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Human Resource Management Exam Paper

Human Resource Management
Course Code- BCE10004
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Dr. Priyanka Nema
Adarsh Jaiswal
Course Code: BCE10004, Course Name: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Time: -03 Hours
Date of Exam: 11-02-2021
Maximum Marks: 100
Important Instructions
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Answer all the questions in the same sequence of Question Paper.
3. Use of electronic calculators or any electronic device or watches is strictly prohibited
unless explicitly mentioned.
Answer the following in 400 words:
(20 x 5 = 100 marks)
1. Define Human Resource Management. Trace its evolution.
2. Explain the process of human resource planning in detail. Support it with an example.
3. How is the work of HR practitioners similar to that of physicians who conduct a diagnosis
before treating a patient?
4. State the objectives of performance appraisal and describe the various techniques o in
5. Define and discuss in detail training function of management, how does training helps
workforce to enhance merit and capacity of employees.
1. Define Human Resource Management. Trace its evolution.
Human resource management is the method of deed, training, appraising, and compensating
workers, and of aiming to their relations, health and safety, and fairness issues. Human resource
management deals with management of human resource. It recognizes individuals as the most
significant and productive assets of the organization and so, develops and maintains their quality
within the organization. Human resource management deals with inserting the proper person at
the proper job. It plans, organizes, directs and controls the human resource to extend the
effectiveness of organizational personnel. It the process of guaranteeing that competent
individuals square measure on the market, that they're able to accomplish organizational
objectives, which their energy and skills square measure used effectively. It's the management
of varied activities designed to reinforce the effectiveness of an organization’s manpower in
achieving organization’s goals.
Human Resource Management also is the understanding and application of the policy and
procedures that directly have an effect on the individuals operating inside the project team and
dealing cluster. These policies embrace achievement, retention, reward, personal development,
coaching and career development. It emphasizes upon acquisition, management and motivation
of the manpower. It involves manpower in necessary decision-making processes and integrates
individual goals with organizational goals. HRM plans, organizes, directs and controls the
development, compensation, integration, maintenance and motivation of employees.
Evolution of Human Resource Management: 1920- Chronicle Period of HRM
1948- Factory act IIPM, NILM
1960- Personnel management function began to expand
1970- Shift from labor welfare to efficiency
1980- Professional talk
2. Explain the process of human resource planning in detail. Support it with an example
The Human resource planning is be a method of foretelling the organization’s demand for and
supply of manpower requirement in the near future. Human resource planning is important for
helping both organizations and employees to prepare for the future.
Humans resource planning examines the associate degree organization’s or individual’s future
human resource desires for example, what kinds of skills can be required for jobs of the long run
and developing human resource policies and practices to address potential issues for example,
implementing coaching programs to avoid talent deficiencies.
Human resources undoubtedly play the foremost important part within the functioning of a
corporation. The interactions, interrelationships, and activities performed all contribute in how
or other to the event of human potential. Organizational productivity, growth of companies, and
economic development are to an outsized extent contingent upon the effective utilization of
human capa­cities.
Hence, it's essential for a corporation to require steps for effective utilization of those resources.
within the various stages within the growth of a corporation, effective planning of human
resources plays a key role. Matching the wants of the work with the individual is vital in the least
stages, including the recruitment procedures, during this endeavor.
When organizations contemplate diversification or expansion, or when employees need to be
promoted, human resource planning plays an import­ant role. Further, the organizational plans,
goals, and methods also require effective human resource planning.
Human Resource Planning is four-phased process: The first phase involves the gathering and analysis of information through manpower inventories
and forecasts.
The second phase consists of creating workforce objectives and policies and gaining high
management approval of those.
The third phase involves planning and implementing plans and promotions to modify the
organization to attain its work force objectives.
The fourth phase is concerned with management and analysis of manpower plans to facilitate
progress so as to profit both the organization and therefore the individual.
Human resource planning enables firms to arrange ahead so that they will maintain a gentle
supply of delicate workers. That is why it's additionally stated as workforce planning. The method
is employed to assist firms assess their wants and to arrange ahead to fulfill the wants. Human
resource planning must be versatile enough to fulfill short staffing challenges whereas adapting
to ever-changing conditions within the business setting over the long run. HRP starts by assessing
and auditing the present capability of human resources.
Example- If we are to open new factory and distribution system, at first, we need to determine
how many people we need to be working and in what jobs to implement organizational strategies
and attain organizational objectives (involves forecasting HR needs based on organizational
objectives). Second, we need to determine HR supply which involves forecasting or predicting
effect of various HR programs on employee flowing into, through and out various job
classifications. Third, we need to determine the Feasibility and last revising organizational
strategies and objectives with requirements.
3. How is the work of HR practitioners similar to that of physicians who conduct a diagnosis
before treating a patient?
HR practitioner stands for the people that take care of the human resource activities within the
The work of HR practitioners is analogous thereto of physicians who conduct a diagnosis before
treating a patient during a way that HR people diagnose underlying issues within the firm before
offering an answer to them.
Work of a physician includes proper diagnosis of patient's disease and uneasiness and if required
the patient is shipped for various tests. After evaluating the test results the patient is prescribed
with medicine and treatment. within the same way if the firm persists a recruitment or any
human resource related issue then the HR practitioner will determine the matter deeply and
after deleting alternative solutions the simplest action capable of resolving the recruitment
problem are going to be undertaken.
Whenever things don't go as per the plan, the HR managers make necessary changes and
prescribe new ways of achieving results which shows that HR practitioner work similarly thereto
of physician.
4. State the objectives of performance appraisal and describe the various techniques in detail.
A merit rating, performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance review, or (career)
development discussion could also be a way by which the work performance of an employee is
evaluated by the superior manager or supervisor.
A performance appraisal could also be a scientific and objective method of judging the quality of
an employee in performing his job and an area of guiding and managing career development. it
is the method to urge, analyze, and record the knowledge about the relative worth of an
employee to the organization.
It is also the judgment of an employee’s performance during employment supported
considerations apart from productivity alone.
Performance appraisal is completed periodically, but on endless basis. it is a neighborhood of a
much bigger performance management system and includes both managerial and nonmanagerial employees in its scope.
Generally, the aims of performance appraisal are to provide employees feedback on their
performance, identify employee training needs, provide the opportunity for organizational
development and diagnosis, to improve performance through coaching and development and to
motivate employees through recognition and support.
Methods of Performance appraisal are: 1.Ranking MethodIt is the most seasoned and least complex strategy for execution examination in which
representatives are positioned on certain models, for example, attribute or trademark. The
worker is positioned from most elevated to least or from most noticeably terrible to best in an
association. Subsequently if there are seven workers to be positioned then there will be seven
ranks from 1 to 7.
2.Paired ComparisonIn this technique, the evaluator positions representatives by contrasting one worker and any
remaining representatives in the gathering. The rater is given slips where, each slip has a couple
of names, the rater puts a tick mark next those workers whom he considers to be the better of
the two. This worker is thought about number of times in order to decide the last positioning.
3.Grading MethodIn this strategy, certain classes are characterized well ahead of time and workers are placed
specifically class contingent upon their qualities and attributes. Such classes might be
characterized as exceptional, great, normal, poor, exceptionally poor, or might be regarding
letters in order like A, B, C, D, and so on where A may demonstrate the best and D showing the
most exceedingly terrible. This sort of evaluating strategy is applied during Semester example of
4.Forced Distribution MethodThis strategy was developed to abrogate the pattern of rating the majority of the workers at a
higher finish of the scale. The key supposition in this strategy is that representatives' presentation
level adjusts to a typical measurable dissemination. For instance, 10% workers might be
evaluated as phenomenal, 40% as better than expected, 20% as normal, 10% sub optimal, and
20% as poor.
5.Forced-choice MethodThe constrained decision rating strategy contains a succession of inquiry in a proclamation
structure with which the rater checks how viably the explanation portrays every individual being
assessed in the association. There might be a few varieties in the techniques and proclamations
utilized, yet the most well-known strategy for constrained decision contains two proclamations
the two of which might be positive or negative. It very well might be both the proclamation
portrays the attributes of a representative, however the rater is compelled to tick only one i.e.
the most fitting explanation which might be clearer of the worker.
A rater may be given the following two statements:
The employee is hard working
The employee gives clear instructions to his subordinates
6. Check-list MethodThe fundamental explanation behind utilizing this technique is to diminish the weight of
evaluator. In this technique for assessment the evaluator is furnished with the evaluation report
which comprise of arrangement of inquiries which is identified with the evaluate. Such inquiries
are set up in a way that mirrors the conduct of the concerned assess.
Every question has two alternatives, yes or no, as given below:
1. Is he/she respected by his/her subordinates? Yes/No
2. Is he/she ready to help other employees? Yes/No
3. Does her behavior remain same for everyone in the organization? Yes/No
The concerned rater/evaluator has to tick appropriate answers relevant to the appraises.
7.Critical Incidents MethodThis strategy is exceptionally valuable for discovering those representatives who have the most
elevated potential to work in a basic circumstance. Such a rate is vital for association as they get
a sense, how a director has dealt with a circumstance on account of abrupt difficulty in an
association, which gives a thought regarding his initiative characteristics and treatment of
8.Graphic Scale MethodIt is one of the least complex and generally famous methods for evaluating exhibitions of
representative. It is otherwise called straight appraising scale. In realistic rating scale the printed
examination structure is used to evaluate every representative.
9.Essay Method8
In this strategy, the rater composes a point-by-point depiction on a representative's attributes
and conduct, Information about hierarchical approaches, methods and rules, Information about
the work, Training and advancement needs of the representative, qualities, shortcoming, past
execution, potential and proposals for development.
10.Field Review MethodAs workers are not evaluated by quick chief, the rater from other office may not be acquainted
with the conditions in a worker's workplace which may hamper his capacity and work inspiration
to perform.
Modern Methods include
1.Management by ObjectivesIt is an interaction where the representatives and the bosses meet up to recognize a few
objectives which are normal to them, the workers set their own objectives to be accomplished,
the benchmark is taken as the models for estimating their exhibitions and their association is
there in choosing the course of activity to be followed.
2. Behaviorally Anchored Rating ScalesThis technique is a blend of customary rating scales and basic episodes techniques. It comprises
of preset basic zones of occupation execution or sets of conduct proclamations which depicts the
significant occupation execution characteristics as fortunate or unfortunate.
3. Assessment CentersWith the progression of time modern industrial houses, business began utilizing this strategy.
This is an arrangement of evaluation where singular representative is surveyed by numerous
specialists by utilizing distinctive strategy of execution evaluation. The methods which may be
utilized are pretending, contextual investigations, reenactment works out, value-based
investigation and so forth.
4. 360 Degree Performance AppraisalsIn 360-degree performance appraisal an employee can be appraised by his peers, managers (i.e.
superior), subordinates, team members, customers, suppliers/ vendors - anyone who comes into
direct or indirect contact with the employee and can provide necessary information or feedback
regarding performance of the employee the “on-the-job”.
5. Cost Accounting MethodIn this technique execution of a representative is assessed based on money related returns the
worker provides for their association. A relationship is perceived between the cost remembered
for keeping the representative in an association and the advantage the association gets from that
person. The assessment depends on the set-up connection between the expense and the
5. Define and discuss in detail training function of management, how does training helps
workforce to enhance merit and capacity of employees.
Training is a coordinated action for expanding the specialized abilities of the workers to empower them
to do specific positions proficiently. At the end of the day, training gives the specialists office to acquire
specialized information and to master new abilities to do explicit positions. Training is similarly significant
for the current just as the new workers. It empowers the new workers to get to know their positions and
furthermore increment the work-related information and abilities. Training is characterized as the way
toward imparting applicants with the vital abilities to permit them to play out a particular job.
Training includes change in disposition, abilities or information on an individual with the resultant
improvement in the conduct. For preparing to be compelling it must be an arranged movement directed
after an intensive need examination and focus at specific skills, most significant it is to be led in a learning
While planning the training program it must be remembered that both the individual objectives and
authoritative objectives are remembered. In spite of the fact that it may not be altogether conceivable to
guarantee a sync, yet skills are picked such that a shared benefit is made for the representative and the
The objectives of training are to supply job related knowledge to the workers, to impart skills
among the worker systematically in order that they'll learn quickly, to cause change within the
attitudes of the workers towards fellow workers, supervisor and therefore the organization, to
scale back the wastage of your time and to extend knowledge through learning advanced skills.
Benefits of Training on Employee merit and increase in efficiencyA very much trained worker generally shows more noteworthy efficiency and higher caliber of
work-yield than an undeveloped representative in similar working hours. Training improves the
abilities of workers in the presentation of a specific work. An expansion in the abilities normally
assists with expanding both amount and nature of yield. A deliberate training program assists
with lessening the learning time to arrive at the satisfactory degree of execution. The
representatives need not learn by experimentation or by noticing others and sit around idly if a
conventional training program exists in the association.
The resolve of workers is expanded on the off chance that they are given legitimate preparing. A
decent training project will shape representatives' mentality to accomplish uphold for
authoritative exercises and acquire more noteworthy participation and devotion. Training
lessens disappointment, grumblings, and non-attendance among workers.
Training is an all-around expressed exertion which gives increment skill in the representatives by
giving proficient information, more extensive vision and right examples of conduct, propensity
and aptitudes. It targets setting up a worker for higher duties. For procure higher position and
higher duties preparing is fundamental.