1761 Faber-Castell is established in Nuremberg, Germany. 1100s-1300s Europeans begin making their first paper. France’s first paper mill opens in 1338. 3,000 BCE Ancient Egyptians cover the walls of their tombs with linear drawings of daily life. 1564 Graphite came into widespread use following the discovery of a large graphite deposit in Borrowdale, England. 1830s-1840s Honoré Daumier, best known for caricature and satire drawings of political figures, creates some of his most influential works. 1413 Filippo Brunelleschi, demonstrated the geometrical method of perspective by painting the outlines of various Florentine buildings onto a mirror. 1616 Astronomer Galileo explained the changing phases of the moon through his observational drawings. 35,000 BCE Charcoal and ochre cave pictograms appear in modern day France and Spain. 1867 Master draftsman JeanAuguste-Dominique Ingres dies from pneumonia, leaving behind 4,000 drawings. 1420s-1430s The majority of Florentine artists (and throughout Italy) begin to use geometrical perspective in their paintings. 1979 Betty Edwards publishes her revolutionary drawing process book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. 1913 Norman Rockwell’s first published magazine cover illustration, Scout at Ship’s Wheel, appears on Boys’ Life September edition. 2012 Raphael’s drawing Head of a Young Apostle sells for $47.8 million. 1987 Copic sketch makers make their international debut. 1890s Aubrey Beardsley creates Art Nouveau ink illustrations, most famously for Oscar Wilde's play Salome. A Brief History of Drawing