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Western Civilization Essay: Galileo, Newton, Descartes

Last name: Abdel Jalil
First name: Jad
Western Civilization - Answer Sheet – Final Essay Exam (worth 25%).
Write your essay below. Do not go beyond the dotted line on page 2.
The Scientific Revolutions that shaped the new world view occurred in the
1500’s and 1600’s. These revolutions were the answers to many unsolved
questions that people had during those times. The scientists that made these
discoveries that led to our new world view in the Western Tradition were known as
natural philosophers. Isaac Newton and Rene Descartes were the two “natural
philosophers” who discovered the laws that are surrounding us at all times and
simplifying complex geometrics into algebraic form. Galileo was the scientist that
led to the understanding of space, planets and stars. He also opened the
understanding of the craters on the moon.
Thesis Statement
Galileo, Isaac Newton and Rene Descartes were the three most important
natural philosophers that discovered Scientific Revolutions which led to a new
world view.
Main Body
1. Body paragraph
Galileo lived from 1564 to 1642, during his time, he used the telescope to
observe outer space. With a 30-magnification telescope, Galileo was able to
observe the Moon, stars and other plants in our galaxy. One of his most prominent
discoveries was the four moons of Jupiter, he discovered them in January 1610.
The discovery of the four moons became strong evidence supporting Copernican
theory that celestial objects do not revolve around the Earth. The four moons
around Jupiter are known as the Galileo Moons in honor of his discovery. After
observing the galaxy for some years, he realized that the milky way is filled with
millions of stars. As well as that, Galileo was able to support Copernicus, Kepler
and the heliocentric who presented the idea that the sun was the center of the
solar system. His most notable discovery was the craters on the Moon. He noticed
the “depressions” on the Moon in 1609 when he observed it through the
telescope. He was able to compare the Moon craters to the mountains on Earth
and found that they resemble one another. This discovery allowed for a further
understanding of the moon that we know of today and have visited. Galileo
constructed the view that we have today and have built on about the four moons
that Jupiter has, as well as the understanding of the craters on the Moon.
2. Body Paragraph
Isaac Newton lived from 1642 to 1727 during his lifetime, he established the
Laws of Motion. There are three Laws of Motion, the first is an object will not
change its motion unless a force act on it. The second law states that the force on
an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration. The third law is when two
objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal magnitude and opposite
direction. These three laws were the bases to understand everything that happens
around you, they also established rules for science. Isaac Newton discovered
gravity which led him to his three laws of motion. His work allowed modern
science to understand gravity and how it works through his laws. Newton’s work
was not accepted until 1718 when scholars at Cambridge University began
implementing them into their university. René Descartes was a mathematician
who lived from 1596 to 1650. His most notable contribution to the science
revolution was making the connection between algebra and geometry. He showed
that geometry was able to be solved through algebraic equations, simplifying
geometry. Descartes contribution to the scientific revolution helped scientists and
mathematicians understand geometry through simple algebraic equations which
we use in the modern day. Descartes was able to show that complex curves could
be shown and solved in algebraic form. Isaac Newton’s discoveries were the basis
for the modern day understanding of gravity and the movement of objects
through his laws. Descartes contributions established the simplification of
geometry into algebra equations.
Galileo contributions in early science, using a microscope led to the
understanding of the Milky Way as well as the planets and stars in the galaxy. His
greatest contribution was identifying that the craters on the moon are similar to
craters on mountains. Isaac Newton discovered the laws of Newton which allows
us to understand everything that goes on around us. Descartes contributions was
to math and geometrics, making complex mathematics to simple algebra.
With the discoveries of Isaac Newton, Galileo and Rene Descartes, they
opened a new world of science that gave us a different perspective of the new
world. As Isaac Newton’s laws started getting accepted in Universities, the laws of
motion and laws of gravity grew into the Western Traditions which led to a new
world view of everything around us. Galileo’s discoveries of the moon crates being
the same as the mountains on earth, it allowed the new view of space and the
moon giving us more of an understanding of the moon. Rene Descartes’s
contribution to simplifying complex curves and geometric equations into algebraic
form led to the understanding of mathematics in the new world.