Ghost Boys 20201-04-16 Sarah and Jerome’s relationship/friendship teaches us many lessons.Three lessons that we learned could be understanding others and understanding how they feel, Stereotypes and lastly Character development. Their friendship could make us learn that considering another person’s view is important. The connection I made for Jerome and Emmett affected my understanding of “Ghost Boys.” In the book they gave some information about the ghost boys and the information is, they are all ghost boys who died when they were really young and they share their story with one person who can see and hear them. The book inspired me to post stuff on my accounts on many different social medias to share about racial injustices. By “bearing witness” to Jerome’s and Emmett’s I noticed that there are a lot of other children who got killed because of prejudgment. The only way we could stand up for them is to share their stories with other people and post stuff about it on our social media. Sarah and Jerome’s lives were similar and different from each other in a lot of ways. They both grew up in different ways and neighbourhoods, but something similar they had was they were both bullied and they both had no friends. Another important connection they had was the lawyer who compared Sarah to Jerome when Sarah’s father was on trial for shooting him and killing him. Also the only two differences they had was their skin color was different and their genders were different. In my opinion I think the author chose Sarah to be the only person who could talk and see Jerome because I think Sarah was the best option for them to be able to connect with each other. As the story was continuing Sarah builds a better and a deeper understanding of Jerome’s feelings towards Jerome. As the story was continuing Sarah discovered a lot of information about racial injustice. At first she thought her dad was right but when she found a lot of information about racial injustice she changed her mind and went on Jerome's side and she realized that her father was wrong. As soon as she realized her dad was in the wrong she decided to collect Ms.Penny’s data and use all of that data to create a website for spreading awareness to try to stop racial prejudice. The understanding that she built towards Jerome changed her and actually helped her to help to make the world a better place to live. In conclusion Sarah and Jerome’s friendship was only started because they both understood each other's feelings. Their friendship is a really good lesson for all of us, because people should not be judged by the color of their skin or how they look because someone might not wear the best clothes but they might be the sweetest person ever. I really liked the book “Ghost Boys' ' and it was a very good educational book because in this book you face real world problems and you understand what really happened in society. This book could teach us a really good thing and that is, a lot of problems could be solved if we white people treat black people the same as they treat white people and balck people treat white people the same as they treat black people. By: Danial