The Bass Clef The Staff The staff is what music notes are written on. On a staff, there are 5 lines and 4 spaces. 5 lines 4 spaces The Bass Clef Sign This is the bass clef sign. When you see this sign on a staff, you know that you will be working with the bass clef. Naming Notes Recall that music notes can be named with the letters from A to G. Now, we’re going to look at where each note is found in the bass clef! Notes in the Bass Clef—Lines Here are the notes on the lines in the bass clef: B G D F A Tip: One way to remember the notes from bottom to top is with this sentence: Always Fine Do Boys Good Or you can come up with another sentence of your own that helps you remember the lines! Notes in the Bass Clef—Spaces Here are the notes in the spaces in the bass clef: Tip: One way to remember the notes from bottom to top is with this sentence: C A E G Grass Eat Cows All Or you can come up with another sentence of your own that helps you remember the spaces! Remember these Notes! LINES B G D F A Good Boys Do Fine Always SPACES C A E G All Cows Eat Grass Great Job! You now know about the staff and the notes on the bass clef lines and spaces!