As a review - Measure -The notes and rests in between bar lines. Bar lines - Organize our basic beat patterns. A double bar line is used to indicate the end of a section or piece of music. 2:05-2:51 What things can we identify here? What things can we identify here? But what about this other stuff? 4:13-4:52 A clef tells the musician what notes are on each of the lines and spaces. Treble clef/G Clef Used for higher notes (sopranos and altos usually read on treble clef). It tells us where the note G is located. Bass clef/F Clef Used for lower notes (tenors and basses usually read on bass clef). It tells us where the note F is located. Key Signatures: Tell us what key the song is in. They are also like a code for where “do” is - instead of the tonic square. 6:13-8:48