TheEquation of a Linein Slope y-lnterceptForm: V: mx+ b In Chapter2: Relations,you discoveredthat when a person walks at a constant speed in front of a motion sensor,a straight line is produced. What information can this line tell you about the person'smotion? How can you use algebrato describeand analyse a distance-timegraph? Investigate ,,.j i toots " r Tl-84orTl-83+graphing calculator r CBRmmotionsensor r maskingtape r metrestick r stopwatchor watch that secon0s measures How canyou use an equationto describea person'smotion? 1. Find a clear location where you have plenty of room to move, such as a hallway. Carefully measure 1-m intervals and mark with masking tape, up to 6 m. 2. Set up for data collection: a) One person will be the walker. Have the walker practise walking at a constant speed of 1 m/s. Use a stopwatch to practise. Then, get ready at the 1-m mark. b) Connect the CBRrM to the calculator. Turn the calculator on and load the Ranger program, . Press@. . Select2:CBL/CBR. . press@. o Select3:RANGER. . Press@. _LsfSBL_!tor REALTIilE: YES T I i E ( S lr I 5 DISPLAYI OIST B E G I H0 n : I E N T E R ] Sn00THInG: noaE UNITS: I.IETERS o Select 1:SETUP/SAMPLE. Make sure that your settingsmatch those shown here. With these settings,the CBRrMwill record distancesin metres for a period of 15 s. Move the cursor up to START NOW at the top of the screen. Set the CBRrMso that it is 1 m from, and pointing toward, the walker. 2 9 6 M H R . C h a p t e r6 Have 3. Press6ffi).You should hear a ticking sound from the CBRTM. the walker start walking away from the CBRrMat a slow steady pace of 1 m/s. A graph will begin to form on the calculator screen. 4. a) Use the blue cursor keys to trace along the graph. You will see the coordinatesof each data point appear at the bottom of the screen. b) The left-most point is the y-intercept, usually labelled with the Ietter b. Write down the coordinatesof this point. What do you notice about this point? Why might this value not be exactly what you expect? TechnologYrtlP practice ., YoumaVneeda few .-atternptsto get a feel for ' the conectspeed.Tryto get . a graphthat is fairlylinear.lf youareunsatisfied with yourgraph,youcancollecta newsetof dataafterthe ticking: CBR'"hasstopped .press@. SAMPLE, Select3:R€PEAT c) Pick any two points along the linear part of the graph (try to use two points that are not close together)and write down their coordinates.Use these points to calculate the slope of the line '-! '-1. using the slope formula m : Comparethe slope to the Xz-xt speed of the walker and describewhat you notice. 5. a) Substitute the values of b and m that you found in step 4 into the equationy: mx * b. bl This equation describeswhere the walker is, y, at any time, x. Tracealong the graph and pick any point to test the equation. o Substitutethe value of the x-coordinate into the equation you found in part a). r Calculate the value of y. o Comparethis to the actual y-coordinate of that point. r Explain why these points may not be exactly the same. c) Repeat part b) for another point on the graph. 5. a) Now, collect a new set of motion data. o PressG,rrii)and select 3:R-EPEATSAMPLE. o Have your partner pick a different starting point and walking speed (take note of thesevalues), o Press6rei) and have your partner begin walking. b) Repeatsteps 4 and 5 for your new graph. 7. Reflect Describehow an equation of the form y : mx ! b can be used to describea person'smotion. What do the values of m and b describein this case? Form:y= mx + b' MHR 297 6.1TheEquationof a Linein Slopey-lntercept €xample1 ldentifythe Slopeandthe y-lntercept Identify the slope and the y-intercept of each linear relation. Use thesevaluesto write the equationof the line. v v 2 U 4' -2 - 2 0 zx Solution To find the slope, use two points on the graph. a) ^ : Yz - Yt Xz- xt 1 - (-5) Applytheslopeformula. v o 6 - 0 -1 +5 -2 Takecare with operations with integers. 6 ,4 :t 6 2 4 Express fractionanswersin lowestterms. :J Theslopeis l From the graph, you can seethat the y-intercept is -5. a So, m : : and b : 3 -5. Substitute these values into the equationy=mx*b. 2 ,v : 3 x * { 5 l The equation of the line is V :f," 2 9 8 M H R . C h a p t e r6 - s. x -? - ? b-) m : 3 - 0 _ - 6 3 :-2 The slopeis -2. The y-interceptis 3. So, m : -2 and b : 3. Y=-2x+3 The equation of the line is y : -2x + 3. A _ A a a c) m : 2 - O v :q l r i'-i-4. 2 : 0 -2 to 2^ The slope is zero, The y-intercept is 4. hasno rise. Thisis a horizontal Y:Ox+4 The equation of the line is /'zeto rise m:run This equation means that for any point on this line, the y-coordinate is always 4, no matter what the x-coordinate is. Zerodividedby anyvaluefor the rungiveszero, lineis zero. So,the slopeof anyhorizontal d- l m : 1 - o 0 - 0 : ! 0 Division byzerogives anundefined result. The slope is undefined. There is no y-intercept. A vertical line cannot be expressedin the form y:mx*b. vz ;0_ ?4 {l I , Look at the graph of this line. What do you notice about its x-intercept ? The equation for this line is x : 2. This means that for any point on this line, the x-coordinate is always 2, no matter what the y-coordinate is. x-intercept r the x-coordinate of the pointwherea linecrosses the x-axis Form:y= mx + b ' MHR 299 of a Linein Slopey-lntercept 6.1TheEquation Example2 Grapha Line,Givenm and0 The slope and the y-intercept are given. In each case,write the equation of the line and graph the line. .l-:X -2 c)m:-),,u:u -3,b:0 d)rr1:0,b:g Solution a) Substitute the slope and the y-intercept into the equation Y:mx+b. ? v: :x + (-21 The equationof the line is V : 1* - z. " 4 To graph this line, begin by plotting the y-intercept, (0, -2). Then, use the slope to locate other points on the line. I Startingat (0, - 2), ;. I move4 to the rightandup 3 to find anotherpointon the line.I canrepeat thisto findotherpointson the line, Theslopeis Once you have located two or three points, draw and label the line. bly: -3 + o -3x Y: The y-intercept is 0. Start at the origin, and -3 use m to find 1. other points on the line. 3OOMHR. Chapter6 ) Usingthe slopein the -t helpsmeto f thinkof "rising-3" (oractually"falling3") 1." andthen"running form x 7 cly:-rx+5 The y-intercept is 5. The slope is _! 2 1 Method t: t-etm : t'. Method2: Lettn:=. Start at (0, s). Go down 1 and right 2 to find other points on the line. Start at (0, s). Go up 1 and left z to find other points on the line. Compare these two methods. Notice that they produce the same line. d) The slope is zero. This is a horizontal Iine with equationy: 6. All points on this line have a y-coordinate of o. ) Example3 lnterpreta LinearRelation Identify the slope and the vertical intercept of each linear relation and explain what they mean. Write an equation to describethe relationship. a) b) 6.1TheEquationof a Linein Slopey-lnterceptForm:y- mx + b ' MHR 301 Solution a) Tracy'sWalk c t 4 E r t ! u 2 i5 1 10'r 0 Time(s) -? srope: , .+ : -0,5 This is a distance-timegraph. The d-intercept is 5, which means that Tracy beganwalking at a distance of s m from the sensor. The slope is -0.5, which representsthe changein distanceover the changein time. The negativevalue means that the distance is decreasing.This means that Tracy'sspeed was 0.5 m/s toward the sensor. The equationdescribingthis relationshipis d : -0.5f + 5. Heightol TomatoPlant After Planting 15 14 E 1Z 10 s tt eo rt, 6 E. ,2 o 1 ? 3 4 5 Time{weeksl 4 slope 1. - + This is a graph of the height of a tomato plant versus time. The lr-intercept is 6, which means that the tomato plant was 6 cm tall when it was planted in the garden. The slope is 4, which representsthe changein height over the changein time. This means that the tomato plant grew at a rate of 4 cm per week. The equation describing this relationship is rh : 4t + B. 302 MHR.Chapter 6 Key Concepts I The equation of a line can be written in slope y-intercept form: y : mx + b, where o m is the slope of the line o b is the y-intercept of the line r A horizontal line is written in the form y: where b is the y-intercept. The slope of a horizontal line is zero, b, r A vertical line is written in the fotm x : a, where a is the x-intercept. The slope of a vertical line is undefined. YourUnderstanding Communicate GII The equations of four lines are given: y:6 y:-x+4 y:2x-3 Which of these represents x:-3 a) a vertical line? b) a horizontal line? c) a line that slopes upward to the right? d) a line that slopes downward to the right? Explain each answer you chose. GD A line has a y-intercept of 2 and a slope ' of ]. 5 n*ptain how you can use this information to graph the line. GFr The distance-time graph for a person walking in front of a motion sensoris shown. a) At what distance did this person begin walking? How do you know? b) Was the person walking toward or away from the sensor? Explain how you know. c) How fast was the person walking? d) Write an equation in the form d : mt I b to describe the person'smotion. tG[l Refer to Example 3, part b). a) Does the graph to the Ieft of the l-r-axishave meaning? b) What would this portion of the graph represent? c) What is the significance of the ,h-intercept? 6.1TheEquationof a Linein Slopey-lnterceptForm:y- mx + b ' MHR 303 I Practise For help with questions 1 to 4, seeExample L. 1. Identify the slope and the y-intercept of each line. Organizeyour answersin a table like the one shown. ? a )y : 4 x I 1 b)y:-y'*t c lY : x - z dly: e)y: s ll y: -x-; - i zx 1 Z. Find the slope and the y-interceptof each line. b) v \ z 2 - 2 0 | / - 2 0 -2 2) -z I c) \ d) v v ? ? - - 4 - ? 0 \ 2 t - 4 \ {x ? x : -2 3 . Write the equation of each line in question 2. 4. Write the equation of each line. State its slope and y-intercept, if they exist. a) b) v v a - ? 0 c) z d) v -? - 2 0 ?x v ? 2 - e 0 -4 x ? - 7 0 ? x -2 5. The line in question 4, part d), has a special name. What is it? 3 O 4 M H R . C h a p t e r6 For help with questions 6 to 8, see Example 2. 5. The slope and the y-intercept are given. Write the equation and graph each line. a) b) c) d) e) 7. Statethe slope and the y-intercept of each line, if they exist. Graph each line. a) y: -s b) x : 1 cl y: Z 2 d) x : -2,5 ConnectandApply 8. The distance-time graph of a person walking in front of a motion sensoris shown. ReaenlngandPrcvint nepeseizlng s"htine roo', I 1,.'\ /\ ,:,"".fr/ | ---**.** I ProblemSolvinP I \,o.*ulo",'nr/ a) How far from the sensor did the person begin walking? b) How fast did the person walk? c) Did the person walk away from or toward the sensor?Explain. 9. Sketch a distance-time graph for each walker for the first 4 s. a) Eleanor started at a distance of 2 m and walked away from the sensorat a constant speed of t m/s. b) Pierre beganwalking toward the sensorat a constant speed of 0.5 m/s from an initial distance of 5 m. c) Jessestood at a distance of 2.5 m from the sensorand dic not move. d) Cassandrastarted at 1 m from the sensor and walked away from it at a constant speed of 1 m/s for 3 s. Then, she turned around and walked, at the samespeed,toward the sensorfor 1 s. 6.1TheEquationof a Linein Slopey-lnterceptForm:y= mx + b ' MHR 305 For help with question 70, see Example 3. 10. Identify the slope and the vertical intercept of each linear relation and explain what they represent. Write an equation to describethe relationship. a) b) I l. ChaPtet Problem Jeangrew up in this city in Ontario. In one part of it, there is a very steep slope. Two of the letters in the name of this city can be found by determining the slope and the y-intercept of the graph shown. ReasoninS andProvinB neprcseitlng ser*'\tinc root, I /\ I ;""",d 1,,'\ Solvine -Problem ] ---':neoectine 12. Yuri tries hard not to be late for class,but sometimeshe does not quite make it on time. Classbegins at 8:30 A.M. The distance-time graph shows his progressfrom home to school one morning. | \.o"ul**,nrl Write a story about Yuri's trip to school. Include the speed,distance, and time in your story. 306 MHR. Chapter6 | 3. Refer to question 72. How would the graph change if Yuri left L0 min earlier?How would this chanse affect the outcome of vour storv? Extend 14. Two koala bears,Rocco and Bifl are playing near a stream. Suddenly they both rcalize that it is dinner-time and begin to race to their eucalyptus tree home. Their distance-time graphs are shown: E-1" ml- *l+++-l-i'*ll$' Rocco starts from the stream. which is 30 m from home. Biff is a few metres from Rocco when he starts.Describethis race. In your description, be sure to mention speed,distance,and time. 1 5 .The x-intercept is the x-coordinate of the point where a graph crossesthe x-axis. a) What is the value of the y-coordinate for any x-intercept? Use a diagram to explain your answer. b) Find the x-intercept of each line. .Jz:3x-6 -2x + 5 .Y ' : 3 r 5 . Math Contest a) Find a number that leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 2, a remainder of 2 when divided by 3, and a remainder of 3 when divided by a. b) Find at least five other numbers that satisfy the conditions in part a). cf Describe a pattern or formula that can be used to find more numbers that satisfy the conditions in part a). 6.1TheEquationof a Linein Slopey-lnterceptForm:y= mx + b ' MHR 3O7