of the tension brace. This can mean that when the braces 9 reach their resistance capacity, the load must instead be resisted in the bending of the horizontal member. Bracing where a pair of braces, located both above beam, terminates at a single point within the clear beam span. Eccentric bracing In an eccentrically braced frame bracing members connect to separate points on the beam/girder. The beam/girder segment or “link” between the bracing members absorbs energy from seismic activity through plastic deformation. Eccentric bracings reduce the lateral stiffness of the system and improve the energy dissipation capacity. Due to eccentric connection of the braces to beams, the lateral stiffness of the system depends upon the flexural stiffness of the beams and columns, thus reducing the lateral stiffness of the frame. The vertical component of the bracing forces due to earthquake causes lateral concentrated load on the beams at the point of connection of the eccentric bracings. 1.10 Dampers Damper is a type of active control device for earthquake resistance. It absorbs the vibrations received from seismic energy. The dampers reduce the lateral force caused by the earthquake. Earthquake creates large amount of kinetic energy or strain energy on the structure. These energies are absorbed by structure or transmitted to structure. Dampers can absorb and dissipate this energy saving structure from harmful effects of earthquake. There are various types of dampers and are as follows – a) Friction dampers b) Viscous dampers c) Yielding dampers d) Magnetic dampers e) Tuned mass damper 10 Table 1.1. Types of dampers Type of damper Mode of energy absorption Friction Dampers Viscous dampers Applications Energy friction between the two surfaces by rubbing with each other As a bracing, retrofitting Energy is absorbed by passing the fluid in between arrangement of piston and cylinder In automobiles Low cost As bracing Used with base isolators Yielding dampers Energy is absorption is achieved by metal components that has good ductility and yield stiffness. To reduce inter story drift Magnetic dampers Energy is absorbed by magnetic induction For vibration control Energy is absorbed by using springs, fluid, or pendulums Transmission lines Tuned dampers mass Automobiles Tall buildings 1.11 Definitions of some parameters from IS-1893:2016 1. Damping The effect of internal friction, imperfect elasticity of material, slipping, sliding, etc in reducing the amplitude of vibration and is expressed as a percentage of critical damping. 2. Design Horizontal Acceleration Coefficient (Ah)It is a horizontal acceleration coefficient that shall be used for design of structures. The design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah for a structure shall be determined by the following expressionπ§ π΄β = 2 x ππ π πΌ xπ 3. Design Lateral Force It is the horizontal seismic force prescribed by this standard, that shall be used to design a structure. It is calculated as follows – VB = π΄β π₯ π 4. Natural Period (T) Natural period of a structure is its time period of undamped free vibration. As per IS: 1893- 2016, time period is calculated as per clause 7.6. It is as follows - 11 5. Response Reduction Factor (R) It is the factor by which the actual base shear force, that would be generated if the structure were to remain elastic during its response to the Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) shaking, shall be reduced to obtain the design lateral force. 6. Response Spectrum The representation of the maximum response of idealized single degree freedom systems having certain period and damping, during earthquake ground. motion. The maximum response is plotted against the undamped natural period and for various damping values, and can be expressed in terms of maximum absolute acceleration, maximum relative velocity, or maximum relative displacement. 7. Seismic Mass It is the seismic weight divided by acceleration due to gravity. 8. Seismic Weight (W) It is the total dead load plus appropriate amounts of specified imposed load. 9. Structural Response Factors (Sa/g) It is a factor denoting the acceleration response spectrum of the structure subjected to earthquake ground vibrations, and depends on natural period of vibration and damping of the structure. 10. Zone Factor (Z) It is a factor to obtain the design spectrum depending on the perceived maximum seismic risk characterized by Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) in the zone in which the structure is located. The basic zone factors included in this standard are reasonable estimate of effective peak ground acceleration. Values of seismic zone factors are given in IS:1893 2016, in table 2, clause 6.4.2 Table 1.2. Seismic intensity and zone factors based on seismic zone Seismic zone II III IV V Seismic intensity Low Moderate Severe Very severe Z 0.10 0.16 0.24 0.36 12 11. Time History Analysis It is an analysis of the dynamic response of the structure at each increment of time, when its base is subjected to a specific ground motion time history. 12. Base Dimensions (d) Base dimension of the building along a direction is the dimension at its base, in metre, along that direction. 13. Centre of Mass The point through which the resultant of the masses of a system acts. This point corresponds to the centre of gravity of masses of system. 14. Centre of Stiffness The point through which the resultant of the restoring forces of a system acts. 15. Design Seismic Base Shear (Vb) It is the total design lateral force at the base of a structure. 16. Height of Floor (hi) It is the difference in levels between the base of the building and that of floor i. 17. Height of Structure(k) It is the difference in levels, in metres, between its base and its highest level. 18. Moment-Resisting Frame It is a frame in which members and joints are capable of resisting forces primarily by flexure. 19. Ordinary Moment-Resisting Frame It is a moment-resisting frame not meeting special detailing requirements for ductile behaviour. 20. Special Moment-Resisting Frame It is a moment-resisting frame specially detailed to provide ductile behaviour and comply with the requirements given in IS 4326 or IS 13920 or SP6(6). 21. Storey It is the space between two adjacent floors. 22. Storey Drift It is the displacement of one level relative to the other level above or below. 23. Storey Shear It is the sum of design lateral forces at all levels above the storey under consideration. 13 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 General Kalantari, Naderpour, Vaez [1] investigated the effect of using two different types of seismic isolators in decreasing the base shear and story shears of structure. Four structural models with 2, 5, 8 and 12 stories for three cases including fixed-base, lead-rubber isolator and friction pendulum isolator with different stiffness have been modeled. All models have been analyzed under earthquake characteristics of Manjil, Naghan, Tabas and Elcentro using a nonlinear finite element program. The results indicate that by using lead-rubber isolators, maximum displacements of stories in low-rise structures have been increased in comparison with fixed-base model. In contrast, in majority of cases, applying the FPS isolators doesn't guarantee the displacement requirement. Also by using isolators, number of cycles related to displacement response would be decreased especially in models with lower stories. In short base isolated structures, the decrease in plastic hinge formation percent of elements was much more than in fixed-base structures. Providakis [2] performed nonlinear time history analyses using a commercial structural analysis software package to study the influence of isolation damping on base and superstructure drift. Various lead-rubber bearing (LRB) isolation systems were systematically compared and discussed for aseismic performances of two actual reinforced concrete (RC) buildings. Parametric analysis of the buildings fitted with isolation devices was carried out to choose the appropriate design parameters. The efficiency of providing supplemental viscous damping for reducing the isolator displacements while keeping the substructure forces in reasonable ranges was also investigated. Braga, Laterza [3] they had done experimental studies on a series of dynamic snap-back tests. This test was carried out on a residence building in southern Italy at Rapolla (Potenza– Basilicata). The aim of the research was to investigate the seismic behavior of low-rise base isolated structures mounted on rubber bearings only, or with a hybrid isolation system (sliding bearings for isolation and steel rubber bearings to have a re-centering force). Jalali, Narjabadifam [4] carried out investigation on the effect of superstructure characteristics on performance of multi-story buildings isolated with lead-plug laminated rubber bearings the superstructure characteristics considered at this research were 14 superstructure mass, superstructure stiffness and superstructure damping, which were varied in the range that was compatible with engineering practice. Comparing the study results it has been observed that, there is optimum amount for each of the dynamic properties of the superstructure which will make design criteria achievable in seismic baseisolation of multi-story buildings. To this purpose, five reinforced concrete moment resisting frame buildings with two, five, nine, fourteen and twenty stories were considered. They were designed according to UBC97, in fixed-base form and base-isolated form. Five different amounts for superstructure base-mass were assigned and 25 related models were created. Variations in superstructure stiffness and superstructure damping were considered in the same manner. All of 85 model buildings were subjected to five ground motion records which have been scaled to have PGA = 0.4g. Nonlinear time-history analyses of created models were conducted by using ETABS 8.5.0. Fundamental periods, modal participation factors and base-shears were studied for all of the model buildings. Comparing analysis results in term of base shear variations for different parameters considered, it was concluded that, superstructure characteristics have considerable effect on performance of isolated systems and optimal performance of base isolated multi-story buildings was achievable by modifying superstructure characteristics. Wen, Baifeng [5] put forward based on codes (seismic code, 2001). For first step in design was base isolator design and to collect basic data for structure. For second step detail design was considered, time history analysis was adopted. Computer software based on above method with user friendly interface, pre-processor, and post-processor was developed for practical engineering design of superstructure and foundation. Sangle, Bajoria, Mhalungkar [6] studied the seismic analysis of high rise steel frame with and without bracings. Pattern of bracings can extensively modify the global seismic behavior of the framed steel building. In this paper nonlinear time history analysis is carried out on high rise steel building with natural frequency, natural time period, mode shapes, inter storey drift, and base shear. Further optimization study was carried out to decide suitable type of bracing by keeping inter storey drift, total lateral displacement and stress level within permissible limits. Ryan [7] studied the system considered is a generic elastic single-bay multistory frame structure supported on an isolation system with a bilinear force-deformation relation. Three, six, and nine-story versions of the superstructure frame are used, each with story height 12 15 ft and bay width 24 ft.The peak response of the models described previously is determined by nonlinear response history analysis (RHA) to the SAC LA 10% in 50 years suite of motions [Sommerville et. al. 1998], representative of the design basis earthquake in a non near fault region in Los Angeles. Su [8] made study of combining the desirable features of the EDF base isolator and the RFBI system, a new base-isolator design was proposed. It was suggested to replace the elastomeric bearings of the EDF base-isolation system by the R-FBI units, i.e., the upper surface of the R-FBI system in the modified design is replaced by a friction plate. As a result, the structure can slide on its foundation just as in the EDF base-isolation system. The behavior of this base isolator, referred to as the sliding resilient-friction (SRF) baseisolation system. Murnal [9] the essential characteristics of an effective base isolation system are isolation, energy dissipation, and restoring mechanism. Some friction type base isolation systems proposed earlier have been found to be very effective in reducing the structural response and incorporate simple restoring mechanisms through gravity. However these isolators are effective only under certain excitation and structural characteristics. To overcome these limitations the authors have recently developed a new isolation system called the variable frequency pendulum isolator ~VFPI! that has been found to be very effective under a variety of structure and excitation characteristics. In this paper, the mathematical formulation for the three dimensional behavior of an asymmetric structure isolated by a sliding type isolator, with particular reference to VFPI has been presented. Su [10] made comparative study of effectiveness of various base isolators is carried out. These include the laminated rubber bearing with and without lead plug and several frictional base isolation systems. The structure is modeled as a rigid mass and the accelerograms of the NOOW component of the El Centro 1940 earthquake and the N90W component of the Mexico City 1985 earthquake are used. The performances of different base isolation devices under a variety of conditions are evaluated and compared. Combining the desirable features of various systems, a new design for a friction base isolator is also developed and its performance is studied. It is shown that, under design conditions, all base isolators can significantly reduce the acceleration transmitted to the superstructure. 16 Nagajyothi, Ghorpade [11] studied the design of lead rubber bearing system and high damping rubber bearing system for isolated structure for long periods for 5 storey building. Warn, Ryan [12] have made a review of seismic isolation for buildings and research needs. Keerthana, Kumar, Balamonica [13] studied seismic response reduction of structures using base isolation and compared with linear models. Kelly [14] has made research on earthquake resistant design with rubber. Taniwangsa and Kelly [15] made studies on seismic isolation for housing in developing regions. Kelly [16] has made study on seismic base isolation: review and bibilography. Chopra, Clough, Clough [17] analysed resistance of buildings with a soft first storey. Skinner, Kelly, Heine [18] studied use of hysteretic dampers for earthquake resistant structures. Nagarjaiah Reinhorn ,Constantinou [19] made experimental study of sliding isolated structures with uplift restraint. Kelly [20] studied the role of damping in seismic isolation. 2.2 Concluding remark on literature review After reviewing many references, it can be concluded that base isolated structure gives improved performance against seismic vibrations than conventional structure. In base isolated structures, the decrease in formation of plastic hinge formation is more than in fixed base structures. The essential characteristics of base isolation system are isolation, energy dissipation, and restoring mechanism. But some isolators like friction type base isolator are effective only under certain excitations and structural characteristics. It is shown that under design conditions, all base isolators can significantly reduce the acceleration transmitted to superstrucrure. This paper considers the use of bracings, dampers, and lead rubber bearing and comparison of each of this with conventional RCC building. One structure of RCC building is modelled and analysed in ETABs and then each of above mentioned is applied separately for same model and analysed. Then some different parameters are compared and result is discussed. 17 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM MODELING 3.1 Introduction For earthquake resistant design of buildings, the traditional method, i.e., increasing the strength, stiffness, and ductility of the members, has been in common use for a long time. So, dimensions of structure and the material consumption are expected to be more, which tends to higher cost of the buildings as well as larger seismic responses due to requirement of larger stiffness of the structures and leads to uneconomic conditions. Thus, the efficiency of the traditional method is somehow disadvantageous. So, to overcome these, many other methods have been discovered. Use of bracing, dampers, and base isolator for structure are such methods used for reducing damage during earthquake events. 3.2 Problem statement To investigate the effect of such methods on the building structures, analytical models are considered in this study. This Chapter explains these analytical models in detail. In total modelling analysis of 4 models is done whereas the plan and elevation of building models was kept same for purpose of comparison of results. These 4 models are as follows1. Plane RCC building 2. RCC building with steel bracing 3. RCC building with dampers 4. RCC building with Lead Rubber Bearing All models are subjected to dynamic analysis with the help of structural analysis program ETABS version 17. The dimension of all the beams and columns are designed according to IS456- 2000. The proposed building is designed to resist dead load, and live load & seismic load. Firstly, the plan and elevation of building was decided. Then this building was modelled in ETABs 2017.This building was analysed as plane RCC building. Then steel bracings were applied to the same RCC building and analysis of this RCC building was performed. Further, dampers were applied to the same RCC building and analysis of this RCC building was performed. After this the design of lead rubber bearing was executed and properties of this designed LRB was applied to the same RCC building model to make it base isolated. Then analysis for this RCC building with base isolator was performed. The details of proposed building are as follows 18 • Building type – RCC building • No. of storeys – G+10 • Plan area– 400 sq meter • Plan dimensions – 20 m X 20 m • Height of building – 30 m • Type – Residential • Beam – 0.250 m x 0.450 m • Column– 0.4 m x 0.4 m • Concrete grade – 20 MPa • Steel – Fe 415 • Dead load – 10 KN/m • Live load – 2 KN/m • Importance factor – 1 • Zone factor – zone 5 (0.36) 3.3 Steps for modelling The steps in modeling and analysis of RCC building subjected to earthquake load are discussed in this section. The steps in modeling and analysis of RCC building subjected to eaare discussed in this section. 1. Begin a new model. To star with new model, we use built in setting with display units are metric SI and for steel structure database use Indian standard, for designing steel structure use IS800:2007, and to design concrete structure use IS456:2002 Fig. 3.1.New model initialization 19 2. Story and grid data: Create grid data and storey data as per building dimension. For the study 10 sorey building is considered with 3mheight of each storey and grid is made with 5 bays of 4m*4m in x direction and y direction. Fig. 3.2. Edit story and grid system data. 3. Material selection The material and its properties are added by using command ‘Define Material’ Step 3.1 To define new material go to define the select material peoperties, the material is added according to region, material type, standards and grade. We can change material properties as we required. 20 Fig. 3.3 Material property data 4. Define section The section to be used in the frame is defined by using command ‘section properties’. Step 4.1: Go to define and the select section properties. Step 4.2: Go to frame properties then to add section click on add new properties. Then select section shape as ‘concrete rectangular’, select rectangular shape in concrete section. Step 4.3: Give property name and select material as M20 them add section dimension as per requirement. Step 4.4: Modify reinforcement data by selecting rebar material, cover provided and size of longitudinal bar and confinement bar. 21 Fig. 3.4: - Frame section property data 5. Draw object: now the frame can be drawn by using previously defined frame section by using following steps: Step 5.1: To draw beam select draw beam and change the property as beam and draw the beam at required passion. Step 5.2: To draw any member two nodes are required. To create member such as beam and column join two nodes by using draw cursor. Step 5.3: To draw column select quick draw column then go to drop down menu and change property to Auto column and join nodes of each story to its immediate storey nodes. 6. Add restraints: In model all footing nodes fixed by using following procedure. Step 6.1: Select all nodes of footing to restrain Go to Assign> Joint > Restraint. Step 6.2: Now select type of restraint required and click Ok. 22 Fig. 3.5 Restraining joint 7. Assign steel Bracings: - 7.1 Go to define > section properties > frame properties 7.2 Then click on add new property, a dialogue box will appear on screen Click on auto- select icon, select all sections and add it on right side 7.3 Then finish this command and go to quick draw braces. Then draw Braces at required locations. Fig. 3.6 Frame section property data 23 8. Assign Dampers:Steps to be performed are as follows – 7.1 Go to define > section properties > frame properties 7.2 Then click on add new property, a dialogue box will appear on screen Click on auto- select icon, select all sections and add it on right side 7.3 Then finish this command and go to quick draw braces. Then draw Braces at required locations. Fig. 3.7: - Frame section property data 9. Assign Base isolator:Steps are as follows – 7.1 Go to define > section properties > link/ support properties 7.2 Then click on add new property, a dialogue box will appear on screen Click to change the type of property and make it as rubber isolator. 7.3 Then edit the properties and make the per our design based on Calculations. 7.4 Then go to assign> joints> spring> point springs> add property. Make this property as default. Then select joints from 1st storey. Then apply the base isolator to for these joints. 24 This can be seen in elevation of structure as shown in figure. Fig. 3.8: - Frame section property data 10. Define Load Patterns: The loads to be used for seismic analysis are required to define first such as dead load , live load, floor finish load acting on the building , and also load pattern is required to be added. Step 8.1 Click Define>load patterns Command to bring up define load patterns window. Now enter load name, type of load, self weight multiplier, and codes for load. Step 8.2: - The seismic parameter equired for equivalent static analysis can be selected by earthquike load type the click modify lateral load Step 8.3: -Earthquike parameters are added then press ok Fig. 3.9 :- Seismic loading. 25 11. Assign gravity load: In this step all the load which are defined previously are assigned to frame and area loads to the slabs however the earthquake load for equivalent static analysis is not required to assign. Step 9.1: -The load whose magnitude tranfer to the frame like wall load can be assigned by selecting the required member. To assign Go to ‘Assign menu> frame load> Distributed.’ 12. Define Load Combination: The various load combinations can be added to see the output in the form combination Step 10.1: - Go to define menu > load combination > add new Step 10.2: - Select load and appropriate scale factor one by one and click on add 13. Check and Run analysis, view the result:First check the model for any errors. Step 11.1: - To check model go to analyze menu > Check model, if no error occure then run the analysis Step 11.2: - To analyze the structure go to analyze menu> run analysis This will bring window asking ‘set load cases to run’. Step 11.3: - Select the load cases and run the analysis. Analysis will be started. Step 11.4 : - To view the result in tabular form go to, ‘Display menu > show Tables’ command. It will display window as shown in fig. select the required table by selecting check box. Fig. 3.10 :- Result window 26 Fig. 3.11: - Plan of RCC building 27 Fig. 3.12: - Elevation of RCC building 28 Fig. 3.13: - Elevation of RCC building with Bracing 29 Fig. 3.14: - Elevation of RCC building with Dampers 30 Fig. 3.15: - Elevation of RCC building with Base Isolator 31 3.4 Formulae for calculation of base shear ππ΅ = Lateral earthquake force or base shear z = zone factor = 0.36 I = importance factor = 1 R = response reduction factor = 5 w = seismic weight of building ππ /g = design acceleration coefficient for soil ππ = (0.09) h ÷ √π = 0.604 sec from ππ = 0.604 sec , ππ /g = 2.252 VB = Ah .W Sa z I . . g 2 R Ah = Formulae for calculation of base shear from UBC 97 – 1. Base shear is calculated as – VB = CV IW RT 2. Base shear should be less than following value – VBMAX = (2.5)Ca IW R 3. Base shear should be more than following value – VBMIN = (0.8) zNV IW R 3.5 Design of base isolator (LRB) The formulae for design of lead rubber bearing are as follows – g CV TD BD • Design displacement = DD = • Effective stiffness = K e = • Energy dissipation per cycle = WD = 2ο° Ke DD 2 ο’ 4ο° 2 X w 2ο° 2 X( ) g TD 32 WD 4 DD • Force at DD = QD = • Stiffness in rubber = K 2 = K e − • Yield displacement = DY = • QDrequired = • Revised stiffness of rubber = K erequired = K e − • Thickness of rubber isolator = t = • Area of isolator = Alrb = • Shape factor = S = • QD DD QD K1 − K 2 WD 4( DD − DY ) QD DD DD ο§ K erequired t G d DiameterOfLRB = lrb 4 x(ThicknessOf Sin gleRubberLayer ) 4tο§ f 1 x v Shape factor = S = 2.4 f h • 6GS 2 ) Compression modulus = Ec = 6GS (1 − K G. Alrb Horizontal stiffness of isolator = K H = tr E .A Vertical stiffness of isolator = KV = C lrb tr Area of hysteresis loop = Ah = 4QD ( DD − DY ) • Yield strength = FY = QD + ( K2 .DY ) • • • 2 3.6 Calculations for design of LRB Various parameters are required for calculation of LRB design values. These parameters have to be found from IS 1893- 2002 and UBC 97. By referring these and making some assumptions, the pre- requisite parameters are calculated. • Soil profile= type II (Type = SD, from table A5, UBC 97) • Zone factor = z = 0.36 ≅ 0.4 • Near source factor = Na = 1 (from table A8, UBC 97) • Near source factor = Nv = 1 (from table A9, UBC 97) • Seismic coefficient = Ca = 0.44 x Na = 0.44 (from table A6, UBC 97) • Seismic coefficient = Cv = 0.64 x Nv = 0.64 (from table A7, UBC 97 33 VALIDATION Number of bays in X direction = 4 Number of bays in Y direction = 4 Height of each storey = 3 m Number of storeys = 4 Height of building = 12 m Size of beam = 0.230 m x 0.450 m Size of column = 0.450 m x 0.450 m Slab thickness = 0.200 m Fck = 20 MPa Fy = 415 MPa Live load = 3 KN / m2 Zone factor = z = 0.36 Importance factor = I =1 Response reduction factor = R = 5 1. Seismic weight calulation => • DL Slab weight = ( 16 x 16 x 0.2) x 25 = 1280 KN Beam weight = 40 x ( 4 x 0.23 x 0.45) x 25 = 414 KN Column weight = 25 x ( 9 x 0.45 x 0.45 ) x 25 = 379.688 KN • LL Floor LL = (0.5 x 3) x 16 x 16 = 384 KN Roof LL = 0 • Total weight 1. Weight of roof = 1280 + 414 + 379.688 2 = 1883.844 2. Weight of intermediate floors =3x( 1280 + 414 + 379.688 + 384) =3 x (2457.688) 3. Weight og ground floor = 379.688 2 = 189.644 4. So, Total weight = W = 9446.552 34 2. Time period calculation => T = 0.075 x h0.75 = 0.075 x 120.75 = 0.484 sec Sa So, π Ah = = Sa π = 2.5 π₯ πΌ π x π 2 2.5 π₯ 1 π₯ 0.36 5π₯2 = 0.09 Vb = Ah x W = 0.09 x 9446.552 = 850.189 KN Fig. Screenshot of result of base shear from ETABs software • Value of base shear by manual calculations = 850.189 kN • Value of base shear from software ETABs = 852.037 kN Both values are approximately same, hence validation satisfied 35 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Calculation of base shear by seismic coefficient method Base shear is calculated by using seismic coefficient method by using following formula. It is given in IS- 1893: 2002. The formula and required parameters are as follows - VB = Ah .W Ah = Sa z I . . g 2 R Where, • VB = Lateral earthquake force or base shear • W = seismic weight of the building = 45186 KN • z = zone factor (IS- 1893: 2002, Clause 6.4.2) • I = importance factor = 1 (IS- 1893: 2002, Clause 7.2.3) • R = response reduction factor = 5 (IS- 1893: 2002, Clause 7.2.6) • ππ • ππ = π = design acceleration coefficient for soil, it depends on Ta (0.09) h √π = (0.09) 30 √20 For soil type II and Ta= 0.604, Ah = 0.36 π 2.252 π 1 2π5 ππ π = 0.604 sec = 1.36 π 1.36 = 0.604 = 2.252 = 0.0811 VB = 0.0811 x 45186 = 3664.585 KN 36 Calculation of lateral force at each storey (Qi) => Table 4.1. Calculation of base shear Storey Wi hi (KN) (m) Wihi2 Ki = Wihi2 Qi = Ki . / πΊ Wihi2 VB (KN) 10 3759 30 3.383 x 106 0.223 817.202 9 4603 27 3.356 x 106 0.221 809.873 8 4603 24 2.651 x 106 0.175 641.302 7 4603 21 2.03 x 106 0.134 491.054 6 4603 18 1.491 x 106 0.098 359.129 5 4603 15 1.036 x 106 0.068 249.192 4 4603 12 0.663 x 106 0.044 161.242 3 4603 9 0.373 x 106 0.025 91.615 2 4603 6 0.166 x 106 0.011 40.310 1 4603 3 0.042 x 106 0.0027 9.894 πΊ Wihi2= 15.191 x πΊ Ki ~ 1 πΊ Qi ~ 106 VB 4.2Calculation of base shear as per UBC 97 formulae-Formulae for calculation of base shear from UBC 97 1. Base shear is calculated as – VB = = CV IW RT 0.64 x1x45186 5 x0.64 = 9575.841 KN 37 2. Base shear should be less than following value – VBMAX = (2.5)Ca IW R = 2.5 x0.44 x1x 45186 5 = 9940.92 KN 3. Base shear should be more than following value – (0.8) zNV IW R 0.8 x0.36 x1x1x 45186 = 5 VBMIN = = 2602.71 KN From above calculations we can say that base shear is within range that is in between VB max and VB min as per specifications from UBC 97. So, base shear satisfies lower and upper limits. 4.3 Design formulae for LRB The formulae for design of lead rubber bearing are as follows – 1. Design displacement = DD = 2. Effective stiffness = K e = g 4ο° 2 X CV TD BD w 2ο° 2 X( ) g TD 3. Energy dissipation per cycle = WD = 2ο° Ke DD 2 ο’ W 4. Force at DD = QD = D 4 DD Q 5. Stiffness in rubber = K 2 = K e − D DD QD 6. Yield displacement = DY = K1 − K 2 WD 7. QDrequired = 4( DD − DY ) Q 8. Revised stiffness of rubber = K erequired = K e − D DD D 9. Thickness of rubber isolator = t = D ο§ 10. Area of isolator = Alrb = K erequired t G 38 d DiameterOfLRB = lrb 4 x(ThicknessOf Sin gleRubberLayer ) 4tο§ f 1 x v 12. Shape factor = S = 2.4 f h 11. Shape factor = S = 6GS 2 13. Compression modulus = Ec = 6GS (1 − ) K G. Alrb 14. Horizontal stiffness of isolator = K H = tr E .A 15. Vertical stiffness of isolator = KV = C lrb tr 16. Area of hysteresis loop = Ah = 4QD ( DD − DY ) 2 17. Yield strength = FY = QD + ( K2 .DY ) 4.4 Result for design of LRB Some parameters have to be calculated before actual design of LRB. These are as follows• Soil profile= type II (Type = SD, from table A5, UBC 97) • Zone factor = z = 0.36 ≅ 0.4 • Near source factor = Na = 1 (from table A8, UBC 97) • Near source factor = Nv = 1 (from table A9, UBC 97) • Seismic coefficient = Ca = 0.44 x Na = 0.44 (from table A6, UBC 97) • Seismic coefficient = Cv = 0.64 x Nv = 0.64 (from table A7, UBC 97) • Damping coefficient = BD = 1 • Importance factor = I = 1 • Response reduction factor = R = 5 • Effective damping = β = 5% = 0.05 • Time period = TD = 1.54 sec ≅ 2 sec • Maximum support reaction = W = 3245.08 KN • Post yield ratio = K1 = 0.1 K2 DESIGN OF LRB => The formulae for design of lead rubber bearing are as follows – 39 1. Design displacement = DD = 2. Effective stiffness = K e = g 4ο° 2 X CV TD BD w 2ο° 2 X( ) g TD 3. Energy dissipation per cycle = WD = 2ο° Ke DD 2 ο’ W 4. Force at DD = QD = D 4 DD Q 5. Stiffness in rubber = K 2 = K e − D DD QD 6. Yield displacement = DY = K1 − K 2 WD 7. QDrequired = 4( DD − DY ) Q 8. Revised stiffness of rubber = K erequired = K e − D DD D 9. Thickness of rubber isolator = t = D ο§ 10. Area of isolator = Alrb = K erequired t G d DiameterOfLRB = lrb 4 x(ThicknessOf Sin gleRubberLayer ) 4tο§ f 1 x v 12. Shape factor = S = 2.4 f h 11. Shape factor = S = 6GS 2 ) K G. Alrb 14. Horizontal stiffness of isolator = K H = tr E .A 15. Vertical stiffness of isolator = KV = C lrb tr 16. Area of hysteresis loop = Ah = 4QD ( DD − DY ) 17. Yield strength = FY = QD + ( K2 .DY ) 13. Compression modulus = Ec = 6GS 2 (1 − There are some pre requisite parameters which are required for calculation of LRB design. These are as follows – Damping coefficient = BD = 1 Seismic coefficient = CV = 0.64 Time period = T = 1.566 sec = 2 sec 40 Calculations1. Design displacement = DD = g 4ο° = 2 X CV TD BD 9.81 0.64 x 2 x 4ο° 2 1 = 0.318 m 2. Effective stiffness = 3245.08 2ο° 2 x( ) 9.81 2 = 3264.797 KN/ m 3. Energy dissipation per cycle = WD = 2ο° Ke DD 2 ο’ =(2π)π₯(3264.797)π₯ (0.3182 ) π₯ 0.05 =103.719 KN m 4. Force at DD = QD = = WD 4 DD 103.719 4 x0.318 = 81.54 KN 5. Stiffness in rubber = K 2 = K e − QD DD = 3264.797 − 81.54 0.318 = 3008.382 6. Yield displacement = DY = QD K1 − K 2 = = 81.54 10K 2 − K 2 81.54 9 x3008.382 41 = 0.003 m 7. QDrequired = = WD 4( DD − DY ) 103.719 4(0.318 − 0.003) = 82.317 KN 8. Revised stiffness of rubber = K erequired = K e − QD DD = 3264.797 − 82.317 0.318 = 3005.939 KN/ m DD 9. Thickness of rubber isolator = t = ο§ 0.318 1 = = 0.318 m 10. Area of isolator = Alrb = = K erequired t G 3005.939 x0.318 0.7 x1000 = 1.366 m2 1.366π₯ 4 So, diameter of LRB = ππππ = √ 11. Shape factor = S = = π = 1.32 m f 1 x v 2.4 f h 1 10 x 2.4 0.5 = 8.33 12. Shape factor = S = d DiameterOfLRB = lrb 4 x(ThicknessOf Sin gleRubberLayer ) 4tο§ 42 So, thickness single layer of rubber is, tr = 1.32 = 0.04 m 4 x8.33 6GS 2 13. Compression modulus = Ec = 6GS (1 − ) K 2 G = Shear modulus = 0.7 MPa = 0.7 x 103 KN/ m2 S = Bulk modulus = 2000 MPa = 2000 x 103 KN/ m2 Ec = 6GS 2 (1 − 6GS 2 ) K = 6 x0.7 x1000 x8.332 (1 − 6 x0.7 x1000 x8.332 ) 2000 x1000 = 248966.673 KN / m2 14. Horizontal stiffness of isolator = πΎπ» = 0.7 x1000 x1.366 0.318 = 3006.918 KN/ m 2 15. Vertical stiffness of isolator = πΎπ£ = 248966.673x1.366 0.318 = 1069460.614 KN/ m2 16. Area of hysteresis loop = Ah = 4QD ( DD − DY ) = 4 x 82.317 (0.318- 0.003) = 103.719 m2 17. Yield strength = FY = QD + ( K2 .DY ) = 82.317 + (3008.382 x 0.003) = 91.342 KN This completes the design of the lead rubber bearing. The summary of design of LRB is as follows 43 Table 4.2.Summary of LRB properties PROPERTY VALUE Design displacement 0.318 m Effective stiffness 3264.797 KN/ m Energy dissipation per cycle 103.719 KN m Force at DD 81.54 KN Stiffness in rubber 3008.382 KN/ m Yield displacement 0.003 m ππ· required 82.317 KN Revised stiffness of rubber 3005.939 KN/ m Thickness of rubber isolator 0.318m Area of isolator 1.362 m2 Shape factor 8.33 Thickness of single rubber layer 0.04 m No. of layers 10 Compression modulus 248966.673 KN/m Horizontal stiffness of isolator 3006.918 KN/ m Vertical stiffness of isolator 1069460.61 KN/m Area of hysteresis loop 103.719 m2 Yield strength 91.342 KN Effective damping 5% 44 End plates of 25mm thickness Rubber layers of 40mm Shim plates of 2.8mm thickness Fig 4.1. Cross sectional properties of LRB 4.5 Results from ETABs – 4.5.1 Maximum storey displacement of various models – 45 Table 4.3.Values of max storey displacement STOREY RCC BRACING DAMPER LRB B + LRB 10 44.803 36.762 40.947 50.547 42.599 9 43.025 34.658 36.493 49.196 41.126 8 40.106 31.739 31.76 47.019 39.108 7 36.216 28.209 26.819 44.138 36.68 6 31.584 24.22 21.732 40.718 33.942 5 26.417 19.929 16.658 36.909 30.992 4 20.896 15.491 11.809 32.841 27.928 3 15.171 11.059 7.446 28.614 24.847 2 9.383 6.786 3.864 24.265 21.855 1 3.79 2.827 1.339 19.308 18.643 Base 0 0 0 9.77 16.739 MAX STOREY DISPLACEMENT (mm) Max storey displacement 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 base STOREY RCC BRACING DAMPER LRB B + LRB Fig 4.2 Graphical representation of max story displacement Maximum storey displacement is increased for building with base isolator. This increases the flexibility of structure and increases safety of the structure against earthquake. 46 4.5.2. Storey drift of various models Table 4.4. Values of storey drift STOREY RCC BRACING DAMPER LRB B + LRB 10 0.000593 0.000707 0.001504 0.000459 0.000495 9 0.000973 0.000973 0.001583 0.000732 0.000673 8 0.001297 0.001177 0.001659 0.00096 0.000809 7 0.001544 0.001329 0.001705 0.00114 0.000913 6 0.001722 0.00143 0.001699 0.00127 0.000983 5 0.001841 0.00148 0.001623 0.001356 0.001021 4 0.001908 0.001477 0.001461 0.001409 0.001027 3 0.001929 0.001424 0.001198 0.00145 0.001003 2 0.001865 0.001322 0.000842 0.001655 0.001086 1 0.001263 0.000942 0.000446 0.00358 0.003305 base 0 0 0 0 0 Max storey drift MAX STOREY DRIFT 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 10 9 8 RCC 7 BRACING 6 STOREY DAMPER 5 4 LRB 3 2 1 base B + LRB Fig 4.3 Graphical representation of max story Drift Storey drift is reduced due to use of dampers and bracings in the floors below 6. But in case of lead rubber bearing, that is for base isolated building, storey drift is reduced in all floors except first floor. But reduction of storey drift at top floors is necessary because it is 47 important to reduce the storey drifts of top storeys which damage the structure during earthquake. This improves the performance of building during earthquake. 4.5.3. Storey shear of various models Table 4.5.Values of storey shear STOREY RCC BRACING DAMPER LRB B + LRB 10 -324.436 -417.295 -973.612 -235.666 -275.994 9 -626.688 -806.39 -892.022 -453.619 -533.338 8 -865.505 -1113.82 -971.396 -627.093 -736.671 7 -1048.35 -1349.2 -1014.03 -759.909 -892.347 6 -1182.68 -1522.13 -1024.05 -857.488 -1006.72 5 -1275.97 -1642.22 -989.37 -925.251 -1086.15 4 -1335.68 -1719.08 -898.557 -968.62 -1136.98 3 -1369.26 -1762.31 -740.874 -993.014 -1165.58 2 -1384.19 -1781.53 -503.58 -1003.86 -1178.28 1 -1387.92 -1786.33 -327.231 -1006.57 -1181.46 base 0 0 0 0 0 STOREY SHEAR (KN) Storey shear 0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000 -1200 -1400 -1600 -1800 -2000 STOREY 10 9 8 7 6 RCC BRACING 5 DAMPER 4 3 LRB B + LRB 2 1 base Fig 4.4 Graphical representation of story shear Storey shear of building designed with damper and bracings is increased in all storeys which is not a good result. But in case of LRB and for building with bracing plus LRB, storey shear is reduced in all storeys. This is satisfactory result. 48 4.5.4 Overturning moments of various models – Table 4.6.Values of storey stiffness STOREY RCC BRACING DAMPER LRB B + LRB 10 58261.98 58261.98 64771.69 58261.98 58261.98 9 133715.4 133318.1 155466.6 133117.7 133792 8 208374.7 207079.4 245077.1 208183.6 208469 7 282406.4 279817.5 335483.9 282775.4 282472 6 355957.8 351772.2 426356.5 357004.1 355958.9 5 429156.1 423151.5 516553.6 430966.1 429066.7 4 502109.4 494131 603418.9 504742.9 501911.2 3 574905.8 564854.8 681300.9 578401.2 574587.3 2 647613.9 635434.7 743354.8 651992.7 647168.5 1 720282.8 705950.7 794464.4 725554.6 719707.6 base 720280 703788.7 822052.5 726447.2 719574.2 OVERTURNING MOMENT (KNm) Overturning moments 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 base STOREY RCC BRACING DAMPER LRB B + LRB Fig 4.5 Graphical representation of overturning moment 49 Overturning moments are increased for building with dampers. But overturning moments are approximately same for rcc building, building with bracings, base isolated building and building with bracing plus LRB. 4.5.5. Storey stiffness of various models – Table 4.7.Values of storey stiffness STOREY RCC BRACING DAMPER LRB B + LRB 10 182480.9 197705.5 227596.4 173024.2 186660.6 9 214741.9 276464.7 195813.9 207565.6 264510.5 8 222517.3 315662.8 202356.7 218117.7 303639.7 7 226340.3 338384.7 204659.1 222631.6 325972.8 6 228911.9 354775.2 206787.6 225495.8 341308.4 5 231085.3 370026.2 208772.3 227748.8 354598.6 4 233317.8 387879.6 210731.1 229463.2 368959.5 3 236567.7 412451.2 212504.4 228605.2 388504 2 247440.1 450021 208601.5 202680.5 365390.7 1 366349.1 632732.1 342393.9 99414.71 199992.7 base 0 0 0 0 0 storey stiffness STOREY STIFFNESS (KN/m) 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 base STOREY RCC BRACING DAMPER LRB B + LRB Fig 4.6 Graphical representation of story stiffness Storey stiffness is increased for the building designed with bracings. But is approximately samefor rcc building, base isolated building and for building with bracing plus LRB. 50 4.5.6. Time period of various models – Table 4.8. Values of time period MODE RCC BRACING DAMPER LRB B + LRB 1 2.747 1.688 1.739 3.638 2.563 2 2.098 1.561 1.512 2.871 2.36 3 2.005 1.164 1.144 2.763 1.91 4 0.913 0.528 0.409 1.121 0.771 5 0.693 0.499 0.394 0.868 0.696 6 0.658 0.368 0.264 0.837 0.54 7 0.543 0.289 0.191 0.62 0.352 8 0.408 0.28 0.181 0.476 0.339 9 0.388 0.203 0.177 0.449 0.25 10 0.381 0.203 0.174 0.425 0.227 11 0.303 0.195 0.167 0.323 0.221 12 0.287 0.16 0.167 0.321 0.171 TIME PERIOD (Sec) Time period 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MODE NUMBER RCC BRACING DAMPER LRB B + LRB Fig 4.7 Graphical representation of time period Time period is conisderably increased for base isolated building and it can be clearly seen from comparison graph between rcc building and base isolated building. 51 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Conclusions Conclusions that can be drawn from study are as follows1. Use of LRB as base isolator increases the maximum storey displacement of the structure by average of 40%. This increases the flexibility of structure and makes the structure stable during earthquake occurrence. 2. Story drift is reduced by 29% due to use of LRB which gives satisfactory performance during events of earthquakes. 3. Story shear is reduced by 31% due to use of LRB. This makes the structure stable during earthquake. 4. Story stiffness is not much affected. It is increased, but with less rate. 5. Time period is considerably increased for base isolated building. This increased time period reduces the acceleration and increases the reaction time for structure. This improves the performance of the structure against the earthquake. 5.2Scope of future work: Present work is for base isolated buildings. This method can be studied for bridges. 52 REFERENCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 S.M. Kalantari, H. Naderpour, S.R. 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