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MBA Research Proposal Nik 6 (1)

Challenges Faced by Fresh Food Traders
The study's goals were to determine the level of natural food consumption in the United
Arab Emirates (UAE), consider consumers' perceptions of natural food sources' impact on
human and environmental well-being, and investigate factors that restrict natural food
consumption. Between October and December 2013, 500 votes were randomly transferred to
UAE networks, and 266 surveys were reversed, yielding a response rate of 53%. Natural foods
are more common among young people, according to our findings. In addition, natural fish,
organic products, and chocolate are consumed in addition to a variety of natural food sources.
Wellness and natural thinking are the basic reasons why people consume natural food sources.
Also, social development, social and social status, and marketing are urging people to buy
natural food sources by introducing the use of natural food sources as another common way of
building respect. Price, accessibility, longevity, taste, and a lack of awareness, on the other hand,
are important factors that restrict the use of natural food resources. Natural food sources, we
believe, should be exposed to further science, media, seminars, and social initiatives in order to
increase public awareness of natural food species. Alternatively, we agree that growth will
reduce the cost of natural foods.
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Rationale for Research .................................................................................................................... 4
Research Questions ......................................................................................................................... 5
Empirical Studies/Literature Review .............................................................................................. 5
Research Methodology ................................................................................................................... 8
Limitations ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Gantt Chart .................................................................................................................................... 10
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 10
References ..................................................................................................................................... 12
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a unique country with a few features that help strong
global trade, empower financial events and support openness to business development and
development. The basic point of a variety of foods is the national ports, where formal welfare
and customary tests are usually completed within a few hours. Working together where
everything is said to be done, and apparently within a new product, online is traditionally easier
than in many different nations. This is also maintained by a good and open business
environment, a wide range of financial opportunities, the availability of a few free spaces (e.g.
refined commercial regions), and lower costs. The nation is equally an attractive and
empowering business centre and the application is complex (Putnik et al., 2018).
The presence of people from all over the world, who have a place with different social classes
and a collection of several payment rates, determines the interest of different species soil
products at different levels of value and testing. The way in which citizens are usually captives,
living inland with work visas, confirms the best part. In any case, this creates a certain level of
risk in relation to spending rates among financial constraints, as job loss often means a re-visit of
each country. The UAE is also home to a diverse and large-scale food regulatory environment,
similarly supported by its position as an important holiday centre. The ever-expanding presence
of cafes and novels that are exposed to noise will continue to earn lucrative deals on new soil
products vegetables for this later deviation.
Rationale for Research
The UAE is not just the most important business sectors of the food industry in the world;
in addition perhaps the most determined business sectors. The positive side to this is that as the
market sinks, expert co-ops think more refined ideas, different patterns become pregnant and
consumers have no lack of resolution. Sadly, the coffee business in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the
rest of the UAE are also experiencing difficulties, now more than ever. Here are a bunch of topnotch problems to look out for in the UAE food business with little regard for your related
information and re-examining the habits you can take on these challenges of building your own
coffee business in the northeast. Here's the challenge for good restaurants and how to overcome
them (Wang, Yao and Yue, 2017).
These items include:
A large, multicultural society with flexible choices and food requests;
Workers, more than 88% of whom include internationally excluded workers;
A landmark between Africa, Asia and Europe;
An important exchange centre with refined trading areas and an impressive framework
for importing, billing, transport and goods into the country and affiliate markets; and
A climate that is open and conducive to businesses, just as possible in a more stable and
secure business environment.
Research Questions
Based on our assessment criteria, the accompanying test questions guided our various
Are the answer marks specific to a variety of natural foods in a variety of traditional
foods in the UAE?
What is the respondent-focused perspective on the effects of natural food resources on
human well-being and climate in the UAE?
What factors restrict or limit human consumption of natural food resources in the UAE?
What are some ways to improve consumer perception of natural food resources in the
Empirical Studies/Literature Review
Beating the Challenges of the Food Industry in the UAE
The UAE's food industry is split by its diversity. There is a wide range of foodservice
providers, as well as a wide range of food advantages and, interestingly, a wide range of
customer expectations and patterns. When you add in the emperor's evolving challenges, foreign
policies, and financial developments, even with the "Development Plan," you have an awful lot
of risks as an industry. Here are some of the top problems in the food industry and food
responses in the UAE to beat.
Higher Employment - Even though high employment appears to be the standard in any
destination around the world, the UAE, especially Dubai, is facing its greatest fears. Depending
on size and design, the average cost of opening a small, independent eatery in Dubai ranges from
AED 500,000 to AED 1.25 million. Indeed, these statistics are based on food storage areas
ranging from 500 to 1,200 square metres. In addition, 78% of the revenue from the food business
is costly, including rental and operating costs. So, top employment is the biggest and most
obvious test you will look at in the cafe business in Dubai (Sojic et al., 2018).
Competitive Competition, Very Small Customers - With the launch of the 'Enhancement Pan',
comes the Dubai Expo 2020 and the cordiality and eatery industry is taking a positive turn at the
depth of planning and the financial transformation that will go with it, two things have happened:
The tension has escalated
Food to the average customer size has been extended
The most effective way to win Sky High Rentals in the UAE
There are currently going according to plan; however, the most important thing to
remember is that there is no way to avoid this exam, so you must accept full responsibility for
your base. What we mean is that Dubai is made up of very small urban communities with a
constantly evolving consumer culture. You might be tempted to visit the city's less expensive
side, but if it does not meet your expectations, you will be disappointed. Money is donated in
good order and the right condition can be reimbursed. When choosing your location, consider
your cafe design, targeted crowd, the cost of finding unwanted items and the cost of your menu.
Search for places that match your needs and fall into your financial plan. Check the NOC and
other authorised reports for monitoring. It is very unlikely that you will run away from highprofile hiring, so you should force them into your financial system. At the same time, you can
save money by using your cafe, thus improving your financial plan.
The advantages of these twin effects are obvious; restaurants find it difficult to pass the
market due to human consumption. In terms of confrontation, the downgrading is special. When
the uproar has passed, the company as a whole continues to face a big market dilemma known as
cannibalisation. Due to its unique role in the evolving economy, the food industry in the UAE
has attracted a large number of financial investors and entrepreneurs. With so many specialist
associations flooding the market, the outcome was obvious, despite the real challenges in the
segment and the global exchange of capital (Zhang and Seale, 2016).
The Most Effective Way to Win Competition in the UAE
To address this issue and the challenge in the food supply business, we must work on it
first. In more important terms, "Problem Overload" means that there are countless cafes that,
even though the general customer base is growing, the impact of this expansion is dividing
between many restaurants that reduce one profit. In the meantime switch to customer focus. It’s
not that clients don’t spend money; it’s just that they spend in better places. After that, the
solution to this problem entails not just attracting new customers, but also reuniting with old
ones. The coffee company generates 80% of its revenue from 20% of its clients, and all of this is
done to assist them once more. As a result, customer satisfaction should be the top priority
(Siddh et al., 2020).
Opening and Business Challenges
In the field of New Production as indicated by previous government reports, imported
still records 80% of national consumption of new soil products, although that helps because the
neighbouring agricultural business has grown over time. While getting used to aquaculture is
common to support the building of homes, the development of greater freedom of different crops
seems impossible due to climatic conditions, water shortages and the lack of arable land.
Bringing fresh leafy food to these lines seems like an understatement in a participatory renewal
field. Additional benefits extensive knowledge and confession of English for business
negotiations, letter writing, moreover, as an additional language in Arabic in importance records,
approvals, properties, and sites. Also, import and registration strategies are directed directly and
are usually maintained by current online frameworks. The nation further includes logical order of
guidelines regarding naming once a collection of essentials and a host of important repositories
and testaments, which can always be allowed on the web. The whole import strategy, including
loading, testing, administrative work, and transportation should take place within a few hours.
However, an exchange permit is expected to be imported again hand over to the UAE. Providers
are encouraged in one job or another by a neighbouring broadcast organisation or direct target
vendors, including chains of basic food items. Such assistants can help with the problems that
organisations face while working together in the UAE, for example, taking care of VAT-related
cycles, compliance and marking object guidelines and disaster plans in the event of such an event
of boycotts for importation due to social considerations (Feenstra et al., 2019).
As VAT requirements are introduced in 2018, there has been the subject of special issues
identified with them to create a new cost framework. A few organisations indicate that imports
were kept online, as cultural divisions could not ensure that Cost Registration Number. The
number identifies organisations registered for VAT, which are unusual to make instalments
during their VAT return using change the charging system. With VAT guidelines still, as they
are in their early stages, comparative issues may arise in the future. With the import of a new
product from everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing stand up.
Minimizing such risks and solid assurance in addition, safe food, the Department of Climate
Change also the weather occasionally uses short prohibitions on clear places or objects. Import
from Kerala, of the model, stopped during an episode of Nipa infection in 2018. In 2017, the app
banned a few items from Egypt, Oman, Jordan, Lebanon, and Yemen due to high levels of
pesticides. Untrained providers often face dismissal line due to tagging problems, copied or
incorrect food registration, non-compliance with details for repairing items (De, 2020).
Research Methodology
The short-term experimental study was conducted from October to December 2013, and a
process to test information for most of the research trials was used. Therefore, we have planned
to vote using closed questions by various arrangements. The poll was divided into two
categories: respondents 'class characteristics and respondents' natural food sources. The poll
recalled three factors in the areas of customer perception: well-being, conditions, and social
diversity. However, the questions in the viewing area included test sites and explored test
The research philosophy is to look at the quality and measure the relevance of the
research, for three people from the research college of the College of Education at American
University in the Emirates; we proposed a main structure (AUE). They looked at the poll's
content and assessed the experiments' accuracy in terms of writing goals. We updated the poll to
include our co-alliances, and it was submitted to the Business Management College in AUE by
two separate partners, who both opposed it. The poll was then updated once more. Since this
work is being performed in the UAE, the research has been sent to the AUE board office for
permission to distribute to citizens from the AUE population community (El and Ben, 2020).
The research strategy used an incomprehensible testing process and assigned 500
surveys to various Emirates such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Voting was safely passed on to the
AUE and scientific collaborators in their offices, as well as families, family, acquaintances, and
neighbours; those who could answer had a wide range of educational backgrounds and ages. Just
266 of the 500 ballot papers distributed have been completed and returned, giving us a response
rate of 53%. The information from 53% of respondents was split into two categories:
Natural food sources were received by 211 respondents (79.3%), while 55 respondents
(20.7%) had not yet received them. Using the Social Sciences programme, we analysed the data
of people who were just concerned about natural food sources. In the results section, details are
given in tables and graphs.
Figure 1: Research Onion (Salacanin, 2020)
In this study, we examined consumer perceptions of natural food resources in the UAE.
Due to the emergence of alternative lifestyles and awareness, as well as the sound and harmless
quality of natural food sources, half of our respondents favour natural foods more than adults.
We agree that education and reflection are important tools for increasing natural food fertility.
Women and people with undeniable school paid, and social class qualifications have increased
their use of natural foods, according to various reports. We discovered that most respondents had
a favourable view of natural foods and accepted that organic farming is more environmentally
friendly than conventional farming in this survey.
Gantt Chart
People, particularly the young, are more likely to remember natural foods and what they
can tell about their lives and environment during the day. In addition to a number of natural food
sources, most of the participants in this study are more vulnerable to burning fish, organic goods,
and chocolate than conventional food sources. The majority of members believe that natural
foods are essential for human health and the environment, or they purchase natural food sources
as part of another common lifestyle or to establish a reputation for social development; in any
case, most members consume natural foods once a month. Furthermore, there are several data
gaps in the field of natural food resources that must be filled (Randeree, 2019). As a result, we
suggest that more research into natural food sources be conducted, as well as extensive testing to
identify areas of natural food diversity that should be addressed. Furthermore, through television,
radio, media, seminars, and social efforts, the current feeding trend should be made more clear
through student evaluation, and social programmes should be available to people at all levels of
society to people of all ages. These educational exercises will dispel any doubts you may have
about the idea of natural food growing on your products.
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pp.ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.