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Population and Demographic Calculations Worksheet

Population and Demographic Calculations
Round your answers to the nearest tenth.
Use the following formulas to calculate the values below:
Birth Rate = (Births/Total population) x 1000
Death Rate = (Deaths/Total population) x 1000
Emigration rate = (Emigrants/Total pop) x 1000
Immigration rate = (Immigrants/Total pop) x 1000
Natural Rate of Increase = [(Births – Deaths)/Total pop] x 1000 OR
Birth Rate – Death Rate
6. Net Migration Rate = [(Immigrants – Emigrants)/Total pop] x 1000 OR
Immigration Rate – Emigration Rate
7. Population Growth Rate = Natural Rate of Increase + Net Migration Rate / 1000 x 100 (%)
Practice Statistics:
Babies born
People died
People emigrated
People immigrated
Calculate the following Values
A. Birth Rate
B. Death Rate
C. Emigration Rate
D. Immigration Rate
E. Natural increase Rate
F. Net migration Rate
G. Population Growth Rate
Statistics (1988):
Babies born
People died
People emigrated
People immigrated
Calculate the following Values
A. Birth Rate
B. Death Rate
C. Emigration Rate
D. Immigration Rate
E. Natural increase Rate
F. Net migration Rate
G. Population Growth Rate
31 850 000
1 038 000
594 000
86 000
53 000
26 791 747
384 035
188 408
40, 395
177 632
Statistics (1998):
Babies born
People died
People emigrated
People immigrated
Calculate the following Values
A. Birth Rate
B. Death Rate
C. Emigration Rate
D. Immigration Rate
E. Natural increase Rate
F. Net migration Rate
G. Population Growth Rate
Statistics (2008):
Babies born
People died
People emigrated
People immigrated
Calculate the following Values
A. Birth Rate
B. Death Rate
C. Emigration Rate
D. Immigration Rate
E. Natural increase Rate
F. Net migration Rate
G. Population Growth Rate
30 155 173
338 295
217 632
48 008
173 194
33 245 773
377 703
242 863
42 924
245 275
What differences do you see in terms of birth rate in the years above?
What differences do you see in terms of immigration in the years above?
What has happened to the natural increase rate over the years?
What has happened to the population growth rate over the years?