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Gel Electrophoresis Virtual Lab Worksheet

Gel Electrophoresis Virtual Lab
Go to the website: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/units/biotech/gel/
Answer the following questions as you complete the virtual lab.
1. How do you sort and measure DNA strands even though they are so small?
gel electrophoresis
2. What other molecules does electrophoresis come in handy for separating?
dna rna and protein
3. Explain in your own words how the gel works. the gel works by using electrical current to force molecules across the
4. Do you think the DNA has a positive or a negative charge?
5. ________________the sorted groups makes them visible to the naked eye.
6. After doing electrophoresis can we see a single DNA strand?
7. List the 5 major steps used in electrophoresis?
a. pouring gel
b. preparing samples
c. loading gel
d. exposing gel to electrode field and
e. staining gel
8. What materials will you need to make the gel?
a. pipette
c. agarose gel
d. tae buffer
e. comb
9. What is the comb used for?
used to make sample wells
10. What is the use of the buffer in the electrophoresis box?
11. What does the DNA size standard contain?
dna rna fragments
12. What do the bubbles on the electrodes tell you? the electric current is being formed
13. What is the approximate length of the strands in the DNA sample that you ran?
a. 6000
b. 3300 bp
c. 1500 bp
14. What units are used to measure DNA strand length?