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Common Sense: Common sense is our natural ability to make the right decision or take the proper action (Bateman & Snell, 1999). This is an approach about what comes natural to an individual when confronted with a decision on the correct action in a given situation. Manager are presented with with choices in the execution of their duties requiring them to make correct and sound decisions in furtherance of organisational goals and objectives. What could be natural ability in an individual or group or structure from one of Zambia, let alone the globe, may not be so natural to another from a different part. Common sense being dependant on one’s natural ability to decide correctly could unjustifiably be influenced by perception and subjectivity thereby offering no guarantee whatsoever that an individual’s would make the same correct decision when next faced with the same scenario. Common sense does not require careful systematic study but is in itself a good trait that can be aided by an area of study. It is often said that we learn by mistakes. The saying would be common place to any entity conducting their affairs based a common sense approach to management. The free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, describes common sense based on a strict construction of the term as consisting of what people in common would agree on: that which they "sense" (in common) as their common natural understanding. Merriam-Webster Online uses common sense phrase to refer to beliefs or propositions that most people would consider prudent and of sound judgment, without reliance on esoteric knowledge or study or research, but based upon what they see as knowledge held by people "in common". Thus "common sense" thereby equates to the knowledge and experience which most people allegedly have, or which the person using the term believes that they do or should have. Whatever definition one uses, identifying particular items of knowledge as "common sense" becomes difficult. Philosophers may choose to avoid using the phrase when using precise language. But common sense remains a perennial topic in epistemology and many philosophers make wide use of the concept or at least refer to it. Some related concepts include intuitions, pretheoretic belief, ordinary language, the frame problem, foundational beliefs, good sense, endoxa, and axioms. Common-sense ideas tend to relate to events within human experience (such as good will), and thus appear commensurate with human scale. Humans lack any commonsense intuition of, for example, the behaviour of the universe at subatomic distances; or speeds approaching that of light (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Organisation Behaviour Managers Managers are individuals who are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that goals and objectives of the organisation are achieved. Managers work in organisations where they get things done through other people by directing their activities, making decisions and allocating resources. Henry Fayol, a French industrialist, wrote in the early part of the twentieth century that all managers performed five management functions: planning, organising, commanding, coordinating and controlling (Robbins & Judge, 2002). Managers are responsible for the management aspect of the organisation and their functions in our age are are planning, organising, leading and controlling. The planning functions determines the organisation’s goals, establishes an overall strategy for achieving goals, and involves developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordinate activities. The organising function determines what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how tasks are grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made. Leading concerns the process of motivating employees, directing their activities and selecting the most effective channels of communication and engaging in conflict resolution. Controlling involves monitoring and the application of corrective actions to ensure that set goals are achieved. Management performs ten different highly interrelated roles or sets of behaviour attributed to their jobs and these can be grouped into interpersonal, informational and decisional roles as established by Henry Mintberg, in the late 1960s through careful study, Interpersonal roles deals with the maintenance of relationships with others within and outside the organisation where the manager is a figurehead, leader and liaison with outside contacts. Informational role deals with the gathering and provision of information internally and externally where they act as information monitors and disseminators and speokesperson. Decisional role deals with organisational and operational problems and difficulties where managers perform the roles of enterpreneur, dispute handler, negotiator and resource allocator. Interpersonal Roles The interpersonal roles are primarily social in nature. They are the roles in which the manager’s task is to relate to people in certain ways. The manager may sometimes serve as a figurehead for the organisation, taking visitors to the dinner. In the leader the manager works to hire, train and motivate employees. Finally, the liaison role consists of relating to people outside the group or organisation. For example, a manger may be responsible for handling all negotiations with customers. Each of these roles involves behavioural processes. Informational roles The three informational roles involve some aspect of information processing. The monitor actively seeks information that might be of value to the organisation in general or specific to the manager. The manager who transmits this information to others is carrying out the role of disseminator. The spokesperson speaks for the organisation to outsiders. Again, behavioural processes are part of each of these roles, because information is almost always exchanged between people. Decision-Making Roles There are four decision making roles. The entrepreneur voluntarily initiates change, such as innovation or new strategies, in the organisation. The disturbance handler helps settle disputes between various parties, such as other managers and their subordinates. The resource allocator decides who will get what – how resources in the organisation will be distributed among various individuals and groups. The negotiator represents the organisation in reaching agreements with other organisations, such as contracts between management and labour unions. Again, behavioural processes are crucial in each of these decisional roles. In order to achieve the organisation’s objectives, managers need to be skilled. Robert Katz identifies three essential management skills: technical, human and conceptual. Managers can be technically and interpersonally competent yet fail because of an inability to rationally process and interpret information (Robbin & Judge, 2002). Common sense alone would not make a manager succeed at their job and achieve the organisation’s objectives unless failure is enshrined as one of that organisation’s objectives. Organisation Behaviour Having explained management and understood what managers do, attention is now turned to Organisational Behaviour. It is the study of the behaviour of individuals, groups and structure in organisations for purposes of applying that knowledge to improve the organisation’s effectiveness. Gibson et al define organisational behaviour as a field of study that draws on theory, methods and principles from various disciplines to learn about individual’s perceptions, values, learning capabilities and actions while working in groups and within the organisation and to analyse the external environment’s effect on the organisation and its human resources, missions, objectives and strategies (Gibson at el, 2009). The Case for Organisational Behaviour Organizational behaviour is a social science discipline—much like cultural anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology (Milner, 2002). This means that it uses the scientific method to establish truth and to validate its theories. Milner contends that it is a discipline that historically has had its intellectual home in business schools. With its origins in the middle of the twentieth century, it is a new discipline relative to the other social sciences. Milner stresses that it is a science with a short history which that has been quite turbulent. While recognising that the exact boundaries of the discipline are somewhat fuzzy, the focus is clearly on the world of organizations with the first concern being that of the behaviour and nature of the people within organizations and, second, with the behaviour and nature of organizations within their environments. By the time the discipline approached 25 years of age, organizational behaviour clearly had stretched beyond the first domain and incorporated the second (Pfeffer, 1982). This is historically consistent in that both the study of the behaviour and nature of people and the study of the behaviour and nature of organizations emerged in business schools in the same times, even though the term organizational behaviour was applied to the latter only somewhat later. In line with its professional school origins, organizational behaviour is an applied discipline, concerned with matters of practice and application. Despite this orientation, however, it has relatively few members who actually devote their primary professional efforts to the practice of organizational behaviour in business and other organizational settings; rather, most are concentrated in academia teaching, writing, and conducting research. Milner also observes that although several other terms have become intertwined with organizational behaviour over the years, none of them has achieved quite the same level of acceptance. One is organization (al) theory, which has come to refer almost exclusively to the study of the behaviour and nature of organizations in their environments. A second is organization (al) science, which appears to cover essentially the same ground as organizational behaviour (Miner, 1984, 1990). However, right now organizational behaviour has won the day. Finally, there is the term organization (al) studies, which also has a broad connotation and extends, at least in the recent period, beyond the science of organizations to incorporate several different philosophical positions (Clegg, et al 1996). Having explained what organizational behaviour is, something should be said about what it is not writes Milner. It is not strategic management, a field that has recently emerged and achieved some stature (Schendel & Hofer, 1979) which has differentiated itself at the border that previously existed between organizational behaviour and economics, borrowing from and overlapping with each. Also, organizational behaviour is not economics, although in recent years there has been some confounding of the two fields and some even foresee a possible future takeover of organizational behaviour by economics (Pfeffer, 1995). However, economics was well established in Tocreateafoundation business schools long before organizational behaviour arrived, and organizational behaviour was spawned—inscien large part at the behest of economists—as a separate and distinct discipline. Historically the two are clearly different entities with very different origins. Finally, organizational behaviour is not philosophy. That, however, is a rather complex story. As a science our field is closely tied to, though separate from, the philosophy of science. In this respect it is like all other sciences, and the relationship can be expected to continue as long as organizational behaviour defines itself as a social science. But, from the very beginning, philosophy has been threaded into organizational behaviour in other respects as well—and not always to the benefit of either field. Sometimes, in certain respects organizational behaviour and philosophy have become almost indistinguishable from one another. Understanding what is involved here requires a background in the nature of science, scientific theory, scientific research, and the history of science—in short, in the scientific foundations of the field. It also requires a background in the ways in which philosophy has become threaded into organizational behaviour at various points in time. The study of organisation behaviour has produced many theories, directly or as derived from other disciplines, that are applied to organisations to make them more effective and efficient in attaining goals and objectives in their operating environment. Opposing View OB is not a discipline (Gibson et al, 2009) but a still-emerging field that attempts to help managers understand people better so that productivity improvements, customer satisfaction and a better competitive position can be achieved through better management practiced. Behavioural science, says Gibson et al, have provided the framework and principles for the field with each giving a slight different focus, analytical framework and theme for helping managers answer questions about themselves, non-managers and environmental forces. Gibson et al contend that the study of OB is not a discipline or a generally accepted science with an established theoretical foundation. It is multidisciplinary; using principles, models theories and methods from other disciplines. Patrick Sills takes a helicopter view by looking at behavioural science, to which OB belongs, OB (Gibson et al, 2009) has evolved into an applied set of behavioural science concepts, models and techniques. The predominant contributor to OB being psychology, social psychology, sociology, political science and anthropology have contributed to our understanding and use of OB in organisation. Gibson et al contends that it is only an area of study that borrows heavily from recognised disciplines. The dependence of OB especially in its early years, has been cited by a number of experts and authors as the most dominant critic. Discipline An academic discipline, or field of study, is a branch of knowledge which is taught and researched at the college or university level. Disciplines are defined and recognized by the academic journals in which research is published, and the learned societies and academic departments or faculties to which their practitioners belong. Fields of study usually have several sub-disciplines or branches, and the distinguishing lines between these are often both arbitrary and ambiguous (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Examples of disciplines are engineering, economic, psychology, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, biochemistry, anthropology and many others that combine various disciplines but independently recocognisable as areas of study. Systematic study looks at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects, and drawing conclusions based on scientific evidence. Conclusions Based on the foregoing, it has been shown that OB is a field of study that relies on scientific methods to establish theories that are applied in organisation for a more effective and efficient of attaining organisational goals. All different forms of management from classical approaches (Systematic, Scientific, Bureaucracy, Administrative, Human Relations) to contemporary approaches (such as Quantitative Management, Systems and Contingency theories) produced volumes of information that through care study, analysis and application root OB in its place in the world of organisations as well as in academia. However, it also holds true that revelations of the study of OB may seem developing them on your own or applying them correctly in practice, at the right time, and under appropriate conditions is very difficult. It may look like we are rewriting what common sense entails and should indeed go with our gut feelings, what we know best and have learnt through experience. Sadly, reality is far different from this in that much as trial and error could be the corner stone of innovation, it would never be considered a goal for any organisation looking to be efficient and effective. Knowledge compliments experience and study has shown that managers, who are charged with various responsibilities within organisation, need to be sufficiently skilled to predict, explain and control behaviours of individual, groups and structure in the operating environment all for purposes of achieving organisational goals effectively and efficiently. OB is based on scientific study irrespective of sources. Business courses in colleges and universities teach the subject and continue to conduct research activities on the subject. It is not common sense and has been practiced for years by good successful managers who by their nature could have applied common sense References David Buchanan and Andrzej Huczynski (1997) Organisational Behaviour: Integrated Readings Prentice Hall Europe Thomas S. Bateman, Scott A. Snell (1999) Management: Building Competitive Advantage Irwin McGraw-Hill. James L. Gibson, John M Ivancevich, James H Donnelly Jr, Robert Konopaske (2009) Organisations, Structure, Processes McGraw-Hill Education (Asia). Robert Kreitner (2007) Management Tenth Edition Houghton Mifflin John B. Miner (2002) Organizational Behaviour: Foundations, Theories, and Analyses. Oxford University Press. Moorhead G, Griffin R. W. (2001) Organisation Behaviour: Managing people and Organisations. Houghton Mifflin Jeffrey Pfeffer (1982) Organisations and Organisational Theory Pitman Publishing Inc. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_academic_" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_academic_ Disciplines. Bibliography Hall R H (1983) Organisations McGraw Hill New York Davis K, Newstrom John W (1985) Fundamentals of Organization Behaviour McGraw Hill New York Kolb D A, Osland J S Rubin I M, (1995) Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Agger, Ben (1991). Critical Theory, Poststructuralism, Postmodernism: Their Sociological Relevance. Annual Review of Sociology, 17, 105–131. Kolb D A, Osland J S Rubin I M, (1995) Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Chapter 19 Cole G A, (2004) Organisational Behaviour, Thomson Learning. Chapter15 Bacharach, Samuel B. (1989). Organizational Theories: Some Criteria for Evaluation. Academy of Management Review. Bagozzi, Richard P.; Yi, Youjae; & Phillips, Lynn W. (1991). Assessing Construct Validity in Organizational Research. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36, 421–458. @ \ R \ ] b d n Š Ž ‘ « < > ? 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