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3 Ways Top Companies are Improving Employee Health and Safety

3 Ways Top Companies are Improving Employee Health and Safety
Employee health and safety are top of mind for corporations and organizations around the
world right now. The COVID-19 public health emergency put a spotlight on employee health,
but this was already an ongoing discussion pre-pandemic. And it will continue to be relevant in
the months (and years) to come, as employees return to the workplace and as new policies and
standards are put in place moving beyond the pandemic.
From a risk mitigation perspective, employee health is about more than just preventing
workplace injuries. It’s about encouraging a culture of safety and wellness. Healthy employees
take fewer sick days, and injury prevention improves company culture while also preventing
expensive litigation.
So, what’s trending in workplace health and safety? What are employers doing to keep
employees healthy?
Get employees on board with health and safety initiatives
Successful employee safety and wellness initiatives start with – and emphasize – employee
involvement. According to Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Magazine, successful
“organizations focusing on workplace safety emphasize educating their employees.” OH&S
warns, though, that some companies miss the mark when they only focus on educating and
training newly hired employees. Instead, they recommend training and engaging all employees.
Whether you’re implementing new equipment that requires safety certification for users, or
you’re introducing a new policy to keep employees healthy, you need to get all of your staff
involved and on board – and refresh training periodically to ensure that everyone is up to date
with the knowledge they need to stay safe and healthy.
Incorporate health and wellness into corporate values
In a statement about its commitment to employee health and wellness, Nestle states that it is
“committed to offering good nutrition, contributing to balanced lives and to supporting a
thriving planet. We apply that same duty of care to the people behind the products.” In this
statement, Nestle not only implies that it is focused on employee health and safety, but it
actually makes employee health and wellness an integral part of its core values. The statement
goes on to read, “We believe healthy employees are happier, more engaged and the best
ambassadors for our purpose and values.”
Of course, statements and commitments look good on paper, but they’re not enough.
Companies must follow through on those commitments. Nestle, for example, has implemented
a program to encourage employees to develop healthy habits by incentivizing healthy breaks
for activities like guided yoga practices and step competitions.
Incentivize safety
Finally, one of the most effective tools used by a lot of companies is a simple rewards system
for safe and healthy behavior. While training and education help equip employees to behave
safely, rewards keep them engaged in safety programs and general safe behavior. And you can
apply that to health and wellness programs, as well. Companies are increasing employee
engagement with corporate wellness by giving insurance discounts for employees who
complete healthy activities. Those small incentives are a small price to pay for the massive
benefits that come with encouraging and emphasizing a safe and healthy workforce.
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