Literature review (Rewards) by Ainin Based on Edirisooriya (2014) in his research, rewards refer to all form of financial returns and tangible services and benefits and employee receives as part of an employment relationship (Baratton, 1999). This can also be supported by Colin ( 1995) where rewards is the benefit that arise from performing a task, rendering a service or discharging a responsibility. To understand further, rewards can be categorized into extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. Ajila and Abiola (2004) quote intrinsic and extrinsic as intrinsic rewards stems from rewards that are inherent in the job itself and which the individual enjoys as a result of successfully completing the task or attaining his goals. While extrinsic rewards are those that are external to the task of the job, such as pay, work condition, fringe benefits, security, promotion, contract of service, the work environment and conditions of work. In addition, according to Orvill (2000), rewards consist of two types of rewards, namely monetary rewards and interest rewards. Monetary rewards are rewards given to a person with payments such as salaries and allowances. Next is a reward in the form of interest is a reward received by a person in a form other than money. For example, an employee is given leave in return for a task that has been completed by the employee. A study was conducted by Edirisooriyaa on 2014 with a title Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance: With Special Reference to ElectriCo. In this past study, the researcher have it own preference where he study a company name ElectricCo for the rewards and the employee performance. The result of the findings show that there is a positive relationship between intrinsic rewards, intrinsic rewards and employee performance. If the rewards offered to employees in ElectriCo are increased, and then there would be an equivalent enhancement in work motivation and employee performance. As this study will be conducted at Fave Asia Sdn Bhd thus this past study by Edirisooriyaa is relevant with this independent variables. Hypothesis One of the factor that determine employee performance is rewards. Based on Aktar et all (2012), there was a positive relationship between rewards and employees performance. Both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards are highly positive significance in the relationship. According to Berjum and Lehr (1964) quoted in Ajila and Abiola (2004) which showed that subjects who received individual incentives performed better than those who did not receive. Thus, we can hypothesized that: H1: There is a positive relationship between rewards and employee performance. Reference Edirisooriyaa, W. A. (2014). Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance: With Special Reference to ElectriCo. Orvill (2000),Achieving the Right Balance: The Role of Policy-Making Processes in Managing Human Resources for Health Problems» (No. 2). Discussion Paper. Ajila, C., & Abiola A. (2004). Influence of rewards on work performance in an organization. J.Soc.sci, 8(1): 7-12. Aktar et all (2012). The Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance in Commercial Banks of Bangladesh: An Empirical Study. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM). Questionnaire Section A: Respondent Demography Please tick (√) in the appropriate box A1. Gender : Male Female A2. Age : 18 – 29 30 – 39 40 – 49 50 and above A3. Race: Malay Chinese India Others A4. Year of Service: Less than 1 year 5 - 10 years 1 - 5 years 11 years and above For sections B, C, D and E, please indicate your level of agreement on a scale of 1 to 5 in each statement below by ticking (√) in the appropriate box. Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree disagree 1 Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5 Section C: Rewards BIL STATEMENT SCALES 1 1 The salary offer at my workplace is better than other organizations. 2 There are many promotion opportunities in the organization 3 The promotion system in my workplace offer only the best can get the top spot 2 3 4 5 4 I am satisfied with the allowance I received 5 If I show creativity, I will receive a reward that is suitable with my work 6 Employees will receive awards based on outstanding work performance. 7 Letters of appreciation are rarely given after raising the name of the organization through the activities that have been attended. 8 Employees are encouraged to attend seminars or external conferences as an extension to my work efforts 9 This organization appreaciates my works 10 My supervisor praised my good work. 11 The performance incentives provided means a lot to me. 12 I get recognition if I do a good job. 13 The salary given to me is commensurate with the work I do. 14 For me the salary is the major factor in work. 15 The salary I received encouraged me to continue working in this organization.