written by Claire Jobert Illustrated by Hadi Mohammadian written by Claire Jobert Illustrated by Hadi Mohammadian A Happy Ending In His Name Written by: Claire Jobert Illustrated by: Hadi Mohammadian Layout design: Hamid Safara Translated by: Fatimah T Sodagar Edited by: Samira Zaidi Rizvi Last year, Taahaa, Sarah, and I spent the summer at our Produced by Samim Group Copyright ©️ 2021 by Samim Group grandfather’s house. While we were there, Grandpa would tell us a story about one of our Imams before bed each night. The stories always began the same way: “Once upon a time, long, long ago…” “Did Imams only exist in the old days, Grandpa?” Sarah asked one night. Hearing their stories, I also used to think how lucky the people were who were there at the time of our Imams. “What about us?” Taahaa asked. “You mean Allah hasn’t sent any Imam for our time?” 6 “Of course He has,” Grandpa replied. “Each and every one of our Imams is a guide for all people, of all times, and all places. But we also have our own very special Imam. I’ll tell you his story when we go to the woods tomorrow.” 7 The next afternoon, we all piled into Grandpa’s car, and set off to the woods. “Tell us the story Grandpa!” Sarah said excitedly, as soon as the car pulled out of the driveway. “Yes, Grandpa! Tell us the story about the Imam of our time. You promised!” Taahaa and I chimed in. So Grandpa began. “Once upon a time, long long ago, there was a boy named Mahdi…” Sarah frowned. “But Grandpa,” she whined, “why did you say, ‘long, long ago,’ again!” Grandpa laughed gently. “Because,” he said, “the story of the Imam of our time also started ‘long, long ago’! And it continues to this very day.” How interesting! I thought. I had heard lots of things about “Imam Zaman” before. But I never wondered why they called him that. Then, Grandpa began telling the story of the birth of Imam Zaman, which took place more than a thousand years ago. “Wow!” Taahaa exclaimed. “So that means the Imam is more than a thousand years old, right Grandpa?” 8 9 Sarah’s eyes were round with surprise. I looked at Grandpa’s face through the rear-view mirror. He was smiling. “That’s right, children. Since we aren’t used to anyone living that long, it seems a bit strange. But it’s not, really.” “But Grandpa,” Sarah asked, “how does he fit so many candles on his birthday cake?” We all laughed out loud. 10 11 Grandpa parked the car close to the woods, and we all jumped out of the car, laughing happily. As we walked through the woods, Grandpa pointed out some flowers growing along the path. “Look how beautiful they are!” He exclaimed. “But they will wither and dry out very soon. God has created these flowers with very short lives. They only live for a few days.” 12 13 We walked on, until we reached a large tree, further into the woods. Grandpa threw a rope over a strong branch on the giant tree, and made us a swing. Then he asked us, “Now, don’t you think, that if Allah wanted to, He could create a special flower that could live much longer than other flowers, maybe even a few months?” Taahaa laughed. “Of course He could! Why would you ask that, Grandpa. That would be easy for Him. He can do anything!” That’s what I thought, too. Grandpa lifted Sarah up onto the swing. “Now,” he continued, “If Allah wanted to create a special person, who could live much longer than other people, don’t you think He could do that, too?” Taahaa laughed again. “Of course!” He replied. “Does that mean Imam Zaman is special, Grandpa?” I asked. “Very special?” Sarah called, as Grandpa pushed her high on the swing. Grandpa smiled. “Yes, children. Because he is our last Imam, he must live a long time, to save the world from evil.” 14 15 We all took turns sitting on the swing and letting Grandpa push us. “Allah gave our last Imam a very long life,” Grandpa continued, “so that our world is never left without a guide.” That was when I finally understood, we really have our own, very special, Imam. I had never thought about it that way before. I told Grandpa what I was thinking. “That’s right, Huda dear. Allah has made a promise to us in the Quran, that He will never leave us without a guide. Allah always keeps his promises.” In that moment, I felt something stir in the bottom of my heart, something bright, and warm, like a shining star. 16 17 That day we got to swing for a long time, and listen to Grandpa’s beautiful stories. We even pushed him on the swing, and all of us laughed together. It finally began getting dark, and Grandpa took down the swing. Then he looked up at the tree, and patted its rough bark. “Look children,” he said. “This tree has lived a very long life. It was born long, long ago, and is still alive. It’s probably hundreds of years old.” Then Grandpa took a few pictures of us next to the tree, to send for our parents. 18 19 When we got back into the car, Taahaa and Sarah were too I had so many questions to ask, but I just asked one. “What tired to ask any more questions. They tried hard to stay happens next, Grandpa?” awake, to listen to me and Grandpa talk. “Well,” he began, “the story of Imam Zaman continues, Huda dear. We don’t know for how long. But Allah, and the Prophet, and our Imams, have all promised that this story has a beautiful, happy ending. One day, Imam Zaman will rise, and fill the world with good.” The gentle rocking of the car had put Taahaa and Sarah to sleep. I still had that warm feeling in my heart, as I watched the bright stars in the night sky. My eyes felt heavy, and my heart was full of hope, as I thought about the happy ending of Imam Mahdi, and prayed for him to return soon. 22 23