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Modern Literature: Trends, Dramatists, and Poets

Q. 1: What is Modern Literature?
Ans: Modern Literature:
Modernism in Literature is revolt against realism and romanticism of past. Modern
Literature is the study of changing trends in terms of science, technology and world events. It is a
way of looking at people life style, habits, customs, norms and social as well as psychological
issues. The drastic environmental changes due to violence and brutality of World War One gave
rise to many questions like the existence of God, chaotic conditions, human devaluation and
weapons of mass destruction. So, we can see naked and literature as an open book as far as
human relations and value is considered. A lot of experimentation is done in Modern times
Literature in all fields may it be philosophy, psychology, anthropology or arts like music,
painting, architecture or sculpture. The traditional values were dying. The alienation of men and
breakdown of social norms gave rise to mental disorders. These all aspects one can see in literary
works of modernism. In Modern literary theories and articles, we can find such bold medium of
idealized notion of thought like religious backwardness, social class, materialism, feminine
issues, class differences and so forth.
Science has done wonders in the world. But human condition was the burning question of
Modern era. In terms of war and destruction technology has certain drawbacks and can be seen
as worsening situations of world. After World War One there was a sorrowful situation of world.
People as highlighted in literature questioned God’s existence. The Modern Literature is
complex as form and style is considered. There was a lot of research in philosophy and
psychology which gave rise to irrationality in these branches of studies like Sigmund Freud “The
Interpretation of Dreams” and Darwin theory of evolution. The Modern writers were like
psychiatrist probing new dimensions of human nature and relationships. Modern Literature is full
of duality and contradictory ideas. Fictional writing was popular amongst people and Modern
novelists invented new techniques and ideas which were devastating like stream of
consciousness, multiple point of views and internal monologue. In American fiction, we can see
the political and economic instability depicted through literary writings. Forinstance in Mark
Twain novel “The adventures of Huckleberry Finn” racism, slavery, white domination,
discrimination, civil war, child abuse was highlighted. These were also the burning questions of
Modern times the unheard, unseen conflicts of human mind need consideration like psychic
problems in society, education backwardness, restlessness among people etc.
Q.2: What are trends of Modern Literature?
Ans: Trends in Modern Literature:
After First World War, there were changed ideologies and trends, such as:
Modernist work reflected biases of their time like loss of a sense of traditional values.
The Modern writers looked into man relationships in terms of psychological behaviors like man
and nature, man and society, man individuality, his motives, relationships and values. The flaws
of man in social system were major trends in Literature like his inability, diseases, education,
class differences, kinship etc. Corruption in politics and society, immortality, female issues were
depicted in literary works. We can see emerging feminist writers like their main focus was
socialist-feminist theories. The Literature was realistic with new ideas and theories. The past
literature was strict in terms of rules which they followed. However, Modern Literature paved
way for new talents. There was freedom of thought and expression. The dialogues and depiction
of plot are written with intense effort. In terms of theme there is broad illustration of ideas. There
is mixture of genres which are entertaining and also stylistic like verse drama.
Q. 3: How Modern Literature is different from previous literature?
Ans: Traditional Literature was written by aristocratic class only. But, in Modern Literature there
was emergence of new writersand poets from different social backgrounds and genders as well
new techniques were introduced not known before. The new style of literature was interesting in
terms of social events and discovering human nature. Modern Literature was diversified such as
themes, genre and technical issues. Modern Literature is based on realism. Although there is a lot
of experimentation. But the tone is didactive. Modern Literature is revolutionary and broad. It
covers almost all aspects of society. It is a change and break from past customs and ideologies of
religion, politics, psychological and social views.Human is the main subject of Modern
Literature. In past not much work has been done in this regard. But Modern writers and poets go
deep into human mind. Importance of man, his life problems, interaction with the world are key
issues of Modern Literature. So, Modern Literature is based on practical life.Science is also
doing drastic changes in Modern world.
There was misery as World War One broke into world. People become homeless,
diseased, loss precious lives. The world was facing terrible destruction. People were in traumatic
condition. Literature played a vital role to ease the human heart which has suffered a lot of pain.
Modern Literature is Criticism of life. So, by close reading of masterpieces we come across such
themes like wickedness and evil, pessimistic and devaluation of men. Modern Literature
condemns social, political and economic brutal evils of the world. It is not written for specific
class but carries a moral message for all humanity, the message of “Love, respect, sincerity and
care”.Modern era is full of rational thinking, logic and reason. First World War and Second one
brought great changes in people’s life. They became agitated, lonely, psychological and bodily
diseased. This all is reflected in the Literature of Modern time. It is an effort to reduce the human
sufferings. Modern Literature is innovative and versatile. The world was facing shocks infact
literature is full of such key issues of pessimism, disillusionment and chaotic condition of
world.It seemed as if world will end up due to violence and apprehension of man at war. This
absurd approach can be seen in theaters of that time like “Theater of Absurdity” try to grasp
such issues of human importance.
Q.4: Who were Modern Dramatist, write three names and atleast three dramas of each?
Ans:Henrik Ibsen, popular Norwegian dramatist introduced realism in the Modern drama. He
was followed by Robertson Arthur Jones, Galsworthy and G.B. Shaw. The problem play was
developed by Modern dramatists. Modern Drama is based on day-to-day life problems of
marriage, justice, law and differences between industrialist, capitalist and labour class that is
workers. The writer of modern era tried to reform the condition of the society with the theatrical
performances. Modern Drama is based on ideas prior to action. The stage is used as a medium of
expression of dramatist ideas to resolve problems in society. There is a note and touch of
Romanticism in Modern Drama.Modern drama is naturalistic like prose dramas which deals with
such issues of social disorders. English Drama of Modern era can be categorized in three
1) Phase One:In the earliest phase we can see plays of G.B. Shaw and John Galsworthybased
on plays of Ibsen.
2) Phase Two:The middle phase of Modern Drama there is large contribution of some e-lite
like William Butler Yeats. These plays constituent on Irish movement. This phase is full of
spirit of nationalism.
3) Phase Three:The final phase is mainly based on such new form of verse plays like T.S. Eliot
and Christopher Fry. These plays are a source of inspiration of Elizabethan and Jacobean
tradition and art.
Some of the famous playwrights are as follows:
i) George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856-2 November 1950): Arms and the Man, Candida and
The Apple Cart.
ii) Harold Pinter (10 October 1930-24 December 2008): The Care Taker, Old Times and No
Man’s Land.
iii) Eugene Gladstone O’Neill (October 16, 1888-November 27, 1953): Long Day’s Journey into
Night, The Hairy Ape and Lazarus laughed.
Q.5: Who were the modern poet, write three names and at least three poems of each.
Ans: Modern poetry is different from Traditional poetry. Modern poetry is full of perplexities,
chaos and disillusionment of modern civilization. Modern poets infuse diction to add rhythmic
quality to their work. Modern poetry structure is fragmented. Due to changing trends and also
due to Industrial Revolution, World War, socio-economic as well political conditions poetic
works addressed topics of the current scenario. Man was facing boredom and loneliness in big
cities. There was a moral as well spiritual decline. No doubt, there were advancements in
technology. But man’s survival was difficult. In terms of fast-growing economy as well military
condition due to war has set forth many issues of human health, psychology and restlessness.
Also, faith in God and religion was falling to ashes. Poets played a major role to highlight this
dilemma. In poetry we can see comparison and contrast with glory of past. Now, people measure
relationships interms of money. Mechanical life was emerging due to dying values of humanity.
Colloquial language is used in poetry.
The Modern Poetry is melodious as I.A.Richards call this aspect “music of ideas” like in
“The Wasteland” there are different sort of music’sconveying duality in thinking and multidimensional elements in poetry. The Nightingale music and the hermit-thrush, the music of water
which is a lot different than music of grass singing in the wind. These sounds are used to
compare problems of past with present. Eliot draws picture of number of Wastelands which are
so much similar, the Biblical wasteland, the wasteland of King Oedipus, The King Fisher
wasteland and the wasteland of Modern era. As the name of poem suggests the bareness and
desolation caused due to loss of moral and sexual values. Following are three major poets along
with their poetic creations of Modern era:
i) William Butler Yeats (13 June 1865-28 January 1939):September 1913, The Second
Coming and Sailing to Byzantium.
ii) Thomas Stearns Eliot (September 26, 1888-January 4, 1965): The Hollow Men, The
Waste Land and Journey of the Magi.
iii) Robert Frost (March 26, 1874-January 29, 1963): Fire and Ice, The Road not Taken and
Mending Wall.
Q. 6: Who were the modern novelist, write their names and at least three novels of each.
Ans: There were seen new trends in modern era like biographical novels, regional novels,
satirical novel which were criticism of life, sea-novels, detective novels, war-novels and novels
of humor. The modern novel is based on realism and is true to life. It is multi-dimensional like
coin two sides so likewise novels show both sides of life beautiful and colorful as well brutal and
ugly. Many modernist novels are pessimistic in tone and highlight dark aspects of human nature.
We can depict such themes as child abuse, child labour, racism, materialism and discrimination
of human. Some of the famous novelist of the Modern era are given below:
1) Eric Arthur Blair, George Orwell (June 25, 1903-January 21, 1950): Burmese Days,
Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm.
2) Edward Morgan Forster(January 1, 1879-June 7, 1970):A Passage to India, Howards end
and A Room with a View.
3) Virginia Woolf(25 January 1882-28 March 1941):Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and
The Waves.
Q. 7: Write five favorite quotations with explanation from T.S.Eliot’s poetry “The Waste Land”.
Ans:My favorite five quotations of Thomas Stearns Eliot poetry “The Waste Land”:
“The Waste Land” is obscure and complex poem. Eliot uses interior monologue and
mythical method technique, indirect method, symbolism and allusiveness to express his
ideas.Lack of religion and love in the modern world. There is corruption and meaninglessness.
Life seems colorless and barren. Corruption was seen in every class. In “The Waste Land” poet
tone is pessimistic. Eliot pinpoints Man relationship with Man in terms of money. People have
become materialistic. The mechanical life caused severe damage to not only society but
individual character of a person. “The Waste Land” is an outlook of our society. There is
pollution hazardous to human health like River Thames is mentioned in this poem:
“The river sweats oil and tar.”
Juxtaposition is used to highlight contradictory ideas. People do not have sufficient
leisure time. This is highlighted through Bar-maid’s shout
“Hurry up Please Its time.”
Some famous quotes of Eliot’s “The Waste land”are written below:
i) “What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow
Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man,
You cannot say, or guess, for you know only
A heap of broken images, where the sub beats,
And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief,
And the dry stone no sound of water.”
(I. The Burial of The Dead).
ii) “Unreal City,
Under the brown fog of a winter dawn,
A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many,
I had not thought death had undone so many.”
(I. The Burial of The Dead).
iii) ‘Do
‘You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you remember
I remember
Those are pearls that were his eyes.
(II. A Game of Chess).
iv) “The river sweats
Oil and tar
The barges drift
With the turning tide
Red sails
To leeward, swing on the heavy spar
The barges wash
Drifting logs
Down Greenwich reach
Past the Isle of Dogs.”
(III. The Fire Sermon).
v) ‘On Margate Sands.
I can connect
Nothing with nothing.
The broken fingernails of dirty hands.
My people humble people who expect
La la
To Carthage then I came
Burning burning burning burning
O Lord Thou pluckest me out
O Lord Thou pluckest
Q. 8: What are the symbols used in T.S. Eliot’s poetry explain them?
Ans:The symbols used in “The Waste Land” are unusual and invented by poet. The “dog” is
used to represent human conscience. Red rock is symbolic and represents holy place of Church.
Broken Coriolanus, in “What the Thundersaid” used to elaborate a moment when one feels love
for humanity. Certain symbols draw attention towards declining faith and religiousness in
Modern world. In the third section “The Fire Sermon”, Eliot uses duality concept of
juxtaposition. Fire symbolizes greed and lust for material wealth. On the other hand, it is used for
purification and spiritual advancement. “The broken finger nails of daily hand” brings to light
ruthless issues of female harassment, aimless and useless life of three daughters of Thames.
There are other symbols to drag one’s attention towards class divisions in our society. The
monopoly of rich and well-established people like German princess journey to different lands for
enjoyment. In the second section “The Game of Chess” rats alley symbolizes dullness and
barrenness of Modern people. The falling of London bridge shows rotting condition of politicians and
Eliot is a creative poet and his words go deep into mind and heart. In the second section, there is a
reference to “Jug, jug” which means modern man do not have capacity to understand beauteous form of
nature like nightingale thrilling song. He does not appreciate nature and beauty. He wastes time in evil
company.All wars are due to man lust and ambitious nature. Eliot compresses his symbolic ideas through
usage of places, legends, history and events. He is versatile. London city-said as unreal has become a
hotspot for crimes. Vulgarity has increased. Eliot uses mythical symbols also. For instance, Winter
symbolizes end or death, spring as re-generation or rebirth, drought for spiritual loss, rain as a sign of
regrowth or spiritual rebirth. Rock symbol of desolateness. Water is a natural blessing. But it can be
potentially harmful. So, Eliot symbols are key for clarification of his poetic ideas.
Q. 9: Explain at least two or three major Literary Movements in the modern age and what were
their goals?
Ans:Major Literary Movements in the Modern Age:
Some of the major literary movements and their objectives are given as follows:
i) Surrealism:
In 1919, Surrealism movement was originated in France after World War One.
The credit goes to one man a French poet Andre Breton, who is the founder of this movement.
This movement was infact a reaction to Dadaism. Surrealism was based on Sigmund Freud
psychoanalytic studies. Surrealist worked on cognitive skills the metabolic activity of brain.
Surrealism gave rise to commercial art such as advertising. Surrealist were highly motivational
movement as the studies show the deep psychological aspects of human mind.
Representative Author:
a) Louis Aragon. (1897-1982).
b) Andre’ Breton (1896-1966).
c) Rene’ Crevel (1900-1935).
Love, Nature and the Human Body are major themes in Surrealist Literature. The stylistic
Techniques include Automatic writing, Imagery and Juxtaposition.
ii) Expressionism:
Expressionism arose as a great literary movement in late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries. It emerged as a result of bourgeois complacence and rapid increase of mechanization
and urbanization of society. Expressionist writers used symbolism and dream-like elements as a
medium of expression of their ideas. Painters like Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin and Edvard
Munch used in their artistic work distorted figures and vibrant colors to portray emotional states
of mind.
Representative Author:
a) Eugene O’Neill (1888-1953).
b) Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936).
c) Franz Kafka (1883-1924).
Regeneration associated with World War One events, Human life and its condition,
Sexuality, Alienation are some of the major themes of Expressionism movement.
iii) Imagism:
In early twentieth century literary movement was founded by Ezra Pound came to be known
as “Imagism”. The movement is however extension of T. E. Hulme ideas. In 1908, wrote about
poetry in his essay, “Romanticism and Classicism”.
“visual concrete one… Images in verse are not mere decoration, but the very essence.”
The main objective was simplicity, accuracy and clear concept of expression of art. Clear and
direct mode of language with concrete ideas were mainly focused.
Representative Author:
a) Richard Aldington (1892-1962).
b) Hilda Doolittle (1886-1961).
c) Ezra Pound (1885-1972).
War, Nature, Sense of Place and Greek poets are some major themes in Imagist literary
Q. 10: Write the characteristics of Absurd play.
Ans: The term “Theatre of Absurd” was first time used by critic Martin Esslin.This was a brandnew style in history of theatre. The Absurd theatre were different from traditional theatres. They
highlighted issues which needed deliberate discussion. Human psychological aspects like hypersensitivity. The character in Absurd plays do not have any identity even they are nameless. But
they are interesting as audience may feel fascinated and become blunt as truth of existence of
human is deplored. These Absurd plays cover such themes as loneliness, futility, devaluation of
human, misconceptions, absurdity, brutality, materialism, ambiguity and breakdown of
Representative Authors:
i) Arthur Adamov (1908-1970).
ii) Samuel Beckett (1906-1989).
iii) Harold Pinter (1930--).
Representative Works:
i) “The American Dream” by Edward Albee.
ii) “The Garden Party” by Václav Havel.
iii) “Ping-Pong” by Arthur Adamov.
 Book: Literary Movements for Students, Second Edition.
 Book: T.S. Eliot “The Waste Land and Other Poems”, Second Revised Edition 2013, Dr. S.
Sen, Famous Publishers.
 www.google.com
 www.wikipedia.com