RELATIVE PRONOUNS WHO ( Pessoa + who + verbo) WHOM (object) ( Coisa + whom + pronome) WHICH (Coisa + which + verbo) ou ( Coisa + which + Pronome) WHOSE (Substantivo + whose + substantivo) THAT (Usado com Who / whom / which) Introduzem uma oração relativa. Uma oração relativa nos diz que tem pessoa ou coisa ao falante que significa ou refere. Who / that: Refere – se as pessoas Those people live next door. They have 16 children. The people who /that live next door have 16 children. Função de sujeito. Which / that: Refere-se as coisas A turtle is an animal. It lives in the sea. A turtle is an animal which / that lives in the sea. Função de sujeito SUJEITO DE UMA ORAÇÃO RELATIVA. I know a man. He is a lawyer. I know a man who / that is a lawyer. A dog ran away. A dog is mine. The dog which /that ran away is mine. NUNCA PODE SER OMITIDO. OBJETO DE UMA ORAÇÃO RELATIVA I spoke to a man. I had met him before. I spoke to a man (whom/that/--) I had met before. That’s the book. I read it last summer. That’s the book (which/that/ --) I read last summer. PODE SER OMITIDO EM ORAÇÕES REALTIVAS DEFINIDAS. WHOSE=RELAÇÃO DE POSSE. That’s the woman- her house caught fire yesterday. That’s the woman whose house caught fire yesterday. That’s the house- its entrance is guarded. That’s the house whose entrance is guarded. NUNCA PODE SER OMITIDO. DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES Necessário informação Essencial para significar a sentença principal Relative pronouns podem ser omitidos quando funcionam como objeto