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Year 8 Science: Motion & Digestion Scheme of Learning

Subject: Science
Year: 8
Key Stage: 3
Unit Topic: Motion
Duration: 6 lessons
Scheme of Learning
We are getting better at
know what speed means, and know
what information
is needed to calculate it; be able to
measure distances
and times using a trundle wheel and
Most: be able to calculate a speed from
a distance and
time, giving the correct units for the
Some: be able to convert between
different units of
speed (m/s and km/h).
(Lesson 1)
Student Activity (Starter/Main/Plenary)
Recognise different types of nutrients that are essential to
our body.
Starter-Display a ppt slide with different types of food and
ask students to list down the food groups in MWB.
Going over the answers
Differentiation / AFL / EAL / SEN
EAL- Card sort activity to match the correct food
groups with functions.
Selected pupils read out the keywords and the teacher
prompts good pronunciation where necessary.
AfL by Q + A
Main- Explain the importance of balanced diet. Divide
student into 7 groups and students need to complete a
task on different types of food groups (carousel activity).
Key Probing questions
1.Why do we need different food groups?
2. Can we survive with a few food groups?
3. Who do you think need to eat a balanced diet?
4. Give an example of a food which could contain
5. What food group contains meat, fish, eggs and
6. A person does not get enough carbohydrate in their
diet. Explain why they feel very tired a lot of the time
Think-Pair-Share: Discuss the reasons that some people
may require a special diet e.g. need more energy, reduced
sugar, high carbohydrate etc.
Each student acts as a dietician and selects one type and
writes a full day’s diet for them to include breakfast, lunch
and dinner and all drinks, remember the person still needs
all the essential nutrients (e.g. builder, office worker,
student, professional sports person, someone preparing
for a marathon, someone over weight, a diabetic etc) (Start
10 min then complete for H/W).
Plenary- Interactive quiz on food groups to consolidate
learning. Going over the answer
(Lesson 2)
Identifying the different types of foods
Carrying out food tests
Starter- Pass around the diets prepared from last lesson
and completed for H/W and peer mark them with www/ebi
share again and ask which is the best and why.
Main- Review the different classes of food and then using
the power-point, explain how to do the tests and show
them a positive result for each. Use brown paper that
goes translucent when rubbed with fats as a
replacement for the alcohol test.
Students then make a results table and test a number of
food samples.
Introduce what is positive and negative results.
Write a conclusion under their results table.
Plenary- In pairs without their books open write down on
MWB the food tests, chemicals needed and a positive
result. Feedback.
Explain in detail in books how you would test a
gingerbread man for starch, protein and sugar.
1-2-1 teacher support with EAL and SEN students
when handling the apparatus and interpretating
practical result.
Do you know what is inside the food you eat?
If it didn’t have a label, how could you find
Explain why you observe different colour
changes when testing for reducing sugar?
Subject: Science
Year: 8
Key Stage: 3
Unit Topic: Motion
Duration: 6 lessons
Scheme of Learning
(Lesson 3)
Labelling the digestive organs and state
their function.
Stating the pathway of food travel
Explaining the role of stomach,liver,
pancreas and small intestine in
Starter- Complete a word search to identify organs in
digestive system.
Discuss-How do we get the good stuff out of our food into
our blood and then to our cells? And then how do we get
rid of the food stuff we do not need? Class discussion
EAL- use worksheet with keywords and without
keywords for other students(differentiation) to label
and state their functions.
Instant whole class AfL through true and false cards.
Main-Label the digestive system and match the functions.
List the pathway of food travel in the digestive system
based on the card sort activity on MWB.
Stage 1-teeth, tongue, and mouth (MWB)
Give them all a small piece of bread to chew on until it
starts tasting sweeter.
Stage 2: gullet (oesophagus), stomach and small
Think-Pair-share: Students to discuss the role of pancreas
and liver in digestion.
True and False Activity: Pupils to hold up their true or false
card to each question on the board and keep a record of
their score.
What teeth are made up from?
Why do we have different shapes of teeth and
how it is important in aiding digestion?
How can we prevent tooth decay?
Why does the bread start to taste sweet upon
Explain the role of acid in stomach.
Why stomach need the acidic condition?
What is the role of bile?
What will happen if bile duct is blocked?
Consolidating learning by completing an interactive quizziz
and discuss the answers.
(Lesson 4)
Describing the model of absorption
Explaining how non absorbed material
is squeezed through to the large
intestines and egested
Starter- Students will complete a keyword and definition
task to recap the previous lesson. Discuss the answer.
MainStudent to define digestion, absorption and egestion on
AfL by teacher circulation to interject into discussions
by addressing and clarifying potential misconceptions
and peer discussion.
EAL- pair with more able student during the
What is alimentary canal?
Why food need to be broken down into smalle
Food is absorbed into blood stream through
which part in digestive system?
Explain how the small intestine are adapted to
allow absorption of nutrients?
Watching a video about the digestion process and peer
discussion to complete a bubble map on the role of small
Explain the role of vill
Student to complete Activity 2.3 page 23. Construct a
result table and write conclusion.
PlenaryAnswer the questions in page 23 and discuss the answer
using rubric.
(Lesson 5)
Identifying the different types of
Explaining the function of enzymes in
digestive system
Starter- Teacher to demo a strip of paper with starch
written on it and cut it up with scissors and say that there
are chemicals in our mouth and from our liver and
pancreas that can do this to bigger chemicals.
MainTeacher to explain the role of catalyst in digestion.
EAL- Card sort activity to match the correct substrate
to the enzyme. Students to explain the role of enzymes
in digestion using their own words.
What is the role of enzymes in digestion?
Explain why digestion by enzyme is a
chemical reaction.
Do teeth cause a chemical reaction to tak
place? Explain your answer.
Subject: Science
Year: 8
Key Stage: 3
Unit Topic: Motion
Duration: 6 lessons
Scheme of Learning
Students to write equation for amylase, protease and
In pairs, student to complete Activity 2.6 in page 29.
Complete result and conclusion in book.
PlenaryStudents complete the exit ticket highlighting keywords
used this lesson, what are they getting better at and next
steps for their learning.
STEAM/PBL (Project Based
Learning) Activities
(Lesson 5)
Developing scientific creativity by
planning, producing, and delivering a
3D model of digestive system.
Starter: Interactive Revision Assessment Quiz
PBL examples being shown to the students.
Main: Sharing guidance via the ppt about the PBL activity,
including deadlines, how to present it etc. Students to work
on their PBL research project (they can use chrome books,
phones, or any other resources etc)
What do we create models to represent a
What are the materials that can be used?
Which part are you finding difficult to do?
Student to use the materials that they bring in to construct
a 3D model of the digestive system. Using notes and
diagram students will construct a nonedible digestive
system model that fits onto a poster board or box (ex.
Shoe box, aluminium pan, or long cardboard).
Lesson 6
Weekly number of Lessons
• Completing the project and Presenting
a PBL activity on Lab Safety
• Developing public speaking, self and
peer-assessment skills
1week and 1 extra lesson
Students will be presenting their PBL Activity according to
the guidance provided in the ppt.
Describe the journey of your PBL activity?
What did you find difficult?
How do you intend to get better when plannin
your PBL activity?