Matilda Book Project After reading the book Matilda by Roald Dahl, you will complete one of the following projects. You can choose which project you would like to do: A. The story begins with school reports about different children. Write a school report about two fictional students at your school. Each report needs to be at least 3 paragraphs. B. There is a movie based on the book. Watch the film Matilda and write 4 paragraphs discussing the differences between the book and movie. Make sure you have an introduction, body, and conclusion C. Miss Honey doesn't have much success when she tries to talk to Matilda's parents about her talents. Write a letter from Miss Honey to Matilda’s parents explaining what she was trying to tell them D. The author describes Miss Honey’s cottage in great detail. Using these descriptions, draw/create Miss Honey’s cottage. Then write 2 paragraphs describing her cottage. You will turn this in with your Matilda packet of questions. Project Rubric (20 Points) 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 0 Points Grammar Little to no mistakes A few mistakes Many mistakes, but able to understand So many mistakes, not understandable Didn’t do Creative Very creative Kind of creative Little creativity Many mistakes that make it hard to follow Hardly any creativity Not creative Didn’t do Follow Instructions Followed instructions Followed most instructions Followed few instructions Followed hardly any instructions Didn’t follow instructions Didn’t do Packet Finished the packet Finished most of the packet Finished half of the packet Finished a few pages of the packet Didn’t finish the packet Didn’t do