PS 3.1a: Substances have characteristic properties. Some of room temperature, density; solubility, heat and es f:eeiiog eiectrical conductivity, section and Acidic Basic Solutions as you read What makes orange fruit tangy? You'll Compare acids Learn and bases and their properties. Describe practical uses of acids and bases. Explain how pH is used to describe the strength of an acid or base. how acids and bases react when they are brought Describe Acids are substances that release positively charged hydrogen ions, + in water. When an acid mixes with water, the acid H , hydrogen ion. The hydrogen ion then combines with a water molecule to form a hydronium ion, as dissolves, releasing a shown in Figure 14. Hydronium ions are positively charged and have the formula H30+. Properties of Acidic Solutions Sour together. properties of acidic solutions. It's Many common batteries Important The and bleach, work because identify acidic solutions taste by their sour taste, one of the to detect the you can you should never taste an unknown substance. Many burns to body tissues. Another property of acidic solutions is that they can conduct acids can cause serious physical property: any character- of a material that can be electricity. The hydronium ions in an acidic solution can carry seen or measured without chang- the electric charges in a current. This ing the material tain an is why some batteries acid. Acidic solutions also are corrosive, con- which means they can break down certain substances. Many acids can corrode New Vocabulary fabric, skin, e pH e indicator and paper. The solutions of some acids strongly with certain metals. neutralization ion you anything in the laboratory, and you should never use to test for the presence of acids in Review Vocabulary e acid e hydronium taste is taste allows presence of acids in your food. However, even though products, such as of acids or bases. iStic and grape- juice, vinegar, dill pickles, Acids cause the sour taste of these and other foods. metallic e base The acid-metal compounds and hydrogen also react reaction forms gas, leaving holes in the metal in the process. H20 Figure 14 One hydrogen 1-130 ion can combine with one water mole- 0+ cule to form one positively charged hydronium ion. Identify what kinds of substances are sources of hydrogen ions. Hydrogen ion Substances, Mixtures, and Solubility Water Hydronium molecule ion Figure 15 ucts contains Each of these prod- an acid or is made with the help of an acid. Describe how your life would be were not available different ifacids to make these products. The Béttgr Battery. 1 f 6 Volt Lantern. e utter Uses Of Acids which Vinegar, is many You're probably familiar with y acids. Mini used in salad dressing, contains acetic acid. Lemons, limes, and oranges have a sour taste because they contain citric acid. Your body needs ascorbic acid, which is vitamin C. Ants that sting inject formic acid into their victims. Figure 15 shows other products that are Sulfuric acid and plastics. tions is used in the production of fertilizers, electricity. to as battery acid. Pickling For this reason, brick walls. Nitric acid and steel, paints, sometimes is is is known commer- is 1. used in the production of Observe the initial appearance of an iron nail. 2. Pour enough carbonated soft drink into a cup or used in a process called pickling. from the surfaces of can be used to clean mortar from so Procedure referred a process that removes impurities metals. Hydrochloric acid also dyes, it Hydrochloric acid, which muriatic acid, is acids. Acids often are used in batteries because their solu- conduct cially as made with Observing a Nail in a Carbonated Drink beaker to cover the 3. Drop the drink fertilizers, nail into and observe what happens. 4. Leave the nail in the soft plastics. drink overnight it the Environment Carbonic acid plays a key role in and of stalactites and stalagmites. Carbonic acid is formed when carbon dioxide in soil is dissolved Acid and observe again the next day. in the formation of caves When Analysis 1. Describe this acidic solution nail into acid rain falls on When statues and eats away at the stone, as from the ceiling of the cave, water evaporates and carbon dioxide becomes less soluble, forcing it out of solution. The solution becomes less acidic and the limestone becomes less soluble, causing it to come out Of solution. These solids form stalactites and stalagmites. Figure 16. this acidic solution drips first dropped the the soft drink and the appearance of the nail carving out a cave in the rock. A similar process occurs when shown in what happened when you comes in contact with calcium carbonate—or limestone rock—it can dissolve it, eventuin water. ally nail. the soft the following day. 2. Based upon the fact that the soft drink was carbonated, explain why you think the drink reacted with the nail as you observed. Acidic and Basic Solutions Bases people often use ammonia solutions to clean windows and from those of These solutions have different properties acidic solutions. Ammonia is called a base. Bases are sub- floors. hydrogen stances that can accept attracted to the base. leaves A tain a A When bases dissolve in the water molecules are hydrogen atom in the water molecule behind the other hydrogen atom and oxygen atom. This atoms pair of ion. ions. some hydrogen atoms from water, a negatively charged ion called a hydroxide hydroxide ion, which formula released is OH¯. Most when For example, sodium hydroxide bases con- Web is a base with the dissolves in water, a soap Activity Describe the chemical sodium ion feels, (calcium carbonate) to calcium hydroxide. Properties of Basic Solutions Most soaps how calcium hydroxide. reaction that converts limestone NaOH. When NaOH you think about links to information about the uses for the base dissolves and the hydroxide ion separate. if Topic: Calcium Hydroxide Visit is hydroxide ion has the formula in water. nline Scienc you can are bases, so figure out some of the properties of basic solutions. Basic solutions feel slippery. Acids in water solution taste sour, but bases taste bitter— as you know if you have ever accidentally gotten soap in your mouth. Like acids, bases are corrosive. Bases can cause burns damage tissue. find out You should never touch or whether can conduct and taste a substance to a base. Basic solutions contain ions and it is electricity. Basic solutions are not as reactive with metals as acidic solutions are. Uses Of Bases Many uses Bases give soaps, some of for bases are shown in Figure 17. ammonia, and many other cleaning products The hydroxide ions produced their useful properties. by bases can interact strongly with certain substances, such as Figure 17 Many products, including soaps, cleaners, and plas- and grease. Chalk and oven cleaner are examples of familiar products that contain bases. Your blood is a basic solution. Calcium dirt ter contain bases or are made with the help of bases. hydroxide, often called lime, is used to mark the lines on athletic fields. It also can be used to treat lawns and gar- dens that have acidic soil. Sodium hydroxide, known lye, is as a strong base that can fAMiLY stu MONIA WE cause burns and other health opr problems. Lye make is used to soap, clean ovens, oz. (101.) yaw e QHALK and unclog drains. Acidic and Basic Solutions What pH? is You've probably heard of pH-balanced and you might have seen someone test the pH of the water in a swimming pool. pH is a measure of how acidic or basic a solution is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. Acidic solutions have pH values below 7. A solution with a pH of 0 is very acidic. ant, pH Levels Most life-forms can't exist at extremely low pH levels. However, some bacteria thrive in acidic environments. Hydrochloric acid can have a Acidophils are bacteria is pH levels. that exist at low with it is neither acidic nor basic. Pure water is pH values above 7. A solution with pH of 14 is very basic. Sodium hydroxide can have a pH of 14. Figure 18 shows where various common substances fall on the pH scale. The pH of a solution is related directly to its concentrations pH levels 1 meaning a Yellowstone National Park ranging from neutral, pH of 0. A solution with a pH of 7 neutral. Basic solutions have These bacteria have been found in the Hot Springs of in areas shampoo or deodor- to 3. of hydronium ions (H30+) and hydroxide ions (OH¯). Acidic solutions have more hydronium ions than hydroxide ions. Neutral solutions have equal numbers of the two ions. Basic solutions have more hydroxide In hydronium ions than a neutral solution, ions. how do the numbers of hydronium ions and hydroxide ions compare? pH Scale The pH scale is not a simple linear scale like mass or one book has a mass of 2 kg and a second book has a mass of 1 kg, the mass of the first book is twice volume. For example, if that of the second. However, a change of 1 pH unit represents a tenfold change in the acidity of the solution. For example, solution has a first solution one pH of I is and a second solution has a pH of 2, the not twice as acidic as the second—it is ten times To determine the difference in pH strength, use the 1071, where n the difference between 100 times more acidic. pHs. For example: pH3 — PHI 2, 102 more Figure 18 The pH if acidic. following calculation: scale classi- fies a solution as acidic, basic, or neutral. Egg white Vinegar Milk Gastric contents Hydrochloric acid 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 Sodium hydroxide Baking soda 8 Ammonia 9 10 11 Milk of Blood plasma Soft drinks Tomatoes Substances, Mixtures, and Solubility magnesia 12 13 14 Figure 19 Acetic Acid Hydrochloric Acid Hydrochloric acid separates into ions more than acetic acid does readily when it dissolves in water. Therefore, hydrochloric acid exists in water as separated ions. Acetic acid exists water almost _ entirely as molecules. Acetate ion Acetic acid ion Strengths of Acids and Bases You've learned that acids give foods a sour taste but also can cause burns and damage tissue. The difference between food acids and the acids that can burn you is that they have different strengths. The acids in food are fairly weak acids, while the dangerous acids are strong acids. is related to how easily the acid separates how easily a hydrogen ion is released, when the acid The strength of an acid into ions, or Look dissolves in water. at Figure 19. In the same concentra- Physical Setting 3.1a, 3.2c Design a chart to tion, a strong acid—like hydrochloric acid—forms more hydronium ions in solution than a weak acid does—like acetic acid. compare acids to bases. Include More hydronium ions means water, general physical and lower the strong-acid solution has a pH than the weak-acid solution. Similarly, the strength of a base is related to how how each reacts chemically to chemical characteristics, and neutralization. easily the base separates into ions, or how easily a hydroxide ion is released, when the base dissolves in water. are The shown relative strengths of some common acids and bases in Table 3. Whatdetermines the strength ofan acidora base? An acid containing more hydrogen atoms, such as carbonic acid, H2C03, essarily stronger is . acid's strength how easily a Base Acid than an acid Strong hydrochloric (HCI) sodium hydroxide (Na0H) sulfuric (H2S04) potassium hydroxide (KOH) is nitric related to Some Acids and Bases not nec- containing fewer hydrogen atoms, such as nitric acid, HNO An Table 3 Strengths of (HN03) hydro- gen ion separates—not to how many hydrogen atoms has. it For this reason, nitric acid is Weak acetic (CH3COOH) ammonia (NH3) carbonic (H2C03) aluminum hydroxide ascorbic (H2C6H606) iron (Ill) hydroxide stronger than carbonic acid. Acidic in and Basic Solutions Indicators way to find out how acidic or basic a solution is? Indicators are compounds that react with acidic and basic solutions and produce certain colors, depending on the solu- What • tion's is a safe PH. Because they are different colors at different pHs, indicators Scienconline can help you determine the Topic: Indicators such as litmus, are soaked into paper for Visit Web links to information about the types of pH indicators. is pH placed in an acidic solution, of a solution. it Some indicators, When litmus paper red. When placed in a strips. turns basic solution, litmus paper turns blue. Some indicators can change through a wide range of colors, with each different color Activity Describe how can act as indicators plants in acidic appearing at a different pH value. and basic solutions. Neutralization Perhaps you've heard someone complain about heartburn or an upset stomach after eating spicy food. To feel better, the person might have taken an antacid. Think about the word antacid How do antacids work? Heartburn or stomach discomfort for a minute. is caused by excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid helps break down the food you eat, but too much of it can irritate your stomach or digestive tract. An antacid product, often made from the base magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, neutralizes the excess acid. Neutralization Figure 20 The pH ofa is more acidic when solution (new truh luh ZAY shun) is the reaction of an acid with a base. It is called this because the properties of both the acid and base are diminished, or neutralized. In most cases, the reaction produces a water and a salt. Figure 20 illus- greater amounts of hydronium ions are trates the relative between present. amounts of hydronium and hydroxide ions pH 0 and pH 14. Define what makes a pH 7 solution neutral. 14 Substances, Mixtures, and Solubility 2+120 1-130 Figure 21 When basic solutions react, acidic and hydroxide and hydronium ions react to form water. Determine why the pH of the solution changes. Hydronium Hydroxide ion ion Water molecules How does neutralization occur? Recall that every water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. As Figure 21 shows, when one hydronium ion reacts with one hydroxide ion, the product is two water molecules. This reaction occurs during acid-base neutralization. Equal numbers of hydronium ions from the acidic solution and hydroxide ions from the basic solution react to produce water. Pure water has a pH of 7, which means that it's neutral. Reading Chekk- What happens to acids and bases during neutralization? review section Summary Acids Self Check and Bases 1. Identify 0 Acids are substances that charged hydrogen ions • Substances in release positively bases water. bases. that accept hydrogen ions 2. in what ions are produced by acids in water and water. Give two Name three acids and three 3. Explain and basic solutions can conduct bases and list an industrial how the concentration of hydronium ions and hydroxide ions are related to PH. electricity. 4. Think what ways might Critically In uses a strong acid handle an acid pH a spill company that on the factory floor? 0 pH measures how acidic or basic a solution is. Hot Words Hot Topics. Bk 2 • The properties each of acids and or household use of each. water are bases. Acidic in scale ranges (5) pp. 91, 169 from 0 to 14. Applying Math Neutralization 0 Neutralization acid and 5. is the interaction between an a base to form water and a More Section Review salt. Solve One-Step Equations solution with a pH much more basic with a pH of 10? How much more acidic is a pH of 6? How of 2 than one with a is a solution with a Acidic and pH of 13 than one Basic Solutions