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Literature Review: Eye Tracking & Highway Maintenance

Writing Literature Review
Literature Review INTRODUCTION
EX 1
The focus of the work described in this thesis is ultimately on eye tracking and its relation to
human behaviour. The goals of the focus are mainly to analyse and evaluate the eye tracker
system to quantify human behaviour particularly on personality traits. This chapter review the
related work on these problems. Search were made from the eye tracking history and it roots
to current trend of the precise problem. These reviewed literatures provide the basis for the
design and development of the research and its final analysis.
EX 2
This chapter reviews and describes the perspective on the nature of highway maintenance
management system and provides the groundwork for the design of mobile application. The
maintenance management reviews will include highways assets, highway road defects and
factors contributing to the defects. In addition, this chapter reviews and analyses the insights
of mobile application and its implementation in highway maintenances management system.
This literature review provided the basis for the design and development of the research
instruments and its final analysis.