2020.12.25 WHO ARE THEY JJIN NEWSPAPER EVERYTHING ABOUT ADOLF HITLER Submitted By: Seojin Min A person who caused World War II, killed around 17 million people, and shot himself at the end in front of his own failure, Adolf Hitler. Who was he? How did he get his power? What was a reason doing that? Childhood - Family Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889 in Braunau (a small Austrian town near to the German Border). Alois Hitler's father 51 years old when Hitler was born Short-tempered, violent, strict Hit the young Hitler frequently Reason: his elder son ended up in jail for theft. Didn't want Hitler to be same Illegitimate child of a cook named (Maria Anna) Schickelgruber Worked for a Jewish family Got help from Jewish family during pregnancy by having paternity allowance from the time of the child's birth up to his 14th year Hitler considered this embarrassing Was a civil servant considered respectable Didn't like that Hitler wanted to be an artist wanted Hitler to join the Civil Service 2020.12.25 WHO ARE THEY JJIN NEWSPAPER Clara Hitler's mother Opposite of Alois Very caring and loving Frequently took Hitler's side when his father's poor temper got the better of him Hitler always carried a photo of his mother with him Childhood - School Life Friendship: Not popular at school Made few friends Personality: Lazy - rarely excelled at schoolwork Academic: In later years, Hitler claimed that History had been his strong subject but History was graded as "satisfactory" Did not get down to hard work 11 years old: lost his position in the top class of his school (His father was shocked) 13 years old: His father died and he did not have any reason to go to school 15 year old: Did bad in his exams and left school. His mother supported In political career: Did not want people to find out his school life Strong punishment for revealing his school life Dream as an artist Tried to be an artist after leaving school Left for Vienna to pursue his dream 18 years old: his mother died In Vienna: got rejected from the Vienna Academy of Art Short of money Difficult time (painted post cards) → ↓ Hatred of the Jews He was convinced that: it was a Jewish professor who had rejected his art work a Jewish doctor had been responsible for his mother's death only Jews lived in rich homes Hitler called these five years "five years of hardship and misery" He thought that it was entirely the fault of Jews 2020.12.25 WHO ARE THEY JJIN NEWSPAPER Joining Army February, 1914: Hitler tried to join Austrian Army Failed his medical Poor food and sleeping rough for years Too weak to actually carry weapons August, 1914: World War One was declared crossed over the border to Germany passed rough medical Joined German Army 1924: Hitler- a brave regimental runner Dangerous job Job: Carry messages to officers behind the front line then return to the front line with orders Relationship in army Fellow soldiers did not like him Hitler frequently spoke out about the glories of trench warfare Not a good mixer Rarely went out with his comrades Lack of social skills Inability to get people to follow his ideas Bravery Recognised by his officers Awarded Germany's highest award for bravery - the Iron Cross Day he was given the medal, "the greatest day of my life" Won six medals for bravery → Mid-1930's: met with the future British Prime Minister (Sir Anthony Eden) Eden was impressed with the knowledge of the battle lines which Hitler had 1918: Recovering from being blinded by gas attack in the hospital and WW1 ended with a failure Cried for hours and felt anger and humiliation When he was leaving hospital (eyesight restored), he thought "The Jews had been responsible for Germany's defeat and the nation had been 'stabbed in the back' by Jews" After World War One: Hitler remained in the German Army Job: V-man Visit as many political organisations as possible Check out whether they were right wing, centre politics or left wing Wanted to know who the socialists or communists were Treaty of Versailles made him more angry Worked within: the Education Department of the army Lecture returning soldiers on the dangers of communism, socialism and pacifism Talent: skills as a speaker, public oratory Senior officers were impressed Gas attack made his voice hypnotic ( ) 최면재 2020.12.25 WHO ARE THEY JJIN NEWSPAPER Strengthening His Power His work in the Education Department to Country What Hitler spoke out to the returning soldiers also hit home the betrayal of the soldiers by politicians the stab-in-the-back by the Jews the disaster communism would be for Germany the failure of democratic politics His impact was very little September, 1919: visited a meeting of the German Worker's Party as a V-Man an extreme, anti-Semitic, anti-communist, right wing nationalist party led by Karl Drexler 40 members when he visited Hitler joined this party after the visit Became the party's propaganda officer Early 1920: the party changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) Nazi Hitler wrote out the party's beliefs "25 Point Party Programme" Mixture of right wing nationalism, anti-capitalism, anti-socialism, anti-wealth Used the Germans hatred of the ToV, the belief that Germany had been stabbed in the back Turned in to many peoples' emotions at first the party was just one of many right wing parties Blamed 300 bankers and financiers throughout the world for dictating policy to the world touched nerve in some Germans Former soldiers - Free Corps joined the Nazi Party Violence were used to break up meetings of other political parties Violence = a way of life for the Nazis Benefit from one great advantage in Wimar Germany More votes than the cut-off = some seats in the Reichstag Nazis was favoured because they could not afford expensive election campaigns 2020.12.25 WHO ARE THEY JJIN NEWSPAPER 1923: Hyperinflation Nazis party suffered from lack of money An opportunity too good to miss for the now PARTY LEADER, Hitler Hitler planned to seize the most important city in the south-Munich and use this as a base to launch an attack on the rest of Germany He hoped the angered middle class would rise up in support of him through out the nation November 8th, 1923: Hitler and 2000 Nazis marched to Munich to take over a meeting at the Munich Beer Hall Hitler strode to the front of the meeting and declared that he would take charge of the country 1924-1929: was not successful, politically very weak October, 1929: Wall Street Crash Americans called back the money they had loaded Germany in 1924 and 1929 (the Young Plan) Germany was not able to afford it Germany was left effectively bankrupt again. Unemployment radically increased Hitler used this to make people to support him by offering everything they needed to improve their lives. 2020.12.25 WHO ARE THEY JJIN NEWSPAPER Aims Create a greater Germany Implications: All German speaking people would brought into the Reich The frontiers of Germany would be extended to cover those areas where population was predominately German ex) Austria and parts of Poland and Czechoslavakia Build up a central European empire Implication: Once Hitler had achieved all this, he would be a master of a new central European empire, the MOST POWERFUL state in Europe 2020.12.25 WHO ARE THEY JJIN NEWSPAPER 3 Aims in Foreign Policy Destroy Treaty of Versailles Implications Breaking disarmament clauses by introducing conscription and by building the army, navy and air force Regaining lost territory Remilitarisation of the Rhineland ToV Disarmament Army: 100,000 No air force Minimal navy Rhineland to be demilitarised Diktat No German representation at the ToV War guilt German was very unhappy that only they got blamed for the war and forced to pay reparations Loss of German territories Germany lost: 10% of its land 12.5% of its pop 16% of its coal industry Nearly 50% of its iron/steel industry All colonies Ruled by non-Germans: Polish corridor 2020.12.25 WHO ARE THEY JJIN NEWSPAPER Defeat Communism Implications of policy: Germany would be drawn into a conflict with Soviet Russia Why: Hitler was anti-communist and fascist Communism = Equality and wealth redistribution = international Fascism = Survival of the fittest Strong triumphs over the weak Nationalism Acquire Lebensraum or living space Implications of policy Hitler thought it was the entitlement of all Germans to have 'living space' More land for cultivation and development Lebensraum = Expansion eastwards at the expense of Poland and Soviet Russia Why: Hitler wanted the territory back (that had been lost in the ToV) He wanted other countries where Germans was living to be brought back The Polish Corridor The Sudetenland Many German nationals living Wanted Lebensraum at the expense of the Eastern Slavs, who would become slaves racist He wanted lost territory and new lands