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Kazakhstan History Exam Ticket: Sources, Repressions, Politics

1 билет
1) List the sources and books about the tribes on the territory of Kazakhstan in antiquity, the Middle
1)The main sources of the history of the medieval period are works written in the Persian and Turkic
languages in Central Asia and neighboring countries. The history of Dasht-i Kipchak, Semirechye,
Maverannahr, East Turkestan and other neighboring regions, have relations among themselves - this is the
history of important social phenomena caused by internal and external factors of economic development.
2)Documents of East Turkestan are written mostly in the cities of Balasagun and Kashgar ; 3) Documents of
Western Turkestan are conditionally divided into three subgroups: a) Sources written in the Syr Darya cities
Sairam, Sygnak, Otyrar and Sauran; b) Sources created in large cultural and commercial centers of
Samarkand, Iasi, Ispidzhab, Igunek, etc.; c) Khorezmian sources created in the cities of Urgench, Bukhara and
Fergana are separately distinguished. 4) Written monuments of the Golden Horde , published in the main cities
of Saray-Batu, Saray-Berke, in the large medieval cities of Ak Orda and Kok Horde; 5) A separate group is
made up of sources created in Egypt and Persia , especially in the cities of Baghdad and Cairo; 6) Crimean
sources were written mostly in the cities of Sudak, Solhat, Kafa and Tan; 7) Written monuments of cities of
Western Ukraine were created in Galicia, Podillia, Lviv, Kamenetz.
2) Describe the situation in Kazakhstan during repressions in Kazakhstan in 1936-1938
During 30-ies socialist relations were settled on all the territory of Soviet Union. Lands, factories and plants,
kolkhozes and sovkhozes became state’s property. State-bureaucratic regulation, planning, and redistribution
confirmed according the new Constitution of USSR (Union of Soviet Socialistic Republic) 1936. In political
sphere, the system of one-party dictatorship with eclectic (complex) combination of different version of
intolerance and hatred was characteristic. Republics hadn’t juridical initiations, workers weren’t owners of
factories, and peasants were alienated from lands. So socialism took totalitarian, barracks character. Functions
of punitive bodies increased, role of Soviets decreased thanks to theory of Stalin about strengthening of classes
struggle in country. There was People commissariat of internal forces with special department used repressive
measures: exiling, reformatory camps, deportation from country. Masses repressions were in Kazakhstan also.
There were constructed special reformatory camps on the territory of Kazakhstan: Karaganda reformatorylabour camp of special regime (Karlag, in Karaganda existed 25 observations for special migratory), Steplag,
ALZGIR – for relatives (wives) of repressed. In the end of the 20-s the mass repression began in Kazakhstan.
In the 1928 44 “bourgeois nationalist activists of “Alash-Horde” were arrested. Among them: A.Bukeykhanov,
A.Baytursynov, M.Zhumabayev, Zh.Aimautov. In 1930 other group of intelligent (about 40 men) was
arrested: M.Tynyshpayev, Kh.Dosmukhamedov. In 1937-1938 repression had mass character. T.Ryskulov,
D.Sadvakasov, U.Issayev, U.Djandossov and other state and social activists were repressed and killed.
Representatives of the Kazakh literature and science S.Seifullin, B.Mailin, I.Djansugurov, K.Zhubanov,
S.Asfendiarov and others were killed. 101 thousand Kazakhstani people were repressed; 27 thousand of them
were shot. Beside to starvations, tragedies there were big achievements in development of Kazakhstan.
3) Tell about the development of political systems of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Since Kazakhstan gained its independence, the task building a modern democratic society in the republic has
become an integral part of the strategic course of our state and the President. Already in the first constitutional
documents of that time - the Constitutional Law "On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in
1991 and the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1993 - the tasks of creating a democratic society
and the rule of law appeared as programmatic. The democratization of Kazakhstani society involves the
further development of political parties and civil society institutions. A political system is democratic if it
allows you to freely form political parties, and parties to fight for power, or not to share power. The crisis of
the Soviet economy of the 1980s, which deepened significantly as a result of the collapse of economic
relations after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, increased inflation, the collapse of the old monetary and
financial system inherited from the Soviet Union, a sharp aggravation of social problems in the country, all
this required immediate and decisive action by the leadership of the republic, which was forced to sacrifice the
pace of democratization in order to preserve itself statehood of Kazakhstan. The principle of "first - the
economy, then the policy", which was adopted by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev
during these years, as further experience in the development of Kazakhstan (as well as other countries of the
Commonwealth of Independent States - CIS) showed, was the most true in the current situation . He made it
possible to concentrate all the efforts of the state apparatus on economic priorities, while at the same time
preventing political anarchy in the country.
1) Tell about the periodization of contemporary Kazakhstan’s history. Historical sources and
historiography of contemporary history of Kazakhstan.
1. The oldest period - covers the time from the appearance of a person on the territory of Kazakhstan (2.5
million years BC) to the onset of the state on the territory of Kazakhstan (VIII-VIII centuries BC). 2. The
ancient period - the appearance of the first states on the territory of Kazakhstan (Saks, Usuns, Kangles, Huns),
their heyday, crisis and decline (from the 8th century BC to the 5th century AD). 3. The medieval history of
Kazakhstan (V century AD to the 30s of the XVIII century .. Conventionally, scientists distinguish the early
(pre-Mongol period, before the beginning of the XIII century), and later the Middle Ages (before the accession
of Kazakhstan to Russia). 4. The new history of Kazakhstan since the 30s of the eighteenth century. until
February 1917 - the entry of Kazakhstan into the Russian Empire, the colonial period. 5. The first stage of the
modern history of Kazakhstan begins from the time of the overthrow of tsarism, the October Revolution and
the establishment of Soviet power (1917-1920) until the actual collapse of the USSR (August-December
1991). 6. The second stage of the modern history of Kazakhstan begins from the day of independence on
December 16, 1991 to the present day and is characterized by the formation and development of the Republic
of Kazakhstan as a sovereign, democratic rule of law.
2) Analyze the Transfer of the capital from Almaty to Astana\Nur-Sultan.
In December 1997, the capital of Kazakhstan was moved from Alma-Ata to Akmola, a regional city in the
center of the republic. By the mid-1990s, Akmola was an industrial and transport, scientific, educational and
cultural center of regional significance, but the infrastructure of the city did not correspond to the new capital
status and required significant development. The transfer of the capital is a unique phenomenon in the history
of post-Soviet states and has its own specific reasons. The decision to transfer the capital was made by the
Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 6, 1994. The official reason for the transfer was that
Alma-Ata is geographically located in the south and not in the center of the republic, that it has exhausted the
possibilities of its further development and has become dangerous in environmental and seismic terms - The
southern capital is indeed located in a seismogenic zone, where destructive earthquakes can occur. The real
reasons for the transfer of the capital were geopolitical, or rather, ethnopolitical in nature and consisted in a
kind of "split" of Kazakhstan into the Russian-speaking industrial north and the Kazakh agrarian south. The
transfer of the capital was one of the components for the implementation of national policies, strengthening the
territorial integrity of the state and preventing separatist sentiments and movements. Large administrativeterritorial transformations carried out in the republic in April-May 1997 were also aimed at this. Five regions
were disbanded, and regions with a predominant residence of the Russian-speaking population were merged
with regions of predominant residence of the Kazakh population.
3) Tell about the 1st Civil Forum and its significance for society.
One of the most important directions of state policy in Kazakhstan is the creation of favorable conditions for
the development of civil society institutions. Particular importance is attached to strengthening cooperation
between the state and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the process of resolving various topical
issues in the social sphere: protecting human rights, supporting socially disadvantaged groups of the
population, promoting a healthy lifestyle, gender equality, developing creative initiatives, etc. The interaction
of the state and NGOs in Kazakhstan is based on the principles of equal partnership in the framework of a
nationwide dialogue, the main mechanism of which is the Civil Forum. The Civil Forum of Kazakhstan is held
every two years. During the forum, strategic issues of the development of the non-governmental sector and the
social sphere are discussed, relevant recommendations and joint action plans are developed. The aim of the
Civil Forum is to improve the legislative, socio-economic and organizational-methodological basis for the
comprehensive development of civil society institutions and their equal partnership with the state and the
business sector in accordance. I Civil Forum was held on October 14, 2003. He faced the task of creating an
effective and efficient mechanism for cooperation between state and civil institutions, constructive interaction
on an equal footing.
3 билет
1) What do you know about the socio-economic situation in Kazakhstan in the early 20th century
and migration of Russian and other peasants to the Kazakh lands from central Russia.
At the beginning of the XX century. the main territory of Kazakhstan consisted of six regions: the Syr-Darya
and Semirechenskaya regions were part of the Turkestan Governor General (center of Tashkent), Akmola,
Semipalatinsk, Ural, Turgai - part of Stepnoy (center of Omsk). The territory of the Inner (Bukeev) Horde
was part of the Astrakhan province, and Mangyshlak - in the Transcaspian region. In Kazakhstan, mining and
mining enterprises, as well as manufacturing enterprises, have mainly developed. Mining developed in Altai
and Central Kazakhstan, where rich deposits of non-ferrous metals and coal were developed. At the beginning
of the XX century. mining enterprises producing copper, gold, coal, etc., passed into the hands of foreign
joint-stock companies.According to the census of the Russian Empire in 1897, three largest ethnic groups were
identified on the territory of Kazakhstan: Kazakhs, who made up 81.7% of the population, Russians - 10.9 and
Ukrainians –1.9%. But already in 1914, the proportion of Kazakhs fell to 65.1, and the Eastern Slavs
(Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians) increased to 29.6%. The main reason for the decrease in the specific
weight of the indigenous population and its correlation with other ethnic groups was the positive migration
balance of the Russian and Ukrainian populations. The peasant colonization of Kazakhstan particularly
intensified in the last decade of the 19th century. - beginning of XX century in connection with the Stolypin
agrarian reform. In total, over 1.6 million people settled in the region over 46 years (1871-1917). (without
those who returned), the vast majority who arrived in 1907-1916. As a result of this, in the late XIX - early
XX centuries. The process of forming the multinational composition of the population of Kazakhstan has
2) Tell about the activity of Kunayev D.A. as the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Kazakhstan. Define the achievements of policy.
Starting from 1960, the new leader of Kazakhstan was D. A. Qonaev. He was the rare case of leader who came
forward from the republic thanks to his own professional qualities, but not appointed from Moscow. Over the
45 years that Kunaev spent in senior management positions, of which almost 25 were the first leader of the
republic. He made a significant contribution to the socio-economic and cultural development of Kazakhstan.
The mining industry of the republic reached a high level, new production regions of Kazakhstan were formed,
new cities and large settlements were built. The Pavlodar-Ekibastuz fuel and energy complex, the Karaganda
state district power station-2, the Buktyrminskaya hydroelectric station in East Kazakhstan, the Pavlodar
tractor plant, and many other industrial enterprises that have mastered the production of titanium, magnesium,
synthetic rubber, and various industries are developing rapidly in the republic. electrical engineering,
mechanical engineering, chemistry. Formed Mangystau, Zhezkazgan, Torgai region. Kunaev pays special
attention to the development of the Kerbulak Plain, the construction of the Kapshagai Reservoir, the Great
Almaty Canal (Ulken Almaty Canal). At the same time, industry remained the limited base of the Soviet
Union. Kunaev took effective measures to preserve the existing territorial borders of the republic, its integrity.
Kunaev returned to Kazakhstan the cotton-growing areas in the South, given to Uzbekistan, opposed the
initiatives of the Center (Moscow) to create German autonomy in Kazakhstan, transferring Mangystau to
Turkmenistan. During the years of his leadership, the capital of the republic of Almaty (then Alma-Ata) turned
into a highly developed industrial, cultural and scientific center, the Republic Palace, KazGUgrad, Arasan
health center, Medeu sports complex, many others were built. cr building. Since 1985 M.S. Gorbachev began
reforming the Soviet political and economic system. On December 16, 1986, at an extraordinary plenary
meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, G. Razumovsky, the representative
of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, announced the decision of the
Politburo to relieve Kunaev of his post and appoint G.V. Kolbina. June 26, 1987 Kunaev expelled from the
Central Committee of the CPSU, then from the Central Committee of the CPC. In the history of the
Kazakhstan party organization, Kunaev was the third Kazakh, who was its 1st party secretary. Kunaev - was a
man of the “system”, believed in “socialist choice” and “communist idea”.
3) State priorities of the economic development according program Kazakhstan 2050
In December 2012, in the Address of the Head of state to the people of Kazakhstan, the development strategy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050 was presented. Its main goal is to create a welfare society on the
basis of a strong state, a developed economy and universal labor, finding Kazakhstan in the 30 most developed
countries of the world. To achieve these goals, the strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" provides for the
implementation of seven long-term priorities: 1. new deal economic policy-comprehensive economic
pragmatism based on the principle of profit, return on investment and competitiveness2. comprehensive
support for entrepreneurship-the leading force of the national economy3. new principles of social policy-social
guarantees and personal responsibility4. Education and professional skills-the main reference points of the
modern system of education, training and retraining5. further strengthening of statehood and development of
Kazakhstan's democracy6. consistent and predictable foreign policy-promoting national interests and
strengthening regional and global security7. new Kazakhstan patriotism is the basis of success of our
multinational and multi-confessional society.
4 билет
1) Tell about the features of the development of industry in the Kazakh land and its colonial
character. Transport. Trade. European capital penetration
Having diversified industry, the republic, after the war, began to implement measures to transfer the national
economy to peaceful tracks and to significantly increase the production of civilian products. The volume of
capital investments in the national economy for only one year of the fourth five-year period almost doubled
the costs in 1941-1945, including 1.2 times for industry. Capital investments in the consumer goods industry
increased sharply (1.47 times). Kazakhstan has become one of the main bases in the restoration of areas
affected by the war, where metal, raw materials, fuel, building materials, industrial goods and food, pedigree
cattle and seeds came from the republic. Industrial enterprises, which worked for the needs of the front for a
long time, switched to the production of peaceful products. There was a restructuring of technological
processes, adjustment of equipment, overhaul of machines and entire production units. New forms of
industrial relations between enterprises were established. Many of them switched to a new specialization or
returned to the previous one.Heavy industry enterprises were built. Six new coal mines, the Karaton and
Munayly fields were commissioned, the construction of the Kazakh Metallurgical Plant was completed, the
capacity of the Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant increased, the first stage of the Karatau Mining and Chemical
Combine was commissioned. Energy developed on local fuel. Electricity generation in 1950 reached 2.6
billion kW. hours against 0.6 in 1940.Received further development of the industry of light and food industry.
The range of consumer goods, food production expanded, their quality improved. Capital investment in the
food industry was 20% higher than the amount spent on the two pre-war five-year periods, and its gross output
increased by 60% and the pre-war level of production of the main types of food was significantly
surpassed.Russian entrepreneurs buy richest deposits from the local Kazakh population for nothing. So, in the
40s of the XIX century, merchants N. Ushakov, A. Ryazanov bought Karaganda coal deposits from the local
population. Assumption copper deposit, areas of Zhezkazgan and Spassko-Voskresensky copper mine.By the
beginning of the 20th century, most of the mining enterprises were in the hands of foreign entrepreneurs. The
tsarist government gave free access to foreign entrepreneurs in the development of deposits. Russian
merchants do not have enough experience. They have difficulties in the sale of finished products. Russian
officials often side with foreign entrepreneurs.As a rule, foreigners are random people. These were teachers,
butchers, small traders and translators. Western banks have loans. They very quickly expect that cheap
Kazakhstani resources will be realized.The transport system of Kazakhstan. Until now, there were many
people living in the territory of modern Kazakhstan and Central Asia, who had more than 6.5 thousand tons of
total length from the southeastern outskirts of China to the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. km On the Silk
Road there was a huge amount of goods exchanging advanced culture. Understanding this, Kazakhstan has
managed to take the first steps in its restoration in order to strengthen trade and economic ties in its entirety.
Today, Kazakhstan has a connection - using all types of modern transport (by rail and road, air transport) with China and can practically transport goods from Europe and Asia to anywhere in China and the countries
of Southeast Asia. Open maritime communication with Iran, mixed (rail-road) - with Turkey. For Kazakhstan,
transport is critical. The vast territory of the country, as well as its remoteness from world markets, makes the
existence of a developed transport system vital for Kazakhstan.
2) Describe the Socio-economic development of the Soviet Kazakhstan in the 1960s: explain the
Policy of Tselina (1954) as a famous campaign.
Economic reforms in the 1960s affected several sectors - industry, construction, and agriculture. • The
chemical industry has become a powerful industry. Major measures were taken to develop oil and gas fields in
Mangyshlak. In 1965, Uzen field produced its first oil. • In Kazakhstan in 1966, 11 industrial enterprises,
including the Ust-Kamenogorsk lead-zinc plant, the Shymkent cement plant, the Zhetysu shoe factory in
Almaty, and others, switched over to a new planning procedure — self-financing — collective farms with state
farms. • The steps taken in the economic reform of 1965 stimulated the solution of issues of technical reequipment, improving the organization of labor and production. Earned such leverage as profit, price,
premium, credit. Much attention was paid to the material interest of each employee and the enterprise as a
whole. • In the 1960s, mining was predominantly developed. Thus, the ferrous metallurgy of the SokolovskoSarbaisky and Karaganda plants received accelerated development; non-ferrous metallurgy at Leninogorsk,
Zhezkazgan, Pavlodar, Ust-Kamenogorsk combines; oil fields Mangyshlak, mining and chemical plant
Karatau. Kazakhstan accounted for about 90% of the all-Union production of yellow phosphorus, ranked first
in the USSR in the extraction of chromium, and third in the extraction of coal, iron, manganese ores. • The
symbol of a revolutionary breakthrough in the development of science was the world's first manned space
flight, carried out by Yu. A. Gagarin on April 12, 1961. This led the economy to the need to begin the
transition to scientific and industrial production. Development of virgin lands - a set of measures to increase
grain production in the USSR As a result of the development of virgin land, Kazakhstan has turned into a large
grain district of the USSR. Large-scale production has led to a large influx of labor, vehicles, equipment into
Kazakhstan. Serious work has been done to strengthen collective farms, MTS and state farms with leading
personnel and specialists. Permanent mechanization cadres were created at MTS and state farms. Kazakhstan
has become a multinational republic. The labor heroism of the virgin lands was highly appreciated. Giant
arrays of territory were thrown open in pursuit of the indicators. Demographic crisis. 2 million people arrived
in Kazakhstan to develop virgin lands. To work in industry, construction and transport still came - 0.5 million
people. As a result, an objective threat to the language, sociocultural institutions, and the entire life support
system of the Kazakh ethnic group arose. More than 700 schools have been translated from the Kazakh
language of instruction into Russian. The publication of national literature and periodicals has declined. Tselin
as a massive and not very prepared event attracted not only experts and genuine enthusiasts, but also a large
number of random people who came to these parts for a long ruble. In 1962, at the initiative of N. S.
Khrushchev, the northern regions of Kazakhstan were united into Tselinny Krai, and the city of Akmolinsk
was renamed Tselinograd.
3) Define the value of the work «The strategy of the development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign
The strategy stated that Kazakhstan is moving from a planned economy to a market economy, from
totalitarianism to liberal politics. The value of work in the country for the "Development Strategy of
Kazakhstan as a sovereign state" is great. Indeed, with the help of this strategy, our state has increased its
economy many times over in such a short time. Thanks to this, they formed a social market economy, created
the conditions for implementing the principle of economic self-determination of a person, created a society in
which they actually ensured the well-being of all, increased the most important value of this value of the
people, thereby providing us with everything necessary for a comfortable life, increasing labor incomes,
pensions and benefits as the economy grew and stabilized, developed trade and economic relations with other
countries, guaranteed security of the republic for the sake of value States countries that is - we. And all this
lies on the basis of a fair balance of mutual interests of both parties, more precisely the state and the people
5 билет
1) Formation of the Kazakh intellectual elite: social composition, education, activity. Qarqaraly petition
The foundations of the worldview of traditional Kazakh society are enshrined in the mouths of folk art and
the legacy of thinkers of the times of the Kazakh Khanate (from Asana Kaygy to Bukhara-zhyrau). In the
second aspect of the 19th century, a pronounced expression took place in various aspects of the life and
teachings of modern times. This was facilitated by the hard work of Abay Kunanbaev and other Kazakh
enlighteners of the times of the Russian Empire , as well as the activities of the Jadidist movement. The most
educated strata include representatives of the Islamic clergy. However, until the 19th century, education
could only be obtained in a madrassah. Textbooks on philosophy, astronomy, history, languages, medicine,
mathematics. The term of study was 3-4 years. Some religious figures are educated in Bukhara, Istanbul and
other major cities of the Muslim world. At the end of the 19th century, a network of "Russian-native
schools" was created in Turkestan Krai - primary schools created by the Russian administration to train
lower-level officials. The graduates of secular schools were such famous figures of Kazakh culture as Chokan
Valikhanov, Ibrai Altynsarin, Abay Kunanbaev, Muhammed-Salikh Babadzhanov, Shakarim Kudaiberdiev and
many others. They advocated enlightenment and renewal of Kazakh society, sharply criticized the
backwardness of patriarchal-feudal social foundations and declared the need for political changes in the
Russian Empire and in the Turkestan Territory in particular, introducing advanced ideas into Kazakh society
through their creativity and social activities. In the second half of the XIX century, Kazakh print media
appeared. Kazakh books were published in St. Petersburg, Kazan, Orenburg, Tashkent, Semipalatinsk. The
first Kazakh newspaper was the supplement "Turkistan Ulayatyny Gazeti" to the newspaper "Turkestan
Vedomosti" , which was released on March 28, 1870. In 1911, the publication of the first Kazakh magazine
“Aikap” was organized, in 1913 - the newspaper “Kazakh”. The pages of these periodicals covered various
aspects of the life of the Kazakh society. Moreover, even at the beginning of the 20th century, in Kazakh
social thought, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz people sometimes seemed to be a single people. For example, the
significant theoretical work of the Kazakh public figure Alikhan Bukeikhanov was called “Kyrgyz”. At the
beginning of the XX century, a new generation of the Kazakh intelligentsia was formed. It was composed of
Alikhan Bukeikhanov, Bakhytzhan Karataev, Akhmet Baitursynov and many others; in the future, the
founders of the Kazakh national party Alash. Alash is a party of national liberal orientation, which, according
to the program, is close to a cadet party. Shortly after the October Revolution, Alash declared autonomy - a
non-Soviet state entity that did not exist long in Kazakhstan. During the October Revolution and after the
outbreak of the Civil War, representatives of the national-liberal Kazakh intelligentsia supported the Alash
autonomy and were in opposition to the power of the Bolsheviks. However, after the amnesty announced by
the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on April 4, 1919, members of the Alash party and the AlashHorde government take the side of the Soviet regime . "Ush-Zhuz" is a pan-Turkic party of a socialist nature,
founded in late 1917 by Kolbay Togusov and Mukan Aitpenov . Uzh-Zhuz was guided by the Kazakh
population, dissatisfied with the Alash party program, and opposed secession from Russia . Its backbone was
made up of representatives of both a democratically-minded intelligentsia and the working class. Since 1918,
the party actively collaborated with the RCP (b) and fought against the Alash-Orda, despite occasional friction
with the Bolsheviks . After the establishment of Soviet power, the participants of Ush Zhuz joined the
Bolshevik party. In July 1905, a group of representatives of the national elite, who subsequently adopted the
liberal positions of the national liberation movement, at a fair held in the village of Koyandy of the Karkaraly
district, organized a petition on behalf of the Kazakh people addressed to Emperor Nicholas II and drawn up
in the name of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers S. Yu Witte. This unmatched document went down in
the history of Kazakhstan under the name of the Karkaraly Petition. In the “Karkaraly petition” of July 22,
1905, Akhmet Baitursynov and his associates (A. Bukeikhanov, M. Dulatov, Zh. Akbaev and other Kazakh
intellectuals). The “Karkaraly petition” put forward requirements regarding the provision of freedom of
conscience, the organization of training for the population in his native language, the rejection of a
resettlement policy, the adoption of a special legislative act on the ownership of the land fund by the
indigenous population, the revision of the Steppe Regulation and the administrative system of the region,
legislative securing the right to conduct civil and judicial proceedings in the Kazakh language, reducing the
number of officials of the colonial apparatus, and abandoning the right tics appointment of governorsgeneral of the center of the quota in the supreme authorities for deputies from the colonial suburbs. The
petition, drawn up by the joint efforts of prominent political figures, laid the foundation for the design of the
local organization of the constitutional democratic party (cadets). And its points became the basis for the
program of future Alashordins.
Define the reasons of migration and famine in 1920-30 in Central Asia and Kazakhstan
Famine in Kazakhstan 1919-1922 - famine in Kazakhstan, the exact number of deaths is unknown. Only a
decrease in the population of Soviet Kazakhstan is known. If in 1920 on the territory of the republic 4781
thousand people lived, then in 1922 - only 3796 thousand people. The cause of the famine of 1919-1922 in
Kazakhstan was a crop failure in different regions of the country, in connection with which the Soviet
government re-introduced the so-called surplus appraisal in January 1919 as part of the food dictatorship
that was in force from May 13, 1918. But only the surplus of wheat was taken away according to the food
plan, while the Kazakhs had cattle left. This surplus appraisal was part of a set of measures known as the
policy of “war communism”. In the procurement campaign of the 1919-20 business year, the surplus
appraisal also spread to potatoes, meat, and by the end of 1920 all agricultural products. Given that there
was little bread in Kazakhstan, great emphasis was placed on confiscating livestock from the local population.
These methods of seizure were perceived by the local population as robbery and caused an increase in
discontent, which turned into armed uprisings. The peak of hunger occurred in March-April 1922.
Mendyshev in the summer of that year at a session of the Kazakh Central Executive Committee announced
about 2 million 832 thousand starving people. In the Ural province, everyone was starving - 99% of the
population, in the Orenburg region - 80%, in Kustanai - 74.5%, in Akmola - 40%. “Lack of cash, food, and
railway breakdowns created an extremely difficult stop, giving numerous cases of cannibalism, carnivore, and
mortality,” the reports said. In 1925, the well-known figure Goloshchekin was appointed the first secretary of
the Kazkraykom. In the first two years of his reign (1925-1927), he spent in the Kazakh region. The vast
majority of Kazakhs were then semi-nomads. According to the 1926 census, a quarter of Kazakhs were
sedentary, 6% of Kazakhs wandered year-round, and more than 65% were semi-nomads (that is, they
wandered only in the summer). In these years, livestock were taken away from people, property, and under
police escort, they were sent to “settlement points”. The cattle requisitioned for the needs of collective
farms were slaughtered on the spot, since it was impossible to feed the large herds gathered in one place. By
1933, about one tenth of the 40 million livestock was left. First of all, the Kazakhs suffered from such actions,
as livestock was the main, and often the only source of food for them. The first event in Kazakhstan was the
confiscations carried out in the spring of 1928 and in the fall of 1928. 11260 households were confiscated,
about 4.5 million cattle were taken from them. According to Goloshchekin himself, the initial plans of the
Soviet government were twice as large, and they were going to confiscate farms up to 15.0 million heads,
and the total number of cattle was to be no more than 150 heads per farm. But when approving the plan for
the confiscation of 1928 in the USSR, Goloshchekin was pulled back and other norms were established: 400
goals - nomadic farms, 300 - semi-nomadic, 150 - sedentary. The total number of farms subject to
confiscation decreased to 7,000. According to the 1925 All-Union Census of the USSR, there were 3,968,289
Kazakhs in the USSR, and according to the 1930 census, only 3,100,949 people. That is, for the period from
1925 to 1930, the number of Kazakhs in the USSR, according to censuses, decreased by 867,340 people. At
the same time, from the beginning of 1930 to the middle of 1931, 281,230 peasant farms migrated from the
territory of Kazakhstan, a significant part - to the territory of China, Iran and Afghanistan. In total, 1130
thousand people migrated outside the republic during the years of famine, of which 676 thousand
irrevocably and 454 thousand subsequently returned to Kazakhstan. Some of the Kazakhs who migrated to
the regions of the USSR adjacent to Kazakhstan returned in the 30s, and some of those who migrated to
China only in 1962, when the USSR allowed all comers from China to cross the state border.
Tell about the first world kurultai of the Kazakhs.
From September 29 to October 3, 1992, the First World Kurultai of Kazakhs was held in Almaty. It was
preceded by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On the preparation and conduct of the World
Congress of Kazakhs”. The independent idea of holding such a congress by A. Nazarbayev of Turkey. After the
decision was issued, an organizing committee and headquarters were created. Help was provided by the
general population, commercial structures. An extensive cultural program was planned for the guests. More
than 600 delegates from 30 countries took part in the work: Turkey, Iran, Mongolia, USA, China, Australia,
Germany, England and others. Nursultan Nazarbayev was chosen as the First World Community. His first
deputy is a public figure, writer Kaldarbek Naimanbaev. Within the framework of the kurult scientificpractical conferences were held with the participation of scientists from Kazakhstan and abroad - A.A.
Kaydarova, M. Kozybaev, S. Sartaev, Z. Ismailova. A number of documents on the protection of the rights of
indigenous peoples in Kazakhstan were adopted. Guest trips to Turkestan to the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed
Yassaui, Zhambyl region, in Ulytau. For the guests of the kurultai there was a concert in the Palace of the
Republic. The Kurultai Chronicle was widely covered in periodicals, on radio and television. The central event
of the kurultai is a ceremonial meeting on September 30 at the Palace of the Republic. President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev. This speech says that about three million Kazakhstanis live in more than
forty countries of the world, and in this regard, all conditions must be created so that each Kazakhstani
tenant feels that he is a full-fledged representative of his country. nation. The closure of the kurultai took
place on October 30, 1992. The holding of such a congress was of great importance for the development of
the identity of the Kazakh people, ensured by restoration and culture, customs, partially forgotten and lost.
6 билет
1) Tell about the influence of Jadidism educational ideas. The interaction of the intellectual elite of the
Turkic-Muslim peoples and the Russian Empire.
Of course, they should have been supporters of the extreme views of the modernists, Westernizers,
secularists, etc. There is a tendency to show the Jadids only as fighters against colonialism (Alash are the
Horde in Kazakhstan), ignoring their Europeanism. Now it is necessary to determine the essence of Jadidism as a truly Islamic response to the challenge of the West. A. Bennigsen was right, who called Jadidism the
“diamond" of Islamic civilization. In Kazakhstan, this was expressed in the national liberation movement Alash. The issue was the liberation of all Muslims of the Russian Empire from the stronghold of tsarism, and
this was only the desire to liberate only its Kazakh people. In this noble cause, Muslim spirituality of the early
twentieth century was able to show itself as a true protector and spokesman for the aspirations of its people.
The Kazakh newspaper and the Haykap magazine, where all the advanced Kazakh intelligentsia rallied, have
become a real tribune and the voice of the people. The views of the Kazakh intelligentsia came into contact
with the unified protection of the people and all Muslims living on the territory of the Russian Empire. In
general, there were different points of view between representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia. Different
views on the future of mankind are most pronounced at the All-Russian Congress of Muslims, held in 1914.
The leaders of the Kazakh intelligentsia who spoke here, such as A. Bukeikhanov and B. Karataev, defended
different points of view on the development of Islam, language, culture and traditions of the Kazakh people.
Kazakh advanced Islam in the person of each - M. Kashimov, Sh. Kudaiberdiev, M. Kopeev not only supported
the activities of the leaders of the Kazakh intelligentsia, but also actively participated in all the endeavors of
the intelligentsia, rallying around the Kazakh newspapers, and then becoming the head of state - Alash Hordes. The Kazakh intelligentsia and advanced Islam should be worthy of an answer to all the questions of
the Kazakh people. Despite the differences in the views of the Kazakh intelligentsia regarding the future
development of Kazakhstan, they are all united by one idea - to give rights, protect and protect their people,
language, traditions, religion.
What the results of the national conflicts in the Soviet Union in 1980s`?
National conflicts on the territory of the USSR were, first of all, the result of national policies pursued by the
Soviet leadership. This policy was characterized, on the one hand, by declarations of friendship of peoples
and real achievements in their economic and cultural rapprochement, and on the other, by inequality of
nations and discrimination of citizens on ethnic grounds.The first manifestation of the crisis of national
relations in the USSR during the years of perestroika was protest demonstrations with nationalist slogans
that took place in April 1986 in Yakutsk (Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), and in December in
Alma-Ata (Kazakh SSR). At the same time, movements of repressed peoples (Crimean Tatars, Germans,
Ingush, Balkars, Chechens, etc.) began to restore historical justice and return to them the lands and property
that had been taken away in their time. A particularly striking example was the movement of Crimean Tatars
deported in 1944. Activists of this movement organized protest rallies on Red Square in Moscow on July 25–
27, 1987. Only in 1989 did the Crimean Tatars get the opportunity to return to Crimea. In the late 80s,
several centers of conflict arose in Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Transnistria, Crimea, the Volga region and the
North Caucasus. Between 1988 and 1991, about 150 conflicts occurred on ethnic grounds in the former
Soviet republics, and in 20 cases they were accompanied by human casualties. Important reasons for the
growth of ethnic-ethnic conflicts were, firstly, the growing economic crisis, which exacerbated all social
problems, and, secondly, the process of decentralization of power. He gave local elites, including national
ones, hope to strengthen their positions, but at the same time led to an increase in their responsibility for
solving public problems. In many cases, regional and national elites, like the union leadership, were not ready
to pursue a constructive economic policy. Therefore, they took the path of escalating national contradictions,
hoping in this way to maintain control over their peoples. It should be noted that in some cases national
contradictions did not result in armed clashes (for example, in the Crimea or the Baltic republics). But armed
ethno-national conflicts that began in the era of the USSR and continued after its collapse were a
characteristic feature of the late 80s - early 90s. In many cases, they managed to freeze them only for a
while, and the consequences of these conflicts are still felt in the former USSR.
Tell about 1st Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Astana (2003).
The I Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions was held on September 23-24, 2003 in Astana.
The most authoritative representatives of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Shintoism, Hinduism and Buddhism
took part in its work. The unconditional success of the implementation of the document of Kazakhstan at the
interfaith forum reflected the representative composition and high level of participants in the Congress. The
forum demonstrates the relevance and necessity of translating the ideas of cooperation and unity. The idea
of the Congress was supported by such influential politicians of the world as K. Annan, George W. Bush, M.
Thatcher, Jian Zemin, N. Mandella, J. d'Estaing and others. Following the forum, a Declaration was adopted in
which spiritual leaders announced joint actions to ensure peace and progress in achieving humanity and
maintaining stability in society, as the foundation for a harmonious peace in the future. Successful events
were held on a regular basis - at least once every three years.
7 билет
The Kazakh steppe during the First World War. The national liberation uprising in 1916.
World War I which has begun in 1914 in which imperial Russia participated also, brought to its people very
grave sufferings: social and national oppression amplified, an arbitrariness and violence of imperial officials
on empire suburbs immeasurably increased. In Kazakhstan mass withdrawal of lands at Kazakhs, first of all in
northeast areas Syr-Darya, in the south of Semirechensky and some other areas proceeded. In only one
Semirechensky area for the first three years of war 1800 thousand desyatyna were withdrawn. the best
pasturable and arable grounds, and true owners of these lands — Kazakhs — force were moved in small or
absolutely unsuitable for housekeeping desert and semidesertic areas. The earth selected at Kazakhs was
distributed to imperial officers, officials, clergy, the Cossack army and peasants immigrants from Russia and
from Ukraine. To the middle of 1916 the total area of the lands withdrawn from the Kazakh population made
45 million desyatyna. War absorbed a huge number of raw materials, the food, cattle and other material
values. In this regard new burdens fell upon shoulders of the Kazakh population: obligatory deliveries of
meat, mass requisition of cattle, the new military tax on tilt carts was imposed, territorial collecting and
baysky volost by the scarlet — collecting for the maintenance of volost managers, and also road and other
collecting is increased. Taxes on local population from the beginning of war increased in 3 — 4, and in some
cases — by 15 times. B1916 of growth of class and national oppression, hatred to war became universal. War
accelerated process of ripening of national crisis in the country, the national liberation revolt of 1916 which
has captured almost all regions of Kazakhstan and Central Asia became one of which bright manifestations.
The main reasons of revolt were factors of social and economic and political character: strengthening of
colonial oppression, withdrawal of lands, growth of taxes and requisitions, operation of workers, the policy
of russification pursued by tsarism concerning Kazakh and other indigenous people of the region, sharp
deterioration of provision of broad masses in connection with war. The imperial decree of June 25, 1916
about mobilization in army for rear works of the "foreign" man's population of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and
partially Siberia aged from 19 till 43 years was a direct occasion to revolt, confiscated was planned to use for
works on the device of defensive works and ways of military messages around field army. From Kazakhstan
and Central Asia 400 thousand people, including from steppe areas of Kazakhstan — more than 100
thousand, from Semirechya — 87 thousand people have to be confiscated. At the beginning of July almost in
all regions of Kazakhstan the spontaneous performances which soon have developed into armed revolt
began. The first the blow of national anger was assumed by volost managers, aulny foremen and the other
local agents of imperial administration who are directly making lists for rear works. Using absence at Kazakhs
of birth certificates, they randomly included poor people in lists irrespective of age, and baysky sons for
bribes exempted from an appeal. In practice the system of drawing up lists generated mass bribery and
abuses. Besides the imperial authorities exempted from a set of officials, the volost, rural and aulny
managers, the lowest police ranks from aboriginals, imams, mullahs and мударисов, accountants and
accountants in establishments of the small credit, pupils of the highest and average educational institutions,
officials of government agencies and the persons having the rights of noblemen and honourable citizens. The
workers driven to despair by the cruel decree of the tsar and unfair methods of his execution on places,
armed than got, rushed on representatives of the imperial power: volost managers, aulny foremen, police
officers, Cossacks, officials and with shouts: "Let's not give people! " — finished with them. They set fire to
offices and houses of volost managers, aulny foremen, destroyed office-work and lists mobilized, fondly
believing that such way will get rid of a set for rear works. Revolt captured all Kazakhstan and developed into
the national liberation movement directed against military and colonizer and large-scale rusifikatorsky policy
of tsarism and in certain degree — against feudal байской aul tops. At the same time performance was
directed against the imperialistic war which has led to crisis of a national economy and extreme degree of an
impoverishment of the people. In it it was closed with revolutionary fight of working class and the peasantry
of Russia. Main goal of revolt of 1916 was the national and political release which is summing up all previous
fight of the Kazakh people for freedom and independence. Wide layers of the national peasantry — шаруа,
and also representatives of arising working class, handicraftsmen were the main driving force of revolt.
Participated in it and representatives of other layers of the Kazakh people: bye, volost managers, Biya, and
also democratic intellectuals. As a whole national liberation movement of 1916 in Kazakhstan was
mononational, except for its southern areas (Semirechya and Syr-Darya area) where along with Kazakhs
Uyghurs, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, дунгане and representatives of some other people participated in revolt. In the
Kazakh society the relation to the decree of the tsar and revolt was ambiguous: a certain part feudal байской
tops, and also officials of so-called native administration unconditionally supported the imperial decree and
became its chief conductors in life; radical representatives of the Kazakh intellectuals (Bokin, Niyazbekov,
Zhunusov) sharply opposed it and called the people for armed resistance, and the leaders of the liberal and
democratic intellectuals united round the Kazakh newspaper (A.Baytursynov, A.Bukeykhanov, M. Dulatov),
took an indecisive position. They repeatedly tried to convince imperial administration not to hurry with
mobilization, to hold preparatory events, at the same time urged not to show resistance to implementation
of the decree, not without justification believing that the unarmed people will fall a victim of cruel
repressions of tsarism. The Semirechensky and Turgaysky centers were the largest centers of revolt. In
Semipalatinsk area armed resistance accepted mass character in July — August. The insurgent groups armed
with peaks, the fowling pieces, cold weapon were everywhere organized. On July 17 in Semirechye and
Turkestani edge the martial law was declared. The imperial authorities threw here large military forces,
strengthened military garrisons, from prosperous layers of resettlement population Semirechya created the
armed groups for punishment of the Kazakh and Kyrgyz insurgents. The special division of snipers (group
мергенов) was created. A.Imanov was elected the sardarbeky — the commander-in-chief of insurgents, at
немфункционировал a Council of War — кенес. In the areas supervised by insurgent army of A.Imanov, in
essence, the local aulno-volost administration was discharged of management, the civil power passed to
insurgents. A.Imanov and council headed by it organized logistics, having charged specially to assignees
(элбеги), providing insurgents with the food and horses, production in smithies of self-made ears, sabers,
daggers, peak etc. However chasteners didn't manage to suppress revolt up to the most February revolution.
Only after tsarism overthrow revolt in Turgaysky area stopped. For revolt suppression in Semirechye 95
companies were sent to 8750 bayonets, 24 hundred in 3900 sabers, 16 tools and 47 machine guns. In
Semirechye tens Kazakh and Kyrgyz auls were destroyed, civilians were exposed to cruel prosecutions. 300
thousand Kazakhs pursued by the imperial authorities and Kyrgyz, or the fourth part of aboriginals of
Semirechya was compelled to run to China. Only according to the adjudications approved by governor
general Kuropatkin, in the Turkestani region for February 1, 1917 it was sentenced to death 347, to a hard
labor — 168, to imprisonment — 129 people, not including the shot extrajudicially chasteners who have lost
from hands and the groups created from inhabitants of resettlement villages. Revolt of 1916 takes a special
place in the history of centuries-old national liberation movement of the Kazakh people. In the conditions of
imperialism and World War I, Amangelda Imanov and other heads of revolt stirred the people to action for
independence which began in due time Srym Datov, Isatay Taymanov, Makhambet Utemisov, Kenesara and
Nauryzbay Kasymova. For the first time after national liberation movement under the leadership of Kenesara
Kasymov revolt of 1916 had vsekazakhsky character, having captured all regions of extensive edge. Revolt
had an anti-colonial and anti-imperialistic focus, the class moment (fight against a feudal top of an aul) was
minor in comparison with the main task of revolt of national and political release of the people.
State the main battles in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945 and Name The heroes of
Kazakhstani at the battle fields.
During the great Patriotic war, the country, like other republics of the USSR, gave everything in order to
jointly defeat fascism. More than 1 million 200 thousand soldiers, 12 rifle, 4 cavalry divisions, 7 rifle brigades,
about 50 separate regiments and battalions were mobilized to the front from the Kazakh SSR. Lieutenant
Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev together with Russian Grigory Bulatov were the first to set a red flag on the front
of the Reichstag. Legends are composed about the ACE-stormtrooper Talgat Bigeldinov, who boldly
destroyed opponents in the air. For his exploits, he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union twice.
Pilot Sergei Lugansky also received this high rank twice and shot down 36 aircraft personally, and 6-in group
battles. Colonel Gani Safiullin's 38th division fought bravely in the battle of Stalingrad. The feat of captain
Gastello was able to repeat the pilot Nurken Abdirov, who sent his burning plane into the German tank
column. On the Kursk bulge, in 1943, a massive feat was accomplished by the battery of captain Georgy
Igishev. Almost all soldiers and officers died in unequal battle have village Samodurovka Ponyrovsky cleanup,
destroying 19 tanks and 150 soldiers adversary. Sultan Baimagambetov was included in the list of heroes and
defenders of Leningrad. He covered the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his body. Sergei Morozov blew
up a column of enemy tanks burning aircraft. In these battles, two Kazakh women became famous. Aliya
Moldagulova led her battalion into the attack with the fascists. She killed an officer with a submachine gun,
herself dying of fatal wounds. During the battle of Moscow, the soldiers of the battalion under the command
of Lieutenant Bauyrzhan Momyshuly also showed heroism. The legendary commander was awarded the title
Hero of the Soviet Union. Tolegen Toktarov in these battles with the battle broke into the headquarters of
the German part of the village of Borodino and killed five officers. In total, he destroyed 115 soldiers and
officers of the enemy. Name the heroes of Kazakhstani at the battlefields:Full holder of the order of the
Soldier Soldier-142 Kazakhstan. Kazakhstanis were awarded medals of the Soviet Union-96638. In General,
the victory in the Second world war cost the Soviet Union. More than 27 million people were killed in the
war. 603 thousand (400 thousand) people from Kazakhstan. Two honorary titles include Hero of the Soviet
Union Talgat Bigeldinov, Leonid Beda, Ivan Pavlov and Sergey Lugansky. The people of Kazakhstan actively
participated in the guerrilla movement. Famous Kazakh guys who participated in the guerrilla movement: G.
Akhmedyarov, G. Omarov, V. Sharudov, K. Kaysenov, A. Sharipov, A. Zangeldin, Zh. Sain, N. Kushchepaev
and others. Their names have great reverence. Hero of the Soviet Union, Minister of defense of the Republic
of Kazakhstan Sagadat Nurmagambetov entered the battle for Berlin with his soldiers. Our compatriots
Eszhanov, H. Kayumov, Z. Turarbekov H. Kobisov , T. Begeldinov, A. Eremeev, N. Shelikhov and others.
many people are involved. Young officer R. Kankarbayev with his friend G. Bulatov, one of the first to be in
one of the Windows on the window, wore a pink penguin flag, and young officers from Uralsk, K. Medenov
and R. Karamanov climbed to the roof of Berlin.
Among the Soviet women who were awarded the order of Lenin and the Altyn Zhuldyz medal were two
double-sided glasses: the Manshuk Mametov machine gun and the 54th rifle sniper (sniper) Aliya
Analyze the reasons of the collapse of the USSR and tell about the formation of the CIS.
On December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union officially ceased to exist. The result was the appearance on the
world political arena of 15 new States instead of one USSR of 15 national republics.The reason for the
collapse can be considered the authoritarian nature of Soviet society, the domination of one ideology, failed
attempts to reform the Soviet system, the General deficit, extensive economy, crisis of confidence in such an
economic system, financial squandering, the decline in world oil prices, centrifugal nationalist tendencies and
monocentrism of decision-making by Moscow.Chronologically, the events of December 1991 developed as
follows. The heads of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine - then Soviet republics - gathered for a historic meeting in
Belovezhskaya Pushcha, more precisely - in the village of Viskuli. On 8 December, they signed an Agreement
establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). By this document they recognized that the
USSR no longer exists.
8 билет
1) The February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia, its causes and consequences and its
influence on Kazakhstan.
In February, 1917 Russia was won by the bourgeois-democratic revolution which has overthrown hated to
the people tsarism. The message about February events in Petrograd quickly reached Kazakhstan. Numerous
meetings and demonstrations of workers and other workers welcoming overthrow of tsarism, happened at
the beginning of March in all large cities and at railway stations of Kazakhstan. At first after February
revolution the labor population of edge still trusted in Provisional government and hoped that it will be able
to give to the people the world, to peasants — the earth, and the worker —
the 8-hour working day. The considerable part of workers fed hope of the Provisional government, some of
them consisted in civil and executive committees — bodies Temporary . Among railroad workers were
strong defense on the structures, some stood up for "a victory there (i.e. in the war. —
M. And. ) freedom — here" . However March demonstrations and meetings served as the beginning of
creation of Councils of working deputies in the cities and on railway lines of edge. So, in Orenburg, Tashkent
and Omsk on March 1 — 3 passed elections in Councils and the first took place them аседания30. In
March, 1917 Councils of working deputies arose in Perovsk, Kazalinsk, Chelkara, Aktyubinsk, Uralsk,
Petropavlovsk and other cities located on railway . Railroad workers, as a rule, were one of initiators of
creation of Councils and presented to them revolutionary elements. For example, the Aktyubinsk Council of
working deputies, reporting about the organization of century Aktyubinsk of Council of working deputies, I
emphasized that railroad workers as most "conscious, make a necessary component" executive committee .
Many Councils of working deputies soon united with Councils of soldier's deputies. So was in Petropavlovsk,
Semipalatinsk, Perovsk and other cities. On the station Kazalinsk from the very beginning there was a joint
Council — Council working and soldier's . The main originality of February revolution was that in the country
the diarchy, bourgeois Provisional government and Councils of workers and soldier's deputies was formed.
Real basis for creation of bodies of the political power of the bourgeoisie in the center and наместах were
the State Duma, City Councils and various committees. The provisional government from the power
eliminated military governors, governor generals and officials of colonial administration. Instead of them
there were regional commissioners, civil executive committee, coalition committee, etc. In volosts, auls and
villages there were same volost and aulny managers, rural heads and stanitsa atamans. The provisional
government at the head of areas put the former imperial officials colonialists, and also representatives of
the Kazakh national intellectuals. So, A.Bukeykhanov was appointed the commissioner of Provisional
government of Turgaysky area, and M. Tynyshpayev — the commissioner of Semirechensky area. Local
bodies of Provisional government in Kazakhstan were created in March — April, 1917. In Semipalatinsk from
representatives of City Council, officers, members of exchange committee and the kulak union of
cooperatives the Semipalatinsk executive committee of public organizations and army, in Petropavlovsk, Ust
Kamenogorsk — coalition executive committee of public safety, etc. was created. In Kazakhstan were
formed both national Kazakh regional and district committees led by the Kazakh intellectuals. In areas and
districts the Cossack committees, authorities of an exploiter top of the Cossack villages of the Siberian,
Orenburg, Ural and Semirechensky Cossack armies which supported Provisional government were created.
The Tatar, Uzbek and Uigur merchants united in Muslim, Tatar and other committees. So, on March 7, 1917
in True the all-Muslim committee — Kurultai led by 3 was educated. Tazetdinov. During this period the
Kazakh studying youth of educational institutions of Omsk,
Orenburg, Tashkent, Semipalatinsk, etc. formed youth circles, the organizations which at first were engaged
in cultural and educational activity. In 1915 — 1917 the youth organizations "Erkyn Gave"
(The free steppe) in Orenburg were created, "Birlik" (Unity) in Omsk, "Zhas the Cossack" (The young Kazakh)
in Uralsk, "Umit" (Hope) in Troitsk, etc. the cities, about 20 circles and groups which extended leaflets,
verses on topics of the day, gave parties, discussions etc. They had no certain program, on social
composition were non-uniform, however they sincerely wished to exempt the Kazakh people from national
and colonial oppression of tsarism, demanded education of the people, sought to awaken in consciousness
of workers of idea of national consolidation, freedom and independence.
2. Tell about the continuity of state program and strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2020, 2030 and
In October 1997, the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the nation "Prosperity,
security and ever growing welfare of all Kazakhstanis" presented the Strategy of development of Kazakhstan
till 2030. The strategy "Kazakhstan-2030" defines seven long-term priorities: national
security; domestic political stability and consolidation of society; economic growth based on an open market
economy with a high level of foreign investment and domestic savings; health, education and welfare of
citizens of Kazakhstan; energy resources; infrastructure, especially transport and communications;
professional state. These priorities became the basis for the development of concrete action plans for the
further development of the country. The strategic development plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020
was the next stage of implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2030" in the
period from 2010 to 2019. The strategic development plan of Kazakhstan until 2020 defines key areas and
strategic goals for ten years.
Key area:
- preparation for post-crisis development;
- accelerated diversification of the economy;
- investing in the future;
- services for citizens;
- ensuring interethnic harmony, security and stability of international relations.
In December 2012, in the Address of the Head of state to the people of the country, the development
Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050 was presented. Its main goal is to create a welfare society
on the basis of a strong state, a developed economy and opportunities for universal labor,
Kazakhstan's entry into the thirty most developed countries of the world. To achieve this goal, the strategy
"Kazakhstan-2050" provides for the implementation of seven long-term priorities:
1. The new deal economic policy is a comprehensive economic pragmatism based on the principles of
profitability, return on investment and competitiveness.
2. Comprehensive support for entrepreneurship-the leading force of the national economy.
3. New principles of social policy-social guarantees and personal responsibility.
4. Knowledge and professional skills are the key reference points of the modern system of education,
training and retraining.
5. Further strengthening of statehood and development of Kazakhstan's democracy.
6. Consistent and predictable foreign policy-promotion of national interests and strengthening of
regional and global security.
7. New Kazakhstan patriotism is the basis of success of our multinational and multi-confessional
3. Tell about the Modern Kazakhstan as the heir of the Great Steppe
The Republic of Kazakhstan is a young and developing country with a rich history and traditions.With
independence, Kazakhstan entered the international arena as a sovereign state. March 1992 the Republic of
Kazakhstan joined many international organizations.We also have a national emblem, flag and anthem. We
live peacefully in a multinational country.Today, Kazakhstan is not the last place in terms of influence on the
world economy. Our country is rich in minerals such as: oil, uranium, zinc, gold, coal.Our capital is
recognized as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The Republic of Kazakhstan is still quite a young
state. However, we have successes not only in the development of production, but also in sports.We have
many talented poets, writers and artists.Our state still has many
unsolved problems, but most importantly-we are on the right track. Ways of improvement, innovation and
continuous development.
9 билет
1) The political crisis in the summer in 1917. The July All-Kazakh Congress and the decision on the
formation of the Alash party. Party program.
The overthrow of tsarism as a result of the February bourgeois-democratic revolution in 1917 fundamentally
changed the alignment of political forces in Russia. The rebel workers, soldiers, peasants created their own
bodies of power — the Soviets. The leader of the Kazakh national intelligentsia A. Bukeikhanov, who was in
Minsk at the time of the February Revolution, addressed the Kazakhs - free citizens of a renewed Russia. On
March 25-28, as a delegate, he took part in the work of the Seventh Congress of the Cadet Party. Speaking
during the discussion of the agrarian issue, A. Bukeikhanov demanded the return of the lands illegally taken
from them to the Kazakhs. March 1917 in Kazakhstan, local bodies of the Provisional Government were
formed everywhere - regional and district executive committees reflecting the interests of entrepreneurs,
merchants, officials. Participants in Kazakh congresses held in the spring of 1917 in Akmolinsk, Uralsk,
Orenburg, Semipalatinsk, Verny and other cities, led by leaders of the national liberal movement and
discussing the agrarian and national issues, questions of state building, could not yet develop programs on
these problems. Representatives of the Kazakh people were appointed commissars of the Provisional
Government: in the Turgai region - A. Bukeikhanov, Semirechye - M. Tynyshpaev, Turkestan - M. Chokaev,
but they could not solve the issues of the indigenous Kazakh population, since they were essentially officials
of the colonial administration. In the spring and summer of 1917, among the Kazakh workers, organizations
arose that united the participants in the rear work, unions of unskilled workers and revolutionary democratic
youth organizations, adjacent to the Soviets of workers, soldiers them and Peasants' Deputies' Association of
the Union of Muslim workers of the city of the faithful "(laborers Union), the Workers' Union in Dzharkent,
Union of Muslim workers (Ittifak) started in the southern regions of Kazakhstan were part of Turkestan.
After the February Revolution, youth organizations and circles appeared in a number of places, uniting
representatives of students and aul teachers (mugalim): the Council for Democratic Students in Omsk, Zhas
Kazakh (Young Kazakh), Akmolinsk, Zhas Zhurek ( “Young Heart”) - at the Spassky Plant, “Talap”
(“Aspiration”) - in Petropavlovsk, “Zhanar” (“Light”) - in Semipalatinsk, “Revolutionary Union of Kazakh
Youth” - in Merke Auliye-Ata Uyezd, etc. The First All-Kazakh Congress, in which the representative
participated and from almost all regions of Kazakhstan, it took place in Orenburg on July 21–26, 1917. There
were 14 issues on the agenda: public administration system; autonomy of the Kazakh regions; land issue;
organization of the people's militia; Zemstvo; public education; court; spiritual and religious issues;
women's issue; convocation of the Constituent Assembly and preparation for its elections in the Kazakh
regions; All-Russian Muslim Congress; the formation of a Kazakh political party; events in the Semirechensk
region; on the participation of Kazakhs in the All-Russian Federal Council in Kiev and in the work of the
commission for public education in Petrograd. The first All-Kazakh Congress was essentially constituted into
the Kazakh national political party "Alash". His decision said: "Recognizing the formation of the Kazakh party
as necessary, the congress instructs representatives from the Kazakhs in the All-Russian Muslim Council to
develop a program for this party, and the demand for (creation in Russia) of a democratic federal
parliamentary republic should be taken as the basis of the political program." 10 The leaders of the Alash
party were Alikhan Bukeikhanov, Akhmet Baitursynov and other representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia
of the bourgeois-democratic direction, it was a party of liberal outrage and petty-bourgeois democracy.
Representatives of the scientific and creative intelligentsia also entered the Alash party: M. Tynyshpayev, M.
Zhumabaev, Sh. Kudaiberdiev, G. Karashev, S. Toraigyrov, X. Gabbasov, A. Ermekov, J. and X.
Dosmukhamedov and others. The absolute majority of them did not accept the socialist program in the
summer of 1917, since the Kazakh society as a whole was not prepared for this. They united under the slogan
: “The liberation of the Kazakh people from the colonial yoke!”. During the period of the establishment of
Soviet power, the Alash party’s relations with the new authorities did not move from contacts to
compromises. In a number of cities - Petropavlovsk, Perovsk (now Kzyl-Orda), Auliye-Ata (now Zhambyl),
where power was in the hands of the radical elements of the RSDLP (b) in local Soviets, Alash activists were
repressed, only in Semipalatinsk, Verny ( Almaty) and in some other places it was possible to establish a
fragile, short-term cooperation. So, one of the leaders of the local organization Alash X. Gabbasov, chairman
of the district zemstvo Kazbagorov, were introduced into the Semipalatinsk Regional Council, and activists
from Alash B. Sarsenov and I. Alimbekov were included in the county council. At the same time, the parties
did not trust each other, because each pursued its own political goals: the Soviets wanted through the
leaders and activists of the Alash party, drawn to power structures, to strengthen influence among the
Kazakh population, and the Alash leaders, formally supporting the Soviet government, through their
Representatives in the Soviets pursued a policy of "erosion" of the new government from within. In the early
1920s, a struggle began against the entire Soviet Union illiteracy, affecting everyone aged 8 to 50 years.
Literacy in the Kazakh language was based on the Arabic alphabet, in 1928 a decision was made to translate
into a new, Latin alphabet. In 1930, universal primary education was introduced. The system of secondary
specialized education — two-year teacher and pedagogical institutes in Karaganda, Uralsk, Semipalatinsk,
Chimkent and others, the music and drama technical school, agricultural technical schools, medical schools,
and others — has developed greatly. The higher education system of Kazakhstan has begun to develop. In
1928, the first university was opened - the Kazakh State Pedagogical Institute (in 1935 it was named after
Abay), in 1929 - the Almaty Veterinary Institute, in 1930 - the Kazakh Agricultural Institute, in 1935, the
History of Kazakhstan from Ancient Times was published by Professor Asfendiyarov S One of the urgent
tasks was the elimination of mass illiteracy of workers. In 1924, the “Society Down with Illiteracy” arose in
the Kazakh SSR. In December 1931, universal compulsory education for the illiterate population aged 15 to
50 was introduced. Particular attention was paid to the school's enrollment of Kazakh girls, as well as girls of
other eastern nationalities, for whom special schools were opened in Shimkent. Alma-Ata, Turkestan, Urde.
In the 1930-1931 academic year, comprehensive education was introduced in settled areas, in the spring of
1931 - in areas with a nomadic population. Everywhere public funds for universal education were created.
Komsomol members were active participants in overcoming adult illiteracy. On the initiative of the
Komsomol members in 1928, the All-Kazakhstan cultural campaign began, which became a form of
eradicating illiteracy. At the end of the 20s, a reform of Kazakh writing was carried out. It was translated
from Arabic to Latin, and after 10 years - from Latin to Cyrillic. As a result of the reform of Kazakh writing,
Kazakhs were artificially divorced from the literary heritage that was created by the peoples of Central Asia.
The cities of Ridder, Aulie-Ata, Shymkent were literate cities. By 1939, the republic's population literacy
reached 65%, and among Kazakhs - 40%. The task of the complete eradication of illiteracy was completed in
the late 1950s. The process of using the old intelligentsia and its transition to the position of socialism was
not easy and lengthy. On April 4, 1919, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee announced an amnesty
to the leaders of the Alash party and the Alash-Orda government. The return of the old intelligentsia to work
in their specialty was also favored by the offensive of the long-awaited peace, the introduction of NEP, and
the successful overcoming of the consequences of two wars. Tactful, businesslike attitude towards old
specialists, intellectual workers became generally violated with the advent of F.I. Goloshchekina in 1925 to
the leadership of the regional party organization. At the III plenum of the Kazkraykom All-Union Communist
Party of Bolsheviks in 1926, A. Bukeikhanov, A. Baitursynov, M. Dulatov, S. Mendeshev, Zh. Aymautov, S.
Khodzhanov and others were criticized sharply. Soon, criticism grew into open persecution and repression
against the intelligentsia. The head of state in his speeches more than once emphasized the unacceptability
of such ideological trends as nationalism and chauvinism. In this regard, in 1992, the “Strategy for the
establishment and development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state” was published. In the Constitution
adopted on January 28, 1993, a norm was enshrined that envisaged the development of ideological
pluralism. In the same year, the President of the country, N.A., prepared and voiced the main task is to instill
confidence in the people, to enable citizens of the state to realize a huge creative, creative potential. The
38th session of the UNESCO General Conference, held from 2 to 18 November this year in Paris, formally
approved the recommendation of its Executive Board that UNESCO take part in events in 2016 on the
occasion of the “150th anniversary of the birth of a statesman and public figure , scientist Alikhan
Bukeikhan. ”an outstanding statesman and public figure, founder, ideologist and leader of the national
liberation movement“ Alash ”of the early twentieth century, an outstanding scientist-historian,
ethnographer, literary critic, lawyer, economist, Hronom, publicist.
2.Tell about the December events of 1986 in Almaty and in other cities of the republic and their true
The result of serious contradictions between the originally proclaimed goals and realities of the day was the
December events. The reason for them was a change in the top leadership of Kazakhstan. Long before that,
Kazakhstan and Moscow began to criticize the leadership of the republic and personally against the first
secretary of the Central Committee, D. Kunaev, who at that time was about 75 years old. Everyone
understood the inevitability of a change in the ruling elite, all the more so as the Moscow rulers spoke about
this. However, it was expected that this would happen democratically, so further events were rightly
regarded by the people as a violation by the authorities of the very same principles. On December 15, 1986,
a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, G. Razumovsky, and first secretary of the Ulyanovsk
regional party committee, G. Kolbin, arrived in Alma-Ata. On the morning of December 16, the Plenum of the
Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan was held. There was one issue on the agenda organizational. The plenum lasted only 18 minutes. In such a short time, one of the most important issues
was resolved - the change of political leader D.A. Kunaev, who headed the republic for nearly a quarter of a
century. Instead, he was elected G.V. Kolbin, who was not working in the republic before the election and is
not known to the vast majority of the population. That is, a person was elected the head of the republic, not
only not connected with Kazakhstan and not knowing local conditions, but not even registered with any of
the local party organizations and not having a Kazakhstani residence permit. This was perceived as an insult
to the Kazakh people and provoked a spontaneous protest. According to official figures, during the riots in
Alma-Ata, 2 people were killed, 11 were burned, 24 vehicles were damaged, 39 buses, 33 taxi cars were
damaged, 13 dormitories, 5 educational institutions, 6 trade enterprises, 4 administrative buildings were
damaged. to buildings. Rallies and protests were also held in Dzhezkazgan, Pavlodar, Karaganda, TaldyKurgan, Arkalyk, Kokchetav, Chimkent and other cities. And finally, in the already mentioned appeal of wellknown figures of Kazakhstan to the President it says: “Kakharmans of Zheltoksan, despite their mass
beatings, dousing with cold water, using dogs, armored personnel carriers, special police units, cadets and
special troops, etc. against them. for several days throughout Kazakhstan, where it was openly and where it
was hidden, expressing the will and aspirations of the people, they continued the struggle for the ideas of
independence, freedom and sovereignty of the Republic. They sacrificed their health, well-being, fate and
even life! Why aren't we proud of them? Why not educate today's schoolchildren and students on their
example? With these examples, we want to raise the youth patriotism that has fallen today. We want to
mobilize Kazakhstanis to make a breakthrough on such a powerful moral and ideological foundation, to make
the country one of the 50 most competitive states in the world. ”
3.Describe the aims and objectives of the «Concept of the formation of the state identity of the Republic of
The concept is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan
"On the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan", "On education", "On languages", "On culture", the concept of
forming the state identity of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The concept is based on the following main
principles: 1) the basic vector is the national Patriotic idea "Mangilik El", put forward by the President of the
country Nursultan Nazarbayev; 2) " Mangilik El – - civil equality, diligence, honesty, the cult of learning and
education, a secular country; 3) the Foundation of Kazakhstan's identity and unity – national values based on
cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity; 4) Kazakhstan's identity and unity. It is based on the fact
that every citizen, regardless of ethnic origin, links his fate and future with Kazakhstan. The common past,
the common present and the common responsibility for the future bind the society into one whole: "we have
one Fatherland, one Motherland – Independent Kazakhstan". The purpose of the Concept is to strengthen
and develop Kazakhstan's identity and unity based on the principle of citizenship and the values of the
national Patriotic idea "Mangilik El".
10 билет
1.What do you know about The October overturn and the establishment of Soviet power in Kazakhstan .
The All-Kazakh Congress in December 1917.
Due to the fact that the Provisional government did not solve the problem of the agrarian question
expected by the people, did not try to put on the agenda the issue of obtaining autonomy or self-service to
different peoples, did not solve the problem of working 8-hour working days. The article deals with the origin
of the Kazakh genera of the elder Zhuz: saryuysun, Dulat, Alban, Suan, ysty, Shapyrashty, Oshakty, sirgely
from the point of view of population genetics and Shezhire data. This helped to increase the influence of the
Bolsheviks in the Soviets. And the destruction of the Kornilov rebellion finally raised the authority of the
Bolsheviks. In this case, the Bolshevik party again raised the motto "hand over to all authorities", which had
been withdrawn after the events of July 1917. Now this slogan was aimed at an armed uprising, the
overthrow of the Provisional government, the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat. October
24 (November 6) 1917 in Petrograd began an armed uprising. The next day, the rebels captured the most
important objects of the city. On October 25 (November 7) 1917 the Military revolutionary Committee
announced the abolition of the Provisional government. Thus, the October revolution was victorious. The
victory of the Kazan armed uprising in Petrograd, as well as the establishment of Soviet power in the major
cities-Tashkent, Omsk, Orenburg, Astrakhan, adjacent to Kazakhstan, contributed to the entry of power into
the hands of the Soviets. However, the establishment of Soviet power in Kazakhstan lasted four months,
from the end of 1917 to March 1918. this process was exacerbated by the slow socio-economic and cultural
development of the region, the complexity of interethnic relations, a small number of workers and Bolshevik
organizations. At the same time, as last year, this year the Soviet Union was created in Kazakhstan, in which
it was decided that the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, gave the people peace, factory workers, peasants the right
to land, equality and freedom to peoples and peoples. Further the situation with sharp resistance of the
parties of the Ural, Semirechensk, Siberian, Orenburg Cossack armies and the fallen Provisional government
to establishment of the Soviet power worsens "Alash" ensured the great success of the party and United
representatives of various groups of the Kazakh people at the second all-Kazakh Congress held on December
5-12, 1917 in Orenburg. The Congress, headed by Chairman of the Presidium Bakhtygerey Kulmanov and
deputies Alikhan Bukeikhanov, Azimkhan Kenesarin, Khalel Dosmukhamedov and Omar Karashev, considered
the tasks of the party "Alash" in the rapidly changing political conditions associated with the October
revolution, primarily attention to the creation of the Kazakh autonomy and the formation of its government.
At the Congress it was decided that the Kazakh autonomy should include the Bukeev Horde, Ural, Torgay,
Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Semirechensk regions and districts of the Altai province with the Transcaspian region,
where the Kazakhs lived. The Congress noted that after the overthrow of the Provisional government in cities
and villages, steppe regions, indifference, which threatened the lives of Kazakhs, is increasing. Therefore, the
Congress decided to create a power in the form of a "provisional People's Council" for the purpose of”
survival " of the Kazakh people, to give it the name of Alash-Orda (government of Alash autonomy) and it
was stressed that the government, subordinate to the entire Kazakh people, believes this... does not
recognize another government and should not exercise the authority of his government without two crimes."
The Congress developed a plan to create a Kazakh militia. For each region, a certain number of personnel,
measures for training and supply of counties are determined. Provision of militia with arms should be carried
out by the Center at the expense of the means received by means of the administrative taxation.
2.Explain the collapse of the Soviet Union: define the causes and consequences on Kazakhstan. The
formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union officially ceased to exist. The result was the appearance on the
world political arena of 15 new states instead of one USSR from 15 national republics. Chronologically, the
events of December 1991 developed as follows. The heads of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine - then the Soviet
republics - gathered for a historic meeting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, more precisely - in the village of Viskuli.
On December 8, they signed the Agreement on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent
States (CIS). By this document they recognized that the USSR is no more. In fact, the Bialowieza Accords did
not destroy the USSR, but documented the already existing situation. On December 21, a meeting of the
presidents was held in the Kazakh capital Alma-Ata, at which another 8 republics joined the CIS: Azerbaijan,
Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The document signed
there is known as the Alma-Ata Agreement. Thus, all the former Soviet republics except the Baltic ones
entered the new community. USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev did not accept the situation, but his political
position after the 1991 coup was very weak. He had no other choice, and on December 25 Gorbachev
announced the termination of his activities as president of the USSR. He signed a decree resigning from the
Supreme Commander of the Soviet Armed Forces, handing over the reins to the President of the Russian
Federation Boris Yeltsin. On December 26, the session of the upper house of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
adopted declaration No. 142-N on the termination of the existence of the USSR. During these decisions and
the signing of documents on December 25-26, the USSR authorities ceased to be subjects of international
law. The successor of the USSR membership in international institutions was Russia. She took over the debts
and assets of the Soviet Union, and also declared herself the owner of all the property of the former union
state located outside the former USSR. 1. The authoritarian nature of Soviet society.. 2. The dominance of
one ideology. 3. Unsuccessful attempts to reform the Soviet system. 4. General deficit. 5. Extensive economy.
6. The crisis of confidence in a similar economic system. 7. Squandering finances. 8. The decline in world oil
prices. 9. Centrifugal nationalist trends 10. Monocentrism of decision-making by Moscow. How did the CIS
come about? • On December 8, 1991, President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin, Chairman of the Supreme Council
of Belarus Stanislav Shushkevich and President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk at a residence in Viskuly
(Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Belarus) noted the collapse of the USSR and signed the Agreement on the Creation
of the CIS. The preamble of the document emphasized that from this moment the USSR as a subject of
international law and geopolitical reality ceased to exist. • On December 13, leaders of other republics of the
former Union announced their desire to join the CIS. • On December 21, 1991, in Alma-Ata, at a meeting of
the heads of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine, the Alma-Ata Declaration and Protocol to the Agreement on the
Establishment of the CIS were adopted. • The Alma-Ata meeting completed the process of transforming the
former republics of the USSR into sovereign states. The Declaration reaffirmed the mutual recognition of
sovereignty and inviolability of borders, emphasized that the interaction of the CIS participants will be
carried out on the principle of equality through coordinating institutions.
3.History of the Kazakhstan national currency tenge (1991-2019)
On November 15, 1993, the Kazakh tenge came into circulation, replacing the Soviet ruble. Tenge
was put into circulation according to the Decree of the Head of state "on introduction of the national
currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan". To avoid unwanted dissemination of information currency decided
to print abroad, namely in England. In September 1992, Harrison & sons produced design copies of the
national currency. They were approved by the Head of state, and then received permission to place an order.
In mid-December 1992, the production of the first Kazakh banknotes was started. By the end of March 1993,
the entire order was completed. At the same time, in addition to good quality, tenge had a high degree of
protection. Individual denominations had up to 18 of its elements. But the first Kazakh coins were minted in
Germany. Today, the tenge is the economic basis of independence, a symbol of sovereignty, a full-fledged
part of the modern history and future of Kazakhstan. The design of the national currency reflects the
modernity of Kazakhstan, includes all state symbols, images of architectural objects and natural landscapes
of the country. The Kazakh tenge has about 20 degrees of protection. Therefore, it is among the most
protected currencies in the world.
11 билет
1. Formation of the Government of Alash Orda (People's Council), chaired by A. Bokeikhanov. The decision
to the form the Alash Autonomy.
In December 1917, the II all-Kazakh Congress was held in Orenburg. As a result: the Provisional people's
Council of Alash-Orda was formed, and then the government of Alash-Orda. The Chairman: A. Bokeikhanov
Was.Center: Families. The program of the Alash party consisted of 10 sections and was published on
November 21, 1917 in the newspaper "Kazak".Number of members of the government of Alash-Orda: 25.
including other nationalities: 10. Active figures of the Alash movement: A. Bukeikhanov, A. Baitursynov and
M. Zhumabayev.They are committed in the direction of a liberal-democratic direction. The main goal was to
create an independent Kazakh autonomy.
2. Analyze the Adoption of the «Law on Language» and its meaning.
The main reason for Russification in the Kazakh SSR is associated with a change in national composition,
which resulted in a sharp decrease in the percentage of the indigenous population, which was influenced by
the following factors:
•The decline of the indigenous population during the famine in Kazakhstan in the early 30s (by more than 1
million people);
• Relocation of dispossessed peasants from the Slavic republics in the 20s and 30s (about 250,000 people);
• Arrivals of immigrants from other republics during the industrialization of the Kazakh SSR, which began in
the 30s
• Deportation of peoples to the Kazakh SSR from 1937 to 1949 (about 1 million people);
• Resettlement of citizens who fell under the Stalinist repression in the Kazakh SSR from the late 20s to the
early 50s (more than 5 million people)
• Arrivals of immigrants from other republics during the development of virgin lands in the Kazakh SSR,
which began in 1954 (640,000 people arrived only at the first stage of 1954-1956) Russification in Kazakhstan
led to the massive spread of Kazakh-Russian bilingualism, but there was practically no reverse RussianKazakh bilingualism. The “prestigious” Russian language in Soviet times became a guarantee of social
mobility and professional career. In the 1920s – 1930s, the number of those who spoke Russian among
Kazakhs was insignificant. By 1970, 42% of Kazakhs were fluent in Russian, while among Kyrgyz, this figure
was 19%, while among Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Turkmens it was completely lower - 15%. By 1989, 63% of Kazakhs
spoke Russian (an increase of 1% per year - a very high rate). 30% of urban Kazakhs did not know their native
language and spoke only Russian. Kazakhization The Law on Languages in the Kazakh SSR, adopted on
September 22, 1989, introduced the concept of "state language", and the Kazakh language was given the
status of the state language, the Russian language was assigned de jure status as a "language of international
communication." Later, as amended by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it was determined
that “the Russian language is officially applied along with the state language”. On May 15, 2002, at the
presentation of the Russian Party of Kazakhstan Public Association (PKK), it was announced that the PKK's
primary task was to encourage all Russians living in Kazakhstan to study the state language. More than 3
thousand people became members of the Russian Party at its opening The Ministry of Agriculture of the
Republic of Kazakhstan completely translated the documentation into the state language in accordance with
the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 5, 2004 No. 348 For 2004,
according to D. O’Bicken, "the government of Kazakhstan decided that the Kazakh language will play a crucial
role in the process of" Kazakhization " of society" Thanks to the work of the Assembly of the Peoples of
Kazakhstan, languages and cultures are supported in Kazakhstan (or at least no obstacles are created for
their development) that do not have state status. On September 12, 2005, speaking at the second Civil
Forum, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev stated: We must jointly support the
languages and cultural traditions of all the peoples of Kazakhstan. No one should be infringed on the right to
use their native language and culture. By 2006, according to data announced during the round table “The
Future of Kazakhstan and the State Language”, in five regions (Atyrau Oblast, Zhambyl Oblast, Kyzylorda
Oblast, Mangistau Oblast, South Kazakhstan Oblast) paperwork was officially translated into Kazakh.
Nevertheless, even in these areas, the Kazakhization of office work faces a number of difficulties. Therefore,
in the Atyrau region, only 51% of the total official document flow was carried out in the Kazakh language, in
the Dzhambul region - 50%, in the Kyzylorda region - 49%. In 2006, 500 million tenge was allocated from the
republican budget for the introduction of the Kazakh language. In 2007, the number of citizens of Kazakhstan
who speak the state language of the republic reached approximately 70 percent. ... According to him
(Minister of Culture and Information Yermukhamet Ertysbaev), 10 years ago, when the Law "On Languages in
the Republic of Kazakhstan" was adopted, the indicated indicator did not exceed 40 percent.
3.Tell about the multi-ethnic Kazakhstan and role of the Assembly of Kazakhstan People.
In the early years of independence, very complex processes took place in the country, connected with the
spiritual life of society, its revival of national self-awareness. At the beginning of the 90s of the last century,
in our history there were reincarnations of many people in the friendship of people - at the 1st forum of the
peoples of Kazakhstan in 1992, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev expressed the
idea of the need to transfer this forum to a permanent basis. And on March 1, 1995, a new institute in the
field of national policy - the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan . The main objectives of the Assembly
are: Ensuring the effective interaction of state bodies and civil society institutions in the field of interethnic
relations, creating favorable conditions for further strengthening interethnic harmony and tolerance in
society; Strengthening the unity of the people, support and development of public consensus on the
fundamental values of Kazakhstani society; Rendering assistance to state bodies in counteracting
manifestations of extremism and radicalism in society and aspirations aimed at infringing on the rights and
freedoms of man and citizen; The formation of a political and legal culture of citizens based on democratic
norms; Ensuring the integration of the efforts of ethno-cultural and other public associations to achieve the
goals and objectives of the Assembly; Revival, preservation and development of national cultures, languages
and traditions of the people of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan is a multinational state. The population is about 15
million: Kazakhs - 45%, Russians - 35%, more than 100 other nationalities - 20%, Tatars, Ukrainians, Uzbeks,
Germans, Uighurs, Dungans, Koreans and others.
12 билет
1.Formation of the Turkestan Autonomy (Kokand Autonomy) Government in Kokand. Memories by M.
Turkestan autonomy is a self-proclaimed territorial entity that briefly existed from November 28, 1917 to
February 22, 1918 in the territories of modern Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and at that time in
the territories of the Semirechensky, Syrdarya and Ferghana Regions of the Turkestan Governor General of
the Russian Empire.After the February revolution in Central Asia, socio-political organizations began to form,
representing the indigenous Muslim population of the region. One of the first such organizations was the
Shura-i-Islam (Islamic Council), founded in March 1917 in the midst of the liberal and democratic movement
of Jadidism. Later, the Shuro-i-Ulema (Council of the clergy), created by the Kadimists (the movement of
Islamic traditionalists), breaks away from the Shuro-i-Islamiya. In the first elections of the summer of 1917,
the Kadimists confidently bypassed the Jadids. In March 1917, the "Union of Working Muslims" was created,
which played an important role in the struggle for Soviet power in Turkestan and its opponents. Muslim
groups also existed in the parties of the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries, and later in the parties of
the Bolsheviks and Left Socialist Revolutionaries. On November 15, 1917, the III All-Turkestan Muslim
Kurultay of the Turkestan Territory opened under the leadership of Shuro-i-Ulema. In parallel, the III
“Congress of Soviets of the Turkestan Territory” was held in the same city. Representatives of leftist and
socialist Muslim organizations were invited to the “All-Turkestan Kurultai of Muslims”, while representatives
of the Shuro-i-Islamiya did not participate in the work of the kurultai, which marked a split between
traditionalists and liberals. At the conference, it was decided to appeal to the delegates of the III “Congress
of Soviets of Turkestan” with a proposal to create a coalition government. But this proposal was rejected by
the Left Socialist Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks, in whose leadership the so-called "old communists" were of
decisive importance. Some of the "old communists" stood in frankly chauvinistic positions. Thus,
representatives of indigenous nationalities were not included in the first composition of the "Council of
People's Commissars of Turkestan" (SNK). This decision was condemned by the Central Committee of the
Bolshevik party, requiring the inclusion of representatives of the indigenous population of the region in the
composition of the SNK. On November 22, the III “Regional General Muslim Congress” opened in Tashkent,
at which an attempt was made to form governments of national autonomy. But this decision provoked a
protest from the representatives of the left-wing Muslim movements and parties in favor of the Soviets, as
the only legitimate authority.In response to the creation of the SNK in Tashkent, on November 26, 1917, the
Fourth All-Turkestan Kurultay of Muslims was convened in Kokand under the leadership of Shuro-i-Islamiya.
The congress was attended by about 200 delegates. The next day, Kurultai Turkestan was declared
"territorially autonomous in unity with the federal democratic Russian Republic." In Kurultai, it was also
decided to name the new territorial entity Turkiston Mukhtoriati (Turkestan Autonomy). At the same
kurultai, autonomy authorities were elected. The representative and legislative body was to be the
“Provisional People’s Council” in the amount of 54 people, the executive - the Provisional Government,
consisting of 12 people. The government of Turkestan autonomy in January announced its intention on
March 20, 1918 to convene its parliament on the basis of universal direct, equal and secret ballot. Two-thirds
of parliamentary seats were reserved for Muslim deputies, and one-third was guaranteed to non-Muslim
populations. This was a successful decision - such a parliament would undoubtedly rally all Turkestans and
become an insurmountable obstacle for the Bolsheviks. The existence of such a parliament was to be the first
step towards the democratization of Turkestan. By the way, in the government of the Turkestan Soviet
Republic (TASSR) formed at the same time in Tashkent, out of 14 of its members there was not a single
person from the representatives of indigenous peoples. The chairman of the Council of People's Commissars
of the Turkestan Republic, Fyodor Kolesov, a recent clerk on the Tashkent railway, said: “It is impossible to
admit Muslims to the supreme authorities, since the position of the local population towards us is not
defined and, moreover, they do not have any proletarian organization.
2.Tell about the «Strategy «Kazakhstan-2050»: a new political course of the established state».
In December 2012, in the Address of the Head of State, the Development Strategy of the Republic of
Kazakhstan until 2050 was presented to the country's people. Its main goal is to create a prosperous society
based on a strong state, a developed economy and the possibility of universal labor, and Kazakhstan's entry
into the thirty most developed countries of the world. To achieve this goal, the “Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy”
provides for the implementation of seven long-term priorities: 1. The economic policy of the new course is a
comprehensive economic pragmatism based on the principles of profitability, return on investment and
competitiveness. 2. Comprehensive support for entrepreneurship, the leading force in the national economy.
3. New principles of social policy - social guarantees and personal responsibility. 4. Knowledge and
professional skills are key guidelines of the modern system of education, training and retraining of personnel.
5. Further strengthening of statehood and development of Kazakhstani democracy. 6. Consistent and
predictable foreign policy - the promotion of national interests and the strengthening of regional and global
security. 7. The new Kazakhstani patriotism is the basis for the success of our multinational and
multiconfessional society. The Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy is a harmonious development of the Kazakhstan2030 Strategy at a new stage. By 2050, Kazakhstan should be in the thirty most developed countries in the
world. We must work purposefully and inspirationally, not losing sight of our primary go als: ? Further
development and strengthening of statehood. ? Transition to new principles of economic policy. ?
Comprehensive support for entrepreneurship, the leading force in the national economy. ? Formation of a
new social model. ? Creation of modern and effective education and healthcare systems. ? Increasing the
responsibility, effectiveness and functionality of the state apparatus. ? Building international and defense
policies adequate to the new challenges.
3.Describe the main idea of book by N.A. Nazarbayev «People in the stream of history» In his book “In the
stream of history”, published in 1999, the Head of State N. Nazarbayev offers his own version of the
assessment of historical events that took place in the country from ancient times to the present. In
particular, the author dwells on the process of the existence of statehood and its continuity for more than
two millennia. The President dwelt in detail on the functioning of the Great Turkic Ale, the events of the
influence of the invasion of Genghis Khan's troops on the territory of Kazakhstan. The topic of Kazakh
identity, the specifics of cattle-breeding civilization, the peculiarities of religious views, as well as the unique
mentality of nomadic society are presented interestingly. The author dwells in detail on the era of
Kazakhstan’s stay as part of the Russian Empire and the USSR. The Head of State and the events of
independence, which really needed a detailed historical understanding, did not go around when he writes
that “my appeal to the past is dictated by the understanding of this historical“ loading ” of today's events.
13 билет
1.The policy of «War Communism». Announcement amnesty to the government of Alash Orda. Criticism of
Bolshevik ideas in letters by A. Baitursynov to V. I. Lenin.
War Communism In the history of the Soviet Union, economic policy applied by the Bolsheviks during the
period of the Russian Civil War (1918–20). More exactly, the policy of War Communism lasted from June
1918 to March 1921. The policy’s chief features were the expropriation of private business and the
nationalization of industry throughout Soviet Russia, and the forced requisition of surplus grain and other
food products from the peasantry by the state. These measures negatively affected both agricultural and
industrial production. With no incentives to grow surplus grain (since it would just be confiscated), the
peasants’ production of it and other crops plummeted, with the result that starvation came to threaten
many city dwellers. In the cities, a large and untrained bureaucracy was hastily created to supervise the
newly centralized, state-owned economy, with the result that labour productivity and industrial output
plummeted. By 1921 industrial production had dropped to one-fifth of its prewar levels (i.e., in 1913), and
the real wages of urban workers had declined by an estimated two-thirds in just three years. Uncontrolled
inflation rendered paper currency worthless, and so the government had to resort to the exchange and
distribution of goods and services without the use of money. Amnesty of Kazakh leaders The successes of the
Red Army in the fight against the Whites , unrest and uprisings in the Alash shelves , escape horsemen from
the ranks of Alash police hastened the split in the ranks of alashordyntsev . This process is irreversible after
the announcement in March, the Central Executive CommitteeRSFSR amnesty Alash Orda and the transition
to the side of Soviet power of one of the leaders of the Alash Orda Baitursynov and a large group of his
supporters.As amnesty of Kazakhstan leaders was recovered from the Soviet authorities . July 10, 1919
decree of the CPC of the RSFSR was organized by the Revolutionary Committee of Management Kazakh edge
( Kazrevkom ) .At first it was composed of : S. Pestkovsky (chairman ), A. Baitursynov, V. Lukashev Dzhangildin
A. , M. Tunganchin , S. Mendes B. Karataev . At various times, the members were Kazrevkoma Aitiev A. , S.
Argynshiev , Avdeev , G. Alibeyov , B. Karaldin . Letter of Baitursynov to Lenin We are confident that the
Soviet government will not insult or humiliate millions of people. The tsarist policy was nationalist and
imperialist, for the Russians were allowed everything, while the subjects were allowed nothing. No measures
were taken against Russians who committed crimes against their subjects, and, conversely, subjects who
committed similar crimes were severely punished. I think that the Russian people should admit that they
allowed permissiveness in relation to the peoples who were part of the Russian Empire. All this they have
been brought up for centuries. After this recognition, the mass of the people must understand that they will
not be able to immediately give up their rights, because the psychology of the masses can be changed by reeducation for many years. At present, everyone calls himself a Communist. Looking at them, you
involuntarily think how good it is-all of a sudden around became Communists. But miracles happen only in a
fairy tale, and in life, in fact, this does not happen, so in many ways, communism is covered as a mask. Thus,
there are many Communists in Russia, but there are few real ideological Communists, and besides, there are
few or no Communists in the suburbs. Given all the above, I suggest: 1) In the leadership of the Kyrgyz
territory should be the real ideological Communists and honest ideological workers of the Kyrgyz
intelligentsia, is fully included in the trust the Kyrgyz people, having endured such a difficult test, but in any
case not to appoint those who consider themselves just a Communist. Real ideological Communists,
ideological workers-natives of the Kyrgyz, though not Communists, will quickly find a common language and
will have a common point of view on the case; 2) in areas where there is a mixed population, in all
government bodies 2/3 of the part should be representatives of the Kyrgyz nation; 3) economic enterprises
of the Kyrgyz economy for some reason should not be divided and subordinated to other provinces or
regions, their management should be in the hands of the Kyrgyz; 4) all cultural and political work of the
Kyrgyz Communists and revolutionary intellectuals should be based on Soviet, socialist, economic policy; 5)
unite Kyrgyzstan, create a military district in Orenburg; 6) the composition of the garrisons of the city must
necessarily include Kyrgyz; 7) the borders of the Kyrgyz
region should not be subject to any changes.
2.The impact of Nazarbayev on establishment of the Peace in the World.
Everyone knows that Kazakhstan, in spite of all external threats, has become the first country to abandon the
world's fourth largest destructive nuclear arsenal. As a result, this turned into a credit of trust from other
countries, and therefore, after 20 years in the territory of Kazakhstan, a bank of low enriched uranium was
opened. This happened after Nursultan Nazarbayev announced at the global summit in Washington in 2010
that the agreement on a comprehensive ban and the creation of a nuclear fuel bank under the auspices of
the IAEA should be updated. Acknowledgment of Kazakhstan’s efforts and its contribution to strengthening
global stability can be called the adoption by the General Assembly of a resolution on the proclamation of
August 29 as the international day against nuclear testing. The President of Kazakhstan also recalled the
crucial role of the UN Security Council in ensuring security and the rule of law on the world stage. The
President of Kazakhstan recalled that, while being the owner of the fourth largest nuclear arsenal in the
world, his country voluntarily abandoned it and closed the world's largest nuclear test site in Semipalatinsk.
According to him, Kazakhstan played an important role in creating a nuclear-free zone in Central Asia. As
another contribution of Kazakhstan to nuclear non-proliferation efforts, the President recalled the opening of
the IAEA's Low Enriched Uranium Bank in his country. The President of Kazakhstan again called for the
creation of a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East. “The strength is not in these nuclear bombs and missiles,
there are many of them in the world, and this is not a real defense. Protection is the trust of the international
community, ”the head of state said. The President proposed a number of measures aimed at strengthening
the nuclear non-proliferation regime. He called for "complicating the withdrawal from the Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons." According to him, the example of the DPRK, which has withdrawn from
the NPT, may push other countries with the ambition to possess nuclear weapons to take such a step. ”
Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed the development of a special resolution of the Security Council, which will
determine the clear consequences for those countries that violate the treaty. The President of Kazakhstan
recalled that the existence of the NPT did not prevent India and Pakistan from acquiring dangerous weapons.
Highly appreciating the international agreements on Iran’s nuclear program and mentioning “difficulties
encountered by some of the participants in fulfilling their obligations under this agreement,” Nazarbayev said
that after discussing this issue two days ago with President Trump, he “understood that, in principle, it can
be solved. " The President called for preventing a further arms race, including ending the "militarization of
outer space." He recalled the special responsibility of the "world nuclear powers in preventing a nuclear
catastrophe." “If the great nuclear powers say that we will remain nuclear and will improve (arsenals), and
you, everyone else, are forbidden, I think it will work badly,” said Nursultan Nazarbayev. He called for the
joint work of nuclear and non-nuclear countries in this direction, while maintaining the crucial role of the UN
Security Council. The President of Kazakhstan recalled that in his Manifesto “Peace. XXI century ”, he
proposed to build a world without nuclear weapons for the 100th anniversary of the UN.
3.Talk about Nur-Sultan – a new capital of the RK
On March 23, 2019, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the city of Astana
was renamed into the city of Nur-Sultan-the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently, the population
is more than 1 million people. The city consists of four districts - "Almaty", "Saryarka", "Yesil"and " Baikonur".
The high growth rate of the city's economy attracts many investors. The capital's economy is based on
industrial production, transport, communications, trade and construction. Among the largest enterprises of
the city can be identified such objects as Tselinograd car repair plant, concern "Tsesna-Astyk", the plant for
the Assembly of passenger cars LLP "Tulpar-Talgo", the plant for the Assembly of helicopters LLP "Eurocopter
Kazakhstan engineering" and others. The city has become one of the largest business centers in Kazakhstan.
The entrepreneurial culture is developing dynamically — more than 128 thousand small and medium-sized
businesses operate in Astana. Congresses of leaders of world and traditional religions, Astana economic
forum and other international significant events are held in the capital on a regular basis. The historic OSCE
summit was held in Nur-Sultan, the anniversary summits of the SCO and OIC were held. In early 2011, the
capital of the Republic hosted participants and guests of the VII Asian winter games. In 2017, the capital
hosted the international exhibition EXPO-2017. Nur Sultan has more than ten higher education institutions,
including: Eurasian national University, Kazakh national University of arts Kazakh agrotechnical University
named after Saken Seifullin, KAZGUU University, Astana Medical University, Nazarbayev University, Financial
Academy, Turan-Astana University, Kazakh University of Economics Finance and international trade, Kazakh
University of technology and business (Kazutb)
14 билет
1.The creation of Kyrgyz (Kazakh) Soviet Socialist Autonomous Republic. Command and Administrative
Problem solution of territorial boundaries of the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) ASSR. KazASSR and Turkestan Republic.
Integration of Kazakh lands in the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Established on August 26, 1920, it was initially called Kirghiz ASSR (Kirghiz Autonomous Soviet Socialist
Republic) and was a part of the Russian SFSR. On April 15–19, 1925, it was renamed Kazak ASSR
(subsequently Kazakh ASSR) and on December 5, 1936 it was elevated to the status of a Union-level republic,
Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. Between 1932 and 1933, a famine struck Kazakhstan, killing 1,500,000
people during the catastrophe of whom 1,300,000 were ethnic Kazakhs. In 1937 the first major deportation
of an ethnic group in the Soviet Union began, the removal of the Korean population from the Russian Far
East to Kazakhstan. Over 170,000 people were forcibly relocated. Over one million political prisoners from
various parts of the Soviet Union passed through the Karaganda Corrective Labor Camp (KarLag) between
1931 and 1959, with an unknown number of deaths. During the 1950s and 1960s, Soviet citizens were urged
to settle in the Virgin Lands of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. The influx of immigrants, mostly Russians,
skewed the ethnic mixture and enabled non-Kazakhs to outnumber natives. As a result, the use of the Kazakh
language declined, but has started to experience a revival since independence, both as a result of its
resurging popularity in law and business and the growing proportion of Kazakhs. The other nationalities
included Ukrainians, Germans, Jews, Belarusians, Koreans and others; Germans at the time of independence
formed about 8% of the population, the largest concentration of Germans in the entire Soviet Union. Kazakh
independence has caused many of these newcomers to emigrate.
2.Tell about the Definition of a state development strategy for an independent Kazakhstan
The construction of a new Kazakh statehood in the first half of the 1990s was carried out in strategic,
institutional and symbolic aspects. After the legal formalization of the independence of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, the society was set a number of primary tasks: the creation of state institutions of power, the
recognition of the state in the international arena, its entry into various international organizations. The
strategic goal was to develop a sovereign state with a strong presidential power. The country's leadership
was faced with issues on the solution of which depended not only the effective functioning of social and
political institutions, but also the very existence of Kazakhstan's statehood: the definition of clear borders of
statehood; the solution of urgent problems and reforms; the creation of institutional structures to support
the qualitative development of society; the definition and strengthening of the state border. These tasks
were formulated in the "Strategy of formation and development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state",
developed By N. A. Nazarbayev (1992). Taking into account the vacuum in the worldview of the whole
society, the Strategy laid the Foundation for the formation of political guidelines related to the selfdetermination of the people of Kazakhstan.
3.Analyze the program «100 steps» main contents
“100 Concrete Steps,” a plan to implement five reforms proposed by Nursultan Nazarbayev during his
election campaign. The five reforms, according to Nazarbayev, are Kazakhstan's answer to the global and
internal challenges. These reforms are called to help Kazakhstan joint the club of 30 most developed
countries of the world. These include formation of an effective state apparatus; ensuring rule of law;
facilitating industrialization and economic growth; developing national identity and unity; and enhancing
government accountability.
15 билет
1.Muslim Bureau and Turk commission: the struggle for political power. The Basmach movement.
The Basmachi movement officially called the Turkestan Liberation Organization was group which undertook a
protracted uprising against Russian Imperial and Soviet rule by the Muslim peoples of Central Asia. The
movement's roots lay in the anti-conscription violence of 1916 that erupted when the Russian Empire began
to draft Muslims for army service during World War I. In the months following the October 1917 Revolution
the Bolsheviks seized power in many parts of the Russian Empire and the Russian Civil War began. Turkestani
Muslim political movements attempted to form an autonomous government in the city of Kokand, in the
Fergana Valley. The Bolsheviks launched an assault on Kokand in February 1918 and carried out a general
massacre of up to 25,000 people. The massacre rallied support to the Basmachi movements who waged a
guerrilla and conventional war that seized control of large parts of the Fergana Valley and much of Turkestan.
2.Analyze the relationships Kazakhstan and the European Union (1991-2019).
Cooperation with the European Union is one of the priorities in the foreign policy of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. The prospects and the need for the development of these relations for Kazakhstan are
determined by the international role of the European Union in the modern world. At the same time, the EU is
an important trade and economic partner of Kazakhstan and a major investor in the Kazakh economy.
Kazakhstan is also interested in the rich experience of legislative, legal, scientific and technical development
of Western European States. Kazakhstan is recognized by 120 States. 68 embassies and representative
offices of international organizations are registered in the country. Kazakhstan has diplomatic missions in
more than 100 countries and is a member of many international organizations. Kazakhstan is a member of
more than 70 international organizations. Positive prerequisites for economic cooperation and foreign
investments in the economy of Kazakhstan have been created in the European and American direction. In the
Asian direction, Kazakhstan has signed agreements on bilateral political, economic and cultural cooperation.
Positive prerequisites for economic cooperation and foreign investments in the economy of Kazakhstan have
been created in the European and American direction.
3.Tell us about the importance of article «7 aspects of the Great steppe».
"Much of what is simply unthinkable life of modern society, was once invented in our region" - begins the
first section of the article entitled " Space and time of national history." In it, Nursultan Nazarbayev cites
seven things that the Kazakh steppe gave to mankind. Among them: Equestrian culture. "The domestication
of the horse gave our ancestors an unthinkable superiority at that time, and on a planetary scale produced a
major revolution in agriculture and military Affairs."Ancient metallurgy of the great steppe. "Our ancestors
constantly developed the production of new, stronger metals, which opened up opportunities for
accelerated technological progress. This testifies to the high technological development of steppe
civilizations that existed on our land in ancient times."Animal style. "The use of images of animals in everyday
life was a symbol of the relationship between man and nature, pointed to the spiritual landmarks of the
steppe."Golden man. "The skillful Golden appearance of the warrior indicates the confident possession of
the ancient masters of the technique of gold processing. It also revealed a rich mythology reflecting the
power and aesthetics of Steppe civilization." Cradle of the Turkic world. "Having mastered the space within
wide geographical boundaries, the Turks were able to create a symbiosis of nomadic and sedentary
civilizations, which led to the flourishing of medieval cities, which became centers of art, science and world
trade." great silk road. "It has become a stable platform for the establishment and development of global
exchange of goods and intellectual cooperation between peoples." Kazakhstan is the birthplace of apples and
tulips. "The apples we know are genetic varieties of the fruit of our Apple tree species. Today there are more
than 3,000 varieties of cultivated tulips in the world and most of them are descendants of our local
flowers."Modernization continues and strengthens The second part of the article is devoted to the
modernization of historical consciousness. Here Nursultan Nazarbayev proposes to implement several major
projects. They should help to comprehend the fundamental foundations of the worldview, past, present and
future of the people of Kazakhstan.The first project is "Archive-2025". This is a seven-year program, which
could include research of Kazakh and foreign archives from ancient times to the present."This important
activity in all respects should not turn into "academic tourism" at the public expense. It is necessary not only
to painstakingly collect archival data, but also to actively convert them into a digital format, making them
available to all interested experts and the General public, " Nursultan Nazarbayev stressed in the
article.According to the President of Kazakhstan, it is important to create a historical and archaeological
movement at schools and local museums throughout the country. Familiarity with the national history will
help to form a sense of unity of origins in all Kazakhstanis.The next item- " the Great names of the great
steppe." Nursultan Nazarbayev notes that The great steppe has generated a whole galaxy of outstanding
figures, among them al-Farabi and Yassawi, kyul-Tegin and Beybars, Tauke and Abylay, Kenesary and Abay
and many others.To do this, you should create a Park-encyclopedia "Great names of the great steppe", which
will feature monuments in honor of famous historical figures. There will also be an up-to-date gallery of
images of great thinkers, poets and rulers of the past in contemporary literature, music, theatre and fine
arts.In addition, the head of state proposed to intensify work on the popular science series "Outstanding
personalities of the great steppe – - "Uly Dala tulgalary". Thanks to this, the heroes will be known in
Kazakhstan and abroad.In the third point – "Genesis of the Turkic world" – Nursultan Nazarbayev stated the
need to launch the project "Turkic civilization: from the origins to the present". Within its framework, it is
possible to organize the world Congress of turkologists in Astana and days of culture of Turkic ethnic groups.
Also, the President of Kazakhstan stated the importance of creating a single online library of Turkic works,
following the example of Wikipedia.In the item "Museum of ancient art and technology of the great steppe"
it is proposed to create a Museum of ancient art and technology of the great steppe "Uly Dala". It will collect
samples of art and technology, as well as expositions of archaeological complexes and finds of different
historical eras. The President proposed to create a National club of historical reconstructions "Great
civilizations of the great steppe" and to hold festivals throughout Kazakhstan on its basis.In the fifth point –
"a Thousand years of steppe folklore and music" – Nursultan Nazarbayev declares the need to create an
"Anthology of steppe folklore". There will be collected the best examples of oral folk art. It is also important
to release the collection "Ancient motifs of the great steppe" - a collection of significant works created for
traditional Kazakh musical instruments: kobyz, dombra, sybyzgy, sazsyrnai and others.The last point concerns
"History in film and television". The project will launch a series of documentary films, television series and
full-length feature films. Together they should show the continuity of the civilizational history of Kazakhstan.
For creation of tapes will involve not only Kazakhstan, but also foreign experts-screenwriters, Directors,
actors, producers. The list of genres will also expand: elements of fantasy and action-Packed blockbusters will
be added to adventure and melodramatic motives.
16 билет
1.The formation of the Bolshevik regime in Kazakhstan. Land and water reforms in Kazakhstan. New
Economic (NEP) in Kz
In the conditions of a sharp decline in the authority of the interim government and actual anarchy on October
25 (November 7), 1917, an armed coup was carried out in Petrograd, and the Bolsheviks and SocialistRevolutionaries came to power. Decrees adopted at the II Congress of Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers'
Deputies proclaimed Russia's withdrawal from the war and the transfer of land to peasants. The political
situation in Kazakhstan was quite peculiar. The proletariat was not numerous here; for the most part, peasant
settlers were provided with land. Series socioeconomic reforms in Middle Asia and Kazakhstan, by Soviet
power in 1920’s to wipe holdovers colonial landpolicy, eliminate pomeshchik (landlord) tenure, sharply
reduce and kulak tenure in favor mass laborers and middle peasantry.land and water reforms carried in 1921
and 1922 in Turkestan ASSR and in Kazakhstan and from 1925 to 1929 in all Sovietrepublics formed
national-state delineation Middle Asia. The main aim ofthereform wastogive thelocal (Kirghiz, Kazakh,
Uzbek) and Russian peasantry equal rights to land and water. On March 8–16, 1921, the 10th congress of the
ruling Russian Communist Party took place, at which it was decided to switch to a new economic policy
(NEP). In the political and ideological field, it meant: replacement of the surplus by an additional tax;
permission to rent and lease land; the use of wage labor; abolition of labor service and labor mobilization;
leasing of small enterprises to private individuals or cooperatives; The new economic policy yielded results by
the mid-20s. By 1925, the national economy was largely restored.
2.Tell about the creation of the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Creating a national army.
On may 7, 1992 the President of Kazakhstan, the Supreme Commander of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A.
Nazarbayev specified: "about transformation of the state Committee of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan
into the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "about creation of Armed Forces of the Republic
of Kazakhstan" and the first Minister of defense the Colonel-General (since may 9, 1993 the General of army)
S. K. Of October, days of Kostanay signed decrees on the appointment. This day became the day of formation
of independent armed forces of Kazakhstan. The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on defense and Armed
Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Chapter 5, paragraph 18: Armed forces are designed to repel
aggression, armed protection of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
protection and protection of state and military facilities, protection of airspace, as well as tasks in accordance
with international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to article 4 of the Law of the
Republic of Kazakhstan "on defense and Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan": the Armed Forces,
other troops and military formations perform tasks in the field of defense in accordance with the military
doctrine and the plan of application of the Armed Forces. In the case of the birth of any plant, except for the
types of troops belonging to the Ministry of defense, which includes the internal troops of the Ministry of
internal Affairs, the border service of the national security Committee and other troops, the Republican guard,
the management and formation of civil and territorial defense. The most important problem at the initial stage
of construction of the Armed forces was the creation of the legal framework of the army of a sovereign
country. Simultaneously with the creation of the regulatory framework of the new army of the new state,
coordinated work was carried out to form the images and structure of the National armed forces and their
governing bodies. The first laws of the young Republic on the protection of the Fatherland were prepared in a
timely manner and at the proper level. Already on September 22, 1992, the Supreme Council adopted the law
"on the Armed forces and defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Also, the first military doctrine of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the President on February 11, 1993, was prepared in a collective form. It
is based on the principles of prevention of war, sufficiency of defense capacities, the Union of mutual
assistance with the CIS countries. The provisions of the doctrine were widely used in the foreign policy and
military activities of the state.The armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the date of its formation
consisted of Land forces, Naval forces and air defense Forces. On 17 November 1997, by presidential decree,
the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan were transferred to the tripartite structure of the combined
military forces (Land forces and rapid reaction forces), the air defense Forces (combined Air force and air
defense forces) and the state border protection Forces (they consist of posts and units of the border troops,
ships and coastal service of the Naval Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan). At the same time, the General
staff was transformed into the General staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Not so much,
the unreasonableness of subordination of border troops to the Ministry of defense was obvious and from July
2, 1999 they were returned to the national security Committee. On March 21, 2007, presidential decree No.
299 approved the new military doctrine of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is a system of fundamental
approaches to ensuring the military security of the state, preventing wars and armed conflicts, developing and
using the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations.
3.Describe the role of the Elbasy, the Leader of the Nation in the political system of Kazakhstan.
The biography of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is inseparable from the modern history of the
country and people. His policy has become an effective tool to rid Kazakhstan of relapses of the Soviet past,
the basis for the creation of Kazakhstan's model of statehood. When Nursultan Nazarbayev became President
of the Republic in April 1990, he assumed great responsibility for the Republic and its citizens. He became a
generator of ideas, a moderator of complex and important processes for society and the state. A turning point
in the modern history of Kazakhstan was the independence as a result of the collapse of the USSR. In 1991, a
new state appeared on the political map of the world – the Republic of Kazakhstan.After the collapse of the
Soviet Union and gaining independence, Kazakhstan, like other republics, set itself the goal of building its
own statehood, transition to a market economy, creating a democratic society and strengthening national
consciousness. The leadership of our country faced a difficult question of choosing the sequence of reforms,
choosing development priorities. As we know, President Nursultan Nazarbayev has chosen the path of gradual
reform of the economy, putting the task of economic development ahead of political changes. Life has shown
that the choice of the Head of state was correct. N. A. Nazarbayev's formula "first-economy, then-politics" has
become a classic expression of the methodology of successful reforms in the post-Soviet space. Thanks to the
success of our country, such a concept as "Kazakhstan's model of development" has become widespread,
which consists in moving forward on a clearly defined course – on the basis of a balanced and deeply thoughtout strategy. In a short period of time, by historical standards, Kazakhstan has become an independent,
politically and economically independent state, which is confirmed by the successful overcoming of the
consequences of the recent financial and economic crisis, which greatly worsened the socio-economic
situation in many, even more developed countries.December 16, 1991 was the largest event in the history of
the Kazakh people. On this day, the Supreme Council adopted, and President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the
constitutional law "On state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", which marked the beginning of the
construction of a new, sovereign statehood, which is public, political and cultural orientation, directing the
country to the development of the state, its protection, improvement of the political organization of society.
According to political scientists, statehood becomes an acute political problem and a sphere of struggle in the
transitional periods of the history of many countries and regions of the world, in particular, in the modern era
of world decolonization, the collapse of empires and state unions. The constitutional Law" on state
independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan " became a new stage in the political and constitutional
development of the Republic and reflected such fundamental democratic principles as the right of the nation to
self-determination, the priority of individual rights and freedoms, political stability, separation of powers,
interethnic harmony. Over the years of formation and development of the sovereign state, the President of
Kazakhstan has shown himself as a purposeful and decisive leader. Eyewitnesses testify how keenly Nursultan
Nazarbayev worried about the implementation of his initiatives, how well he understood the problems and
feelings of ordinary Kazakhstanis. The first President managed to convince by his example of hard work and
the course pursued by millions of Kazakhstanis in achieving the great future of their country.During these
years, the country's Constitution was adopted, the national currency and other attributes of a sovereign state
were introduced, including such as the Flag, coat of Arms and Anthem. A powerful bulwark of independence
– the Armed forces-has been created. on all perimeters of the country the state border with the neighboring
friendly States is legislatively issued.
Let us note one more important point – all the main strategic decisions in Kazakhstan during the years of
independence were initiated and took place with the direct participation of the Head of state – Nursultan
Nazarbayev. At the first, the most difficult stage of statehood formation, the natural step was to concentrate the
fullness of power in one key institution. It naturally became the Institute of the presidency, established in April
1990. N. A. Nazarbayev was the first of the leaders of the Union republics, who understood the key role of the
sole Supreme leader in a difficult era of change. Kazakhstan and its national Leader showed enviable historical
wisdom that before other republics of the USSR established the post of President.Today we can state that the
presidential power in the Republic of Kazakhstan brilliantly coped with its historical task. For two decades, the
institution of the presidency has been a core element of Kazakhstan's statehood, and has also been a reliable
pillar of comprehensive reforms in Kazakhstan. It is the First President of the RCN.A. Nazarbayev personally
ensured the system logic, reasonable gradualness and humanistic orientation of reforms, on the success of
which the historical future of Kazakhstan critically depended. The institution of strong presidential power
ensures political stability and sustainable economic development of our country. Kazakhstan has created a
very effective and optimal model of administrative and public administration. A clear vertical of state power
has been built. This is a responsible compact government, a professional Parliament, an independent court,
Executive structures of self-government in the regions. All this in a complex makes the uniform system state
mechanism of the power.The country has formed a national business management elite, which works in the
conditions of development of a democratic, civil, legal society. The leader of the state attached a special role
to the creation of a national security system taking into account the geopolitical and economic situation of
Kazakhstan. The country, which occupies the ninth place in the world in its territory, had to pursue a balanced
multi-vector policy, the essence of which was to establish and develop mutually beneficial cooperation with
the countries of the world community. Actively supporting and participating in the positive processes taking
place in society, the Kazakh leader set himself the task of making the Republic recognizable on the world
stage. The foreign policy was aimed at full cooperation with the international community. Kazakhstan's
consistent multi-vector foreign policy is recognized by more than 120 countries. The diplomatic Department
of Kazakhstan was building a new security system, the main vector of which was the creation of a nuclear
non-proliferation regime. Kazakhstan closed the Semipalatinsk test site and actively embarked on the path of
nuclear disarmament. Thanks to the Titanic efforts of the President, the international authority of our country
has been strengthened. Kazakhstan at the present stage has the status of a major regional power in the Eurasian
space, plays an active role in the system of international relations and has taken a worthy place on the political
map of the world. Our state is represented in the UN, OSCE, CICA, OIC, SCO, UNESCO, IMF and many
other authoritative international organizations. In 2010, Kazakhstan became Chairman of the OSCE.
Moreover, for the first time in the modern history of Kazakhstan and the Eurasian space, a unique summit of
OSCE heads of state was held in Astana on December 1, 2010. This was an absolute historic victory for the
Leader of the nation and the people of the Republic. A special place in the policy of the President of
Kazakhstan is occupied by the sphere of interethnic relations. Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic country, where
representatives of 130 ethnic groups live. The President managed to turn the multinational factor into a
genuine asset of the Republic. In his regular addresses to the population of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev
invariably makes calls to preserve stability and mutual understanding, which the Republic is so proud of.
Behind all this is seen a colossal and huge multifaceted activity of the Head of state. History has decreed that
Kazakhstan today is a multinational state. Thanks to the wise, balanced and flexible policy of the Leader of the
nation – Nursultan Nazarbayev, our Republic overcame the difficulties of the transitional transit period and
managed to avoid conflicts on ethnic grounds. The President of the country created a unique institution – the
Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, an Advisory body under the Head of state, the main purpose of which is to
ensure equality of rights and freedoms of citizens of the Republic, regardless of their nationality, language,
attitude to religion, belonging to social groups. The 20th anniversary of which we will celebrate in 2015. The
Assembly of people of Kazakhstan Today has no analogues in the world.Harmonization of interethnic
relations, tolerance, harmony-all this became the basis of the policy of the Head of state. Unique diversity according to Nursultan Nazarbayev-is not a weakness, but the wealth of the country, as the presence of many
ethnic groups is a bright palette and mosaic of our state.
17 билет
1. The strengthening of power and influence of the Communist Party in public life. The idea of “Smal
October” by F.I.Goloshchekin.
The consolidation of the totalitarian system in Kazakhstan is connected with the name of F. Goloshchekin,
who was elected in the fall of 1925 the head of the regional party organization. Understanding well that
these events would provoke a protest from the side of local communists, Goloshchekin began a struggle with
those party leaders who did not share his views.The main objective was the destruction of the traditional
community through the elimination of social differentiation. In fact, eliminating the opposition in Kazakhstan,
Goloshchekin began to implement his idea of “Small October”.In 1926-1927 the redistribution of arable and
pasture lands was carried out. About 1 360 thousand acres of hayfields and 1,250 thousand acres of arable
land were taken from wealthy farms and transferred to the poor and middle peasants. However, this
measure did not bring the expected effect. Farms without livestock could not take advantage of the hayfields
and pastures transferred to them and in most cases returned them to their former owners.
2. Analyze the Kazakhstani model of economy in the XXI century.
Kazakhstan is the largest and most developed country in the Central Asian region with very rich natural
resources. After the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan, having experienced an acute socio-economic crisis,
was one of the first in the region to form a national economic model based on market principles. A largescale privatization program was implemented, including enterprises of raw materials industries, which form
the basis of the country's economy, and foreign investments were actively attracted.At the same time, one of
the main features of the functioning of the private sector and privatization is the broad participation of the
Central and regional bureaucracy. The close intertwining of business with the state apparatus, mainly with
the entourage of the head of the country, make the principle of "power-property" dominant in the economy,
reducing the importance of legal norms.Moreover, during the last economic crisis, the state not only
increased the level of administrative intervention in the economy, but also increased its share in the
economy. The main instrument of this intervention was the Samruk-Kazyna Fund, which concentrates almost
all the economic resources of the public sector, including its shares in private companies, state pension
funds, assets in the mining, nuclear, electric power, metallurgical industries, as well as in the field of
transport and communications. In 2011, the public sector accounted for about 20% of GDP.Orientation on
raw materials, fuel, metal and semi-finished products demanded by the world market, active attraction of
foreign capital to the economy ensured high growth rates (up to 10% on the eve of the world crisis), which
gave rise to talk about the "Kazakhstan miracle". However, these same factors led to a slowdown in growth
in subsequent years (up to 5% in 2011-2012 and 5.5% in 2013), and by 2018, the IMF forecasts growth rates
no higher than 6.2%.Nevertheless, Kazakhstan entered the top ten most growing countries in the world, and
the GDP in 2012. per capita PPP amounted to 14100dolls. But the living wage, set at $ 2.25, is low for a
country with an income above the global average. Most of the country's population lives close to the poverty
line, although the Gini coefficient fell from 0.319 in 2003 to 0.289 in 2011.Therefore, despite the rather high
growth rates of the economy and the announced policy of creating a socially oriented market economy, the
social sphere remains a weak point of the Kazakh model.
3. Tell about works of sons of the Great Steppe: Al Farabi, Zhusip Balasagun, Mahmut Kashgari, Khoja
Ahmet Yassaui.
Al-Farabi is the founder of Arabic-speaking peripatetism. Therefore, his ideas about being are close to the
ideas of Aristotelianism, as well as Neoplatonism. According to the teachings of Abu Nasr al-Farabi,
everything that exists is distributed into six stages, the beginnings connected by the relationship of cause and
effect. The beginnings are divided into two types by their nature: possibly existing and necessarily existing.
The first type includes things from the essence of which does not follow with the necessity of their existence.
For things of the second type, it is characteristic that their existence necessarily follows from their essence.
Everything that relates to possibly existing needs a certain reason for its being. Such a reason is a necessary
or coexisting deity that produces the world in eternity. Other reasons are inherent in multiplicity. From the
first cause, the second causes are formed — the heavenly bodies. The third reason is the cosmic mind, which
cares about the cosmos as a "rational animal" and seeks to bring it to perfection. The remaining causes are
related to real earthly objects. Yusuf Hass Hajib Balasaguni - an outstanding Turkic poet and thinker. He lived
in the XI century in the state of Karakhanids, in the cities of Kashgar and Balasagun. Mahmoud ibn al-Hussein
ibn Muhammad al-Kashgari is an outstanding Turkic philologist and lexicographer. Born in the state of the
Karakhanids. Known due to the “Collection of Turkic languages” created by him (“Sofa Meadow at-Turk”), a
dictionary of various Turkic languages, equal to the Turkological Encyclopedia. Khoja Ahmed Yasawi (Sufi
poet, one of the first Sufi mystics in the Turkic-speaking world. He wrote in Khakani, the Turkic literary
language prevailing at the court of the Karakhanids. The author of the cycle of verses is Divani Hikmat. The
third caliph of the tariqa is Khojagon, founder of the tariqa Yas.
18 билет
1. Stalin repressions and their consequences. Political distrust and the forced deportation of peoples to
What made Soviet state terror distinctive was its scale. Based just on the size of its population, the Soviet
Gulag system – comprising regular and special prisons, filtration camps, POW camps, corrective labor
colonies, special settlements, and scientific prisons – was about twenty-five times larger than its counterpart
in Nazi Germany.4 This population included both political and criminal inmates, the former of whom were
typically convicted under Article 58 of the Soviet penal code. Between 1921 and 1953, the Soviet state
convicted 3.8 million people under Article 58 (GARF, 1954). A typical case began with a person’s detention,
interrogation and (forced) confession, often followed by an expedited trial and conviction by a “special
troika” – comprising an NKVD officer, party secretary and prosecutor – and transfer to a labor camp.
According to one report, of 1.5 million individuals the NKVD arrested in 1937-1938, troikas convicted 85.4
percent. The period brought big disasters to all Soviet people. During 1937-1938 mass terror seized the
whole country. This disaster, which brought sorrow to the spiritual consciousness of the people, turned many
remarkable people, who devoted themselves to social and political struggle, into the victims of repressions,
accused as nationalists and the enemies of the people. These repressions, referred to as the Great Purge,
were the creation of socialist system. One of the tragic pages of the history of Kazakhstan is the deportation
(forced resettlement of peoples) to its territory of peoples from virtually all regions of the former Soviet
Union. According to Kazakhstani historians, during the collectivization period, 189,000 people from Central
Russia were deported to Kazakhstan. Of these, in the height of the famine, in May 1931, 150,000 people
were deployed in the districts of the present Akmola, Karaganda, Pavlodar, and Kokchetav regions. According
to incomplete data, by 1937 the number of people expelled to Kazakhstan amounted to 360 thousand
people. Thus, in the 1930s Kazakhstan was turned into a kind of reservation for evicted peoples.
2. What does mean “The Letter of Five”, tell about the Letter of T.Ryskulov to Stalin - the bitter truth.
Eighty-five years ago, on July 4, 1932, they wrote letters to the first Secretary of the Kazakh regional
Committee of the BC(b)F. I. Goloshchekin, writer Gabit Musrepov, head of the Kazakh state publishing house
Mansur Gataulin, Vice-rector for academic Affairs of the Communist University Embergen Altynbekov and his
Deputy Mutash Dauletkaliyev, head of the sector of the State planning Commission of the Kazakh ASSR Kadyr
Kuanyshev. This letter, which worries about the severe famine, the difficult situation of the Kazakh people,
demanded what is an ignorant age and why the people responsible for the death are not responsible,
remained in history under the title "Letter of five". This letter, which says that the new principles of the
Soviet government contradict the Kazakh society, became a national tragedy, destroyed all social groups,
forced collectivization and settlement, abuses in the collection of tax collection led to mass starvation of the
population, air migration. In addition, he noted that the "letter of five"is one of the manifestations of
discontent of the Kazakh intelligentsia to the totalitarian order. One of the organizers of the "letter of five" –
Mansur Gataulin was the victim of only 34 years of age. Beginning in the remaining four citizen illp black
cloud of repressionsees. "Letter of five", written by the Kazakh intelligentsia, has a great place in the struggle
for independence of Kazakhstan. During the meeting, issues related to the implementation of the business
Roadmap 2020 program were discussed, in particular, within the framework of the business Roadmap 2020
program. Therefore, these five people can be called a spiritual force, the sword of the people. They became a
model of man, of citizenship. Those five weren't the only ones. At that time, when the famine began, he
worked in the Almaty regional party Committee, at that time he was a native of the village of Saryozek, now
Konyrolen, Dair Abikeev wrote a letter "how the Kazakhs starved, what the government had to do", five or
six people of the Almaty regional Committee. Dair Abikeev was shot in akyrtob in 1937. During the famine,
when millions of Kazakhs die, such thoughts are uttered in every region, in every place of service.
Unfortunately, during the famine of 1932, the history of the people who committed the act was little
studied. If the name of the "five" was revealed to the public, the names were hidden, but some of the figures
who during the famine asked for dead people have not yet been discovered.We must always keep the names
of the five men who have frankly expressed their opinions as a sword of national honor. This is an event that
they proved that through one civil step the Kazakhs have people who together with the people show their
conscience and honor and are able to raise the flag of truth for this people. Therefore, "five" is a special
name, "letter of five" is a symbol of national truth. Summary of the letter: To the regional Committee of BC
(b), Goloschekin joldas! "Today Kazakhstan is a region that supplies commodity products in 163 million
rubles, - you wrote, Goloshchekin Zholdas, in 1930 in the article" victory of the October revolution
"(collection "10 years of Kazakhstan"). ...But now, 2 years after Your statement, only 1/8 (40 million 5 million)
of the livestock of 1930 remained in Kazakhstan in the livestock industry. Not only the rich and kulaks, but
not only the private and poor, but also, in the main, collective farms and collective farmers (in particular,
state farms), socialized and unnatural cattle were subjected to such enormous damage, severe burns… ...Is it
still better not to postpone the famine (from the second half of winter), which led to the death of people,
covering many Kazakh areas and not revealing the famine (from the second half of winter)?.. Real visitors,
developers of bridge plans, especially did not cope with the specific tasks assigned to them, realized that
"everything is good", relying on achievements in the field of industry, and why members of the Union of land
authorities and agricultural cooperatives do not attract public attention to these significant problems?” In
the late 20s, the collectivization of agriculture began a campaign and began to settle the Kazakh people with
violence. In the course rape occurred distortions, abuses, committed blunders. As a result of collectivization,
the number of livestock in Kazakhstan is reduced by 40 million, 4.1 million. Famine in the country fell,
infectious diseases spread. Turar Ryskulov I. V. sends several letters to the first Secretary of the Kazakh
regional committees L. Mirzoyan about the situation in the country, about gross mistakes sent from the
government. Turar Ryskulov's address to Stalin in March 1933: "I am sending you along with this letter a copy
of the memo to Stalin dzholdaev about the Afghan Kazakhs. As Chairman of the Commission established
under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR to develop draft proposals for the resettlement of
Afghan Kazakhs, I got acquainted with this issue in detail and found out that in Kazakhstan and the
neighboring region there will be no special instructions from the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of
Afghan Kazakhs. In addition, the final placement of Afghan Kazakhs inside Kazakhstan without the help of the
center will be difficult for Kazakhstan itself. It is known that you are putting these questions before the
Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on your own in the near future. On the Soviet side (in particular, on the
part of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR) to a certain extent it is necessary to deal with the
fact that it is now necessary to establish independent measures to assist the Afghans. To this end, I wrote
this report to the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). The purpose of this event is to draw attention to this
problem and help Kazakhstan. If you do not think that I want to rush into the internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, I
write on this issue to The Central Committee of the CPSU (b), because the question I raised is particularly
important not only from the Kazakh point of view, but also from the national point of view. I hope that you
can read the report and take into account the views expressed in it. With Communist greetings after T.
3. Tell about evolution of the Kazakhastani Military Force 1991-2019
When the Soviet Union dissolved, Kazakhstan inherited a large but antiquated military technical base,
including nuclear weapons that remained the property of Russia after 1991. However, development of an
officer corps and a national military policy has been a slow process that has suffered from inadequate
funding. Only in 2001 did military spending reach 1 percent of gross domestic product. [Source: Library of
Congress, December, 2006 **]
Since the late 1990s, the number of active military personnel has grown considerably, from about 40,000 in
1995 to about 66,000 in 2005. In 2005 the army had 46,800 active personnel and the air force, 19,000 active
personnel. The maritime border guard had 3,000 personnel. Paramilitary forces totaled 34,500. A naval force,
announced in 2003 as protection for offshore drilling rigs, has developed very slowly. In 2005 much of
Kazakhstan’s equipment still was of the late Soviet era; hence, it required significant upgrading or
replacement. **
Military branches in Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan Armed Forces: Ground Forces, Navy, Air Mobile Forces, Air
Defense Forces (2013). Manpower available for military service: males age 16-49: 4,163,629; females age 1649: 4,179,051 (2010 est.). Manpower fit for military service: males age 16-49: 2,909,999; females age 16-49:
3,528,169 (2010 est.). Manpower reaching militarily significant age annually: male: 125,322; female: 119,541
(2010 est.).
Military Service: The term of active service is 24 months. Males become eligible for conscription at age 18.
The hazing of conscripts is a common practice. Military service age and obligation: 18 is the legal minimum
age for compulsory military service; conscript service obligation is 2 years, but Kazakhstan may be
transitioning to a contract force; 19 is the legal minimum age for voluntary service; military cadets in
intermediate (ages 15-17) and higher (ages 17-21) education institutes are classified as military service
personnel (2012).
Military expenditures: 1.21 percent of GDP (2012), 0.97 percent of GDP (2011) 1.21 percent of GDP (2010),
country comparison to the world: 81 After resisting increases in the 1990s, the Nazarbayev government has
raised the defense budget annually since 2000. Between 2001 and 2005, the amount increased from US$180
million to US$419 million. The military budget in 1995 was estimated at US$297 million.
19 билет
1. Positions of the Kazakh public figures on the issue of industrialization. Features of industrialization in
The obvious crisis of industry throughout the USSR in the first half of the 20s led to the realization of the
need to accelerate industrial development. However, in Moscow, disputes broke out about the ways and
methods of its implementation. Chairman of the all-Union Council of National Economy F. Dzerzhinsky
proposed to develop primarily light industry to get quick income and provide peasants with consumer goods.
His Deputy Pyatakov advocated the accelerated development of heavy industry. He was also supported by L.
Trotsky, Preobrazhensky and Stalin. The funds needed to modernize production and build new enterprises
had to be obtained by "pumping" from the private sector, i.e. from the peasantry through taxation, unequal
commodity exchange and collectivization.Since 1926, the country is heading for accelerated industrialization.
Development of transport and industry.Kazakhstan, according to the plans of the Moscow authorities, was to
become one of the main areas of accelerated industrialization. F. Goloshchekin, who actively pursued the
policy of the center, advocated the creation of extractive industry and railway transport in the Republic for
the export of raw materials. Thus, the transformation of Kazakhstan into a raw material base of the
industrialized regions of the USSR was envisaged.A number of local leaders led By S. Sadvakasov opposed
and proposed to develop manufacturing and light industry, to take into account the interests of the Republic
during industrialization, so as not to turn it into a colony. However, Goloshchekin's point of view prevailed,
and the industrialization of Kazakhstan took neo-colonial forms.One of the first major construction projects
was the construction of the Turkestan-Siberian railway from Alma-ATA to Semipalatinsk, completed by
1931.In 1927, the Petropavlovsk-Kokchetav road was built, which was continued in 1931 to Akmola.In 1939
for export of raw materials from Kazakhstan roads Akmola — Karaganda, Iletsk-Uralsk, Rubtsovsk — Ridder,
and in 1940 — Karaganda-Dzhezkazgan were constructed.At the same time there was a reconstruction of
existing and construction of new enterprises. Ridder and Karsakpai plants were restored. Karaganda coal
mines. Started the construction of Shymkent lead plant. The Balkhash and Zhezkazgan copper-smelting plant,
the Ust-Kamenogorsk lead-zinc plant. Industrialization was carried out in an environment of escalating rates
and unreasonably high plans. Already in 1929, it was decided to revise the five-year plan in the direction of
increasing the main indicators. As a result, there were difficulties with the provision of facilities under
construction with labor, raw materials and equipment. Many construction sites were frozen. Enterprises,
although they gave products, but nevertheless could not gain full capacity. In General, the industrialization of
Kazakhstan continued until the second world war.
2. "Towards a competitive Kazakhstan, a competitive economy, a competitive nation" describe this
Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The economy remains the main priority of our development, and the achievement of the highest possible
rates of economic growth is the main task. It is common knowledge that competitiveness is achieved not in
the greenhouse conditions of state support, but in a tough fight with competitors. Recently, the desire for
competitiveness has begun to turn into an obsession with us. We love to talk about it - instead of solving
pressing economic and social problems. We admit honestly: the economic situation in the country leaves
much to be desired. Investors are reluctant to go to Kazakhstan, small and medium-sized businesses are not
developing, raiding, corruption and extortion are flourishing, the judicial system and the police are not
trusted. No, the Kazakhs have not become a less competitive nation. To say the opposite is to accept the
philosophy of racism. Unable to competition have become our akims, ministers and deputies. I believe that in
order to increase the competitiveness of our nation, it is necessary to change not the mentality, but the
system of state power, to transform the existing relationship between citizens and the state. And it is also
very important that social elevators really earned. Everything is very simple: give people freedom of choice
and action, eliminate corruption - and then the results will not be long in coming. In addition, a fundamental
reform of the education system is necessary. Without this, it is impossible to increase the competitiveness of
a nation. We must follow the same path that many developed countries such as Singapore, South Korea, and
Japan have traveled. We are no worse, and the brains of our people are arranged in the same way as
everyone else.
3. tell about the achievements of the Kazakhstani Government
Of course, the very first and most significant achievement should be considered, in fact, the Declaration and
the actual acquisition of independence. On December 16, the countdown of a new stage in the history of
Kazakhstan-the "Era of Independence", as the First President-Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev called it in the
book of the same name. Fundamental documents were adopted, Kazakhstan appeared on the world map as
a country with clearly defined borders, found its army, created the necessary governance structures for an
independent state and approved all state symbols.
Kazakhstan has created a new political system based on the basic principles of democracy, formed the
relevant legislation, created and continues to improve the effective apparatus of public administration.
In 2012, the country ahead of schedule implemented all the tasks that were laid down in the Strategy
"Kazakhstan-2030". Kazakhstan is among the 50 most competitive countries in the world and in the group of
countries with an average level of development. At the same time, a new Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050" was
adopted, which set the task to become one of the 30 most advanced countries in the world.
Thanks to economic success, it was possible to ensure a real increase in the welfare of the population. In
1996, 35 percent of the population of Kazakhstan was below the poverty line, now this figure is much lower.
The success of Kazakhstan's diplomacy, supported by the highest authority of the Head of state among the
leaders of the leading countries of the world gave Kazakhstan the opportunity to conduct great peacekeeping
work. Units Of the armed forces of the Republic participate in the actions of the United Nations
peacekeeping forces.
20 билет
1. The policy of Sovietization as a destruction of the traditional Kazakh society. Confiscation of Bay farms
and its political and economic consequences. The forced transition of nomadic and semi-nomadic Kazakh
farms to sedentary.
The implementation of grandiose industrialization required a radical restructuring of the agricultural sector.
In Western countries, the agrarian revolution, that is, the system of improving agricultural production,
preceded the industrial revolution, and therefore in General it was easier to supply products to the urban
population. In the USSR, both of these processes had to be carried out simultaneously. At the same time, the
village was considered not only as a source of food, but also as an important channel of replenishment of
financial resources for the needs of industrialization. In December 1927, the XV Congress of the CPSU(b),
known as the Congress of collectivization, took place. According to his decisions, in a short time, by the
spring of 1932, the country's agriculture was to turn from a single to a collective farm. Collectivization was
carried out by violent methods, forced pace without taking into account the peculiarities of life of the
indigenous population. The Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) held in November, among
other issues, discussed the development of the collective farm movement and adopted “measures to
improve the management of the restructuring of agriculture.” The Plenum of the Central Committee of the
Communist party of Kazakhstan in December 1929 discussed ways to implement the decisions of the Plenum
of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and decided that a necessary condition for the General line on
collectivization is the transition of nomads to a sedentary lifestyle. Collectivization in Kazakhstan began in
1929. If in 1928 in Kazakhstan 2% of all farms were collectivized, then already on April 1, 1930 – 50,5%, and
by October, 1931-about 65%. A number of regions blocked even these "shock" rates; for example, in the Ural
and Petropavlovsk districts 7% of farms were collectivized. By the beginning of autumn 1931 in the Republic
there were 78 districts (out of 122), where collectivization covered 70-100% of households. In the village
there were two interrelated violent processes: the creation of collective farms and dispossession. The
liquidation of kulak farms was aimed primarily at providing collective farms with material resources.
Extremely heavy consequences turned out for sharua dispossession. Violation of the principle of
voluntariness and elementary legality in General from the very beginning has become widespread. In the
directives brought to local authorities, it was specified that the share of liquidated kulak yards in relation to
the total mass of farms should not exceed 3-5%. But in many districts the plan was often carried out so
diligently that it actually exceeded two or even three times the established norm. For example, in the
Krasnoarmeysky district of the Peter and Paul district, where 7% of all households (496 households) were
dispossessed, which is three times more than there were individually taxed taxpayers.
2. Tell about the key points of Kazakhstan`s foreign policy (1991-2019)
Strengthening and further positive development of relations with the world community is one of the main
directions of the policy of our state since independence. Today, Kazakhstan has established diplomatic
relations with 120 countries of the world. 68 embassies and representative offices of international
organizations are accredited in the country. Kazakhstan's diplomatic missions are open in 38 countries.
Kazakhstan joined such international organizations as the UN, OSCE, OIC, NATO Cooperation Council, World
Bank, IMF, EBRD, ECO and others. The Republic refused nuclear weapons inherited from the USSR, and
signed the START Treaty, the Lisbon Protocol, and joined to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons. The multi-vector nature of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy is aimed at developing equal relations with
the outside world and serves to achieve the country's national priorities in the context of globalization of the
modern world community. First of all, this is the idea of the Eurasianism of President N. Nazarbayev, which in
October 2000 found its implementation - the formation of the Eurasian Economic Community on the basis of
the Customs Union in the post-Soviet space. This is the progressive process of preparing the Conference on
Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, also initiated by N. Nazarbayev at the 47th Session of
the UN General Assembly. Speaking at the UN Millennium Summit at the 55th session of the UN General
Assembly, Kazakhstan President N. Nazarbayev put forward a number of constructive proposals: - The UN
and national governments should clearly define their positions in the processes caused by further
globalization; - The Security Council should provide measures to establish interaction and use the capabilities
of regional security systems; - The UN, the Security Council and the international community need to develop
practical measures to stabilize the situation in Afghanistan and the Central Asian region as a whole; - Nuclear
powers need to move on to concrete steps to eliminate nuclear weapons. The priority areas of Kazakhstan’s
foreign policy are maintaining cooperation within the CIS and the CAEC, developing relations with European
countries within the EU, ensuring the necessary dynamics of cooperation with the USA and other Western
countries, deepening ties with China, India, Pakistan, Asia-Pacific countries, and cooperation with the Middle
East and the Middle East. The Asian direction is due to the direct affiliation of Kazakhstan to this dynamically
developing region of the world. This is the active participation of Kazakhstan in regional security within the
framework of the CICA and the Shanghai Forum. This is the integration of Kazakhstan into world economic
relations due to the progressive development of cooperation with China, Japan, India, South Korea, Turkey,
Iran and other states. In general, Kazakhstan’s policy in the international arena is balanced and well-adjusted,
which allows it to adequately respond to new challenges.
3. Analyze the significance of the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.
The Kazakh Khanate lasted until the 18th century, until it fell into three parts, which were subsequently
included in the Russian Empire. Why is Kazakhstan celebrating an anniversary? This is an opportunity for the
Kazakh population to learn about their roots. This will be the moment of recognition of the rich history and
culture of Kazakhstan. Celebrations are aimed at further unification of the multinational population of
Kazakhstan. Celebrations are aimed at strengthening the identity and unity of the Kazakh people. President
Nursultan Nazarbayev noted the importance of knowing one’s own history of the country and transferring
this knowledge to the younger generation. This event will help the new generation inspire greater love for
their homeland.
21 билет
1. Methods and rates of collectivization. Violation of the principles of voluntariness. The liquidation of
kulak farms. “Letter of Five”.
By the beginning of continuous collectivization in the party leadership won the opinion that the main
obstacle to the unification of the poor peasants and the middle peasants is formed over the years NEP more
prosperous stratum in the village-the kulaks, as well as supporting them or dependent on them social group
— "podkulachniki". In the framework of continuous collectivization, this obstacle had to be "eliminated". On
January 30, 1930, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) adopted a resolution "on measures
to eliminate kulak farms in areas of continuous collectivization". At the same time, it is noted that the
starting point of the "elimination of the kulak as a class" was the publication in Newspapers of all levels of
Stalin's speech at the Congress of agrarian Marxists in the last days of December 1929. A number of
historians note that the planning of "liquidation" took place in early December 1929 in the so-called
"Yakovlev Commission", since the number and "areas" of eviction of "kulaks of the 1st category" were
approved by January 1, 1930. "Fists" were divided into three categories.Kulaks, classified in the third
category, as a rule, moved within the region or region, that is, they were not sent to a special settlement. In
practice, eviction and confiscation of property were subjected to not only fists, but also so-called kulak
agents, i.e. the middle peasants, the poor and even laborers, convicted procuracy and anti-kolkhoz actions
(not isolated were also cases of settling scores with neighbors and deja vu "steal the loot")- which clearly ran
contrary specified in the resolution paragraph about the inadmissibility of "infringement" of the middle
peasants. In order to supplant the kulaks as a class, the policy of limiting and displacing its individual
detachments is not enough. In order to supplant the kulaks as a class, it is necessary to break down the
resistance of this class in open combat and deprive it of its productive sources of existence and development
(free use of land, instruments of production, rent, the right to hire labor, etc.). Collective farm construction in
the vast majority of German villages of the Siberian region was carried out in the order of administrative
pressure, without sufficient consideration of the degree of organizational and political preparation for it.
Measures for dekulakization in very many cases were used as a measure of influence against middle peasants
who did not want to join the collective farms. Thus, measures directed exclusively against the kulaks affected
a significant number of middle peasants in German villages. These methods not only did not promote, but
repelled the German peasantry from collective farms. Suffice it to point out that out of the total number of
administratively expelled kulaks in the Omsk district, half were returned by the OGPU bodies from Assembly
points and from the road. All the authors of the letter were members of the Communist party. In view of this
circumstance, the letter was accompanied by a short note explaining the motive of the step taken: "the
Applicants of these questions are not in any way "offended" people, as well as people eager for a career.
..Our only goal is to help the socialist construction in Kazakhstan, pointing to some serious breakthroughs,
putting the issues of concern to us directly in the Bolshevik way before the regional Committee within the
framework of party democracy and in the order of self-criticism, which is the main weapon of our party.
Therefore, we are sure that You will answer our questions, treating them as suggestions coming from healthy
comrades of the average party asset, not associated in any way with the name of others, in particular, " big "
people." Unfortunately, the gloomy forebodings were justified. The performance of the creative intelligentsia
was perceived as a nationalist manifestation of the Bayesian sentiments. The authors of the letter were
accused of national bias, protection of the interests of the peasantry. They were threatened with expulsion
from the party and prosecution. The power of psychological pressure, which was tried by the authors of the
letter after meeting with him of the Regional Committee, was for them a serious challenge. On July 5, 1932,
at a joint meeting of the Bureau of the Kazkraikom and the Regional control Commission, "sin" was released,
and the letter was evaluated as follows:"...full obscuring of all achievements of socialist reorganization of
Kazakhstan and achievements of national policy, sticking out only negative moments, criticism of all
conducted line of regional Committee". It should be noted that this letter was not the first document with an
SOS signal, received by the authorities, but it was the first letter from the Communists, and not ordinary, and
had a significant social status. This letter was followed by others. Hard to say about the impact of such
documents on personnel policy of the CPSU (b), but the fact is: in January 1933, F. I. Goloshchekin, whose
name is associated extremes in the transformation of agriculture in Kazakhstan, was withdrawn from the
Republic. The letter of Turar Ryskulov, a Soviet statesman in Central Asia, who was shot at the age of 44, also
strikes with his courage. In March 1933, T. Ryskulova wrote a letter to Stalin about this - " I Ask You to read
this note and intervene in this matter and thereby save the lives of many people doomed to starvation."
2. Describe the political parties in contemporary Kazakhstan
By the decision of the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev, early elections will be held in the
country on June 9, 2019. Political parties that are officially registered in Kazakhstan and republican public
associations will be able to nominate their candidate for the post of head of state. Party "Nur Otan" Nur Otan
is the largest pro-presidential party in Kazakhstan, created in 1999 on the initiative of the first president of
Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, as the Otan party. Nazarbayev is its leader and chairman. The name of
the party is translated from Kazakh into Russian as "Light of the Fatherland." Meanwhile, the youth wing of
the Zhas Otan party translates as Young Fatherland. The first congress of the Republican political party Otan
took place on March 1, 1999. At that time, more than 400 delegates, including entrepreneurs, public sector
employees and government officials, unanimously elected the first president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan
Nazarbayev, as the first chairman of the Otan party. At the X Extraordinary Congress, which took place in
2006, party members decided to rename the Republican Political of the Otan party to the People’s
Democratic Party Nur Otan, a draft resolution was also adopted then on introducing amendments and
additions to the charter of the Otan RPP. Seven years later, in 2007, the party was again it was renamed from
the People’s Democratic Party "Nur Otan" to "Nur Otan." According to open sources, there are currently
more than 900 thousand people in the party. The first deputy chairman of the party are Nurlan Nigmatulin,
Bauyrzhan Baibek, Askar Myrzakhmetov, Mukhtar Kul -Muhammed and Maulen Ashibaev.Democratic Party
of Kazakhstan "Ak Zhol" Ak Zhol is a political party in Kazakhstan, positioning itself as a "constructive
opposition." She registered with the judiciary on April 3, 2002. Then Bulat Abilov, Alikhan Baymenov, Oraz
Zhandosov were elected co-chairs of the public association "Democratic Party of Kazakhstan" Ak Zhol.
Already next year the number of party co-chairs increased to five - Lyudmila Zhulanova was added to them
and Altynbek Sarsenbayev. On July 2, 2011, at the party’s congress in Astana (now Nur-Sultan), Azat
Peruashev, the head of the Atameken national economic chamber, was unanimously elected chairman of the
Ak Zhol economic committee. ol "is a parliamentary party, has a deputy faction in the Mazhilis. Currently, the
party consists of 255 thousand 800 people (as of December 2016), of which 167 thousand 014 men and 88
thousand 786 women. At the same time, the party" Ak Zhol ”has 16 branches in the regional centers and
cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Zhezkazgan, Semey and Turkestan. People's Democratic Patriotic Party "Auyl"
The People's Democratic Patriotic Party "Auyl" (NDPP "Auyl") is a political party that operates in Kazakhstan.
The party was registered on March 1, 2002, a year later the party passed re-registration. Its chairman is Ali
Bektaev, the current deputy of the Senate of Parliament. Today, the party took part in the parliamentary
elections and the elections of maslikhats. According to the results of the 2016 elections, NDPP Auyl has 38
deputies of maslikhats of all levels. The Auyl party unites in its ranks a large scientific potential in the field of
agriculture and agribusiness - these are 13 specialized research institutes, including their leaders, doctors,
candidates of sciences and researchers. Therefore, the People’s Democratic Patriotic Party aims to assist
state bodies in the development of agriculture. The fundamental activity is the solution of the problems of
the village, agriculture, and the social well-being of the villagers. Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan
The Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan is a political party operating in Kazakhstan. She was officially
registered with the Ministry of Justice on June 21, 2004. At present, the party’s Central Committee
secretaries are Aikyn Konurov, Dmitry Legky and Zhambyl Akhmetbekov. According to the results of the
Mazhilis elections, in 2004 the party received 1.98% of the vote. In the elections to the Mazhilis in 2007, the
party received 1.29% of the vote and did not go to parliament. In the 2012 elections, from which the
Communist Party of Kazakhstan was suspended, KNPK gained 7.19% and was able to get into parliament. In
2005, party members nominated for the presidency deputy Erasyl Abylkasymov, who gained 0.34 votes
voters. According to open sources, at present, more than 100 thousand people are members of the party.
Birlik Party Birlik (Unity) is a political party that has been operating in Kazakhstan since April 26, 2013.
Currently, it is led by Serik Sultangali.The party was founded as a result of the merger of the Adilet and
Rukhaniyat parties.It should be noted that in the elections to the Mazhilis in 2016, 0.29% of voters voted for
Birlik. So, taking the last, sixth place, the party could not pass to parliament. At the 2016 election campaign,
the party focused on the environment and the social sphere, which in general allows us to characterize its
ideology as eco-socialism.
OSDP The National Social Democratic Party of Kazakhstan (OSDP) is an opposition party in the country. She
officially registered with the justice authorities on January 25, 2007. The NSDP has its branches in all regions
of the republic, as well as in the cities of Nur-Sultan and Almaty. The NSDP party is consistently working to
translate into Kazakhstan's political practice the values of the world social democratic movement, the
principles of freedom, justice, solidarity, and also sets itself the task of building a democratic, legal, social
state, innovative economy, and the implementation of a new humanitarian policy. According to open
sources, there are currently about 140 thousand registered in the NSDP. people. Democratic Party of
Kazakhstan "Azat" The Democratic Party of Kazakhstan "Azat" (KDP "Azat") is an opposition party in the
country that functioned on the territory of Kazakhstan from April 29, 2005 to October 24, 2009. Initially, the
KDP "Azat" was created under the name of the Democratic Party of Kazakhstan "Nagyz Ak Zhol " However,
on October 24, 2009, it merged with the Azat National Social Democratic Party. In its activities, the party
proposed a radical change in the country's political system by creating mechanisms for the regular renewal of
power and its constant interaction with civil society.
3. Talk about the role of the Prime Minister in the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The role of the Prime Minister of the Republic is as follows: 1. Organizes the work of the Government and
distributes functional responsibilities among members of the Government; 2. represents the Government or
entrusts the representation of the Government in relations with the President of the Republic, Parliament,
the Constitutional Council, the Supreme Court, the General Prosecutor's Office and other state bodies; 3.
represents the Government or entrusts the representation of the Government in international relations and
signs intergovernmental treaties and agreements; 4. Submits to the President of the Republic the following
ideas: on the structure and composition of the Government; after consultations with the Majilis of the
Parliament on candidatures for the appointment of members of the Government, with the exception of the
Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Internal Affairs; on dismissal of a member of the Government,
including those who disagree with the policy pursued by the Government or do not pursue it, with the
exception of the ministers of foreign affairs, defense, and internal affairs; 5. agrees with the President of the
Republic of a unified system of financing and remuneration of employees for all bodies maintained by the
state budget; 6. reports to the President and Parliament on the main areas of activity of the Government
and on all its most important decisions; 7. listens to reports of members of the Government and heads of
local executive bodies; 8. Forms and abolishes consultative and advisory bodies under the Government; 9.
Performs other functions related to the organization and management of the Government.
22 билет
1. Demographic consequences of hunger. The plight of agriculture in Kazakhstan in 1930s. The
consequences of the class-party principle in social and political life, culture, education and science.
The famine of 1931-1933.As a result of the forceful collectivization of agriculture, famine broke out in
Kazakhstan in 1930-1932. Causes of hunger:The accumulation of a huge number of cattle in a limited
area;Limited pasture land;Insufficient provision of livestock.By February 1932 in Kazakhstan 87% of farms of
collective farmers and 51,8% of sole proprietors completely lost the cattle. In 1930, more than 313 thousand
people died of hunger; in 1931, the mortality rate reached 755 thousand; in 1932, more than 769 thousand
people died. In 1930-1932 — losses from hunger, epidemics and other deprivations amounted to 1 million
750 thousand Kazakhs or 40% of the population of the village.Total repression and famine caused a massive
outflow of population. From January 1930 to June 1931, more than 280 thousand farms — about 1 million 70
thousand people-were removed. More than one million nomads migrated outside the Republic, 616
thousand of them irrevocably and 414 thousand subsequently returned to Kazakhstan. The tragedy of
collectivization scattered Kazakhs in a number of countries around the world, for example, in China they are
now home to 1,070 thousand, in Mongolia — 137 thousand, in Turkey — 120 thousand.also, Kazakh
diasporas exist in Afghanistan, Iran, in Western Europe and North America. In total, about 4.5 million Kazakhs
live outside Kazakhstan, including in 14 States of the former USSR and 25 foreign countries. In the Republic
there was a decrease in the number of not only Kazakhs, but also representatives of other nationalities:
Ukrainians - from 859,4 to 658,1 thousand; Uzbeks - from 228,2 to 103,6 thousand; Uighurs — from 62,3 to
36,6 thousand. Consequences of the policy of genocide: From 6.2 million inhabitants of the Republic in 19311933 about 2.1 million people died of hunger; The loss of non indigenous population is 0.4 million people;
The former number of Kazakhs was restored almost 40 years later, in 1969.; On January 1, 1933, the Republic
had only 4.5 million head of cattle against 40.5 million head on the eve of collectivization. Representatives of
the Kazakh intelligentsia sounded the alarm about this. For example, T. Ryskulov's letters to I. Stalin dated
September 29, 1932 and March 9, 1933, where He described the situation in detail, are known. In a letter
dated March 9, 1933, T. Ryskulov wrote: "I Ask You to read this note and intervene in this matter and thereby
save the lives of many people doomed to starvation." Further data on the number of Kazakhs outside the
Republic were given: on the Middle Volga — 40 thousand people; in Kyrgyzstan — 100 thousand people; in
Western Siberia — 50 thousand people; in Karakalpakstan — 20 thousand. in Central Asia-30 thousand
people. Nomads were even in such remote places as Kalmykia, Tajikistan, the Northern region, etc. Part of
the population migrated to Western China. The letter provides data on the scale of the tragedy. In 1930 in
Aktobe region lived 1012500 people, in 1932 remained 725800 people (or 71 %). In the Kyzyl-Orda district,
15-20% of the population remained in the majority of village councils. In the Balkhash district (according to
the local OPTU) there were 60 thousand people, 12 thousand people migrated, 36 thousand people died,
there were only 12 thousand people left. The scale of the tragedy was so great that the famine of 1930-1932
went down in history as the years of "great jute", the greatest tragedy of the Kazakh people. Letters to Stalin
and to government bodies were written not only by individual officials, but also by representatives of the
Kazakh intellectual elite, national leaders. T. Ryskulov, S. Sadvakasov, S. Seifullin, S. Khodzhanov, Zh.
Mynbayev, were the opposition to the head of the Kazkraikom F. Goloshchekin, who preached the idea of
"Small October" in Kazakhstan, and were persecuted. A special place in the history of Kazakhstan is occupied
by the so-called "letter of five" prominent Kazakh cultural figures. In July 1932, G. Musrepov, M. Gataulin, M.
Davletgaliev, E. Altynbekov, K. Kuanyshev wrote a letter to Stalin on the plight of the Kazakh steppe, accused
Goloschekin in the distortions of the party line on collectivization (a violation of the Leninist principle of
voluntariness), the destruction of incentives of the population on livestock development, which generated an
aversion to herding, ignoring the characteristics of the village, the liquidation together with the bayi middle
But most of the outspoken supporters of this view have become victims of persecution. Goloshchekin's
power increased, in his speeches and reports he in every possible way "exposed" those who had a different
point of view on the political and economic events held in the Republic. Against the most prominent Kazakh
writers, publicists and educators A. Baitursynov, A. Bokeikhan, M. Zhumabayev, M. Dulatov, Zh. aymautov
and others began harassment in Newspapers, they also became the first victims of lawlessness and
2. Tell about the program of Kazakhstan: Industrial and Innovation strategies.
The approval of the Strategy for Industrial and Innovation Development of Kazakhstan for 2003-2015 by a
presidential decree on 17th May 2003 marked the beginning of a new stage of economic reforms in the
country. Manufacturing of competitive and export-oriented goods and effective use of research potential in
developing the innovation component of the economy must spur the economy’s diversification and facilitate
withdrawal from the mineral commodity orientation. To ensure the staged implementation of the set tasks,
the government approved an action plan for the first phase of the strategy covering 2003-2005. Under this
plan, the essential framework will be created in the next three years. Financial and innovative development
institutions will be preparing for the coming key reforms which are scheduled for the second (2006-2010)
and third (2011-2015) stages of the strategy’s implementation. In particular, the companies with the best
added-value competitive advantages will be selected. Meanwhile, the development of the economy's basic
sectors will be reinforced by private sector initiatives. The country's enterprises have to strive to maximize
profits by mastering new technology and innovation. Auxiliary production enterprises need to be spurred on
to ensure the development of basic sectors on time. Small- and medium-sized businesses will also receive a
great impetus to development. Information flows are systematized to promote and implement the initiatives
of the private sector. A private sector initiatives database is being set up: it will include innovation and
investment projects and proposals by home and foreign investors. In addition, there will be a database
containing all research developments originating in Kazakhstan and a patent database. Local executive
authorities must play the key role in implementing the Strategy's tasks. In turn, the government will create
the necessary legal framework. Every real manufacturer and potential investor will be aware of the policy we
conduct. This is the working pattern the government sticks to when implementing the Strategy's preparation
stage:1. Study of the situation in sectors and marketing research to evaluate sectors' competitiveness.2.
Training and retraining of staff; nurturing managers of a new generation.3. Ensuring sound operation of the
established development institutions.4. Creating an effective innovation infrastructure and developing a
research and production system for the basic sectors of the economy. We believe that institutional backing is
a priority if you want to conduct any reforms. Close intertwining of science and manufacturing is the
fundamental factor of the industrial and innovation development. In addition to the already existing financial
institutions for development the Research Fund and the Centre for Engineering and Technology Transfer are
to become the instruments facilitating this process. Their activities will help to form conditions favorable for
transfer of advanced foreign technology, domestic developments and other innovations, which will then be
introduced in the country. The principle of interaction between the state and development institutions,
private sector and research organizations has been defined. The Design Group, which is being set up
currently, will coordinate the process, including negotiations over large ‘backbone’ projects. Prior to this,
forming of a portfolio of promising projects and business initiatives has begun. After preliminary studies they
will be passed to corresponding financial institutions. So far more than 200 projects are being analyzed. The
most complete ones will be selected for state support.The objectives include encouraging large
multinationals specialized in manufacturing to come to the country. 20-25 of the companies will be selected
for attraction into the promising sectors such as the petrochemical, engineering sector and information
sciences. Today proposals are being drawn for future projects. Co-operation has begun with foreign
embassies on the work of attracting foreign capital, advanced technology from international corporations
and setting up joint manufacturing enterprises with these corporations. We understand that no fully-fledged
innovation activities are possible in the country without fundamentally new economic entities (technoparks,
business incubators, regional innovation funds and venture companies). It is also crucial to change the nature
of contacts between the existing economic entities and make amendments to the Tax Code in regard to
fostering research and innovation and facilitating the practical implementation of scientific research and
developments. At the same time we need well-qualified assistance in creating and developing innovation
infrastructure. This includes staff training, development of technopark management principles and the
development of plans for improvement of technoparks. Negotiations have begun with international financial
institutions on the three following key tasks: provision of technical assistance, funding of innovative projects
and the formation of an innovation infrastructure by the main interests in authorized capital stock. For the
time being 15 technoparks and 16 business incubators operate in Kazakhstan. However, due to weak
contacts with research organizations and manufacturing companies, they do not meet the goals and
priorities of the industrial and innovation policy, of which high tech manufacturing is one of the most
important. Therefore, at the first stage the state will take part in setting up and managing technoparks. This
will help broaden and improve the practice of applying market mechanisms in managing economic entities
and to set up effective forms of technoparks. The tasks and goals of these latter will be shaped by the
specifics of the regions they are formed in and the composition of their founders.Thus, technoparks and
business incubators should form something like an 'innovation belt' around basic industrial sectors such as
the oil, gas and mining industries, as well as the construction and agribusiness spheres.Given that most
domestic companies and innovation institutions are not ready to manufacture products to international
standards, those with the most effective production and innovations will be selected. For this purpose,
polling of industrial enterprises will be conducted to select those best fit for providing the basic industrial
sectors with essential production. Being one of the major sectors, the oil and gas industry can be cited as an
example. Within the implementation of the Kurmangazy project alone, appropriate home companies may
now begin producing special and well cement, electrical equipment and electric wires, drilling rigs, Christmas
trees, communication and control equipment and sea vessels. There are no manufacturers of the 16 types of
production necessary for offshore oil projects in the country, which means we need to establish new
enterprises (oil pipes, well equipment, special heating furnaces, heaters, coolers, dehydrators and
desalinating units, condensation checking equipment and gas stabilization equipment, compressors, water
injection equipment, chemicals and other items). Moreover, deeper processing of oil and gas will help to
produce some 200 types of polymeric products even at the first stage. These products are used in
households and throughout the economy. It was established as a result of an analysis conducted that more
than 600 companies of the country's processing sector have the production and staff potential to implement
orders by the oil and gas sector. 50 of the largest machinery companies produce equipment for the oil and
gas sector, and 29 companies have many opportunities to boost their export reserves. To fully use the local
manufacturing potential for implementing oil and gas projects, especially those related to developing the
Kazakh sector of the Caspian, measures will be taken to increase the share of the contracts awarded to local
contractors and producers and boost Kazakh participation in projects. Of course, there are few
manufacturers in Kazakhstan who work to the highest quality standards and boast of qualified personnel and
advanced technology. The task is not just to foster introduction of international quality standards, but also to
help Kazakh companies find strong foreign partners capable of bringing their technology and capital to
Kazakhstan and teaching our businessmen high standards of corporate management. Reforming the national
standardization, certification and metrology system are also very important. Therefore, the legal framework
must be developed in parallel with large-scale programs for quality improvement and development of the set
of standards. Currently the draft On Technical Regulation is being developed which will be based on market
economy principles and ensure a transition from obligatory standardization to voluntary. A specially
established Kazakhstan Contract Agency will assist companies in signing contracts and agreements with
foreign partners. In addition, it will provide consultancy to local companies aimed at boosting the product
quality and efficiency pf production management. The trade policy will also be reconsidered taking account
of the strategy's priorities. It will target the formation of infrastructure for promoting export, expanding sales
of local goods in the CIS markets and neighboring developing countries and liberalizing the country's customs
and tariff regimen. The first stage of the Strategy poses the task of activating the negotiations over
Kazakhstan's membership in WTO. Kazakhstan's membership of the WTO is crucial for developing a
competitive environment in the country and its entry to the global market place as an equal participant. To
make sure local production is competitive on price and quality against foreign-made rivals, we need to
increasingly take measures to boost the competitiveness of production and to make it meet international
standards of quality. In order to define possible scenarios of Kazakhstan's economic development in the
medium- and long-term perspective, a detailed analysis of Kazakhstan's membership of the WTO is
considered. The attention of regions and companies themselves is focused on purposeful work to prepare
the economy of each region WTO membership and to adapt the business structures to tough competition,
introduce new technology and innovations for production of cutting edge, high tech goods. The Strategy's
effectiveness requires the existence of a potent mechanism of interaction with local executive authorities,
business and research institutions. To achieve this, heads of regions and the mayors of Almaty and Astana
should approve the regional Plans for Implementing the First Stage of the Strategy. Field seminars,
conferences, presentations and meetings will play a critical role in keeping the public aware of the goals and
objectives of the Strategy. These measures will allow joint discussions of the course of implementing the
Strategy, to make effective moves to improve the investment appeal of processing enterprises and to
develop technology transfer. These topics will be covered by the mass media in the appropriate form.Small
and medium-sized businesses will be stimulated to start up-to-date production facilities and develop
promising investment projects, while research institutions will receive a new impetus for invention and
developments. Therefore the first results of the first stage of applying the Strategy to real life are expected to
be these: the deeper use of scientific achievements in boosting industry’s competitiveness, establishing
methodology bases to monitor the measures for industrial and innovation development, and lowering the
risks for foreign investors in the processing sector.
3. Tell about the history of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Constitution of 1993,
Constitution of 1995).
The first Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on January 28, 1993, it consisted of 4
sections, 21 chapters. Kazakhstan was proclaimed an integral part of the world community, the commitment
of the Republic to international norms and the course to create a democratic and legal state was confirmed.
The Constitution proclaimed interethnic harmony in the country under the supremacy of the Kazakh nation,
ensured equal rights and freedoms to all citizens, enshrined the rights and equally the duties of man.
According to the Constitution, the state language in the Republic was Kazakh, and the Russian language
received the status of the language of international communication. Restrictions on the rights and freedoms
of citizens on the grounds of ignorance of the state language or the language of interethnic communication
were prohibited. The 1993 Constitution did not clearly define the form of government The Constitution of
1993 did not define such concepts as" social harmony "and" political stability"," economic development for
the benefit of the people"," Kazakhstan patriotism","voting at the Republican referendum". Without their
clear use, the policy of the state had no clear certainty. At the insistence of the Head of state, these concepts
were introduced into the current Constitution (1995). The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of
1995. The Constitution established the democratic principles of the division of power in the Republic into the
legislative, Executive and judicial branches, which interact on the principles of restraint and balance. The
principle was that the institution of the presidency now became the personification of the unity of the state
and the people of Kazakhstan, and according to the Constitution of 1993, it was within the Executive power.
According to the 1995 Constitution, the Parliament consists of two permanent chambers: the Senate and the
Majilis. Powers of the Senate-6 years, Majilis-5 years. The upper house of Parliament - the Senate-is designed
to perform the functions of supervision, regional representation, is a link between the Head of state and the
lower house-the Majilis, which, in turn, as the main representative chamber, pays special attention to the
requirements of the people
23 билет
1)Creation of education system. Fight against illiteracy. Socialist realism in literature and art. Theater and
musical art. Creative activity of writers and composers of Kazakhstan.
On the way of development of culture in Kazakhstan there were very big difficulties. The number of educated
people in the Republic was relatively small. The vast majority of educated people involved in the Alash
movement were persecuted. Among the heads of the Central bodies in charge of cultural issues, there was a
sufficient number of chauvinistic, pursuing a policy of "keeping foreigners in a cold cage" - cultural policy. To
carry out an active cultural policy in the region lacked the necessary material and technical base.
The eradication of illiteracy among adults. The Soviet government paid special attention to the elimination of
illiteracy among the adult working-age population. For this purpose, appropriate funds, educational facilities,
teachers, educational supplies were allocated. In 1924 the society " Down with illiteracy!". It dealt directly
with the elimination of adult illiteracy. By the end of 1928, the number of literates among the population of
the Republic reached 25%. But this was clearly not enough, especially since literacy among the Kazakhs was
even lower.
Due to the lack of teaching staff, weak material and technical base, the work on the elimination of illiteracy
among adults in the first years was very slow.
Much of the population was still nomadic. In 1931, the Presidium of the CEC of the Kazakh SSR and the
Council of People's Commissars introduced compulsory universal education of the population aged 15 to 50
years. Young people have made a great contribution to the spread of literacy among the population. The
working people enthusiastically took up their studies. Despite the fatigue after working days, people
gathered in evening schools.
As a result, in 1939 literacy among the population of the Republic reached 65%. By the 20th anniversary of
the establishment of the Republic, illiteracy among adults under the age of 50 was largely eliminated.
Development of public education. The law on compulsory four-year primary education for children has been
implemented in Kazakhstan. Those who wished could continue their education further in seven-year and tenyear schools. The implementation of the requirements of this law was accompanied by great difficulties:
there were not enough funds, school buildings, textbooks and other school supplies,teachers. By the mid20s, along with schools with Kazakh and Russian languages of instruction, Tatar, Uzbek, Uighur, German and
one Estonian primary school were operating in the Republic. It was necessary to provide these schools with
textbooks in their native language, to prepare the appropriate teaching staff. In addition, the number of
street children and orphans, who should be registered, identified in state institutions, provide them with the
necessary, to give education, increased. In 1932-1933, more than 100 thousand orphans and street children
were identified and placed in orphanages.
Since the second half of the 30s, there have been significant changes in the field of public education. Many
schools were built. School boarding schools were opened, school textbooks in the native language began to
be published in large editions. A major contribution to the development of public education in the Republic,
especially Kazakh schools, during this period made Kazakh scientists, educators, government and public
figures, writers and poets A. Baitursynov, Zh. aymauytov, M. Zhutabayev, Ksatpayev, S. Asfendiyarov, S.
Sadvakasov, G. Musrepov, M. Dulatov, who wrote textbooks and manuals for schools.
From year to year, the composition of the teaching staff increased and improved. The most honored,
advanced teachers were awarded honorary state titles and awarded orders and medals. Among them S.
Kubeev, L. I. Dobranskaya, I. V. Volkov, S. Akyshev, A. Akatov, sh. Sarybaev and other prominent
representatives of public education.
Professional education. The Republic was in dire need of personnel with specialized secondary vocational
education. In this regard, in the early 20-ies began to open technical schools. Pedagogical technical schools
were the first to be opened. During these years, there were 11 technical schools for training specialists in
agriculture, industry, and
health care. By 1940 there were already 119 technical schools, more than 30 thousand future specialists
were trained in them.
In 1928 the first higher educational institution in Kazakhstan — Kazakh pedagogical Institute (now — Kazakh
national University) was opened. Abai's.) In the 30s, several higher educational institutions were opened:
Ural and Kyzyl-Orda pedagogical institutes (1931-1932), veterinary and zootechnical (1929), agricultural
(1930), medical (1931) institutes. The opening of the Kazakh state University in 1934 was an event of great
cultural significance.
Simultaneously, the Kazakh state University in Alma-ATA opened Kasabasi state mining-metallurgical
Institute (nowadays — the Kazakh national technical University. K. I. Satpaeva) - the first University for the
training of engineering and technical personnel in the Republic. In Uralsk, Semipalatinsk, Petropavlovsk,
Shymkent, Aktyubinsk, Karaganda and Kustanai were opened teacher training institutes, later transformed
into pedagogical. On the eve of the great Patriotic war in Kazakhstan there were 20 higher and 118
secondary special educational institutions, which in a short time released about 10 thousand. specialists with
higher and 20 thousand with secondary special education.
Great merit in the formation of the Kazakh intelligentsia belongs to representatives of other peoples of the
USSR. In the 30s, more than 20 thousand Kazakhstanis studied in higher and secondary special educational
institutions of different regions of the country. Thousands of representatives of universities and research
institutions of the Center were engaged in teaching and research work in higher educational institutions of
the Republic. Among them were such outstanding scientists as B. Dombrovsky, N. p. Orlov, M. P. Ivanov, K. P.
Persian, etc.
S. Asfendiyarov, T. Zhurgenov, S. Seifullin, A. Baitursynov, O. Zhandosov, M. Auezov, K. Zhubanov and other
figures of science and culture made a great contribution to the development of higher education in
2. Describe the Stalin period: life and political activities in Kazakhstan. Repressions of the intellectuals.
Transition from civil war to peace life was made in very difficult international and internal situation.
Economic difficulties after civil war were aggravated at the beginning of the 20th with the hunger which has
captured considerable part of the territory of Kazakhstan, the anti-Soviet armed performances of the
peasants dissatisfied with carrying out in 1921 of a grain allotment. These performances captured areas of
the Ural, Bukeevsky, Semipalatinsk, Akmolinsky provinces and Mangis-tau's peninsula. The main force of
anti-Soviet performances was made by kulak elements, an atamansko-exploiter top of the Cossack villages,
the remains of the White Guards crushed during civil war and their allies. A certain part of the Kazakh and
resettlement labor peasantry was involved in the armed anti-Soviet movements also. The most characteristic
slogans of movements were: "For Councils without communists", "For free work and for free trade". Actions
of the armed anti-Soviet groups disturbed carrying out new economic policy and activity of the party
organizations, the Soviet and economic organizations on places. Many able-bodied people of the city, aul and
the village were attracted in ranks of special groups (CHON) for suppression of the anti-Soviet armed
performances. As it was noted in Kommunist magazine — body Semipalatinsk губкома by RKP, "in 1921 —
1922.... party and Soviet work in the Bukhtarminsky district became extremely difficult and dangerous.
People with the iron nerves, accustomed to a field and fighting surrounding could work only. Within, at least,
one and a half years sovrabotnik were armed in establishments, slept with rifles and in marching
ammunition" 17. Only cancellation of a prodrazverstka promoted that the anti-Soviet armed performances
by the end 1921 — to the beginning of 1922 gradually stopped. In January — February, 1921 re-elections of
6509 aulny, rural, settlement and 933 volost Councils of the Kazakh ASSR took place. The party organizations
and Councils of the republic used re-election campaign for a raising of political activity of wide layers of
workers. In the history of political life of edge the foreground is taken by the First Kazakhstan regional party
conference (June, 1921). She along with the most important questions of economy discussed problems of
political life: ethnic question, next problems of party and Soviet construction, etc. Taken place in October,
1921. The second all Kazakhstan congress of Councils in an aul defined a problem of the Soviet construction
as shock. In the new Provision on the order of elections approved by congress, specifics of a life of the Kazakh
population was considered. So, in connection with small population density, a nomadic way of life of its
considerable part of rate of representation of representatives трудящихсяв Councils increased: now Councils
were created in auls by number of inhabitants not less than 150 people, at the rate of one deputy on 50
inhabitants (before Councils were organized in auls with number of inhabitants not less than 300 people at
the rate of one deputy on 100 inhabitants). The important place in political life of Kazakhstan of the 20th was
taken by the mass country organizations: the union of Koshchi (Zharla, Kedey), committees of country public
mutual aid (Krestkoma) and the union of agricultural and forest workers (Rabzemles) adjoining them. All
these organizations, first of all the union of Koshchi, were links between the Soviet power and Communist
party, on the one hand, and the multimillion mass of the labor peasantry — with another. In the conditions
of transition to the New Economic Policy they testified to democracy expansion after a policy impact of
"military communism" in the years of civil war and were indicators of successful implementation of idea of
attraction of the most broad masses of workers to the solution of a problem of construction of new society
on the basis of activization of creative opportunities of the person. The mass country organizations worked in
close contact with local, first of all aulno-village councils. Their concrete activity developed on ways of
overcoming of three main contradictions: the remains of patriarchal and patrimonial remnants class, national
and connected with gradual elimination in a life and consciousness Kazakh шаруа. The mass country
organizations took active part in implementation of land and water reform of the beginning of the 20th in
Semirechye and Syr-Darya area, in carrying out measures for land management of the Kazakh population in a
left-bank flood plain of the Ural River in the Ural province and around a desyativerstny strip of the Irtysh
River in the Semipalatinsk province, directed on elimination of the remains of colonialism in the earth and
water use. They сыгали a big role in repartition of arable and haying grounds in the Kazakh aul in 1926 —
1927, carrying out confiscation of property and eviction of large bayev-semi-feudal lords in 1928. The mass
democratic country organizations took broad and effective part in cooperative and welfare construction in an
aul and the republic village, developed effective measures for social protection of farm work, made a
powerful contribution to formation of local bodies of the Soviet power. For satisfaction of needs of the
members the country organizations of Kazakhstan had the right to lease the various enterprises: repair
shops, smithies, enterprises for rework of products rural farms and and public catering etc. The enterprises
taken by the country organizations, were exempted from all taxes and fees. On the means they contained
tens red yurtas and чайхан, at home декханина, being specific cultural and educational учреждениями18.
Creative activity of the mass country organizations was interrupted at the end of 20 — the beginning of the
30th Due to the beginning of "Stalin collectivization" and democracy narrowing the mass country
organizations, first of all the union of Koshchi (Kedey), were dismissed, and their property and the
enterprises are contributed to indivisible fund of collective farms. Speaking about agrarian reforms of the
20th as parts of political life of Kazakhstan of those years, it is necessary to specify that studying of land and
water reform of the beginning of the 20th and land management of the Kazakh population in a left-bank
flood plain of the Ural River and a desyativerstny strip of Semipalatinsk Priirtyshje to a certain extent
demands other approach. It is known that reforms pursued the aim of elimination of the remains of
colonialism in the earth - and water use. In the course of their implementation quite often there were
international conflicts. Still it was explained mainly by intrigues of nationalist and chauvinistic elements. Thus
that circumstance wasn't always considered that these reforms were carried out only four years later after a
victory of October revolution and five years after national liberation revolt of 1916. when were still fresh in
memory of indigenous people of offense of the people oppressed in recent times by imperial autocracy, the
wounds put with imperial chasteners during cruel suppression of national liberation revolt didn't heal. At the
beginning of the 20th when agrarian reforms were carried out, in the region there was the natural social and
psychological background promoting a known aggravation of the international relations. Without it it is
impossible to understand and explain the international conflicts when carrying out agrarian reforms of the
beginning of the 20th in Kazakhstan. Tragic feature of political life of Kazakhstan of the middle of the 20th
was that from now on the ideological device of Stalinism started holding the large-scale events directed on
eradication of historical memory of the people and physical destruction of carriers of this memory —
prominent representatives of the national intellectuals. It is known that the people of the Soviet East,
partially the Volga region, within many centuries used the Arab alphabet. In the late twenties for by order of
from above it it was replaced on Latin, and in 1940 — with Cyrillics. As a result during life of one generation
Kazakhs were separated from writing on which eyelids created masterpieces of national spiritual culture,
books, newspapers and magazines, scientific works were published, valuable historical materials collected.
With strengthening of a totalitarian mode political prosecutions of participants of Alash party, and also the
executives of the republic taking the position in a question of rates and methods of social and economic
transformations in edge and stating doubts in correctness of policy of the center, roughly violating the
sovereign rights of the republic in the solution of the economic and political and personnel questions, not
reckoning with national features and interests of indigenous people gradually amplified. The policy of
pressure upon the republic amplified and accepted especially rigid line with F.I.Goloschyokin's directed in
September, 1925 on a post of first secretary Kazkraykom of VKP arrival. By this time the party bodies which
have changed everything democratic institutes of the power, appeared hostages of the system installed by
them. F.I.Goloschyokin was chosen in structure of regional committee and its secretary by a cooptation
method. In the second half of the 20th political life in Kazakhstan coolly changed. The solution V of the
regional party conference which was taking place in December, 1925, on "aul Sovietization" gave an impulse
to a sharp aggravation of class fight. The ideological base for carrying out "Malogooktyabrya" in the republic,
brought to inconceivable disasters and the tragedy of the Kazakh people during violent collectivization and
mass repressions of 1937 — 1938 was so created. Considerable "contribution" to hysteria forcing about
nationalists and national deviators and prosecution of local shots brought иН.И. Yezhov sent in 1923 from
the Mari regional committee to a position of the secretary of Semipalatinsk губкома by VKP, and then
appointed the manager of organizational and instructor department of regional committee of party.
Resistance of the large ranking officers not concordant with goloshchekinsko-Stalin model of
"transformations" in Kazakhstan was at the same time broken. On various pretexts in 1927 — 1929 eminent
state and public figures of Kazakhstan were removed from the republic N. Nurmakov, T.Ryskulov, S.
Hodzhanov, M. Murzagaliyev. Chairman KAZTSIK Munbayev, the people's commissar of education S.
Sadvakasov, the people's commissar of agriculture Z.Sultanbekov, etc. are removed from the posts. The most
part of the Kazakh workers was accused of group fight to what the resolution of the 6th regional party
conference which was taking place in November, 1927 testifies. Though the Central control commission of
VKP specially (would) be engaged in business of one of S. Sadvakasov's main "gruppirovshchik", existence of
such group didn't find. In letters to I.V. Stalin, V. M. Molotov and L.M. Kaganovich N. I. Yezhov informed that
all national shots, all Kazakh communists are infected with a national deviationism and grouping fight that
among them there are no healthy party forces. So future people's commissar of internal affairs of the USSR
"perfected" the career before transfer to Moscow, whose diligence carried out mass repressions of 1937. By
the end of the 20th forcing of a situation and suspiciousness became general. Fight increase in the center
with trotskistsko-zinovyevsky opposition and "the right opportunists" in the national republics was shown in
the form of repression of representatives of national liberation movement. At the end of 1928 on false
charge 44 persons from among so-called "bourgeois nationalists" — the former figures of "Alash-Ordy",
including A.Baytursynov, M. Dulatov, M. Zhumabayev, Z.Aymautov, were arrested by X. Gabbasov, etc. Other
group of the national intellectuals (about 40 people) as a part of M. Tynyshbayev, X. Dosmukhamedova,
Z.Dosmukhame-dova, Z.Akpayev, etc. was arrested in September-October, 1930. Soon 15 from them (M.
Tynyshbayev, and Z.Akpayev, X. Dosmukhamedov, Z.Dosmukhamedov, K.Kemengerov, etc.) were banished
to the Central Chernozem region of Russia. Almost all of them were repressed in 1937-1938. In the late
twenties — the beginning of the 30th in process of a crisis aggravation in social and economic development
of the USSR, wide scales got searches of blasting anti-Soviet elements and the underground organizations. By
analogy to the center (trials over participants of "industrial parties", "peasants party" etc.) in Kazakhstan
searches of enemies in national option began. Casual accidents on mines and the enterprises, a murrain in
collective farms and state farms, fires and other natural disasters were explained by intrigues of class
enemies and according to it criminal cases of enemies of the people and the blasting anti-Soviet
organizations were fabricated. In 1932 in Semipalatinsk, Abralinsky, Chingistausky and Kuvsky regions of the
same area the branch nonexistent underground "a peasants party of Kazakhstan" with the center in AlmaAta was "opened". However, despite mass country revolts and death of people for hunger in auls and
villages, "business" didn't gain wide character. On business to criminal liability attracted more than 20
people. In 1933. in the territory of the Karmakchinsky region of the Kyzyl-Orda area "the baysko-nationalist
counterrevolutionary organization "Dzhaylas" in the matter of which to criminal liability 53 persons were
attracted was opened and liquidated, including 12 are sentenced to execution. Cleanings in the party
organizations were at the same time carried out. Everything who didn't inspire trust or once was mistaken,
(would) ruthlessly be expelled from ranks of VKP. Accessory or sympathy to a trotskizm, right and to
"national deviators" were the main points of charge. If in 1921 during the first general cleaning in Kazakhstan
from party it was expelled 2,1 thousand people, in 1929 — 1930 — 5,8, in 1935 — 15,4 thousand people.
During repressions of 1937 — 1938 from VKP it (would) be excluded 9223 коммуниста20. In fear and
hysteria passed discussion of the draft of the new Constitution of the USSR which was adopted at
Extraordinary VIII All-Union congress of Councils on December 5, 1936 According to the new Constitution of
the USSR, the Kazakh ASSR was transformed to the federal republic. March 26, 1937. Extraordinary X-th
congress of Councils of Kazakhstan approved the Constitution Kazakh by the Soviet Socialist Republic. On
December 12, 1937 elections in the Supreme Council of the republic took place. However these state acts
continued to be accompanied by tragic events: the political repressions which have begun at the beginning of
1937 captured all country. V'dekabra 1936 on Plenum of the Central Committee of VKP, then on FebruaryMarch Plenum of 1937 (would) be given installation of the Central Committee of VKP, I.V. Stalin and his
environment about need "eradications and destructions of double dealers", all enemies of the people.
Processing of public consciousness reached before that on the mass meetings which were passing
everywhere including in Kazakhstan, workers demanded the death penalty to N.I.Buharin, Rykov, etc.,
appeared on a dock. In this situation I.V. Stalin and his colleagues decided to finish at once opposition not
only in the center, but also in the national republics. As affairs of the so-called "national fascists" repressed in
1937 — 1938 testify, N.I.Yezhov and his improvised especially didn't trouble itself at their fabrication. For
giving to "affairs" of "national fascists" and others "enemies of the people" large-scale character the version
about the conclusion by them the block with trotskist and right was thought up. By analogy to the Moscow
processes on places "open" court sessions on which necessary "indications" were squeezed out of
defendants were organized. In 1937 such processes were carried out in Urdzharsky, Presnovsky and other
areas of the republic. The big resonance received trial over leading party and Soviet workers of the
byvshegokarkaralinsky district A.Asylbekovym, N. Nurseitov, M. Gataullin and others, taken place in
November, 1937 in Karaganda. However destinies of bulk of "enemies of the people" were decided at
meetings of the three of Military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR. In 1937 — 1938 on false charge
eminent state and public figures of Kazakhstan T.Ryskulov, N. Nurmakov, S. Hodzhanov, U.Kulumbetov,
U.Dzhando sov, A.Dosov, A.Asylbekov, Z.Sadvakasov, L.Mirzoyan, A.Safarbekov, Z.Sultanbekov, T.Zhurgenov,
N. Syrgabekov, 3 were repressed. Toregozhin and many other. Irreplaceable loss was suffered by the Kazakh
science and culture. Victims of repression became A.Bukeykhanov, A.Baytursynov, M. Dulatov, M.
Zhumabayev, S. Seyfullin, I.Dzhansugurov, B. Maylin, S. Asfendiyarov, K.Zhubanov, Z.Shanin, T.Shonanov,
K.Kemengerov. Thus, in the late twenties — the 30th the totalitarian mode was approved in all spheres of
political life. Its manifestations in Kazakhstan accepted especially ugly forms, being accompanied by tragic
events of the period of violent collectivization and political repressions of 1937 — 1938. Social and economic
transformations in the region, took place giving to Kazakhstan of the status of the federal republic, successes
in area of cultural construction, national education and science under a rigid ideological press of a totalitarian
mode. All this predetermined further development of Kazakhstan as a part of the USSR.
3. Analyze the value of the manifesto «Peace. XXI century».
There are a lot of problems in the world, especially in Europe, which are the result of erroneous policies of
world powers: the threat of terrorist attacks, a huge and unpredictable refugee crisis and much more. That is
why the Manifesto Of the President of Kazakhstan is more relevant today than ever. The main message of
the document is that the main modern threat to all mankind is a global war. Today, its "face" has changed
greatly compared even with the last century, reflecting international terrorist organizations.
Peaceful dialogue and constructive negotiations based on the principles of equal responsibility for peace and
security, mutual respect and non-interference in internal Affairs should be the basis for the settlement of all
disputes between States. Many politicians, scientists, public figures already call the Manifesto of Nursultan
Nazarbayev a landmark event in the world political life, but the true meaning of this document, in my
opinion, we have yet to assess and realize
24 билет
1) The main directions of foreign and domestic policy of the Soviet state before the Second World War.
Socio-political, socio-economic and cultural situation in Kazakhstan. The beginning of War.
After occupation in 1939 in Germany of all Czech Republic the Soviet Union appeared in the extremely
difficult situation. Negotiations between the military missions of England, France and the USSR were
A. Hitler, who had already decided to start a war with Poland, insisted on Stalin's consent to conclude a nonaggression Pact. August 23, 1939 between Germany and the USSR was signed a non-aggression Pact and a
secret Protocol to it, delineating the sphere of interests of Germany and the USSR.
Germany claimed Western and Central Poland and Lithuania, and the USSR - in the territory that Russia lost
during the First world war (Eastern Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Bessarabia). Both sides pledged not to
interfere with each other in gaining control over these areas. September 1, 1939 Germany began the war
against Poland. In turn, Soviet troops entered its Eastern regions. In the USSR were the lands of Western
Ukraine and Western Belarus. After the completion of military operations in Poland, the USSR and Germany
signed a Treaty of friendship and border and new secret protocols, which destroyed the spheres of interests of
the countries ( in exchange for a number of Polish territories, Germany ceded Lithuania to the USSR).
November 30, 1939 the Red army began fighting against the Finnish troops. The beginning of the war of the
USSR against Finland was perceived in the world as an act of aggression. The USSR was expelled from the
League of Nations. In Finland, it was planned to land troops of Western countries to fight the red Army. The
USSR concluded a peace Treaty with Finland, following which all territorial claims of the USSR to Finland
were satisfied. After the defeat of Poland, the USSR achieved the conclusion of treaties on mutual assistance
with the Baltic countries-Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The Treaty provided for the presence of military bases
on the territory of these States. The presence of Soviet troops was used to change the existing system in these
States. In the Baltic States, new governments were formed, which appealed to the USSR to join it as Union
republics. In 1940, the USSR issued an ultimatum to Romania with a request for the immediate transfer of
control of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina. In these territories, the Moldavian USSR was formed, also
accepted into the USSR. In the far East, Japan approached the Soviet borders. Here in 1938-1939 there were
clashes between Soviet and Japanese troops in the area of lake Hassan and the river Halkin-Gol. In 1941,
Germany developed a plan to attack the USSR "Barbarossa".
Domestic policy:
The end of the 1920s in Soviet Russia was characterized by growing contradictions. In the conditions of
gradual escalation of international tension caused by the plans of the largest imperialist powers for further
redistribution of the world and the danger of unleashing the second world war. The Stalinist leadership
adopted a policy of great economic leap through the implementation in the shortest possible time of the
industrialization of the country, collectivization of agricultural and cultural revolution. In fact, this meant the
transfer of the country from the 2nd tier of civilizational development (catching up type) to the first tier, the
number of the most economically and militarily developed powers. On this occasion, the resolution of the 15th
Congress of the CPSU (b) stated: "to conduct EC construction at such an angle that the USSR from the
country importing machinery, to turn the country producing machinery, so as not to turn into an economic
appendage of capitalism, to achieve EC independence. But for implementation of this way huge investments
were required, t to in the state Treasury of large means was not."the situation was complicated by the need to
solve defense problems in this situation in September 1928, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the
party unanimously decided to introduce emergency administrative and coercive measures to ensure the grain
procurement plan in order to export grain abroad, sell it for gold currency and buy machines and equipment
for heavy and medium industry with this money. For the formed carrying out of industrialization 5-year plans
of development of economy of the USSR were formed. The goal is a sharp increase in indicators in the field of
industrialization and collectivization of agriculture.
So it was planned to bring the smelting of iron in 1933 to 10 million tons. While on the eve of the 1st 5letki it
was smelted only 3.3 million tons. However, these plans were not implemented. 1932g 7.1 million tons and
yet it meant a sharp increase in production in the steel industry. By March 1930, the collective farms consisted
of 58% of farms excesses in the field of collectivization and with the delivery of grain to the collective farms
led to the fact that in 1931 in a number of regions there was a famine. Despite the multimillion-dollar
sacrifices, the USSR by the end of the 30s to reach the 1st place in Europe and the 2nd in the world (after the
United States) on the most important EC indicators: coal mining, smelting iron and steel, production of
tractors. In their total capacity, as well as rail cars and other products. Were created
Powerful new industries are the automotive, aerospace, instrumentation, machine tools, electronic,
farmatsevticheskie and chemical industry. The problems of cultural construction were solved at the formed
pace. Before the October revolution, 70% of the adult population could neither read nor write. Many
nationalities did not have a written language, the material and technical base that grew during the years of
industrialization allowed to significantly increase the allocation for education, science and culture. At the end
of the 2nd 5летки and completely eliminate illiteracy. By 1938, more than 8% of the population had education
7 classes and above were opened about 1000institutov, 2000technicums in the country.
The results of all the activities of the Soviet people under the leadership of the CPSU (b) and the system of
Soviets to turn the USSR to the beginning of the 1940s in a powerful industrial and agrarian power , in
advanced scientific and educational terms. Thus, the Soviet Union left the 2nd echelon of civilizational
development in the 1st echelon, which ultimately created the condition for its victory in the second world war
and in the 2nd world war.
Reasons for the defeat of the red army:
Inability to manage troops and dispose of the combat potential of the armed forces
The mistakes of Stalin and the highest military and political leadership made in the prewar years and during
the fighting.
The USSR on the eve of the great Patriotic war (1939-1941) By the end of the 1930s.the Soviet Union in total
industrial production came first in Europe and second in the world. In previously uninhabited areas, hundreds
of new cities have risen, thousands of new factories have come into operation. Millions of people worked
selflessly, took the successes and concerns of the country as their own, believed that they were building a new
world. Success in the economy was achieved at the cost of enormous effort and self-restraint while
maintaining serious imbalances in the national economy. And in the third five-year plan (1938-1942) the
emphasis was on the development of heavy industry. Meanwhile, weak discipline, inadequate training and
turnover persisted in the industry as well. Many new buildings were built by the labor of prisoners. By this
time, the country has finally developed a political regime with a fully state-owned economy, command and
administrative methods of management. The spiritual and cultural life of society was under constant
ideological control. For the psychological atmosphere in society was characterized by a combination of mass
enthusiasm, faith in a better future with fear of the unknown, lack of understanding of the causes of repression.
The international situation was also complex and contradictory. Attempts by the USSR to create a system of
European security ended in failure. The Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations on mutual assistance in connection
with possible German aggression, which began on August 12, 1939, reached an impasse. Contacts with
Germany culminated in the signing of August 23, 1939. the non-aggression Treaty and the secret Protocol on
the division of " spheres of interest” in Eastern Europe (in fact, the fourth partition of Poland was supposed to
be). Historians and politicians have different views on the Treaty. Enlisting the support of the USSR, Germany
attacked Poland on September 1. A day later, England and France declared war on Germany. World war II
began. On September 17, red Army units entered Western Ukraine and Western Belarus. On September 28,
Poland ceased to exist as a sovereign state. On the same day the Soviet-German Treaty “on friendship and the
border”was signed in Moscow. The secret appendices to it specified spheres of influence. The Alliance with
Hitler pushed the USSR into armed conflict with Finland. The fighting that lasted four months (November
1939-March 1940)was fierce. The losses of the red Army amounted to more than 120 thousand people. The
war ended with the signing of a peace Treaty. A new border was established, the distance between it and
Leningrad increased to 150 km.in the Summer of 1940, there was a new change in the borders of the USSR. It
included Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia, the Baltic republics. Realizing that war with Germany can not be
avoided. The Soviet Union was preparing to defend itself. Allocations for defense, which in 1939 amounted to
25.6% of the state budget, in 1940 increased to 32.6%, and in early 1941 reached 43.4%. On the eve of the
war, new models of military equipment were tested. However, their mass production was not established. In
the East of the country were created enterprises-understudies, which in case of war could replace the destroyed
or captured by the enemy.
2. Tell about the interethnic and demographic situation after the getting Independence of Kazakhstan.
The experience of our state indicates that peoples with different national psychology, culture, mentality,
can safely live and establish constructive ties that grow into a relationship of friendship and spiritual closeness.
But this was not the result of one day. The Kazakhstanis have always hospitably received everyone who, due
to objective historical reasons, found themselves on Kazakh soil. This was also in the nineteenth century,
when a stream of immigrants from the internal region of Russia went to the territory of Kazakhstan, as well as
the resettlement of Uigurs and Dungans. In the twentieth century. Kazakhstan has become a place where
Germans, Chechens, Ingush, Azerbaijanis, Koreans and others were deported. A little later labor migrations of
virgin lands and labor reserves. As a result, the historical land of the Kazakhs has become the homeland for
representatives of more than 130 peoples and nations, representing today 17 different faiths. Features of the
Kazakhstani model of interethnic tolerance. Firstly, all ethnic groups, regardless of size, have an extremely
high civil and social status. The Kazakhstan model has a consolidating principle - “Unity - through diversity”.
The state’s targeted policy to support ethnic languages and cultures contributes to the preservation and growth
of cultural diversity. An important element in the formation of tolerance was the implementation of the
Concept of Ethnocultural Education. Secondly, the Kazakhstan model was built on the basis of public
organizations of ethnic groups, represented by ethnocultural associations. Thirdly, the representation and
political realization of the interests of Kazakhstan ethnic groups is carried out at the highest state level. The
interests of ethnic groups are ensured through the guaranteed parliamentary representation of the Assembly, as
a result of which the deputies of the Mazhilis elected from the Assembly represent its interests as a set of
interests of all ethnic groups of the country. As you know, between the censuses of 1989 and 1999. the
country's population has declined by a million and a quarter (1,246,028 people). The reduction continued until
2002, when growth was finally recorded, which continues today. According to current data, the population of
the country as of January 1, 2008 amounted to 15 565.6 thousand people (increased by 612.5 thousand
people), i.e. while only half of the loss has been filled. The natural increase is now 10.2 people. per 1000
inhabitants. Kazakhstan, as you know, is a sparsely populated country - only 5.6 people. per 1 sq. km And we
are still threatened with depopulation. In the fight against depopulation, there are theoretically two ways increasing fertility and lowering mortality. In Kazakhstan, the total fertility rate is now 20.5 births per 1000
inhabitants (against 14.6 in 1999) .At present, about 130 nationalities live in Kazakhstan. Kazakhs and
Russians are dominant, they make up 85% of the ethnic structure of Kazakhstan, and the trend of increasing
the absolute number of the former and their share in the population of the republic and a decrease in these
indicators in the latter, which began in the late 70s, continues. So, the number of Kazakhs is steadily
increasing: in 1989 - 6,497 thousand people; 1999 - 7 985 thousand people; 2005 - 8 725 thousand people.
Their share in the composition of the population is also growing - 40.1; 53.4; 57.9%, respectively.
3. Tell about the state program «Rukhani Zhangyru».
Kazakhstan has entered a new historical period.This year, with my Message, I announced the start of the Third
Modernization of Kazakhstan.So we launched two major processes of renewal - political reform and economic
modernization.The goal is known - to enter the thirty developed countries of the world.Both modernization
processes have clear goals and objectives, priorities, methods for their achievement. I am sure that everything
will be done on time and as efficiently as possible. But this is not enough.I am convinced that the large-scale
transformations that we have begun must be accompanied by the anticipatory modernization of public
consciousness. It will not only complement political and economic modernization - it will be their core.It
should be noted that over the years of Independence, we have adopted and implemented a number of major
programs.Since 2004, the "Mениdeni Mұra" program has been implemented, aimed at restoring historical and
cultural monuments and objects on the territory of Kazakhstan.In 2013, we adopted the program “Halyk tarikh
tolynynda”, which allowed us to systematically collect and study documents from leading world archives on
the history of our country.And today we must begin more ambitious and fundamental work.Therefore, I
decided to share my vision of how we together take a step towards the future, change public consciousness in
order to become a single nation of strong and responsible people.
I. About national consciousness in the 21st century. Before our eyes, the world begins a new, largely obscure,
historical cycle. It is impossible to take a place in the advanced group while maintaining the previous model of
consciousness and thinking. Therefore, it is important to concentrate, change yourself and, through adaptation
to changing conditions, take the best of what the new era carries.What, in my opinion, was the main drawback
of Western models of modernization of the XX century in relation to the realities of our time? In that they
transferred their unique experience to all peoples and civilizations without taking into account their
features.Even largely modernized societies contain codes of culture whose origins are a thing of the past.The
first condition for the modernization of a new type is the preservation of their culture, their own national code.
Without this, modernization will turn into an empty sound.But this does not mean the preservation of
everything in national self-consciousness - and that which gives us confidence in the future, and that which
leads us back.The new modernization should not, as before, look arrogantly at historical experience and
traditions. On the contrary, it should make the best traditions a prerequisite, an important condition for the
success of modernization.Without reliance on national-cultural roots, modernization will hang in the air. I
want her to stand firmly on the ground. And this means that history and national traditions must be taken into
account. This is a platform that connects the horizons of the past, present and future of the people.I am
convinced that the most important mission of spiritual modernization is the reconciliation of the various poles
of national consciousness.I would single out several areas of modernization of consciousness of both society
as a whole and each Kazakhstani.
1.Competitiveness Today, not only an individual, but the nation as a whole has a chance of success, only
developing its competitiveness. This means, first of all, the nation’s ability to offer something advantageous in
terms of price and quality in regional and global markets. And this is not only a material product, but also
knowledge, services, intellectual products, and finally, the quality of the labor resource. The peculiarity of
tomorrow is that it is the competitiveness of a person, and not the availability of mineral resources, that
becomes a factor in the success of a nation. Therefore, any Kazakhstani citizen, like the nation as a whole,
must have a set of qualities worthy of the 21st century. And among the unconditional prerequisites for this are
such factors as computer literacy, knowledge of foreign languages, cultural openness. Therefore, the Digital
Kazakhstan program, the trilingualism program, and the cultural and confessional accord program are part of
preparing the nation (all Kazakhstanis) for life in the 21st century. This is part of our competitiveness.
2. Pragmatism Modernization is impossible without changing a number of habits and stereotypes. There are
many examples of genuine pragmatism in our history. Over the centuries, our ancestors have preserved a
unique ecologically correct way of life, preserving the habitat, the resources of the earth, very pragmatically
and economically spending its resources. And only a few years in the middle of the last century, the irrational
use of resources led to the disappearance of the Aral Sea, the transformation of thousands of hectares of fertile
land into zones of environmental disaster. And this is an example of an extremely unpragmatic attitude
towards the environment. So, the former national pragmatism turned into wastefulness. On the path of
modernization, we should recall the skills of our ancestors. Pragmatism means accurate knowledge of one’s
national and personal resources, their economical spending, and the ability to plan one’s future. Pragmatism is
the opposite of wastefulness, arrogance, life for show. The culture of modern society is a culture of
moderation, a culture of wealth, not luxury, it is a culture of rationality. The ability to live rationally with an
emphasis on achieving real goals, with an emphasis on education, a healthy lifestyle and professional success this is pragmatism in behavior. And this is the only successful model in the modern world. When the nation
and the individual are not focused on specific practical achievements, then unrealistic, populist ideologies
appear that lead to disaster. Unfortunately, history gives us many examples when entire nations, led by
unrealizable ideologies, were defeated. We saw the collapse of the three main ideologies of the last century communism, fascism and liberalism. The century of radical ideologies has passed. We need clear,
understandable and forward-looking attitudes. Such a setting may be an orientation towards the achievement
of specific goals with the calculation of their capabilities and limits, both by man and the nation as a whole.
Realism and pragmatism - this is the slogan of the coming decades.
3. Preservation of national identity The very concept of spiritual modernization involves changes in national
consciousness. There are two points here. Firstly, this is a change within the framework of national
consciousness. Secondly, it is the preservation of the inner core of the national "I" when changing some of its
features. What is the danger of today's prevailing modernization models? The fact that modernization is seen
as a transition from a national development model to a single, universal one. But life invariably proves that
this is a mistake! In practice, different regions and countries have developed their own models. Our national
traditions and customs, language and music, literature and wedding ceremonies - in a word, the national spirit,
must forever remain with us. The wisdom of Abai, the feather of Auezov, the soulful lines of Jambul, the
magical sounds of Kurmangazy, the eternal call of the Aruah - this is only part of our spiritual culture. But
modernization also consists in the fact that a number of archaic habits and addictions that do not fit into the
global world must be left in the past. This also applies to such a feature of our consciousness as the regional
division of a single nation. To know and be proud of the history of your land is a necessary and useful
business. Just forget about much more - about belonging to a single and great nation - it is impossible.
We are building a meritocratic society where everyone should be judged by their personal contribution and
personal professional qualities. Such a system does not tolerate nepotism. This is a form of career development
in backward societies. The task is not to enumerate the positive and negative in the experience. The challenge
is to understand the two immutable rules. The first one. No modernization can take place without preserving
the national culture. The second one. To move forward, you need to abandon those elements of the past that
prevent the nation from developing.
4. Cult of knowledge The desire for education has always been characteristic of our people. Much has been
done during the years of Independence. We have trained tens of thousands of young professionals at the best
universities in the world. The beginning, as you know, was laid by the Bolashak program back in the early 90s
of the last century. We have created a number of universities of a very high level, a system of intellectual
schools and much more. But the cult of education must be universal. And there is a hard and clear reason for
this. The technological revolution leads to the fact that in the coming decades, half of the existing professions
will disappear. Not a single era has known such a speed of change in the professional appearance of the
economy. And we have entered this era. In such conditions, only a highly educated person can live
successfully, who can relatively easily change his profession precisely because of the high level of education.
Therefore, Kazakhstan today is among the most advanced countries in the world in terms of the share of
budget expenditures on education. Every Kazakhstani citizen should understand that education is the most
fundamental factor of success in the future. In the system of youth priorities, education should be the first
number. If education is the main value in the system of values, then the nation will succeed.
5. Evolutionary rather than revolutionary development of Kazakhstan This year marks the 100th anniversary
of the radical changes in the vast part of Eurasia that took place in October 1917. The entire twentieth century
was marked by revolutionary upheavals. Each nation draws its lessons from history. This is his right, and one
cannot impose one's point of view on others. But also no one has the right to impose on us their subjective
vision of history. And the lessons of the twentieth century for our people are largely tragic. First, the natural
path of national development was broken and alien forms of social structure were imposed. Secondly, a
terrible demographic blow was inflicted on the nation. A blow that has affected over a century. Thirdly, the
Kazakh language and culture were almost lost. Fourthly, the territory of Kazakhstan has turned into a territory
of ecological disaster in many regions. Of course, in history there is not only black and white. XX century
brought a lot of positive to Kazakhstan. This is industrialization, the creation of a social and industrial infrastructure, the formation of a new intelligentsia. A certain modernization has occurred. But it was a
modernization of the territory, not the nation. We must clearly understand the lessons of history. The era of
revolution has not passed. They have greatly changed in form and content. But all our recent history speaks
directly and unequivocally: only evolutionary development gives the nation a chance for prosperity.
Otherwise, we will again fall into the historical trap. Evolutionary development as a principle of ideology
should be one of the guidelines on a personal, individual level for each Kazakhstani. Of course, the
evolutionary development of society as a principle does not mean eternal conservation, but it is important to
understand not only the lessons of history, but also examples of the present and signals of the future. The
nature of revolutions has changed. They take on a distinct national, religious, cultural or separatist coloring.
But in the vast majority of cases, it all ends in violence and economic collapse. Therefore, a serious rethinking
of what is happening in the world is part of the huge ideological and ideological work that society as a whole,
and political parties and movements, and the education system should carry out.
6. Open mind Many problems arise due to the fact that a large, global world is rapidly changing, and the mass
consciousness remains in the "home framework". It would seem that to prove the need for massive and
accelerated teaching of the English language, when more than a billion people around the world study it along
with their native language as the language of professional communication? Are more than 400 million
European Union citizens not respecting their native German, French, Spanish or Italian or another language?
Are hundreds of millions of Chinese, Indonesians, or Malays just learning English? This is not someone else's
subjective desire; it is a condition for working in the global world. But the question is not only in this
particular. Openness of consciousness means at least three characteristics of consciousness. Firstly, an
understanding of what is happening in the big world, what is happening around your country, what is
happening in your part of the planet. Secondly, the openness of consciousness is a readiness for the changes
that the new technological structure brings. In the next 10 years, he will change the huge layers of our lives work, life, leisure, housing, ways of human communication. You need to be prepared for this. Thirdly, the
ability to learn from someone else’s experience, to learn from others. The two great Asian powers, Japan and
China, are the classic embodiment of these abilities. Openness and receptivity to the best achievements, and
not the deliberate repulsion of all "not your own" - this is the key to success and one of the indicators of open
consciousness. Why is open consciousness so important in the future world? If the Kazakhstanis will judge the
world from the windows of their homes, then you may not see what storms are approaching in the world, on
the mainland or in neighboring countries. You cannot see the forests behind the trees, you cannot even
understand the external springs, which sometimes force us to seriously change approaches.
25 билет
1) The Labor feat of Kazakhstani in the rear front during the War (1941-1945). The heroism of
workers. Evacuation of peoples, industrial enterprises and cultural facilities in the regions of
A separate important page in the heroic annals of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War is the reception
and deployment of the evacuated population, defense plants, factories, cultural and educational institutions.
Refugees, often unorganized, began to arrive in Kazakhstan in the first month of the war. The first echelons
with the equipment of the evacuated factories and factories went. All this had to be taken and placed. On
January 1, 1942, 381,260 people arrived in the Kazakh SSR, including: 291,355 from the frontline, 6,198 from
Leningrad, 14,518 from Moscow, 145,000 of the total number of women, 135,000 children. Therefore, the
employment of visitors has become one of the main issues for party and Soviet bodies for the entire period of
the war. In 1942, out of the able-bodied population, 160,708 were sent to collective farms and state farms,
1,280 - to MTS, almost 36 thousand - to industrial enterprises. At the beginning of the war, there was no
room, no apartments, no buildings for equipment. Everything that could be compacted was compacted,
dugouts were urgently built, other temporary dwellings, many relocated defense plants were often located on
open-air sites, at the same time they produced military products and erected buildings.
The Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the party of the Kazakh SSR were forced
to adopt a special resolution on November 4, 1941, "On shortcomings in the reception, placement and
employment of the evacuated population in the Kazakh SSR." However, even after that, the situation has
changed little. For this reason, the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee consider this
issue again on December 1, 1941 and note that if the arrivals were somehow accommodated, little has been
done in the matter of employment and consumer services for the evacuated. Particularly sharply worsened the
situation with the employment of people in connection with the completion of basic agricultural work with the
onset of winter cold.
The Central Committee took tough measures against the leaders, for example, the first secretary of the Sarkand
district party committee and the chairman of the Burliu-Tyube district executive committee were removed
from their posts. An entire program for the employment of evacuated citizens was launched. In addition to
the placement and employment of the evacuated population, the leaders of the republic, regions and regions
had to place more than 140 industrial enterprises, dozens of cultural and educational institutions.
Most of the evacuated enterprises mainly produced products for the front. So, an experimental-optical
workshop (arrived from Kharkov to Alma-Ata) produced binoculars, plant No. 242 repaired military aircraft, a
foundry equipment plant (Usman-Uralsk) manufactured land mines, an electrical plant (Moscow Region Kzyl-Orda Oblast) - telegraph machines, machine-tool plant No. 222 (Yegoryevsk - Kustanai region) armaments and ammunition, etc. An interesting list of educational institutions evacuated to Kazakhstan.
Among them are the All-Union Institute of Cinematography, Kharkov State University, Moscow Power
Engineering Institute, Moscow Aviation, Mining, Law, Exploration Institutes, Kharkov Military Academy and
Air Force Special School, as well as 11 research institutes from Moscow, Simferopol, Zaporozhye, Odessa and
In 1941-1945, the Karaganda coal basin and the insignificant potential of Ekibastuz developments were
replenished with new 19 mines and 3 coal mines with a total annual capacity of 6 million tons of fuel products.
If in 1940 coal production in the republic amounted to about 7 million tons, then in 1945 it increased to 12
million tons (i.e., 2 times). During the war years, compared with 1940, the shipping of coking coal from the
Karaganda coal basin almost doubled. So, if the share of Kazakhstan in the former USSR in coal mining
amounted to 4.2% in 1940, then in 1945 it almost doubled. In total, over the four years of the war, the coal
miners of Karaganda mined 34 million tons of coal, which is 3 million tons more than during the entire
existence of the basin.
Despite the enormous difficulties, during the years of the Great Patriotic War Kazakhstan was allocated about
a billion rubles of capital investments from the all-Union budget. In total, in 1941–1945, 460 plants, factories,
mines, mines, and individual industries were built. These included evacuated enterprises, including machinebuilding and metal-processing plants that produce cars and shells, torpedoes and bombs, flamethrowers, radio
stations and other weapons and military equipment. The share of engineering and metalworking in the
products of the industry of Kazakhstan increased from 16% in 1940 to 35% in 1945
Almost completely reoriented to the production of products for the front enterprises of the light and food
industries. In the light industry, the sewing, textile, leather footwear industries developed especially rapidly.
In 1941, sewing-knitting and fur factories, an accessories factory, which began to work for the needs of the
front, were put into operation in Alma-Ata. Already at the beginning of 1943, the light industry of the republic
in terms of production came in second place in the former USSR after Russia. In 1945, compared with 1940,
the production of hosiery increased by 11.3 times; cotton fabrics - 7.4 times; knitted underwear and upper - 4
and 3.3 times, respectively; woolen fabrics - 2 times; leather shoes - 1.3 times. During the war years, almost
500 divisions were provided with summer uniforms and linen, 70 with overcoats, 67 with felt boots, 59 with
cotton uniforms, 53 with leather shoes, 25 with short fur coats, 245 with clothing, etc. If we keep in mind that
the number of divisions in wartime it reached 10,000 people, it is not difficult to calculate even according to
the above list of goods how much they were produced in the republic.
Ammunition to the front.
Kazakhstan began to produce defense products in droves during the years of World War II due to 19 defense
plants evacuated from the western regions of the USSR. Before Kazakhstan, there were three factories and
three special workshops in Kazakhstan. Evacuated military factories in the harsh winter of 1941, arriving in
the republic, began to produce products for the front within 1.5-3 months. As temporary energy sources used
locomotives, tractors. Compared with 1942, by the beginning of 1945, defense plants increased production by
2 times, and Petropavlovsk Plant No. 675 and Kokchetav Plant more than 3 times. The total output of defense
enterprises of Kazakhstan produced over 1 billion rubles during the war. Including mines with a size of 82
mm, 50 mm and 120 mm, a total of 5,214,254 pieces. If we assume that the ammunition load of one division
is 120 mm mines of 1,680 units, 82 mm - 2,180 units, then the factories of Kazakhstan supplied ammunition to
the mines of 1,350 divisions.
During the war years, shells were fired:
a) small calibers (20, 37 and 45 mm) - 1,989,715 units, or 200 divisions are fully provided with these shells;
b) medium caliber (76 mm) manufactured 1,852,790 shells, or ammunition for 420 divisions;
c) large caliber (203 mm) 20 653 shells were fired, which provided the need for 20 heavy regiments.
Gunpowder was released 1,159,838 kg, which made it possible to equip 80 divisions with ammunition. A
total of 25 submarine divisions were fully equipped with torpedo ammunition.
By the way, sea mines were made in an amount equal to approximately 1/40 of the number of mines fired by
all states in the imperialist war of 1914-1919.
All this clearly confirms that Kazakhstan during the years of the war was truly an arsenal of the front.
2. Describe the Development of state identity, strengthening civil peace and political stability.
The purpose of the Concept is the strengthening and development of Kazakhstani identity and unity, based on
the principle of citizenship and the values of the nation. patriotic idea of "Mugilik El." Tasks: creating a
unified system of work of state. bodies of all levels and civil society institutions to strengthen and develop
Kazakhstan’s identity and unity on the principle of citizenship, the new Kazakhstani patriotism based on the
values of "Migilik El", the formation of the generation "Migilik El", united around the strategic goals of the
country's development; the formation of a labor society and professionals; implementation of state.
government bodies programs and projects, direct. to strengthen the historical memory and spiritual and
cultural heritage of the people, as well as measures to develop the secular nature of the state, based on the
principles of the spiritual unity of society; creation of a mechanism for monitoring, reporting and control of
state bodies of all levels to implement the measures of the Concept, as well as the priorities for the formation
of a nation of a united future
3. Give description «Tenge» as the national currency of the independent Kazakhstan.
Tenge is a symbol of Kazakhstan along with the Coat of Arms, Constitution, national flag and anthem.
Historians and political scientists point to the direct dependence of the freedom and independence of the state
on the availability of its own currency. We will understand why so, which means tenge for Kazakhstan.
Receiving tenge during settlements or payments, Kazakhstanis practically do not think about holding the
guarantee of national freedom and preservation of sovereignty. Let's ponder why the national currency of
Kazakhstan guarantees the protection of our national interests, the economy, ensures the independence of the
Kazakhstan tenge was put into circulation in 1993 - during the difficult period of economic stagnation, the
period of self-determination of Kazakhstan as a separate state. The official date of birth of the tenge is
November 15. Twenty-six years have passed since then, and in 2018, the currency of Kazakhstan celebrates its
25th anniversary.
This is a significant period of time for a person, but for the history of the state, the history of its local currency,
it is small. However, even in this short time, thanks to the tenge, the sovereignty of Kazakhstan took shape, the
economy of our state received an impetus for development.
Many can skeptically nod their heads, because the path to building an independent and developed economic
model is long and difficult. However, it should be remembered that this is the path of freedom.
Each state has a national currency. Even European countries that joined the European Union are paid in the
domestic market by forints, stamps, pounds, zloty, francs. Why is it so if the euro is used throughout the
union? This is because the national currency is perceived as a component of the economic and spiritual culture
of the nation, a guarantee of its national self-identification and freedom.
The national currency for Kazakhstan and for every citizen of our state is a guarantee of economic and
national freedom. The tenge sign as a symbol of Kazakhstan was created by Vadim Davidenko and Sanzhar
Amerkhanov. They won the competition, which took place in 2006–2007. Since then, ₸ is the symbol of the
national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted in the international system for designating world
Thanks tenge:
laid the foundation for the country's economic independence;
given the impetus to the development of market relations;
a national banking system has been formed;
integration of the Kazakhstan economy into the global market is being implemented;
there is the possibility of an independent monetary policy.
Tenge ensures the stability of the economic system of Kazakhstan. This attracts investment in the country,
there is a constant technological, technical and infrastructural renewal of production.
Tenge is a symbol of financial independence of Kazakhstan, an instrument of economic sovereignty of our
Take a look at the national currency. Each coin and denomination is a code of our cultural and national selfidentification. They feature symbols endowed with special national meanings (an irbis, the mausoleum of
Khoja Ahmed Yasavi, rock inscriptions, Alatau mountains, etc.), heroes of national history, cultural figures of
Kazakhstan - Abay, Abulkhair Khan, Chokan Valikhanov, akyn Suyunbai, Abylay Khan Al-Farabi.
Understanding the value of the national currency, respect for it, pride is the basis of the sovereignty of
Kazakhstan and the freedom of its citizens.
26 билет
1) Participation of Kazakhs in the front-line actions and partisan movement. Heroes of the Soviet Union
from Kazakhstan. Results and lessons of the Second World War.
Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was part of the USSR in the status of a Union
Republic (Kazakh SSR), therefore, it entered the war from the moment of the invasion of Nazi Germany's
army on the territory of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941.
1 million 200 thousand people were called up to the ranks of the Red Army. in addition to 178 thousand who
served in the army of the USSR. Warriors of Kazakhstan took part in all battles. At the beginning of the war,
hundreds of Kazakhstanis were among the defenders of the Brest Fortress.
In the Moscow battle, which began at the end of September 1941, the 316th Infantry Division under the
command of General I.V. Panfilov and the 312th Infantry Division under the command of Colonel A.F.
Naumov were especially distinguished.
The 1073rd Infantry Regiment under the command of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly provided heroic resistance to
the enemy. Political workers of the Panfilov division P. B. Vikhrev, M. Gabdullin, machine gun T. Tokhtarov
showed heroism in the defense of Moscow. Starting September 6, 1941, Kazakhstani military units took an
active part in the defense of Leningrad. In the summer of 1942, Kazakhstanis entered the frontline zone of
the Battle of Stalingrad. In the Battle of Kursk and on other fronts, Kazakh formations and units fought, they
liberated Belarus, the Baltic states, Moldova, Ukraine and the countries of Eastern Europe from the invaders.
Warriors from Kazakhstan contributed to the liberation mission of the Soviet Army. They stormed Berlin,
participated in the hoisting of the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag. Among the combat formations that
gave freedom to the peoples of Poland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, Austria,
there were divisions formed in the republic: 72nd Guards Krasnogradskaya, 73rd Guards Stalingrad-Danube,
27th Guards Novobugsky, 150th Idritskaya Berlin, 314th Kingisepp Rifle, etc.
The Kazakhstanis actively participated in the partisan war. About 220 Kazakhstanis fought in the Leningrad
Region, over 270 fought in Smolensk, about 3,000 in Ukraine and Belarus. Among them were Kazakh warriors
G. Akhmedyarov, B. Zhangeldin, A. Sharipov, N. Baysentova, T. Zhumabaev, J. Sain, G. Omarov and others.
Partisan commanders A. S. Egorov, N. V. Zebnitsky, F. F. Ozmitel was awarded the title Heroes of the Soviet
Union, and K. Kaisenov was awarded medals. About 300 Kazakhstanis took part in the resistance movement
in Europe. After the victorious end of the war against fascism, Kazakhstani soldiers fought against the
Kwantung Army of Japan.
For the heroism shown on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, hundreds of thousands of soldiers from
Kazakhstan, including 96,638 Kazakhs, were awarded military orders and medals of the USSR. 497 people
(including 98 Kazakhs) were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them are Kazakh girls machine gunner M. Mametova, sniper A. Moldagulova. Kazakh pilots T. Ya. Begeldinov, L. I. Beda, I. F.
Pavlov, S. D. Lugansky twice became Heroes of the Soviet Union.
In the first months of the war, the conversion of industry of the republic began. Her raw material base was
fully involved. In conditions when natural resources of the European part of the USSR were occupied by the
enemy, Kazakhstan turned into a powerful arsenal of the front. The economy of the republic was focused on
military needs. Kazakhstan has taken a leading position in the production of copper, lead, bismuth,
molybdenum, polymetals, necessary for the military industry. Kazakhstan's defense plants have mastered
the production of new types of weapons, shells, mines and other types of military products. The Karaganda
miners provided coal and coal to industry and transport. The enterprises of the Ural-Emba oil region
increased by 39% the production of liquid fuel. Electricity production has doubled. A total of 460 new
industrial enterprises were built in 1941–45. Among them, 142 enterprises were evacuated to Kazakhstan
from the areas of military operations and entered into operation in a short time. In 1941–45, 3.6 billion
rubles were invested in the development of industry in the republic, which exceeded the pre-war level of
investment by 2 times. Coal production was doubled compared to the pre-war period. Kazakhstan in 1945
supplied 30% of the all-Union copper production, 60% of molybdenum, 85% of lead smelting. The share of
metalworking and machine building from 16% in 1940 increased to 35% in 1945.
Agriculture of Kazakhstan provided the front and rear with food, industry - the necessary raw materials. In
1942, the number of livestock increased by 2 million, and the cultivated area increased by 1 million hectares.
For 1941–45, the republic issued 5,829 thousand tons of grain, 734 thousand tons of meat and other types of
food .
During the war years, the working people of the republic sent warm clothing, foodstuffs to the front, tanks,
planes, submarines were built at the expense of individual citizens. Working people of Kazakhstan
voluntarily contributed 4,700 million rubles to the defense fund from personal savings. Kazakhstan took an
active part in restoring the national economy of the liberated areas. For this purpose, specialists, agricultural
machinery, equipment, 500 thousand livestock were sent from the republic. In addition, the workers of the
republic for two years contained about 0.5 million head of cattle exported from the occupied regions,
preserved and returned it. During the war years, artists of Kazakhstan created concert brigades that spoke to
front-line soldiers.
In the war years, the science of Kazakhstan received rapid development. In 1941–45, 12 research institutes
were opened in the republic. A significant contribution to the development of science in Kazakhstan was
made by the USSR Academy of Sciences commission on mobilizing the resources of the Urals, Siberia and
Kazakhstan, headed by academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. L. Komarov.
2.) Analyze the New economic policy «Nurly Zhol - the path to the future» - Kazakhstan’s response to
global challenges.
One of the key areas of Nurly Zhol is the construction of housing and the communications required for it. For
these purposes, Baiterek holding received 251.2 billion tenge - more than a third of the funds provided by
the program. Due to them, by 2020, Baiterek intends to introduce 1.4 million square meters of rental and
credit housing, which is equal to 29 thousand new apartments. This will help Kazakhstan to increase the level
of urbanization to 70% from the current 55%. Kazakhstanis can get affordable housing in several areas at
once, each of which is implemented by a certain state structure: Housing Construction Savings Bank, NWF
Samruk Kazyna, Kazakhstan Mortgage Company and Baiterek Development. Housing through Kazakhstan
Mortgage Company and Baiterek Development is social and is intended for those who have stood in line for
its receipt in the akimat. Large and single-parent families can apply for it; families with or raising children
with disabilities; orphans; children without parental care; the oralmans; civil servants; military personnel;
employees of budget organizations; disabled people of groups 1 and 2. The results of the last year testify to
the fact that the program is functioning - during this time more than seven thousand apartments were
commissioned. Families received apartments not only from large cities, but also from regions.
3.) Analyze the program «Kazakhstan-2050» as a new development strategy.
In December 2012, in the Address of the Head of state to the people of Kazakhstan, the development
strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050 was presented. Its main goal is to create a welfare society
on the basis of a strong state, a developed economy and universal labor, finding Kazakhstan in the 30 most
developed countries of the world.
To achieve these goals, the strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" provides for the implementation of seven long-term
1. new deal economic policy-comprehensive economic pragmatism based on the principle of profit, return on
investment and competitiveness
2. comprehensive support for entrepreneurship-the leading force of the national economy
3. new principles of social policy-social guarantees and personal responsibility
4. Education and professional skills-the main reference points of the modern system of education, training
and retraining
5. further strengthening of statehood and development of Kazakhstan's democracy
6. consistent and predictable foreign policy-promoting national interests and strengthening regional and
global security
7. new Kazakhstan patriotism is the basis of success of our multinational and multi-confessional society
27 билет
1) Kazakhstan in the Post-War years. The complexity of the transition to peaceful construction.
Problems and difficulties in the national economy of Kazakhstan.
After the victorious conclusion of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet people again embarked on peaceful
creative work. The Communist Party directed the efforts of the working people to the complex tasks of the
post-war development of socialist society. Huge work had to be done to eliminate the grave consequences of
the war, to restore the destroyed economy, to launch large-scale capital construction, to carry out technical
reconstruction of industry and other sectors of the national economy, thereby raising them to a qualitatively
new level, to ensure the accelerated development of the economy and culture, and to solve the complex of
social tasks. All this contributed to the further consolidation and development of a socialist society. The main
directions of the country's long-term economic development were identified in February 1946 in the Address
of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in connection with the elections to
the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. It envisaged a powerful upsurge of the entire national economy and, above
all, of heavy industry. The volume of industrial production in the next 15 years was to triple in comparison
with the pre-war level. Particular attention was paid to the implementation of the achievements of scientific
and technological progress in the national economy. - one of the decisive factors of social production. On the
basis of the restoration and further accelerated development of the economy, it was supposed to significantly
raise the level of well-being of the Soviet people. The implementation of this program was based on state fiveyear plans. The Law on the Five-Year Plan for the Restoration and Development of the National Economy of
the USSR for 1946-1950, adopted in March 1946 at the first session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR,
contained a detailed program for the post-war economic growth of both the country as a whole and all Union
republics, in including the Kazakh SSR. In accordance with it, a five-year plan for the development of the
national economy of Kazakhstan for 1946-1950 was developed and adopted by the IX session of the Supreme
Council of the Kazakh SSR in July 1946. The plan was based on measures to transfer the national economy of
the republic to a peaceful manner, switch industry to the production of civilian products, and increase its
production in every way possible. The state of industrial production fixed assets, almost not replenished during
the war, worsened. Industrial enterprises experienced interruptions in the supply of electricity, raw materials,
and materials. All this reduced the efficiency of the equipment, led to a drop in labor productivity in many
enterprises, especially in the coal industry. Lack of agricultural machinery, a decrease in the number and a
change in the quality of the workforce have led to a reduction in the basic indicators of agriculture. The sown
area under crops decreased and their productivity decreased, and livestock productivity decreased. The
working class of Kazakhstan helped restore the national economy of Leningrad, Stalingrad, the Kursk region
of the North Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, and Moldova. The Kazakhstanis sent west various
machines, machines, equipment, metal, coal, oil, wood, clothes, fabrics, seeds of grain and industrial crops,
food products and other industrial and agricultural products, including books and notebooks. Several thousand
tractors, combines, seeders and other agricultural machinery, hundreds of machine tools, machines and various
equipment were sent to Ukraine alone. Karaganda residents helped Donbass with mining and metallurgical
equipment. The working people of the republic collected from their personal savings and deducted millions of
rubles from the wages to the fund for the affected areas. Tens of thousands of qualified specialists from
various sectors of the national economy — machine builders, railroad workers, tractor drivers, combine
harvesters, agronomists, mechanics, and others — were sent to the liberated areas to participate directly in
reconstruction work. About two thousand specialists, miners, Soviet, party and economic personnel left for
the Donbass alone. The active participation of the working people of Kazakhstan together with the envoys of
other republics in restoring the national economy of the affected areas is a clear evidence of the unity and
mutual assistance of all regions of the country, the manifestation of the indissoluble friendship of the
multinational peoples of our Fatherland, the indisputable advantages of the socialist system, the Leninist
national policy of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In the development of industry in the post-war
years, a tendency towards integrated development and an ever wider use of natural resources was manifested.
Thanks to the discovery and development of large mineral deposits, the industry has replenished with new
manufacturing and mining industries. New industries such as the production of steel and rolled products, zinc,
equipment for heavy industry enterprises, agricultural machines of superphosphate, artificial fiber of building
materials were created. The construction of the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant in Temirtau has unfolded.
Large new superphosphate production facilities were commissioned at the Karatau Mining and Chemical
Combine. Extraction of coal and non-ferrous metal ores at the new large mines of Karaganda and the mines of
Dzhezkazgan and the Ore Altai has expanded. The construction industry was replenished with large
Semipalatinsk, Chimkent and Karaganda cement plants, a number of enterprises for the production of
reinforced concrete structures and parts. Large enterprises of the light and food industries in Kustanai,
Petropavlovsk, Chimkent, Alma-Ata were commissioned. Thus, the industrial potential of the republic was
growing during the years of the fifth and sixth five-year periods, primarily due to new capital construction and
reconstruction of existing enterprises. The discovery and development of large mineral deposits, the high pace
of construction and the emergence of a number of new industries and production of mining and manufacturing
industries contributed to the further growth of the industrial power of the republic. By the end of the 50s, the
industry of the republic came in third place in the country after the RSFSR and Ukraine. The increased
industrial potential of Kazakhstan raised its role in the all-Union economy, the Kazakh SSR actively
participated in the all-Union division of labor and the solution of important national economic problems. She
ranked first in the country in lead production, second in copper and zinc production, and third in coal mining.
In 1951-1955.
2) Explain the main directions «The Perestroika» policy in Kazakhstan (1985). Tell about the
December uprising in 1986 in Alma-Ata.
The main stages and their characteristics. The course of social and economic transformation, proclaimed by
M.Gorbachev, had at the initial stage the same goal as the attempts of predecessors- to show himself on the
part of a good figure and a democratic reformer. This system of reforms went down in history as "perestroika",
which was divided into three stages: The April Plenum of 1985 – summer 1987 In the first phase was
undertaken in the vain attempt to realize the concept of acceleration. As suggested by the leadership of the
country will bring out of stagnation the fight against drunkenness and promiscuity. But the main emphasis was
on the acquisition of devices of civil engineering industries, which will allow to 1990 to increase the number
of machines that meet international standards, up to 90%. In the agricultural sector, the acceleration was seen
in the introduction of achievements of STR (scientific and technical revolution/
научнотехническаяреволюция). Meanwhile, all ideas of acceleration in the absence of a market and private
property became illusions. Very quickly, the failure of the concept of acceleration was revealed in agriculture.
The state kolkhoz-sovkhoz system, by its very nature, could no longer accept achievements of the STR .
Collective farmers, being disenfranchised, were indifferent to social production and perceived this work as a
kind of duty. Therefore, the intensification of labor productivity was out of the question. As for the restoration
of order, the laws introduced increased productivity by only 1%, and it lasted only a year. As a result, the state
missed 67 billion rubles and the aggravation of the situation in the consumer market. In Central Asia and
Kazakhstan, countless plantations of grape crops were cut down, which have not yet been restored. Second
stage. Summer 1987-may1989. the Initial period of" perestroika "shows that only "cosmetic" methods do not
change the situation for the better and that the reasons lie in the system of industrial relations. Society began to
understand that the path to economic development lies through the market and private property, through which
all civilized States have passed. However, the leadership of the country continued to be in a state of slowness
and excessive caution. This explains the attempts to combine the plan and the market element and thus enter a
certain model of the socialist market. The result of this period were half-hearted and amorphous laws on state
enterprise and on cooperation. Although they reported some progress to the society, they did not solve the
main problems. Much more drastic measures were needed. Third stage. May 1989-August 1991.at the very
beginning of "perestroika" the official installation on all-round democratization of all parties of public life was
declared. However, the December 1986 events in Alma-ATA showed the impossibility of implementing such
an idea within the framework of the totalitarian regime. Already in 1985-1986 Gorbachev began to get rid of
L. Brezhnev's associates, among whom was D. Kunaev. December 16, 1986 at the Plenum it was decided to
remove from office the first Secretary of the Communist party of Kazakhstan D. Kunaev and appointment to
this position G. Kolbin. This decision caused a strong reaction among the Kazakh ethnic group. On December
17, 1986, about 2,400 demonstrators took to the streets of Alma-ATA, and, as is usually the case, the
leadership suppressed this resistance. Hundreds of people were convicted, dismissed, expelled from
educational institutions. In the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU events in Alma-ATA were
designated as a manifestation of Kazakh nationalism. The events of December showed that the area of
democratization was within very narrow limits.
3) Analyze the role and function of the Assembly of Kazakhstan People.
The Assembly of people of Kazakhstan is an institution without the formation of a legal entity created by the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, contributing to the development and implementation of the state
national policy. According to this law [3] the purpose of the Assembly is to ensure interethnic harmony in the
Republic of Kazakhstan in the process of formation of the Kazakh civil identity and competitive nation on the
basis of Kazakhstan patriotism, civil and spiritual and cultural community of the people of Kazakhstan with
the consolidating role of the Kazakh people. The main tasks of the Assembly are: ensuring effective
interaction of state bodies and civil society institutions in the sphere of interethnic relations, creating favorable
conditions for further strengthening of interethnic harmony and tolerance in society; strengthening the unity of
the people, support and development of public consensus on the fundamental values of the Kazakh society;
assistance to state bodies in countering manifestations of extremism and radicalism in society and aspirations
aimed at infringing human and civil rights and freedoms; formation of political and legal culture of citizens
based on democratic norms; ensuring the integration of efforts of ethno cultural and other public associations
to achieve the purpose and objectives of the Assembly; revival, preservation and development of national
cultures, languages and traditions of the people of Kazakhstan. The principles of the Assembly are: a) priority
of human and civil rights and freedoms; b) priority of interests of the people and the state; c) equality of
human and civil rights and freedoms regardless of race, nationality, language, attitude to religion, beliefs or
any other circumstances; d) equality and personal responsibility of members of the Assembly for its activities;
e) publicity. The main activities of the Assembly are: assistance in the development and implementation of
state national policy; promotion of Kazakhstan patriotism; development of the state language and other
languages of the people of Kazakhstan; improvement of regional policy in the interethnic sphere; participation
in the development and implementation of plans and activities in the field of demography and migration;
promotion of Kazakhstan's model of interethnic and interfaith harmony in the country and abroad;
implementation of educational and publishing activities aimed at achieving inter-ethnic harmony; monitoring
the state of interethnic relations, including the use of the state language and other languages of the people of
Kazakhstan; participation in public and political examination of draft laws on state national policy; support of
the Kazakh Diaspora in foreign countries in the preservation and development of the native language, culture
and national traditions, strengthening its ties with the historical Homeland; development of recommendations
and implementation of practical measures for settlement of disagreements and disputes, prevention of conflict
situations in the sphere of interethnic relations and participation in their resolution; methodological,
organizational and legal assistance to ethno-cultural public associations; holding of seminars, conferences and
other events ensuring dialogue of state bodies and public associations on interethnic relations; interaction with
civil society institutions and international organizations on interethnic and interfaith harmony; assistance in the
development of relations of other ethnic groups of Kazakhstan with their historical homeland; other activities
that promote interethnic harmony and do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
28 билет
1) Positive changes in education and science Post-War years. Creation of seven years education system.
The opening of higher and secondary special educational institutions. Formation of the vocational
education system. Final creation of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences.
The years of the war in the Kazakh SSR, as well as throughout the country, the implementation of universal
compulsory seven-year education in the village and ten-year education in the city was temporarily
suspended, and school enrollment for children was significantly reduced. Despite serious financial difficulties,
the state allocated large allocations for school education. If in 1946 85.6 million rubles were allocated for
these purposes, then in 1950 - 146.5 million rubles 3). In addition, in Kazakhstan, as well as throughout the
country, Sundays were organized to provide assistance to schools, to establish a universal education fund, as
well as funds to help orphans and needy children. In sparsely populated areas, a network of boarding schools
was created, and by 1953 about 40 thousand children were studying in them. On the whole, the school
business in the republic took a step forward: the number of teachers increased and the professional level of
teachers increased, and the teaching material base of schools was strengthened. In 1949, teachers' salaries
were increased, and the length of service pension was increased. In 1947, the Kazakh educational and
pedagogical publishing house was established. At the turn of the 1950s, the government of the republic took
measures for universal education, and for ten-year-olds in regional and large industrial centers. A major
event in the cultural life of the republic was the establishment in June 1946 of the Kazakh SSR Academy of
Sciences on the basis of the Kazakh branch of the USSR AK. Great help in the development of modern science
in the republic was played by prominent scientists of Moscow and Leningrad - academicians S.I. Vavilov, I.P.
Bardin, A.M. Pankratova, M.V. Nechkina and others. The first President of the Academy of KazSSR was
elected Kanysh Imantaevich Satpayev - a prominent scientist and talented organizer. By the end of 1950,
there were already 50 research institutions operating in the system of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh
SSR, including 19 institutes, 13 sectors, 2 museums, an observatory, 3 botanical gardens and 8 scientific
bases. About 500 graduate students studied at the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR.
2) Tell about the main stages of the unification of the people of Kazakhstan as a One Nation.
The Foundation of Kazakhstan's identity and unity are national values based on cultural, ethnic, linguistic and
religious diversity; The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 30 August 1995 guaranteed equal rights
to all citizens regardless of race, ethnicity, religion and social affiliation. Today, Kazakhstan has successfully
implemented a unique model of social harmony and national unity. Its author and architect is President N. A.
Nazarbayev. On March 1, 1995 by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A.
Nazarbayev the new public organization - Assembly of peoples of Kazakhstan was created.It plays a key role
in strengthening Kazakhstan's identity and unity, is a constitutional body that ensures stability and harmony
in society.The status of the APK is enshrined in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 20, 2008
"on the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan". A system of support and development of culture, language and
traditions of all ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan has been built. In all regions there are more than 900
ethno-cultural associations, 192 ethno-educational complexes, houses of friendship. The anchor principles of
unity and harmony are formulated as "Unity in diversity", "One country – one destiny". A balanced state
language policy is carried out. It is necessary to make every effort to further develop the Kazakh language,
which is the main factor of unification of all Kazakhstanis. At the same time, it is necessary to create
favorable conditions so that representatives of all ethnic groups living in the country can speak freely, study
and develop their native language. To achieve unity, work has been carried out in the following areas.
1. National Patriotic idea "Mangilik El". 2. National project "Big country – big family". 3. National project
"Menin Elim". 4. National project "Nurly Bolashak". 5. A nationwide information project to promote The
nation's unified future.The information campaign "Nation of the United future", the media plan "100 steps
into the future"were implemented.
3. Summarize the role of Kazakhstan’s Chairship in the OSCE in 2010.
Kazakhstan held the chairmanship of the OSCE in 2010 and hosted an OSCE summit in Astana in December
2010. Let us summarize the role of Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the OSCE in 2010. The motto of our
country's chairmanship of the OSCE is four “Ts”: trust, tradition, transparency, and tolerance. Trust is a key
resource in international relations. The tradition emphasizes Kazakhstan’s commitment to the fundamental
principles and values of the OSCE. Transparency means extreme openness, lack of “double standards” and
“dividing lines”. Tolerance is an awareness of the growing importance of intercultural and inter-civilizational
dialogue. The Summit was attended by 38 heads of state and government, senior officials of the OSCE
participating States, representatives of other international and regional organizations. Among them are OSCE
Secretary General Mark Perrin de Brichambaut, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, President of the Russian
Federation Dmitry Medvedev, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela
Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and others.Speaking to the forum participants, President of
Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev announced the need for a transition to a new security paradigm - the
formation of a single space of cooperation within the four oceans, from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from
the Arctic to the Indian. At the end of the summit, the Astana Declaration was adopted. In it, the Summit
participants reaffirmed the OSCE commitments, principles and values enshrined in the Helsinki Act and the
Charter of Paris for New Europe and other documents of the Organization. In addition, representatives of
participating countries pledged to continue work in all three dimensions of the OSCE, to step up efforts to
resolve conflicts and centers of instability, protect human rights, and breathe new life into the Organization
in response to new security challenges. The Astana Summit was highly praised by the heads of delegations.
Thus, the Secretary General of the Organization, Mark Perrin de Brichambaut, noted that the decisions taken
in the capital of Kazakhstan contribute to the development of a unified strategy to counter common
challenges and threats. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called the Kazakhstan's chairmanship of the OSCE
as successful as possible. And US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton emphasized that the OSCE Summit is
evidence of the great role of Kazakhstan in the international community.The head of state, Nursultan
Nazarbayev, described the two-day Summit as a “historical event for the entire OSCE community”, the
hallmark of which was the special “Astana spirit”.
29 билет
1. Criticism of Stalin’s «Personality Cult» period. Political rehabilitation of state and public figures.
1. De-Stalinization is the process of overcoming the personality cult of Stalin and eliminating the political and
ideological system created in the USSR during the reign of JV Stalin. This process led to a partial
liberalization of public life, called the "thaw." The term “de-Stalinization” has been used in Western literature
since the 1960s. the ultimate personality of Stalin - the exaltation of the personality of I.V. Stalin through mass
propaganda, in works of culture and art, in government documents. The personality cult of Stalin began in the
mid-1920s and continued until 1956, when its official debunking took place at the XX Congress of the CPSU.
The period 1956-1961 characterized by universal deliverance from the heritage of the personality cult, the
symbolic point of completion of this process was the removal of Stalin's body from the Mausoleum and his
burial at the Kremlin wall on the night of October 31, 1961. The personality of I.V. Stalin was also widespread
in most socialist countries of the world. After the XX Congress of the CPSU, the Stalinist orientation of state
policy and the personality cult of I.V. Stalin associated with it remained in Albania (until 1990), the PRC and
DPRK, as well as in Vietnam. Currently, at the official level, individual manifestations of the cult exist in the
PRC, where there are a number of commemorative images of JV Stalin and souvenirs with his image are
produced, as well as in the DPRK and Vietnam. The legacy of JV Stalin is addressed by individual communist
parties around the world.
2. Tell about the formation and the role of the CIS.
2. On December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union officially ceased to exist. The result was the appearance on the
world political arena of 15 new States instead of one USSR of 15 national republics. Chronologically, the
events of December 1991 developed as follows. The heads of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine - then Soviet
republics - gathered for a historic meeting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, more precisely - in the village of Viskuli.
On 8 December, they signed an Agreement establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). By
this document they recognized that the USSR no longer exists. On December 13, 1991, at a meeting in
Ashgabat, the leaders of the republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan announced their support for the
decisions taken in Minsk.On December 21, 1991, in Alma-Ata, at a meeting of the heads of Azerbaijan,
Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and
Ukraine, the Alma-Ata Declaration and Protocol to the Agreement on the Establishment of the CIS were
The main objectives of the organization are: cooperation in the political, economic, environmental,
humanitarian, cultural and other fields; comprehensive development of the participating states within the
framework of the common economic space, interstate cooperation and integration; ensuring human rights
and freedoms; cooperation in ensuring international peace and security, the achievement of general and
complete disarmament; mutual legal assistance; peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts between the
organization's member states. The areas of joint activity of the participating States include: ensuring human
rights and fundamental freedoms; coordination of foreign policy activities; cooperation in the formation and
development of a common economic space, customs policy; cooperation in the development of transport
systems, communications; health and environmental protection; issues of social and migration policy; the
fight against organized crime; cooperation in the field of defense policy and the protection of internal and
external borders.
3. Tell about the foreign policy of independent Kazakhstan. Name the social development priorities
according The Strategic Program «Kazakhstan-2050»
3. Since gaining sovereignty, Kazakhstan has put forward a number of foreign policy principles, and with
them actions and initiatives.
First. An important principle of Kazakhstan's foreign policy is multi-vector. Kazakhstan seeks to develop
comprehensive cooperation with all major institutions of international cooperation-international forums and
organizations. Kazakhstan is one of the international organizations. Kazakhstan is a member of the United
Nations, the Shanghai cooperation organization( SCO), The organization for security and cooperation in
Europe (OSCE), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the collective security Treaty Organization
(CSTO), The organization of Islamic cooperation (OIC) and NATO.
Second. Strengthening global and regional security. The renunciation of nuclear weapons was a crucial step
in strengthening global security. Kazakhstan is a Prime example of how a nation can achieve economic
prosperity and national security without nuclear weapons.
Third. Promoting regional cooperation. Kazakhstan supported a number of initiatives on regional
cooperation, the most significant of which were: the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Central
Asian Economic Community( CAEC), the Eurasian Economic Community, the Economic Cooperation
Organization (ECO) and others.
Thus, Kazakhstan as a whole has created a fairly effective model of foreign policy, which is able to adequately
respond to the processes and trends in the development of modern international relations. . Integration in
Central Asia is a major priority in the development of the states of the region, the creation of a market with a
population of more than 50 million, the solution of security problems, water supply and other burning
problems. To integrate into the world market in the southeast direction, Kazakhstan has submitted an
application for joining the Organization for Economic Cooperation. In November 1992, he was admitted to its
members at an extraordinary meeting of ministers of member states. The above principles were a significant
factor in the implementation of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this regard, it can be
noted that the external doctrine of the state meets all the basic paradigms of modern visions of international
relations, as well as the real situation in the international geopolitical struggle. Thus, Kazakhstan as a whole
has created a fairly effective foreign policy model that is able to adequately respond to the processes and
development trends of modern international relations.
30 билет
1. Events in Temirtau. Increased restrictions in the national question. The incomplete nature of reform
1. The riots in Temirtau (sometimes an uprising in Temirtau) - riots and a strike that occurred on August 1-4,
1959 during the construction of a metallurgical plant (Kazakhstan Magnitogorsk) in the city of Temirtau. In
the late 1950s, hundreds of people began to arrive in Kazakhstan for the construction of the city of Temirtau
(aka “Kazakhstan Magnitka”) on Komsomol trips. They were settled in a tent town located in the eastern part
of the city. People were unhappy with the systematic interruptions in the supply of drinking water and food,
the lack of normal housing, and poor working conditions. So, in 1959, more than 25 thousand people worked
at a construction site, the solution of social problems of which were ignored by party functionaries The rebels
with a total number of several hundred people defeated the dining room, then the nearby department store and
shops, after which they engaged in looting. The city leadership sent soldiers to the scene of the riots, but they
refused to shoot unarmed people. During the suppression of the riots among the participants in the uprising,
according to official figures, 11 people were killed and 32 injured (five subsequently died). Innocent, casual
people were injured About 190 people were arrested (75 of them were members of the Komsomol) [5], after a
short trial the majority were released, criminal proceedings were instituted against 42 detainees, 5 of them
were sentenced by an open demonstration court under Art. 14 (banditry) and 16 (riots) of the Law on criminal
liability for state crimes to an exceptional measure of punishment - the death penalty by shooting.
Subsequently, the charge of banditry was dropped.
2. Compare the policies of «military communism» and NEP in Kazakhstan (1918-1925) (the main
economic aspects).
2. The policy of "war communism" (1918 - 1921) The Soviet government was to carry out a mobilization
model of the country's development. Immediately after the October Revolution, large-scale industrial
enterprises, banks, and transport were nationalized in Kazakhstan. Only large industrial enterprises were
nationalized by more than 300. During the civil war, extraordinary measures were introduced to mobilize
material resources and save them, which was called "war communism."Thus, the main features of the policy
of "war communism" are: 1nationalization of industry; 2 centralization of leadership; 3 card supply system; 4
general labor service; 5 equal salary; 6 distribution of all vital goods. In Kazakhstan, the policy of "war
communism" was manifested in the liquidation of local budgets and the formation of a single treasury; in the
nationalization of small and partly handicraft industry.New Economic Policy (NEP) in Kazakhstan, its features
“Ruin, need, impoverishment” - this is how V. I. Lenin figuratively assessed the position of the country of the
Soviets after the end of the Civil War. The events of 1916, the revolution of 1917, the imperialist and Civil
wars brought the country devastation and ruin:1 out of 307 nationalized enterprises in Kazakhstan 250 were
inactive;2 compared with 1913, oil production in Kazakhstan decreased by 4 times, Karaganda coal - by 5
times, and copper ore production ceased altogether;3 oilfields were looted. Of the 147 wells in the Emba oil
fields, only eight were operational. Ridder mines and Ekibastuz coal mines are flooded. Spassky Concentrator
was burnt. Railways were inactive due to lack of fuel and destruction of tracks; 4 the share of industry in the
gross output of the national economy of the region was in 1920. Only 6, 3%; 5The agriculture of the republic
fell into decline. In the Ural provinces, the cultivated area decreased by more than two times, in Semirechye almost 3 times; 6, the number of livestock was also significantly reduced: from 29.9 million to 16.3 million,
that is, more than 13 million heads.Transition to the NEP in Kazakhstan: the first constituent regional party
conference (June 1921) in Orenburg, representing 28 thousand communists of the region, approved the
transition to the NEP;in March-April 1921, the surplus appraisal in the republic was replaced by a tax
deduction.The new economic policy yielded results by the mid-20s. By 1925, the national economy was
largely restored.The policy of "war communism" (1918-1920) and the new economic policy (1921-1927)
differ among themselves, primarily in relation to private capital, the use of wage labor and the degree of use
and recognition of commodity-money relations.
3. Explain the term «Kazakhstan is the successful experience of multiethnic state».
3. There are several definitions of what a multinational country is. Most often, this term is understood as
state formations, the composition of the population of which is ethnically, ethnographically, culturally and
historically heterogeneous. As a rule, these are countries that have vast territories. There are few such
countries in the world, among them: Brazil, India, Indonesia, Iran, China, Russia, the USA, Turkey, Ukraine,
Georgia. In this series, multinational Kazakhstan occupies a special place.During the Russian Empire, this
territory became interesting for Russian, Polish and Ukrainian researchers, cultural workers. During the
Second World War, Kazakhstan gave shelter to representatives of many nationalities living in the Soviet
Union. Not wanting to remain in the occupation, ethnic Germans, Ukrainians, Russians moved to Kazakhstan.
In the following years, especially since independence, our country has been chosen as the place of
permanent residence by Kurds, Turks, Chechens, Chinese and Koreans. Kazakhstan has created a community
of national groups that live here. Tolerance and respect for each member of the society, regardless of their
nationality, race, religion, cultural values, is the main rule of communication in our country. Such an attitude
is enshrined in the main document of the country - the Constitution. It begins with the statement: "We are
the people of Kazakhstan ...".The friendship of peoples in Kazakhstan has real forms that are presented at the
state level: 1.The Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan is functioning. It was created on the initiative of the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. This is a special body that is
endowed with advisory and deliberative capabilities. It operates under the Administration of the President of
Kazakhstan. The main task of the body is to spread the idea of spiritual unity and friendship of the peoples of
the country. 2.The country has more than 1.5 thousand cultural ethnic centers and ethnocultural
associations. There are associations of Bulgarians, Greeks, Armenians, Belarusians, Koreans, Kurds,
Moldavians. Their task is not only to preserve the cultural heritage of their people, but also to acquaint other
ethnic groups with its wealth and characteristics. The activities of national communities are supported.
3.Ethno exhibitions are regularly held in Kazakhstan. This is a form of popularization of traditions and
customs of all ethnic groups that live in the country. 4.The President supports various types of national art.
German, Uyghur and Korean theaters have academic status. 5.International competitions and festivals of
ethnic culture are regularly held with the support of the Kazakhstani establishment. 6.Ethnic media provide
freedom of speech.
31 билет
1. T.Rysqulov, his role in the history of Kazakhstan.
1. Party and statesman, one of the organizers of Soviet power in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. He participated
in the national liberation uprising of 1916 and was arrested by the tsarist administration, but was released due
to lack of charges. In 1918, Deputy Chairman, then Chairman of the Executive Committee of Aulieatinsky
district. In September 1918, Ryskulov was appointed people's Commissar of health of the Turkistan ASSR;
Chairman of the Muslim Bureau, formed by the decision of the 2nd conference of the Communist party of
Turkistan (14-31 March 1919). On January 21, 1920 he was appointed Chairman of the CEC of the Turkistan
ASSR. He paid great attention to the protection of the rights of the local population, the return of the lands
selected by the settlers, for which he was sharply criticized by the center in Moscow.February 4, 1924 by
decision of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) R. sent to work in the Executive Committee of the
Comintern and was approved as Deputy head of the Central-Eastern Department
He openly opposed the idea of the Chairman of the Kazakh regional Committee of the CPSU(b) F. I.
Goloshchekin on the organization of the “small October revolution”in Kazakhstan. Ryskulov proposed to
Stalin concrete measures to eliminate the consequences of continuous collectivization and save the population
of Kazakhstan from hunger. He was engaged in public education, considered the most important task — the
introduction of the people to the spiritual wealth. Recognizing the importance of national-Russian
bilingualism, he paid great attention to teaching children and adults in their native language. On may 21, 1937,
while on vacation in Kislovodsk, Ryskulov was arrested on charges of "pan-Turkism” as an "enemy of the
people". He died.
2. Tell about the reform in education sphere and the signing of the Bologna Declaration.
2. Bologna process in Kazakhstan In March 2010, Kazakhstan officially joined the Bologna Declaration and
became the 47th member of the European Higher Education Area and the first Central Asian state recognized
as a full member of the European educational space. After joining the Bologna process, serious changes took
place in the higher education system of Kazakhstan: 1. Kazakhstani universities joined the Magna Carta ,
which is currently signed by more than 650 universities in the world, which will bring domestic education
closer to European standards. The Magna Carta has been signed by more than 60 Kazakhstan universities. 2.
The transition to a three-level model of specialist training was carried out: Bachelor - Master - Doctor PhD ,
based on the principles of the Bologna Declaration. According to the National Report on the State and
Development of the Education System of the Republic of Kazakhstan (according to the results of 2014),
undergraduates are trained at 118 universities in the country, where 32 527 people study, of which 16 220
study at the expense of the state order. Graduate graduates with protection is 92%. In 16 universities, PhD
doctors are being trained in partnership with leading foreign universities. The number of doctoral students in
2014 was 2063 people. 3. Advanced educational technologies and educational systems have been introduced
into the educational process of universities: credit technology of education has been introduced in all
universities, in 38 - double-degree education is being implemented, in 42 - distance learning. The
development of modular educational programs, syllabuses in accordance with the Dublin descriptors;
National Qualifications Framework established. 4. The ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) was adopted
as the basis for the transfer of credits during academic mobility of students, the new ECTS Guidelines
(approved at the Yerevan Conference of European Ministers of Education on May 14-15, 2015 are being
introduced 5. MES RK allocates funds for academic mobility faculty and students, universities themselves
pledge funds for academic mobility. According to the official data of the Center of the Bologna Process and
academic mobility in 2014, 1726 foreign scientists were invited by 52 universities (2013 - 1533 people, 2012 1 349 people, 2011 - 1717 people, 2010 - 418 people, 2009 - 389 person). From the countries of Europe 785 scientists, East Asia - 85 scientists, Southeast Asia - 32 scientists, the USA - 140 scientists, the Russian
Federation - 498 scientists, the Republic of Belarus - 28 scientists, other countries - 158 scientists were
invited. Invitation of foreign teachers and consultants is carried out within the framework of the state order
and at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of universities. A total of 6927 foreign scientists and consultants
were invited from 2009 to 2014. In order to develop academic mobility in 2014, universities sent 805
students to study abroad for at least 1 semester, 740 of them went to Europe, 52 to the USA, 12 to East Asia,
and 12 in the Russian Federation.
3. Summarize and determine the value of the work «The strategy of the development of Kazakhstan
as a sovereign state»
3. The strategy became one of the first official documents of the republic, an ideological basis was
established - the issue of self-determination of the Kazakh nation. A brief historical review is carried out, the
strategy clarifies that Kazakhstan is within modern borders. We officially declare that an independent state in
its current form is not someone’s gift to the Kazakhs, but our historical homeland, originally Kazakh land. We
gave the people clear guidelines. We also gave a clear signal that the government will use all constitutional
means to ensure the integrity of the state, unity and inviolability. This was an important statement for such
an unstable period. The strategic goal was a definite development of a sovereign state with strong
presidential power. The young republic needed to draw clear contours of statehood. Given the loss of time
and the further deepening of the crisis, the presidential powers allowed us to concentrate on solving urgent
problems and conducting priority reforms in a short time, without any changes in the search for
compromises, half measures. Solutions are based on new challenges. Diplomatic and customs services were
established as state institutions. Measures were taken to strengthen and define the state border. All this
requires large financial resources and decisive action. We took the first and possibly most difficult steps to
change property relations, overcome conservatism, established economic experience and inertia of thinking
of both individual representatives and the population as a whole. The strategy proclaimed two main
economic principles. Firstly, in a competitive society. Secondly, the creation of legal and other conditions for
the implementation of the principle of economic self-determination of a person. The state officially
announced a reduction in the share of state ownership to 30-40%. It is supposed to use indirect methods of
economic regulation in the implementation of the relevant budget, tax, monetary and social policies. Let me
remind you that all this was said back in 1993. You can not change a single word today in this characteristic.
And the system of our guidelines was just as clearly proposed. It was a concise program. Four directions in
the political and economic sphere, four directions in the field of ideological consolidation. I did not change
the guidelines proclaimed then. Judge for yourself. The first one. The task was to move from formal legal to
real independence. The second one. The strategic direction at this stage was chosen to strengthen
statehood. After all, we only have the attributes of statehood. The third. A course has been chosen for
systemic and full-scale economic reforms. Fourth. Pragmatism in the choice of foreign economic partners
and pragmatic foreign policy in general.
32 билет
1. Ideological crisis. The hidden opposition of the intellectuals and the activities of dissidents. The
role of informal student organizations by Kazakh youth in national identity («Jas Tulpar»).
1. In the 1960s, the term "dissident" was coined to refer to members of the opposition movement in the
USSR and Eastern Europe. The term was first used in the West, and then by dissenters themselves — at first,
perhaps in jest, but then quite seriously. The institutionalization of science inevitably led to the emergence of
a layer of critically comprehending the surrounding reality of people. By some estimates, most of the
dissidents were intellectuals. In the late 1960s, 45% of all dissenters were scientists, 13 % were engineers and
technicians. In fact, there are two main directions of dissident opposition to the totalitarian regime.The first
of them focused on support from outside the USSR, the second-on the use of protest moods of the
population inside the country.
Zhas Tulpar is an informal Association of Kazakh youth who studied in Moscow universities. Existed in the
1960s. It positioned itself as a cultural and educational society promoting Kazakh culture. However, the
political views of a number of participants were considered unacceptable from the point of view of Soviet
society. The aim of the society was declared to promote Kazakh culture, art and literature, as well as to assist
Kazakh students in learning the Russian language and technical disciplines.
2. Explain the notion «Alash Orda». Define the purpose and significance of the political movement.
2. Movement and creation of the Alash party 1. Education and activities of the party "Alash" At the beginning
of the 20th century, during the period of the national liberation struggle of the Kazakh people, the Alash
movement arose. His main goal was the creation of an independent Kazakh state. The First World War and
the February and October Revolutions in Russia in 1917 intensified the activities of the Kazakh national
intelligentsia in protecting the rights of the indigenous population. The first steps to create a Kazakh national
party were taken during the first Russian revolution. At the end of 1905, a “delegate congress” of
representatives of five regions of Kazakhstan was convened in Uralsk, at which a preliminary decision was
made to create a Kazakh national party, on the basis of which the Alash party later emerged. After the
October Revolution, the life of the people worsened, political forces were fragmented. Under these
conditions, the leaders of the Kazakh liberal democratic movement, given the rapidly changing revolutionary
situation and the directly opposing goals of the political forces, decided to speed up the holding of the allKazakh congress.In July 1917, the First All-Kazakh Congress was held in Orenburg, which addressed issues of
public administration, autonomy, participation in the Constituent Assembly, the formation of a political
party, the land, the people's police, education, the court and other issues. The main decision of the congress
was: to defend the right of the Kazakhs to territorial-national autonomy as part of the "democratic,
parliamentary and federal Russian republic." A significant milestone at the congress was that at the congress
the issue of the formation of the Alash party was resolved. The organizers of the Alash party were Alikhan
Bokeykhanov, Akhmet Baitursynov, Khalel Dosmukhamedov and other representatives of the Kazakh
intelligentsia of the liberal democratic direction, and it was a pan-Kazakh national-democratic organization.
The party also included representatives of scientific and creative intelligentsia: M. Tynyshpaev, M.
Zhumabaev, Sh. Kudaiberdiev and others. The party "Alash" included representatives of various sectors of
the Kazakh society. The leaders of Alash and the entire party as a whole did not accept the October
Revolution. They united under the slogan "Liberation of the Kazakh people from the colonial yoke!" Long
before the October Revolution, the leaders of the Kazakh liberal democratic movement widely promoted
their programs on the socio-economic and political development of Kazakhstan. On November 21, 1917, a
draft program of the Alash party was published in the Kazakh newspaper. The draft program consisted of ten
points: state structure, local freedom, fundamental law, religion, power and court, protection of the people,
taxes, labor issue, development of science and education, land issue. The purpose of the Alash party was to
recreate the national state of the Kazakhs, which disintegrated in the 18th-19th centuries, and introduced
the institution of the presidency. The government of Alash autonomy carried out its activities in a very
difficult situation. It began to create local authorities in the steppe regions. The central regions of the country
were controlled from the city of Jean-Semey, and the western - from the village of Dzhambeyty, there was
also a Turgai department of administration. They created new courts and police. The main program tasks of
the party were proclaimed: a) the liberation of the country from colonial enslavement; b) removing Kazakh
society from a medieval state and entering the community of civilized countries; c) the implementation of
fundamental changes in the socio-economic and socio-political life of the Kazakh society.
3. Describe the role of the Nur Otan party in the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. The party's predecessor, Fatherland was originally established on February 12, 1999 after the merger of
several pro-presidential parties, including the People's Union of Kazakhstan Unity, the Liberal Movement of
Kazakhstan and the "For Kazakhstan - 2030" Movement. At the "uniting" congress the new party outlined a
program largely supportive of the government of Nazarbayev. The goal of the party is to build an
economically strong, democratic, secular, legal and social state with a developed civil society, modern and
competitive political system by methods of political work. The objectives of the party are: preparation,
support and promotion of political leaders, members of the party to the state authorities and local selfgovernment; explanation and promotion of the policy and statutory objectives of the party among the
population, provision of information on its activities; participation in national referenda in accordance with
the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan; representation of the interests of the party, its members, citizens and
various social groups in the government agencies and local self-government; participation in social, economic
and political reforms in accordance with the party program, formation of a national standard of the quality of
life; support of small and medium-sized enterprises and farms; contribution to strengthening of inter-ethnic
and inter-religious harmony and social stability; participation in national discussion of draft laws, study of
public opinion and development of proposals on draft laws and other normative legal acts, as well as
development of draft regulations for submission to the representative and executive authorities, their
implementation through deputy associations; contribution to establishment and institutional strengthening
of youth organizations, provision of support and assistance to them; contribution to the integration of young
people into the social, economic and other spheres of society and the state; recommendation of party
members to the state awards in the established order; moral encouragement of party members; promotion
of intolerance to corruption, implementation of public control over the activities of the authorities.
33 билет
1. The ecological tragedy of Kazakhstan in the XX century: ecological disaster, causes and
consequences. The tragic damage inflicted on the Kazakh people by the Soviet regime.
1. Radioactive contamination. One of the most difficult environmental problems is radiation pollution of the
territory of Kazakhstan. Nuclear tests conducted since 1949 at the Semipalatinsk test site, led to the
contamination of a huge territory in Central and Eastern Kazakhstan. There were five other nuclear test sites
in the Republic, and the Chinese LOB-nor test site is located in the immediate vicinity of its borders. The
radiation background in Kazakhstan also increases as a result of the formation of ozone holes when
launching spacecraft from the Baikonur cosmodrome. Radioactive waste is a huge problem for Kazakhstan.
Aral problem. In Kazakhstan and Central Asia, there are approximately 50 to 60 million hectares of land
suitable for irrigation. At the same time, water resources are enough only for irrigation of 8 to 10 million
hectares.In such conditions, it is necessary to choose the right ways of development of irrigated agriculture,
to prevent the irreversible process of destruction of the ecosystem. Let us dwell in more detail on the
problem that is directly related to the fate of the Aral sea. The analysis of the dynamics of Aral shallowing
and desertification of adjacent territories leads to a depressing forecast of complete disappearance of the
sea by 2010.the New desert of Aralcuma will merge with the existing Karakum and Kyzylkum and will
compete with the Sahara, which, by the way, was covered with lush vegetation only 150 200 thousand years
ago. Radioactive contamination. One of the most difficult environmental problems is radiation pollution of
the territory of Kazakhstan. Nuclear tests conducted since 1949 at the Semipalatinsk test site, led to the
contamination of a huge territory in Central and Eastern Kazakhstan. There were five other nuclear test sites
in the Republic, and the Chinese LOB-nor test site is located in the immediate vicinity of its borders. The
radiation background in Kazakhstan also increases as a result of the formation of ozone holes when
launching spacecraft from the Baikonur cosmodrome. Radioactive waste is a huge problem for Kazakhstan.
Aral problem In Kazakhstan and Central Asia, there are approximately 50 to 60 million hectares of land
suitable for irrigation. At the same time, water resources are enough only for irrigation of 8 to 10 million
hectares.In such conditions, it is necessary to choose the right ways of development of irrigated agriculture,
to prevent the irreversible process of destruction of the ecosystem. Let us dwell in more detail on the
problem that is directly related to the fate of the Aral sea. The analysis of the dynamics of Aral shallowing
and desertification of adjacent territories leads to a depressing forecast of complete disappearance of the
sea by 2010 the New aralcuma desert will merge with the existing ones.
2. Describe the policy by Goloschekin «Small October», and its consequences as a tragedy for the
Kazakh people
2. In September 1925 Filipp Isaevich Goloshchekin became the first Secretary of Kazakh regional Committee.
Goloshchekin began to widely implement administrative and command principles of work in state bodies,
which also caused active resistance from a number of members of the party elite of the country. Being an
experienced apparatchik, Goloshchekin understood that it was necessary to "trim the wings" of his
opponents. He sent a letter to Stalin, in which he justified the correctness of his course, asking for emergency
powers to implement the idea of "Small October". Having received a positive response, he began to fight
with those who opposed his course. In fact, having eliminated the opposition in Kazakhstan, Goloshchekin
began to implement his idea of "Small October". In 1926-1927, the redistribution of arable and pasture lands
was carried out. About 1,360 thousand acres of hay and 1,250 thousand acres of arable land were taken from
well-to-do farms and transferred to the poor and middle peasants. However, this measure did not bring the
expected effect. Without livestock farms could not use the hay and pastures transferred to them and in most
cases returned them to their former owners. The next step was the confiscation of the property of large baie
cattle owners with their eviction together with their families outside the areas of residence. It was planned
to confiscate the property and livestock of about 700 farms. According to the documents, the cattle were
taken from 696 farms, but in fact this figure was much higher. So, only in Akmola district instead of 46
according to the plan of confiscation and eviction more than 200 farms were subjected, in Petropavlovsk
instead of 34 farms - 102, etc. In total, as a result of the campaign about 145 thousand heads of cattle were
transferred to the poor. It should be noted that not only large cattle owners, but also the middle peasants
who were noticed in disloyalty to the authorities were subjected to confiscation. The tax pressure on well-todo farms, forced to pay most of the agricultural tax, also increased. The process of collectivization was
accompanied by the forced settling of the Kazakhs. At the same time, the principles of voluntariness were
completely ignored: entire districts were transferred to settlement exclusively in an administrative order and
at a forced pace. As a result, even according to official data, the number of cattle in the Republic decreased
by 20 million heads, i.e., by half, and in 1931-another 10 million heads. Already in the spring of 1931 from
places in Alma-ATA which became by that time the capital, data on hunger began to arrive, however
Goloshchekin ignored them and only tightened administrative pressure. As a result, during 1931-33, about 2
million Kazakhs and 200-250 thousand Kazakhstanis of other nationalities died.
3. Tell about the main ideas of books by N.A. Nazarbayev «In the flow of history» and «Kazakhstani
3. The book "In the flow of history" was published in 1999. In this work, the Head of state, comprehends the
history of his people, recalls the lessons of the past, reflects on the historical path of the Kazakh people,
dwells on the development of spiritual heritage. In this book, N. A. Nazarbayev offers the author's version of
the assessment of historical events that took place in the country from ancient times to the present. In
particular, the process of the existence of statehood and its continuity for more than two millennia. The book
details the impact of the invasion of Genghis Khan's troops on the territory of Kazakhstan. The topics of
Kazakh identity, specifics of cattle-breeding civilization, peculiarities of religious views are presented in an
interesting way. The head of state dwells in detail on the era of development of Kazakhstan as part of the
Russian Empire and the USSR. Special attention is paid to the events in the years of independence, which
needed a detailed historical understanding. The main idea of the book "In the flow of history" is to
remember, reflect and perhaps rethink some moments of the history of the Kazakh people.
The book "Kazakhstan way" was published in 2007. It tells about the most difficult and bright
moments in the modern history of Kazakhstan. The book consists of 9 chapters. Each Chapter reveals
significant steps towards the formation of a young independent state. This work tells about the development
strategy of Kazakhstan until 2030, the process of adopting the current Constitution of the country, the
beginning of the development of oil and gas resources, the introduction of the national currency, the
creation of a successful banking system, the processes of privatization and land reform, the transfer of the
capital to Astana and the first flight The main idea of the book "Kazakhstan's way" is the President's address
to the youth of the country, in the hope that this book will become a desktop for a new generation of leaders
of Kazakhstan.
35 билет
1. Policy of liquidation of illiteracy in 20 years («Red yurts»), its reasons and results.
1. On the way of development of culture in Kazakhstan there were very big difficulties. The number of
educated people in the Republic was relatively small. The vast majority of educated people involved in the
Alash movement were persecuted. Among the heads of the Central bodies in charge of cultural issues, there
was a sufficient number of chauvinistic, pursuing a policy of "keeping foreigners in a cold cage" - cultural
policy. To carry out an active cultural policy in the region lacked the necessary material and technical base.
The eradication of illiteracy among adults. The Soviet government paid special attention to the elimination of
illiteracy among the adult working-age population. For this purpose, appropriate funds, educational facilities,
teachers, educational supplies were allocated. In 1924 the society " Down with illiteracy!". It dealt directly
with the elimination of adult illiteracy. By the end of 1928, the number of literates among the population of
the Republic reached 25%. But this was clearly not enough, especially since literacy among the Kazakhs was
even lower. Due to the lack of teaching staff, weak material and technical base, the work on the elimination
of illiteracy among adults in the first years was very slow. Much of the population was still nomadic. In 1931,
the Presidium of the CEC of the Kazakh SSR and the Council of People's Commissars introduced compulsory
universal education of the population aged 15 to 50 years. Young people have made a great contribution to
the spread of literacy among the population. The working people enthusiastically took up their studies.
Despite the fatigue after working days, people gathered in evening schools. As a result, in 1939 literacy
among the population of the Republic reached 65%. By the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the
Republic, illiteracy among adults under the age of 50 was largely eliminated. Development of public
education. The law on compulsory four-year primary education for children has been implemented in
Kazakhstan. Those who wished could continue their education further in seven-year and ten-year schools.
The implementation of the requirements of this law was accompanied by great difficulties: there were not
enough funds, school buildings, textbooks and other school supplies,teachers. By the mid-20s, along with
schools with Kazakh and Russian languages of instruction, Tatar, Uzbek, Uighur, German and one Estonian
primary school were operating in the Republic. It was necessary to provide these schools with textbooks in
their native language, to prepare the appropriate teaching staff. In addition, the number of street children
and orphans, who should be registered, identified in state institutions, provide them with the necessary, to
give education, increased. In 1932-1933, more than 100 thousand orphans and street children were
identified and placed in orphanages. Since the second half of the 30s, there have been significant changes in
the field of public education. Many schools were built. School boarding schools were opened, school
textbooks in the native language began to be published in large editions. A major contribution to the
development of public education in the Republic, especially Kazakh schools, during this period made Kazakh
scientists, educators, government and public figures, writers and poets A. Baitursynov, Zh. aymauytov, M.
Zhutabayev, Ksatpayev, S. Asfendiyarov, S. Sadvakasov, G. Musrepov, M. Dulatov, who wrote textbooks and
manuals for schools. From year to year, the composition of the teaching staff increased and improved. The
most honored, advanced teachers were awarded honorary state titles and awarded orders and medals.
Among them S. Kubeev, L. I. Dobranskaya, I. V. Volkov, S. Akyshev, A. Akatov, sh. Sarybaev and other
prominent representatives of public education. Professional education. The Republic was in dire need of
personnel with specialized secondary vocational education. In this regard, in the early 20-ies began to open
technical schools. Pedagogical technical schools were the first to be opened. During these years, there were
11 technical schools for training specialists in agriculture, industry, and health care. By 1940 there were
already 119 technical schools, more than 30 thousand future specialists were trained in them.
In 1928 the first higher educational institution in Kazakhstan — Kazakh pedagogical Institute (now — Kazakh
national University) was opened. Abai's.) In the 30s, several higher educational institutions were opened:
Ural and Kyzyl-Orda pedagogical institutes (1931-1932), veterinary and zootechnical (1929), agricultural
(1930), medical (1931) institutes. The opening of the Kazakh state University in 1934 was an event of great
cultural significance. Simultaneously, the Kazakh state University in Alma-ATA opened Kasabasi state miningmetallurgical Institute (nowadays — the Kazakh national technical University. K. I. Satpaeva) - the first
University for the training of engineering and technical personnel in the Republic. In Uralsk, Semipalatinsk,
Petropavlovsk, Shymkent, Aktyubinsk, Karaganda and Kustanai were opened teacher training institutes, later
transformed into pedagogical. On the eve of the great Patriotic war in Kazakhstan there were 20 higher and
118 secondary special educational institutions, which in a short time released about 10 thousand. specialists
with higher and 20 thousand with secondary special education.
Great merit in the formation of the Kazakh intelligentsia belongs to representatives of other peoples of the
USSR. In the 30s, more than 20 thousand Kazakhstanis studied in higher and secondary special educational
institutions of different regions of the country. Thousands of representatives of universities and research
institutions of the Center were engaged in teaching and research work in higher educational institutions of
the Republic. Among them were such outstanding scientists as B. Dombrovsky, N. p. Orlov, M. P. Ivanov, K. P.
Persian, etc. S. Asfendiyarov, T. Zhurgenov, S. Seifullin, A. Baitursynov, O. Zhandosov, M. Auezov, K.
Zhubanov and other figures of science and culture made a great contribution to the development of higher
education in Kazakhstan.
2. Analyze the migration, demographic processes in Kazakhstan, changes in the ethnic structure of the
Analyze the migration, demographic processes in Kazakhstan, changes in the ethnic structure of the
According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 13, 1997" on population migration", the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the proposal of the government of the country, establishes a
quota of immigration of oralmans for the coming year and (or) for the future — for persons who are subject
to benefits and compensation in accordance with this law. Migration processes are a constant phenomenon
at all stages of human history. Until 1968, the Republic was characterized by a positive balance of population
migration. However, from the beginning of the 70s to the present, Kazakhstan has become a state that is
rapidly losing its population as a result of migration. Only in the 70s, due to migration, Kazakhstan lost 28% of
natural population growth, in the 80s-38%. The total number of Kazakhstanis during the inter-census period
from 1989 to 1999 decreased by 7.7%, and migration processes had a significant impact on this change.
The main feature of the demographic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the initial period of
gaining sovereignty was the dynamic change in the absolute population. A sharp reduction in reproduction, a
huge migration outflow led to a significant decrease in the population, primarily non-indigenous. The data of
the first post-Soviet census, held on February 25, 1999, were published only for the largest ethnic groups of
Kazakhstan. The country was home to 7985 thousand Kazakhs (53.4% of the total population). Russians
became 4480 thousand (30.0%), Ukrainians 547 thousand (3.7%), Uzbeks 371 thousand (2.5%), Germans 353
thousand (2.4%), Tatars 249 thousand (1.7%), Uighurs 210 thousand (1.4%), Belarusians 112 thousand
(0.7%), Koreans 100 thousand (0.7%), Azerbaijanis 75 thousand (0.5%), Turks 75 thousand (0.5%), poles 47
thousand (0.3%), Dungan 37 thousand (0.2%), Kurds 33 thousand (0.2%). The uneven dynamics of the natural
movement as well as magnitude and direction of migrations of the different ethnic groups Ukrainians prior to
1989, held the 3rd largest behind Uzbeks, and Germans, Tatars.
3. Describe historical significance of the program «Nurly Jol - WAY TO THE FUTURE
Nurly Zhol is a $9billion domestic economic stimulus plan to develop and modernize roads, railways, ports, IT
infrastructure, and educational and civil services in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Nurly Zhol plan was
announced by Kazakhstan. The Nurly Zhol plan was announced by Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan
Nazarbayev in November 2014/
Nurly Zhol targets seven areas of infrastructure development :
Transportation and logistics infrastructure
Industrial infrastructure
Energy infrastructure
Public infrastructure
Housing infrastructure
Social infrastructure
Small and medium- sized enterprises
1.4 million square meters of rental housing is expected to be constructed in 2015- 2019. The implementation
of the New Economic Policy “Nurly Zhol” is expected to create over 200000 new jobs.
Development of education infrastructure is an important component of Nurly Zhol. For example, within the
Nurly Zhol program Karaganda region built four new education facilities.
In a crisis, as international experience shows, there is a reorientation of economic policy should received
support those industries that create the greatest multiplier effect on economic growth.
36 билет
1. The process of establishment of the Soviet power in Kazakhstan.
The establishment of Soviet power in various regions of Kazakhstan went unevenly. This process depended
on many objective conditions. There was a situation in which the Soviet power was established in the cities
and large settlements of Kazakhstan with a predominance of the European population, while in the bulk of
villages and villages this process was not observed. The Kazakh aul was significantly undermined by the
events of 1916, punitive repressions carried out by the tsarist administration, which killed, in fact, the most
active part of society. In this regard, the penetration of Soviet power in the region was carried out through
the city, and then with the help of weapons, it spread further into the Steppe. The process of establishing
Soviet power in Kazakhstan lasted from the end of October 1917 to the beginning of March 1918, mainly in
the cities and other large settlements of Kazakhstan. In the bulk of the auls and villages of Kazakhstan, the
process of establishing Soviet power continued until the 20s of the XX century.First of all, Soviet power was
established in Perovsk (present-day Kyzylorda), one of the important centers of the Syrdarya region. Here,
even before the October revolution, the Soviet of workers 'and soldiers' deputies organized its armed
detachment, consisting mainly of railway workers. In Turgay, Ural, Semipalatinsk, Semirechensk regions,
where there was a significant preponderance of the forces of local bodies of the Provisional government and
their emissaries, the new power was established by armed rebellion. The victory of the Soviet power in the
Turgai region was closely connected with the struggle for Orenburg, which was the center of the region and
an important link connecting Central Asia and Kazakhstan with the Central regions of Russia. The
establishment of Soviet power was fiercely resisted by the government of Alash-Orda, Kokand autonomy, as
well as armed groups of Cossacks of the Ural, Semirechensk, Siberian and Orenburg regions. All power was
exercised by the party bodies, which were headed by the "alien element". The Ush Zhuz party also
participated in the establishment and strengthening of Soviet power. On November 17, 1917, Mukan
Aitpenov was elected Chairman of the party. The Central printing body of the party was the newspaper "Ush
Zhuz". With the coming to power in The party K. Togy-Sova she began to fight the Bolsheviks. But the lack of
a social basis and a clearly defined program, a real political force led to the dissolution in 1918 of the party
"Ush Zhuz".
2. Describe economic, social and political developments during «stagnation period». Define the causes and
affect the Soviet Kazakhstan
The Era of Stagnation (Russian: Период застоя, Stagnation Period, also called the Brezhnevian Stagnation)
was the period in the history of the Soviet Union which began during the rule of Leonid Brezhnev (1964–
1982) and continued under Yuri Andropov (1982–1984) and Konstantin Chernenko (1984–1985).[1] The term
"Era of Stagnation" was coined by Mikhail Gorbachev in order to describe the negative way in which he
viewed the economic, political, and social policies of the period.TerminologyDuring the period of Brezhnev's
leadership, the term "Era of Stagnation" was not used. Instead Brezhnev used the term "period of developed
socialism" (Russian: период развитого социализма) for the period which started in 1971. This term
stemmed from Khrushchev's promise in 1961 of reaching communism in 20 years.[3] It was in the 1980s that
the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev coined the term "Era of Stagnation" to describe the economic
difficulties that developed when Leonid Brezhnev ruled the Soviet Union from 1964 to 1982.[4] Scholars have
subsequently disagreed on the dates, significance and causes of the stagnation. Supporters of Gorbachev
have criticised Brezhnev, and the Brezhnev administration in general, for being too conservative and failing
to change with the times. Causes One of the suggested causes of stagnation was the increased military
expenditure over consumer goods and other economic spheres. Andrei Sakharov, the veteran dissident,
claimed in a 1980 letter to Brezhnev that the increasing expenditure on the armed forces was stalling
economic growth.However, David Michael Kotz and Fred Weir, authors of Revolution from Above: The
Demise of the Soviet System, argue that militarisation cannot be the prime cause for the economic
stagnation, as military spending had historically been high (17% of GNP in 1950) and had increased on par
with economic growth without previously destabilising the economy.During the Nixon Shock and the 1973 oil
crisis, economic growth in the rest of the world plummeted but the Soviet hard currency earnings grew as a
result of oil exports. Following the crisis, overall economic activity decreased markedly in the Soviet Union,
the Western Bloc and Japan, but in the Soviet Union it was much more pronounced. Kotz and Weir argued
that ultimately, economic stagnation in the Soviet Union could only have been caused by internal problems
rather than external.Some Marxist-Leninist writers have argued that economic stagnation was a result of
revisionism in Soviet economic policy during Khrushchev's leadership. According to authors like Harpal Brar,
Khrushchev's de-Stalinization program was also used to implement economic reforms that would move the
USSR away from central planning and towards market socialism. This is also supported by comparing
economic performance preceding the reforms with post-reform economic performance.deep conservatism
in economy, political and social life 1977, Oct 7 - adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR.December
1979 – 1989 – war in Afghanistan
3. Explain the main priorities of the strategic development program «Kazakhstan-2030»
Kazakhstan 2030. Development Strategy of Kazakhstan until 2030: problems and ways of their
implementation In 1997, the Strategic Development Program of the country “Kazakhstan-2030” was
published. This large-scale program is a document of tremendous historical and political significance. The
strategy laid the path of a fundamentally new independent national development of Kazakhstan as an
independent state. It takes into account the features and external factors of the country's development. The
program approved seven long-term priorities of the country until 2030: 1. National security. To ensure the
development of Kazakhstan as an independent sovereign state while maintaining full territorial integrity. To
ensure its independence and territorial integrity, Kazakhstan must be a strong state and have reliable and
friendly relations with its neighbors. The development and strengthening of trustful and equal relations with
the closest and historically friendly neighbors - Russia and China. Strengthening ties and integration
processes with Central Asian states. Strengthening relations with the countries of the Near and Middle East.
Strengthening ties with major democratic, industrialized states, including the United States. These countries
are beginning to realize that the creation of an independent and prosperous Kazakhstan is in their national
interests. The full use of assistance and assistance from international institutions and forums, such as the UN,
IMF, World Bank, Asian, European and Islamic Development Banks, which will provide support to Kazakhstan
from the international community. Strong demographic and migration policies. 2. Domestic political stability
and consolidation of society. To maintain and strengthen domestic political stability and national unity,
which will allow Kazakhstan to implement the national strategy over the current and subsequent decades.To
fulfill this priority, the strategy has the following components: The guarantee of the development of a
unified citizenship based on equal opportunities for all citizens of the country. Ensuring the elimination of
the causes of ethnic differences, equal rights of all ethnic groups. The reduction in society of the difference
between the haves and have-nots, constant attention to the problems of the village. Steady solution of
social problems that arise in the transitional and subsequent periods. More energetic construction of
wealthy Kazakhstan, providing both political stability and the consolidation of society in the long term. The
development of all forms of communication and communication between people. Strengthening mutual
respect, tolerance and trust between different faiths. Factors that unite us: our land within its borders; our
parents who equipped her; our common story, in which we together experienced the bitterness of failure
and shared the joy of achievement; our children who live and work together on this earth. The desire to
make our children’s lives better is a real platform for unity and consolidation in the name of these specific
goals. 3. Economic growth based on an open market economy with a high level of foreign investment and
domestic savings. The strategy of healthy economic growth is based on a strong market economy, an active
role of the state and the attraction of significant foreign investment. It is built on 10 basic principles: Limited
state intervention in the economy with its active role. The strategy for resolving these problems is: to
eliminate the existing administrative interference of the government in trade and production; complete the
privatization process, including real estate, the remaining small and medium enterprises and the agroindustrial complex; It is reasonable to organize and simplify the central government and local authorities,
seriously rethinking their role, powers and responsibilities; vigorously continue the reform of the judiciary
and law enforcement agencies; establish the absolute rule of law and protect law-abiding citizens from
crime. On the contrary, apply the full power of power and law to those who ensure themselves a
comfortable existence in an unlawful way. The economic strategy is to achieve stabilization of the
macroeconomics, which means reducing the state budget deficit and the consistent implementation of tight
monetary and credit policies. To become the first Asian Leopard, the priorities should be the use of the best
international experience in the field of macroeconomic indicators: low inflation; budget deficit; strong
national currency; high rate of accumulation.The real sector of the economy, its recovery, growth and strong
social policy, but in the face of severe fiscal and monetary restrictions; Price liberalization; Private property
institutions will be strengthened through land ownership, as well as the creation of a legal system that
protects property rights and the implementation of contracts; Privatization of enterprises; The construction
of an open economy and free trade is dictated by the position of a link between numerous large markets;
Development of energy and other natural resources. Its goal is to obtain export revenues that will contribute
not only to economic growth, but also to the political stability of the country, as well as ensuring national
security; Protecting foreign investment and profit repatriation opportunities. There are several sectors of
the economy: natural resource development; infrastructure; communications; information. The need to
formulate an industrial technological strategy for Kazakhstan is dictated by international experience.
Sustainable growth will help ensure diversification of production. Kazakhstan in the eyes of the world
community should be presented as an attractive place for investment, to actively attract investors to the
most important sectors. At first, until 2010, it is necessary to focus on labor-intensive industries that are
promising from the perspective of their capabilities and competitiveness, these are: agriculture; forestry and
timber processing industry; light and food industries; tourism; housing construction; creation of
infrastructure. 4. Health, education and well-being of citizens of Kazakhstan. Constantly improve living
conditions, health, education and opportunities of all Kazakhstanis, improve the ecological environment.
Economic growth alone cannot guarantee the well-being of our citizens. Our strategy to achieve this goal
consists of the following components: Prevention of diseases and promotion of a healthy lifestyle; The fight
against drug addiction and drug trafficking; Reduction in alcohol and tobacco; Improving the health of
women and children; Improving nutrition, clean environment and ecology. 5. Energy resources. Use
Kazakhstan’s energy resources efficiently by rapidly increasing oil and gas production and exports in order to
generate income that will contribute to sustainable economic growth and better people's lives. The energy
resource use strategy includes the following elements: The conclusion of long-term partnerships with major
international oil companies to attract the best international technology, know-how and large capital;
Creation of a pipeline system for oil and gas export; Attracting the interests of large countries of the world
community to Kazakhstan and its role as a global fuel supplier; With the attraction of foreign investment, the
accelerated creation and development of domestic energy infrastructure; Extremely prudent use of future
income from these resources. 6. Infrastructure, especially transport and communications. To develop these
key sectors in such a way as to enhance national security, political stability and economic growth. Railway
transport. Given the large territory and raw material orientation of the economy, the bulk of freight traffic in
Kazakhstan will be carried out by rail. To implement the strategic tasks facing this type of transport, it is
necessary to determine the following as priorities: To modernize the main directions of railways providing
international transport and trade relations, as well as transit flows of goods along the Trans-Asian Railway;
To complete the development of the Druzhba station and the strengthening of the Druzhba - Aktogay section
with a capacity of up to 10 million tons of cargo per year; To start organizing multimodular terminals in
cargo-forming regions, thereby starting the use of container and packet transportation, ensuring
technological unity of various types of transport; To carry out a decisive restructuring of all transport and
communication monopolies, having cleared them of non-core enterprises. Highways and motor vehicles.To
develop roads in areas providing international transport, with the creation of high-speed sections. To begin
work on the construction of private highways, privatization and concession of existing ones. Provide their
service at the level of modern international requirements; To develop a network of highways in rural areas as
a priority and, in the long term, achieve their transfer to hard surface. Improve the throughput of highways
and bridge structures.7. Professional state. To create an effective and modern corps of public servants of
Kazakhstan, dedicated and capable of acting as representatives of the people in achieving our priority goals.
Main tasks: To create for Kazakhstan an effective, modern public service and management structure that
would be optimal for a market economy; Form a government capable of realizing priority goals; Build a state
guarding national interests.
1. The participation of Kazakhstan in restoration of the Soviet economy after the Second World War
After the end of World War II, the country was in a difficult situation. Cities, villages, subjected to occupation,
lay in ruins. A third of the country's wealth was destroyed. Despite the difficulties, it was necessary to restore
the national economy as soon as possible. In the post-war period, the economy of Kazakhstan experienced
great problems: providing industrial enterprises with labor after the evacuated population returned to the
western regions of the USSR, staff turnover increased, labor discipline decreased, labor productivity fell
sharply. In 1946, there was even a slight decline in production, which forced the authorities to return to
command-administrative methods of economic management, which yielded results, mainly in industry.
In February 1946, in the Appeal of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in
connection with the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the main directions of the country's
economic development were determined. It envisaged a powerful upsurge of the entire national economy,
and especially of heavy industry. The volume of industrial production in the next 15 years was to triple in
comparison with the pre-war level. Particular attention was paid to introducing into the national economy
the achievements of scientific and technological progress, one of the decisive factors in social production. On
the basis of the restoration and further accelerated development of the economy, it was supposed to
significantly raise the level of well-being of the Soviet people. The program of post-war development of the
country was determined by the "Law on the Five-Year Plan for the Restoration and Development of the
National Economy of the USSR for 1946-1950." Approved in March 1946 by the first session of the Supreme
Soviet of the USSR. The Soviet people were given the task: "to restore the affected areas of the country, to
restore the pre-war level of industry and agriculture, and then surpass this level in significant proportions."
On July 24, 1946, the IX session of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR adopted a five-year plan for the
post-war development of the national economy of Kazakhstan for 1946-1950. Capital investments in the
national economy of the republic for the five-year period were provided in the amount of 8.8 billion rubles
(on the old scale of prices). By the end of the fourth five-year plan, Kazakhstan was supposed to exceed the
level of 1940 by 2.2 times in industrial production. The Law indicated the need to complete the post-war
restructuring of the national economy by the end of 1946. The main tasks of the fourth five-year plan: 1.
Development of the heavy industry of the republic; 2. Laying new railway lines; 3. Increasing crop yields; 4.
Raising the cultural level of the material well-being of the population. Kazakhstan actively participated in the
revival of the country. In the spring of 1949, an automatic telephone exchange in Almaty began to operate,
all district centers were telephoned. The transport network was developing, in 1950 the construction of the
Mointa-Chu railway was completed. Received further development of light and food industries. The range of
consumer goods, food production expanded, their quality improved. Capital investment in the food industry
was 20% higher than the amount spent on the two pre-war five-year periods, and its gross output increased
by 60%, and the pre-war level of production of the main types of food products was significantly surpassed.
Prerequisites were created for the growth of the economic potential of Kazakhstan in the 1950s, when
measures were taken to strengthen the material and technical base of the national economy, attract new
resources to the economic turnover, and increase the technical level of production. But the industries
producing raw materials and fuel developed at a faster pace to the detriment of the light and food industries
(approximately 9/10 of the capital expenditures in the industry was directed to the development of Group A
industries). In 1951-1955 the absolute volume of investments in industry was greater than in 1941-1950. 2.3
times. Kazakhstan has become the largest link in the military-industrial complex (MIC): the infrastructure of
military production and the Semipalatinsk test site have been created. The Semipalatinsk nuclear test site
became the largest nuclear test site of the USSR. For 40 years (1949-1989) 473 nuclear explosions were
carried out at the Semipalatinsk test site. The landfill was in a region with a rich historical past, it is the land
of Abay, Shakarim, Mukhtar Auezov. But pasture lands and villages were contaminated hundreds of times
with nuclear decay products. Water bodies and traditional pastures for grazing were polluted. A large
amount of radionuclides was accumulated in milk, in animal meat, vegetables and fruits. With water and
food, people received an extra dose of radiation. Government spending on social and cultural events
increased. Costs for these purposes only under the state budget of the Kazakh SSR increased from 441.4
million rubles during the war to 930.5 million rubles in the fourth five-year period or more than doubled. An
important role in raising the living standards of the people was played by the implementation of the
monetary reform in December 1947 and the abolition of the card system, the normalized supply of food and
industrial goods. On December 16, 1947, the card system was canceled. At the same time, prices fell on 1012% for the main types of products - bread and flour products, meat, industrial goods. Particularly noticeable
was the decline in prices in 1950. In general, during the years of the fourth five-year period, the price decline
continued three times. Along with the strengthening of the purchasing power of the ruble, an increase in the
wages of workers was carried out. The average monthly wage of workers and employees in the USSR
doubled over the five-year period. As a result of the growth of the social economy, collective farms have
significantly strengthened, and the incomes of collective farmers have increased. But the standard of living in
the countryside compared to cities was still low. In the early 1950s, the collective farmer received an average
of four times less than what a worker or city employee received for his labor. In 1940, state expenditures on
social security amounted to 4.5 million rubles, and in 1950, 16.8 million rubles. At the expense of social
insurance and social security, pensions of World War II invalids, invalids of labor, families of the deceased
were received, old-age pensions, in case of loss of the bread-winner, temporary disability were granted,
mothers with many children and single mothers received benefits. Free medical assistance was provided to
the population at the expense of social insurance. , free tuition and scholarships for students, free or on
preferential terms trips to sanatoriums and rest homes, pioneer camps. From public funds, workers received
lump-sum allowances and other material assistance. But state pensions have not yet extended to collective
farmers. In these years, overtime work was eliminated, paid holidays were restored. Due to the investments
of state and cooperative enterprises and organizations, housing construction for the population began to
expand. Thus, the social status of the working people by the end of the fourth five-year plan was higher than
in the pre-war years.
2. Tell about «the concept of the formation of the state identity of the Republic of Kazakhstan».
Main developer: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The Ministry of Education and
Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (hereinafter ANC), the
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Commission on Human Rights under the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan,
the National Commission for Women and Family Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Association of Sociologists of Kazakhstan, Kongre ss of political scientists of Kazakhstan, the association of
legal entities "Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan", the nationwide movement "Kazakhstan - 2050", the public
association "Club of Kazakhstan's chief editors", "Union of Writers of Kazakhstan" and other creative unions.
The main executors: ANC, central state and local executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the
Republican state institution "Қоғамдық келісім" under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the
Association of UNESCO Chairs and the ANC on the basis of universities, civil society institutions (as agreed).
Duration: 2015-2025. The purpose and objectives of the Concept The purpose of the Concept is the
strengthening and development of Kazakhstani identity and unity, based on the principle of citizenship and
the values of the nationwide patriotic idea "MigilikEl". Objectives of the Concept: 1) the creation of a unified
system of work of government bodies at all levels and civil society institutions to strengthen and develop
Kazakhstan’s identity and unity on the principle of citizenship, the new Kazakhstani patriotism based on the
values of the nationwide patriotic idea "MigilikEl";2) the formation of the “MigilikEl” generation, united
around the strategic goals of the country's development, brought up on the principles of Kazakhstani identity
and unity, the new Kazakhstani patriotism;3) the formation of a labor society and professionals, in which
such values as family, friendship, unity, as well as hard work, honesty, learning and education, trilingualism
are cultivated;
3. Explain the «Mangilik El» as the ideological future of Kazakhstan
The public stability based on traditions of openness and a susceptibility to cultural influences, civilized
tolerance became powerful achievement of development of independent Kazakhstan. We swept up the
Renaissance of multiculturalism which endures deep crisis in the West. Before we investigated specifics
between the ethical relations of multiculturalism in Kazakhstan. Strategy "Kazakhstan – 2050" is a
comprehensive economic pragmatism on the principles of profitability, return from investment and
competitiveness, full support of business – the leading force of national economy at new model is state –
private partnership – strong business - the strong state the new principles of social policy – social guarantees
and a personal responsibility. This entire momentous task cannot be realized without a spiritual unity.
Therefore, the cornerstone of the new policy of Kazakhstan is the concept of "Mangilik El", having deep
social and historical roots. At the same time, he expressed confidence in the future, opening the gates of the
holy tomorrow. The first Turkic state, Kaganat called "Mangilik El." The leader of the nation, explaining the
essence of the new innovation, at the same time the historical, the traditional idea of "eating Mangilik"
outlined seven unshakable its foundations. This - the independence and Astana; national unity, peace and
harmony; secular state and high spirituality; sustainable economic growth based on innovation; Society of
Universal Labour; common history, culture and language, national security and global participation of
Kazakhstan in solving global and regional problems. Independence, Astana, work, history, culture, security,
economy - are the main components of successful realization of the idea "Mangilik El." The ideological and
spiritual evolution of the Kazakh people for centuries is built on fundamental values such as equality,
humanity, hospitality and tolerance, by the course of events must complete the formation of the spiritual
unity of each modern citizen of Kazakhstan, establishment of close and unbreakable bond between all the
inhabitants of our country. Friendship and good neighborliness, harmony and unity, mutual understanding
and mutual support have become a pillar of our society, the key incentives civil process of social building and
state-building. The implementation of the national idea "Mangilik El" bears great promise for the further
political, economic and spiritual development of our future generation. Indeed, the name "Mangilik el"
suggests that our nation is eternal, and therefore the younger generation of Kazakhstan should not only work
for the good of our country, developing and raising its economy, education and other spheres of activity, but
also assert themselves by strengthening their personal capabilities. Our young people, first and foremost, is
to save the spiritual richness that is pushed forward over the centuries and have left us a legacy of our
warlike, svobolyubivye wise ancestors. Culture, traditions, spiritual heritage of our people has its roots deep
in antiquity. The age-old goal of our ancestors - the creation of the people, the eternal state now gets a new
meaning in the concept of "Mangilik El" - the eternal state of the Kazakhs. "The beginning of the idea of"
Mangilik eat "is very deep. 13 centuries ago, the sage Tonyukok left a will "heritage of Turkic people - is"
Mangilik eat. " This national idea shows that the root of our country begins its origins to the ancient history.
Nationwide idea of making life - unity of the people. In a country where there is no solidarity, where there is
hostility never implemented national ideas. The main reason for reaching the heights of the hills and the
conquest of Kazakhstan - an abundance of unity. Due to the stability of these values and we always won, we
strengthened our country, multiplied our great successes. Not belittling religion, faith, languages, people,
giving citizens equal opportunities, we have strengthened our stability. We need to carefully transfer these
values to every future generation of Kazakhstan. We need to educate
38 билет
1) The national-liberating revolt of 1916 (causes, peculiarities, main locations)
The First World War brought the gravest suffering to the oppressed peoples of Russia. Social and national
oppression intensified. The level of economic life of the population has fallen sharply. All this led to the
1916 uprising. Reasons for the uprising: 1. The colonial policy of tsarism in Kazakhstan 2. Massive seizure
of Kazakh lands 3. Russification policy of tsarism 4.Increase in taxes. The introduction of military taxes
The reason for the uprising was the tsar’s decree of June 25, 1916, according to which the entire nonRussian male population aged 19 to 43 years old had to be “requisitioned” for work on the creation of
defensive structures in the area of the army and for rear operations. In total, according to preliminary
estimates, about 400 thousand people should have been mobilized. Course of the uprising The largest
centers of the uprising were Semirechensk and Turgai regions. In Semirechye, congresses of Kazakhs
were held, at which decisions were made on rendering armed resistance to the authorities. July 17
martial law was introduced in the Turkestan Territory. An organized uprising swept the Turgai region,
where Amangeldy Imanov was elected leader of the uprising, and Khan was elected Abdigapar
Zhanbosynov. At the peak of the uprising, the rebel detachment numbered about 50 thousand people.
The siege of Turgai by the rebels ended in failure, as the punitive corps of Lieutenant General A.
Lavrentiev arrived here. The uprising ended in defeat, but, nevertheless, continued until the February
Revolution of 1917. Features of the Turgai uprising center: 1. The largest center of movement. 2. The
fight was the longest and most persistent. 3. A military council has been created. 4. The local colonial
administration is removed from control. 5. Debugged rebel movement control system. Historical
meaning • The growth of national identity; • Awareness of national interests, the awakening of vigorous
political activity; • School of armed struggle against the tsarist autocracy. The uprising of 1916 occupies a
special place in the history of the centuries-old national liberation movement of the Kazakh people.
Under the conditions of imperialism and the First World War, Amangeldy Imanov and other leaders of
the uprising raised the people to the struggle for independence, which had begun in due time by Syry
Datov, Isatay Taimanov, Makhambet Utemisov, Kenesary and Nauryzbay Kasymovs. For the first time
after the national liberation movement, led by Kenesary Kasymov, the uprising of 1916 was of a Kazakh
character, covering all regions of a vast region.
2) Describe the relationships between Kazakhstan and the Great Britain.
Since 1992, when diplomatic relations were established between the United Kingdom and the sovereign
Republic of Kazakhstan, political, inter-parliamentary, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian
cooperation has been actively developing. In 1994, the two countries signed a joint Declaration on
friendship and cooperation, and in 2013, they reached the level of strategic partnership. Today, England
is one of the five largest countries that invest in the Kazakh economy, including Kazakhstan among the
priority countries for increasing bilateral trade and investment. Our Republic, in turn, creates all
conditions for interaction by unilaterally establishing a visa-free regime for citizens of the United
Kingdom, which is designed to facilitate British citizens to conduct business in the territory of the
Republic of Kazakhstan. The UK is one of the top 10 trading partners of Kazakhstan in terms of trade
turnover. At the end of 2017, the trade turnover between the countries increased by 2% and amounted
to 1.3 billion dollars (in 2016 - 1.262 billion dollars). Kazakhstan is already working with British companies
offering advanced technologies, and the UK government is committed to promoting further
technological and business cooperation. Currently, more than 400 British companies operate in
Kazakhstan-mainly in the extractive industries, financial services, law, project management, education
and technology. Foreign trade turnover between Kazakhstan and the UK in January-July 2018 amounted
to 743.4 million dollars. For the period from 2005 to the 1st quarter of 2018, the gross inflow of direct
investment from the UK to Kazakhstan amounted to 12.8 billion dollars. As of September 1, 2018, there
are 403 legal entities, branches and representative offices with British participation in Kazakhstan.
Currently, negotiations are underway with the UK to conclude a bilateral Agreement on strategic
partnership and cooperation this year, which will cover a wide range of Kazakh-British interaction.
3) Analyze the role of relationships between members of SCO - Shanghai Cooperation
Organization and Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan, which attaches paramount importance to maintaining stability and security in the Eurasian
space, pays special attention to strengthening and developing cooperation with the Shanghai
cooperation organization. From the very beginning of its existence, the SCO has declared its main tasks
to strengthen mutual trust and good-neighborliness between the participating countries, as well as to
promote their effective cooperation in the political, trade and economic fields. The SCO is not a military
bloc or a closed Alliance directed against anyone, but an open organization focused on broad
international cooperation, including the possibility of expanding its membership. The heads of state
identified the main tasks of the SCO at the present stage – maintaining peace, stability and security in the
region, and developing trade and economic cooperation. The Republic of Kazakhstan believes that
cooperation between the SCO member States in the trade and economic sphere has long-term
prospects. In particular, as a state exporting energy resources, Kazakhstan is interested in finding
alternative ways to deliver them to world markets, which is an important element of the SCO's economic
policy. For Kazakhstan, interaction within the SCO is of practical interest – in terms of stimulating
regional integration processes, fighting traditional and new threats and challenges, implementing
economic policy, ensuring energy security, and resolving the situation around Afghanistan. Further
activation of activities within the framework of the Shanghai cooperation organization will contribute to
the implementation of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
39 билет
1. «Cultural revolution» - the basis of socialism construction (1920-1940). The achievements.
Totalitarian character of socialism; Political repression of national intelligence; Transformation of Kazakh
ASSR into Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.
During 30-ies socialist relations were settled on all the territory of Soviet Union. Lands, factories and
plants, kolkhozes and sovkhozes became state’s property. State-bureaucratic regulation, planning, and
redistribution confirmed according the new Constitution of USSR (Union of Soviet Socialistic Republic) 1936.
In political sphere, the system of one-party dictatorship with eclectic (complex) combination of different
version of intolerance and hatred was characteristic.
Republics hadn’t juridical initiations, workers weren’t owners of factories, and peasants were alienated from
lands. So socialism took totalitarian, barracks character.
Functions of punitive bodies increased, role of Soviets decreased thanks to theory of Stalin about
strengthening of classes struggle in country. There was People commissariat of internal forces with special
department used repressive measures: exiling, reformatory camps, deportation from country.
Masses repressions were in Kazakhstan also. There were constructed special reformatory camps on the
territory of Kazakhstan: Karaganda reformatory-labour camp of special regime (Karlag, in Karaganda existed
25 observations for special migratory), Steplag, ALZGIR – for relatives (wives) of repressed.
In the end of the 20-s the mass repression began in Kazakhstan. In the 1928 44 “bourgeois nationalist
activists of “Alash-Horde” were arrested. Among them: A.Bukeykhanov, A.Baytursynov, M.Zhumabayev,
Zh.Aimautov. In 1930 other group of intelligent (about 40 men) was arrested: M.Tynyshpayev,
Kh.Dosmukhamedov. In 1937-1938 repression had mass character. T.Ryskulov, D.Sadvakasov, U.Issayev,
U.Djandossov and other state and social activists were repressed and killed. Representatives of the Kazakh
literature and science S.Seifullin, B.Mailin, I.Djansugurov, K.Zhubanov, S.Asfendiarov and others were killed.
2. Classify the Soviet government's policy in Kazakhstan in the field of education in the 1920-1930s.
in the 1920-1930s.
From the first days of Soviet power, the departments of public education became the issues of cultural
The decree "on the elimination of illiteracy among the peoples of the RSFSR", adopted by the MCC of the
RSFSR on December 26, 1919, defined the main tasks on this issue.
In 1919-1923 during the beginning of the campaign to eliminate illiteracy in Kazakhstan the following
obstacles were observed:
lack of qualified personnel to train the population;
lack of new textbooks and lack of writing materials and lack of writing materials;
weak material and technical base of educational institutions in cities, especially in rural areas.
In February 1924, a branch of the all-Union society "to eliminate illiteracy"was established in Kazakhstan. On
the pages of the newspaper "gramotashkysh" the plan of carrying out occupations for separate groups was
published, short-term courses on training of teachers-liquidators of illiteracy are opened. On February 11,
1930, the Kazakh TSRB adopted a resolution "on the mandatory abolition of illiteracy in the Kazakh ASSR".
The term of liquidation is determined by the end of the First five-year Plan. An action plan has been
developed and a financial Fund has been established to eliminate illiteracy. In 1931, the Republic organized a
cultural campaign in remote areas. Komsomol and pioneer organizations took an active part in it. However,
the eradication of illiteracy in the country did not end even in 1935, before the first Congress of workers of
the cultural front. After this departure, the work on the elimination of illiteracy in the Republic completed its
last stage. At Kazkom of education of the Kazakh ASSR management of the adult population is created,
including branches of school of illiterate and shalasitskih are opened. In 1939, the total literacy rate of
Kazakhstan reached 76.3%.
3. Analyze the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995 and its changes 2017.
1. Under the first Constitution, Kazakhstan was a parliamentary republic. We now have a presidential form of
government. 2. In the first Constitution, the Supreme Council was the only legislative and highest
representative body of the country. 3. The President was accountable to the Supreme Council and had
limited power. In 1995, the president initiated the creation of a working group that developed the new
Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The new Constitution was submitted to a referendum, which was
held from July 28 to August 30, 1995. The main differences from the first Constitution 1. The broad functions
and powers of parliament passed to the president; 2. The Supreme Council abolished; 4. The parliament
became bicameral (senate and majilis); 3. Parliament lost control functions. MPs could no longer control the
implementation of the state budget and laws;4. The legislative function of the parliament was distributed
between three institutions - the president, the government and members of parliament; 2017: The 1995
Constitution has been in force for over 21 years. During these two decades, political stagnation occurred political reforms were curtailed, the main reforms in the country were economic and social. Now the
authorities are declaring political reforms. I think the time has come to resolve the issue of presidential
succession. We see what is happening in other states - in the same Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Prior to
this, the topic was tightly closed, and the president himself opened it. The reason is the old age of the head
of state and a tenure of more than 25 years. Over the past 10 years, various forms of power in Kazakhstan
have been discussed. The main two are the presidential-parliamentary model, which was repeatedly voiced
by the political elite of Kazakhstan, and the parliamentary model, which the opposition constantly talks
about. I think the president’s latest statement is related to what he thinks is the best way to ensure that the
distribution of presidential power takes place under his “strong hand”.
40 билет
1) Socio-economic development of the Soviet Kazakhstan in the 1960s. Policy of Tselina
In the 1960s, the chemical industry appeared and began to develop in the republic. The largest chemical
industries were located in the south of the republic. On the territory of Kazakhstan, a cosmodrome and a
nuclear test site were located. The abundance of agricultural raw materials has allowed to increase the
pace of development of the light and food industries, as well as transport and communications. But more
and more the republic specialized in the production of raw materials. The trend of accelerated
development of goods of group “A” with respect to group “B”, which had developed back in the 30s,
continued. The development of the industry stimulated the development of the transport network and
communications.The decision to develop virgin lands was made in the spring of 1954. Massive
development of virgin land implied an increase in grain production. P. Ponomarenko was appointed the
first secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan instead of Zh. Shayakhmetov. It was supposed due
to the development of new lands to increase the sown area of grain to 13 million hectares, to receive 11001200 million pounds of grain on them. It was decided to sharply expand the crops of grain crops in the
northern regions of Kazakhstan, in Siberia, the Urals, and the North Caucasus. The best indicator of virgin
lands: a billion pounds of grain, was collected in 1956. Not only newcomers, but also local residents were
involved in the development of virgin lands. Measures were taken to materially stimulate the virgin lands.
The virgin lands were exempted from the agricultural tax from 2 to 5 years. The state plan for raising
virgin lands, designed for 2 years, was completed in one year. A rational farming system for virgin lands
was created 20 years later. About 2 million people came to Kazakhstan to develop virgin lands in the early
2) Define the importance for Kazakhstan of holding EXPO-2017.
1. Expo-2017 is an additional stimulus for the economic and infrastructural development of the country.
"Expo-2017" is the largest international event of Kazakhstan in the history with the largest number of
foreign guests, tourists and official delegations from more than 100 countries. First, it is the recognition of
our capital as a center worthy of hosting a world-class event. Secondly, the choice in favor of Kazakhstan
indicates a high assessment of the success of our state and emphasizes the prospects for its development,
as well as the entire Eurasian region. Thirdly, the recognition and positive image of the country, its
scientific and technical achievements and initiatives will increase. 2. The exhibition "Expo-2017" is a
platform for demonstrating the achievements of technological capabilities of mankind. 3. "Expo-2017" is
the most "eco-friendly" exhibition in the history of EXPO. Expo-2017 is a new paradigm of science and
technology development. The theme of the exhibition "future Energy" will help Kazakhstan to actively
develop innovations for the transition to the Third industrial revolution, outlined In the strategy
Kazakhstan-2050. These include "green" technologies based on new fundamental discoveries, new
physics, the work of Nikola Tesla. "Expo-2017" is a driver of the country's economy development. First,
infrastructure development: roads, public transport, utilities, airport and railway station, construction of
Expo facilities. As a consequence, the creation of jobs. Secondly, small and medium — sized businesses
of the capital and adjacent regions will receive a new serious impetus to the development, first of all-the
service sector, the hotel business and domestic tourism. Third, the development of domestic tourism and
an increase in the inflow of foreign tourists to the country. It is expected that the exhibition will be visited
by up to 5 million people (50 thousand daily) from 100 countries. Fourth, in addition to attracting
investment in the construction of exhibition facilities, the economic effect is as follows: the facilities being
built within the framework of Expo will allow Kazakhstan to be considered as a major international,
exhibition and information and presentation platform in the future. Fifth, cultural exchange and state PR,
increasing the awareness of the country. According to the requirements of the IEB, cultural events,
national days and other entertainment events should be held throughout the Expo (3 months). Holding the
international exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana will allow Kazakhstan to gain world fame, so to speak, to
become a brand Such a large-scale event gives an opportunity to consolidate the people into a single team,
set a single goal, attract thousands of volunteers from the population. Thus, EXPO-2017 will contribute to
the consolidation of civil society, awareness of the unity of the nation.
3) Tell about the program «Nurly Jol» on the road to prosperity.
The name of the
State program of the infrastructure development "Nurly Zhol" for 2015 –
The basis for the
Point 4 of the National plan for the implementation of the Message of the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan of
November 11, 2014 "Nurly Zhol - a way to the future"
The state body
responsible for the
development of the
Ministry of National economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The state body
responsible for the
development of the
Central and local government bodies
Objective of the
Formation of the uniform economic market by the integration of macroregions
of the country on the basis of forming of the effective infrastructure on the “hub'
principle for the ensuring the long-term economic growth of Kazakhstan, and also
the realization of the anti-recessionary measures for the support of the separate
sectors of economy in the conditions of the deterioration of an environment in the
foreign markets
1) creation of the effective transport and logistic infrastructure by the "beam"
2) progress of an industrial infrastructure and a tourist infrastructure;
3) strengthening of a power infrastructure within the limits of the Uniform
electrical power system;
4) modernization (reconstruction and construction) of the infrastructures of
housing and communal services and systems of heat supply, water supply and
water removal;
5) increase of the availability of habitation for citizens;
6) progress of an infrastructure of area of education;
7) increase of the competitiveness of subjects of business;
8) support of the domestic mechanical engineering;
9) support of the export;
10) increase of the competitiveness of the subjects of the agrarian and
industrial complex;
11) maintenance with an infrastructure of the projects of the Road map of
business - 2020;
12) maintenance of a safety of quality of production through the progress of
the laboratory bases;
13) maintenance of a level of scrutiny of territory of Kazakhstan with an
assessment of the forecast resources
Timeframes of the
2015 – 2019
Achievement of the following target indicators:
1)in 2019 maintenance of the growth of GDP on 15,7 % by 2014;
2) in 2015 - 2019 creation of the workplaces on 395,5 thousand pers.,
Target indicators
Constants - 86,9 thousand pers.;
Temporary - 308,6 thousand pers.
3) in 2019 increase of the rating of IEF on a quality of a base infrastructure up
to 57th seat
The general expenses due to the National fund of thq Republic of Kazakhstan
will make:
In 2015 - 796 billion tenge;
In 2016 - 379 billion tenge;
In 2017 - in an equivalent up to 3 billion US dollars.
The indicative volume of со-financing due to the means of the international
financial institutions will make about 8,97 billion US dollars.
Sources and
volumes of financing
Financing due to own means of the national companies and institutes of
progress will make 241,4 billion tenge, including:
In 2015 - 32,8 billion tenge;
In 2016 - 59,2 billion tenge;
In 2017 - 63,9 billion tenge;
In 2018 - 50,5 billion tenge;
In 2019 - 35 billion tenge.
41 билет
1) Main battles in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945. The heroes of Kazakhstani at the battle
Many battles were during the Great Patriotic War and their main battles: Firstly, the Battle of Moscow
1941 – 1942. Two main stages are distinguished in the battle: defensive (September 30 - December 5,
1941) and offensive (December 5, 1941 - April 20, 1942). At the first stage, the goal of the Soviet
troops was the defense of Moscow, at the second - the defeat of the enemy forces advancing on
Moscow. Despite the huge losses, the Soviet troops managed to win. The Germans were driven back
150-200 kilometers. In this battle for Moscow, the soldiers of the battalion, led by the hero of our
country, senior lieutenant B. Momyshuly showed great courage. In January 1942, they drove off the
enemy a few miles from the capital. Soldiers such as Malik Gabdullin, Tolegen Tokhtarov and
Ramazan Elebaev won state awards in the Battle of Moscow. Secondly, Battle of Stalingrad 1942 –
1943. It is a victory near Stalingrad that many historians call among the most important turning points
during the Second World War. The Red Army managed to win a strong-willed victory, pushing the
Germans far back, and proving that the fascist army also has its vulnerabilities. At the height of World
War II, only the 73rd Guards Division, led by Colonel Gani Safiullin, one of the Kazakhstanis who
fought against the Nazis in Stalingrad, destroyed 800 vehicles with 120 enemy tanks. Sagadat
Nurmagambetov, another Kazakhstani who fought hard for Stalingrad and was awarded the title of
Hero of the Soviet Union. Thirdly, Battle of Kursk 1943. The Kursk Bulge became one of the
bloodiest battles, but ensured the end of the fracture during the Second World War. Soviet troops
managed to push the Germans even further, almost to the border of the country. Fourth, Battle of
Leningrad (July 10, 1941 - August 9, 1944). After the beginning of the siege of Leningrad, local
residents and military leaders had to wage fierce battles for several years. As a result, the blockade was
lifted, the city was liberated. However, Leningrad itself suffered terrible destruction, and the number of
dead local residents exceeded several hundred thousand. Many Kazakh heroes showed indelible
heroism in the battle for Leningrad. One of them, Sultan Baimaganbetov, who gave his life for the
Motherland, died in 1943 during the battle on the Leningrad front, covering the embrasure with his
chest. Koibagarov, the commander of the 5th Rifle Company of the 1236th Rifle Regiment of the
372nd Rifle Division, was the first to enter the German trenches and show courage in battle. In the
Battle of Leningrad, Kazakh girls such as Moldagulova and Mametova were awarded the title of Hero
of the Soviet Union. Fifth, Battle of Berlin (April 16 - May 8, 1945). After prolonged resistance, the
Soviet troops managed to take the capital of Germany. With the capture of Berlin, the Great Patriotic
War officially ended. 26 Kazakhstanis were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their
heroism in the Berlin operation. One of them is Lieutenant Koshkarbayev, who hoisted the flag at the
2) Presidential program "Intellectual Nation 2020" and its significance.
On February 1, 2010, Kazakhstan adopted the state program "Intellectual Nation - 2020". The main
purpose of this program is to educate Kazakhstanis in a new formation, to turn Kazakhstan into a
country rich in competitive human capital. This state program is implemented on the basis of three
priority areas. The first priority is the innovative development of the education system. Today, young
people need not only to get an education, but also to focus on their own search. The main values in
today's education are creative thinking, the ability to summarize knowledge, innovative decisionmaking, technology and innovation. This requires new methods, rational forms of teaching. The second
priority should be the information revolution. In particular, the opening of a regional university on the
basis of the information technology park with the participation of leading universities and leading
foreign experts. The third priority is to pay special attention to the education of young people on the
basis of spiritual values. Here, taking into account the processes of globalization, it is necessary to pay
attention to the spiritual education of the younger generation, the strengthening of our national and
cultural values as the only way to combat it. At the same time, the importance of this program is the
development of the economy, improving the social status of the population, the formation of a highly
educated person and the development of society.
3) Analyze Kazakhstan as the new nation in the system of international relations. (Membership
in UNO and other organizations).
Sovereign Kazakhstan is an independent subject of international relations and an active actor in the
global economic and political space. Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations with 139
countries of the world, opening at the same time more than 70 foreign representative offices. Diplomats
from more than 100 foreign countries, representatives of regional and international organizations are
accredited in Kazakhstan. So, in November 2002, the President of Kazakhstan, speaking at the IX
Session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, called on all faiths to adopt the Eurasian Charter
for Interfaith Peace and Accord. Since 2003, Astana has hosted four Congresses of leaders of world
and traditional religions at its dialogue venue. Evidence of the high confidence of the world community
in the policy of President N.A. Nazarbayev became that Kazakhstan was entrusted with leading the
largest international organizations in Europe and the Muslim world. So, in 2010, Kazakhstan headed
the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. In 2011, Kazakhstan chaired a meeting of
foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). In December 2010, Kazakhstan
held the first OSCE summit since 1999. Developing cooperation with the Arab and Turkic states,
Kazakhstan in 1995 became a member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. OIC member
states supported Kazakhstan’s desire to chair the organization. On June 28, 2011, the 38th session of
the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) was held in
Kazakhstan. This event was attended by over 1000 foreign guests from 57 countries. The first major
decision that was made at the session was the renaming, rebranding of the OIC into the Organization of
Islamic Cooperation (OIC), as well as the approval of the new logo of the Organization.
42 билет
1. The doctrine of the Russian Turkism. The role of "Ittifaq al-Muslimin" in the consolidation of
the Turkic-Muslim peoples
The main feature of the historical development of Russia as a multinational state was that its Muslim subjects
were primarily the peoples of the Turkic world. The idea of Muslim solidarity, " unity in faith»
in their minds and in the national liberation movement closely intertwined
with a complex of ideas about the kinship of the Turkic peoples, about the historical community of their fate.
And although by the XX century Russia had in its composition already
many groups of Muslims are not of Turkic origin (among them the Iranian-speaking population of the Pamirs,
and representatives of the Caucasian language family), yet the Turks prevailed here, making up the bulk of
the late Russian Empire[3] and then the Soviet Union [4]. We can say that
for Russia, the world of Islam is primarily a Turkic world.
Of course, it would be wrong to identify the entire Turkic-speaking population of the former Russian Empire
with the followers of Islam: due to various historical circumstances, some ethnic groups of Russian Turks
Orthodoxy (for example, Gagauz, a small part of the Tatars, known by the sub-ethnonyms Kryashen and
nagaybakov), Buddhism (Tuvinians), Judaism (Krymchaks), Karaism
(Karaites) or remained in the system of a kind of "double superstition" - a combination of Christianity and
shamanism, pagan cults, animistic religious beliefs (which is characteristic of the Chuvash, Yakuts, Khakas,
Altaians, Shors and a number of other Turkic nationalities). However, the numerical majority of the Turkic
the population committed to Sunni Islam remains so overwhelming, and the cultural, civilizing significance of
Islam in the Turkic world is so clear
it dominates that all cases of deviation of the Turkic peoples from this religion are perceived rather as an
exception, and General ideas about the coincidence of areas
the settlement of peoples of Turkic origin with the historical boundaries of the spread of Islam in Russia can
be considered quite justified.
Muslim Turks make up a large part of the population of the current Russian Federation (about 15 million
people) and are carriers of the richest culture. It is especially important that they are concentrated in
strategically priority regions of the Russian state, where the most valuable
sources of raw materials and the most important economic complexes-the Middle Volga region, a large part of
Central Asia and the North Caucasus, some
territories of the Urals and Siberia. The solution of the fundamental problems of security, stability, territorial
integrity, interethnic harmony, and the capacity of the Russian system of federalism largely depends on the
General vector of the national movements of the Turkic peoples and the political orientations of these peoples.
movements, moods in the Turkic environment, development of the Turkic-Slavic dialogue
and mutual understanding.
In this regard, it should be emphasized that the problems that live the Turkic-Muslim world, the ideological
concepts that are put forward by the national movements of the Turkic-Muslim peoples in Modern times, —
these are actually Russian problems, the flesh of the flesh of the Russian social
reality, national politics, public thought. The most important of the concepts put forward by the national
movements of these peoples, who sought to preserve their ethno-cultural and religious identity, to find ways
and forms of closer consolidation, there were theories of pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism. These theories were
not imported into Russia from the outside, they originated on Russian soil, their development was part of the
national Russian history, and their place in the Treasury of values developed by its peoples
and thinkers, is determined by their dependence on the Russian socio-political reality and the ability to
influence the fate of Russia.
Like any major current of social thought, Turkism (pan-Turkism)
has no exact date of birth. The origins of Turkic consolidation can be traced to very ancient strata of Turkic
folklore, in the bowels of the emerging
ethnic identity of the Turkic peoples, intuitively sought and possible support in related cultures, and the Union
with each other. This kind of search
they form an ethical tradition that has been developing for centuries in the Turkic world (as,
however, and any other linguo-cultural, superethnic community, for example Slavic, Ugro-Finnish,
Caucasian). These traditions did not interfere, however,
"brothers in language and blood" - whether they called themselves that or ignored their kinship altogether,
forming alliances on a different basis-to join
in conflicts, to wage bloody wars, to displace each other from the mastered
and favorable living space.
2. Describe the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and collaborations with Kazakhstan.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO /ˈneɪtoʊ/; French: Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique
nord; OTAN), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance between 29
North American and European countries. The organization implements the North Atlantic Treaty that was
signed on 4 April 1949. NATO constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its independent member
states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party. NATO's Headquarters are located
in Evere, Brussels, Belgium, while the headquarters of Allied Command Operations is near Mons, Belgium.
NATO and Kazakhstan actively cooperate on democratic, institutional and defence reforms, and have
developed practical cooperation in many other areas.
Relations with Kazakhstan started in 1992, when the country joined the North Atlantic Cooperation
Council. This forum for dialogue was succeeded in 1997 by the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, which
brings together all Allies and partner countries in the Euro-Atlantic area.
Practical cooperation began when Kazakhstan joined the Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme (PfP) in
Kazakhstan sets out its reform plans and timelines in its Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP), which
is agreed for a two-year period. NATO supports Kazakhstan in achieving these reform goals by providing
focused, country-specific advice and assistance.
The NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia conducts highlevel political dialogue with Kazakhstan’s authorities through regular visits to the country.
Key areas of cooperation
Kazakhstan’s cooperation with NATO is mutually beneficial and includes:
Building capabilities and interoperability
Kazakhstan’s participation in the PfP Planning and Review Process (PARP) since 2002 has helped
develop the interoperability between elements of its armed forces and those of NATO Allies. Joint work
continues on the further development of a peacekeeping regiment to work alongside NATO Allies.
Kazakhstan plays an active role in both hosting and participating in PfP training and exercises. Since
2006, in cooperation with NATO Allies and regional partners, Kazakhstan has hosted annual military
exercises called “Steppe Eagle”.
Kazakhstan’s PfP Training Centre (KAZCENT) was accredited by NATO as a Partnership Training and
Education Centre in December 2010. KAZCENT offers annual courses open to Allies and partner countries on
military English, NATO staff procedures, and a familiarisation course on the history, economy and culture of
Central Asia and Afghanistan. Moreover, two United Nations courses were certified in 2018.
NATO’s Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) began working in Kazakhstan in 2007
with the Kazakhstan National Defence University, helping ensure that programmes and methodologies meet
international standards. Cooperation was later expanded to include KAZCENT, the Non-Commissioned
Officer Training Centre and the Army Defence Institute. DEEP programmes in support of KAZCENT, the
Non-Commissioned Officer Training Centre, and the Army Defence Institute have all successfully concluded,
while support for the National Defence University remains ongoing.
Since 2014, under the Partnership Interoperability Initiative, Kazakhstan has participated in the
Interoperability Platform, which brings Allies together with 24 selected partners that are active contributors to
NATO’s operations.
Wider cooperation
Kazakhstan is enhancing its national civil preparedness and disaster management capabilities in
cooperation with NATO, and through participation in activities organised by the Euro-Atlantic Disaster
Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC). Kazakhstan participated in five consequence management field
exercises (2003-2012) and the country hosted the EADRCC’s “ZHETSYU” exercise near Almaty in 2009.
Kazakhstan also offered assistance to Allies and partner nations affected by natural and man-made disasters,
following eight urgent EADRCC requests for international assistance.
Kazakhstan has been actively engaged within the framework of the NATO Science for Peace and Security
(SPS) Programme since 1993. At present, the leading areas for cooperation include environmental security and
defence against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents.
Increasing public awareness of NATO and the benefits of its relations with Kazakhstan is also an
important area of cooperation.
3. Tell about Kazakhstan Development Strategy -The program “Kazakhstan-2030”.
The development strategy “Kazakhstan 2030” provides for seven priority goals that ensure: national security;
internal political stability and consolidation of society; the economic growth; health, education and well-being
of citizens of Kazakhstan; energetic resources; development of infrastructures, especially transport and
communications; professional government.
Since 1997, Kazakhstan has been able to significantly advance in the implementation of the Kazakhstan 2030
Strategy as a whole and, in particular, its third priority. The economy of Kazakhstan is growing rapidly, the
well-being of the population is improving, and the level of domestic savings is growing. The Kazakhstani
economy has acquired a qualitatively new development model based on limited government intervention in the
economy with the active role of the private sector and the promotion of competition.
43 билет
1. The program of industrialization of Kazakhstan 1925-1939. It's positive and negative consequences.
During the years of industrialization, large food industry enterprises were also built: the Semipalatinsk meat
processing plant, the Guryev fish canning factory, the Alma-Ata fruit canning factory, sugar factories in
Dzhambul, Merka, Taldy-Kurgan. During the five-year period, industrial production grew, gave the first
thousand tons of blister copper Karsakpaysky smelter, which went into operation in 1928. Coal mining
increased by almost 1.5 times compared with the previous year, and oil by 2.2 times. During the five-year
period, industrial production grew, gave the first thousand tons of blister copper Karsakpaysky smelter, which
went into operation in 1928. Coal mining increased by almost 1.5 times compared with the previous year, and
oil by 2.2 times.
The search for new mineral deposits was intensively generated, in 1931 more than 140 exploration lots were
already operating, they identified unique deposits of new types of valuable mineral raw materials, and
Kazakhstan took the first place in the country by the reserves of many of them. During the years of the first
five-year plan (1928-1938), the volume of capital investments of the Soviet state in the national economy of
the republic exceeded 311 million rubles, of which 48% was directed to industry, transport, and
communications. Over the five-year period, more than 40 new and reconstructed large plants, factories, mines,
mines and power plants were commissioned in the republic.
The result of the successful implementation of the course towards industrialization was the fact that
Kazakhstan in a historically short period of time from a backward feudal region turned into an agrarianindustrial republic, its share (39.5%) in the country's industrial production rose. Across the country, heavy
industry production has grown 2.8 times over the five-year period, and machine-building - 4 times. The
Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station, Magnitogorsk and Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works, large coal mines in
the Donbass and Kuzbass, the Stalingrad and Kharkov Tractor Plants, the Moscow and Gorky Automobile
Plants were put into operation, traffic on the Turkestan-Siberian Railway opened.
The fulfillment of the tasks of the second five-year plan (1933-1938) turned the country from an agrarian into
a powerful industrial power, economically independent of other countries. The output of all industry by the
end of 1937 increased by 2.2 times compared with 1932, and by 4.5 times in two five-year periods.
In the years of the second five-year plan, investments in the national economy of Kazakhstan were invested in
the amount of 721 million rubles, the Balkhash smelter, Aktobe chemical plant were being built at a rapid
pace, the development of the Karaganda coal basin and the Emba oil wealth continued, large-scale
reconstruction works were carried out at the Ore Altai enterprises, food and light industry. Cities and their
population grew. In a short time, unemployment was eliminated. In 1930, the last labor exchange was closed
in the USSR.
120 large industrial enterprises were built in the republic, more than a thousand kilometers of new railways
were put into operation. The share of gross industrial output reached 56.8% of the total national economy of
the republic. More than 500 thousand Kazakh nomadic and semi-nomadic farms moved to settled. In 1937,
collective farms of Kazakhstan united 97.5% of the peasant farms of the republic, they cultivated 99.8% of the
sown area and produced 84.4% of the gross grain harvest. On collective farms and state farms, other state and
cooperative enterprises, as well as in the personal property of collective farmers, there were about 99% of the
However, industrialization had negative consequences. She demanded huge funds, and these funds were
obtained by pumping them from agriculture and domestic borrowing. The industry of Kazakhstan had a raw
material orientation. There were no enterprises for the processing of oil, gas, metals; enterprises of mechanical
engineering, machine tool, instrument making, automotive. Kazakhstan lagged behind in the share in the
country's electric balance, in the presence and operation of railways. The migration flow to Kazakhstan
increased. These were immigrants from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other regions of the country. In 19281939, the mechanical population growth of cities in Kazakhstan due to migration amounted to 1.8 million
people. As a result of the famine of the 1920s and 1930s and migration processes, the share of Kazakhs in the
total mass of the population of Kazakhstan decreased in 1939 to 38%.
Industrialization Methods:
- industrialization occurred at the expense of a supertax from peasants;
- carried out by methods of command, administrative, directive planning, unconditional submission to the
- total socialization and nationalization of all sides of the accumulations of the republics and the state budget;
- the allocation of subsidies and subsidies, for example, in 1931-1934. from 2 billion 137 million rubles of
investments in the national economy of the republic, only 121 million rubles were allocated from the local
- concentration in the hands of the state of production, marketing and supply;
- repressive policy - the deployment of camps, fenced off from the world by barbed wire;
- the power destruction of the age-old way of life of nomads, the breaking of the traditions of peoples, the
impoverishment and hunger of the Kazakh Sharua and peasants of other regions, the enormous tension of the
forces of the people.
2. Describe the formation of an innovative model of education
Preschool Education is the most active period of human brain development, knowledge and skill
formation. International experts affirm that 90% of the brain mass is formed in early childhood. A child
attending a kindergarten performs two times better at school and he/she has 40% higher chance of acquiring
higher education.
Particularly due to this fact, we plan to involve 100% of children from three up to six years old in
preschool education toward the year 2020. In this respect, PPPs (Public Private Partnerships) are to be
emphasized through public contracts including with private kindergartens.
Also, the state program aims at increasing the number of preschool teachers with the appropriate
education up to 50% (currently this number is 35%). For this, it is planned to annually increase the state order
for pedagogical specialists training in the higher education institutions and colleges, arranging online advance
training courses and an expansion of the issues for transfer to the independent certification system.
The draft of the reformed state obligatory education standard also provides for English language study for
children starting from five years old. Later, a uniform system for monitoring the achievement of preschool
children will be introduced.
Secondary Education. Starting from this school year, first-grade pupils in Kazakhstani schools will
begin following a 12-year education model.
Why introduce the 12-year education system?
According to the results of investigation PISA-2012, our school children are behind in studies if
compared with the same age children from OECD countries: in mathematics by 1.5 years, in natural science
by 2 years, and in reading by 2.5 years. This is the result of the outdated 11-year program content.
The 12-year program provides absolutely new content. What is the difference?
These two examples illustrate of that difference:
The first one: When and where was Kabanbai-batyr born? This is UNT question. Here, it is necessary
just to know the exact dates, facts, figures and terms.
The second one: Why did the American writer Stine call Earnest Hemingway and F. Fitzgerald the “lost
generation”? This is a question from SAT tests required in the USA for entering a higher educational
institution. To answer this question, it is necessary not only to know the writers’ works but also to be able to
compare their works with the historical context of that time (the First World War, drafting in the army at the
age of 18).
These sample questions reflect the difference in the educational standards.
How are classes currently conducted in our schools?
In the current educational system, the students make notes of the definitions and theory from dictation. A
teacher defines the problem and solutions. All students must then remember and learn to repeat it.
The students are passive listeners. They just get the prepared information. They are not taught to
speculate, give opinion or criticism or search for alternative solutions. The examples provided during lessons
are very far from the real life.
What do we get as a result? School children are overloaded. While the information quantity in the world
increases every two years, it is impossible to remember everything.
What is the essence of the new standard? No more rote learning. A teacher offers the problem, the
information sources and explains how to solve it. The pupils must search for the solution themselves, using the
trial and error method. They jointly research and defend their projects. A teacher is near, but he/she just guides
and helps.
Because of the combination of some subjects, more hours may be assigned to the languages and ICT.
Now the educational work is to be conducted not separately but is to be blended throughout all lessons. The
pupils are acquainted with the values of “Mangelik Yel”, but how does it work? Let’s take a mathematical
example – the students are asked to determine the numerical dependence between the number of nuclear
power stations and the country global rating. As a result of his/her own research, a student may conclude that:
“The level of the country development depends on the number of nuclear power stations. Even the countries
not having their own raw stocks, build nuclear power stations. While our country, the leader for uranium
production, has no one such station. This is not practical. Our country has the ideal conditions for construction
of safe nuclear power stations.”
So through discussions, the students develop the feeling of responsibility for the future of their country.
The children learn how to adjust to life in the contemporary world, re-adjust to the changing conditions.
But it is impossible to enclose the new content in the 11-year program. It is a challenging load both for
children and their teachers. In developed countries, there are not any 11-year programs available. In France,
they study for 12 years; in England – for 13 years; and in the Netherlands – for 14 years.
That is why we have chosen the 12-year program, which implies that children begin to study at six years,
during the period of active brain development. Particularly at this time, they most optimally learn information
and develop new skills. Work based on the 12-year program will be structured on the leading world
technologies and techniques.
In order to implement this model, we need to provide several important things. The new standard
and new guidelines have been prepared. The new school books will be published and delivered on time. The
teachers have been informed already. Fifty thousand teachers have completed appropriate advance training
courses. Seventy-three thousand teachers more are planned to complete this course this summer.
Towards 1st September of this current year, all first-form teachers will be ready to begin teaching
according to the new standard.
3. Analyze the role of relationships between members of SCO - Shanghai Cooperation
Kazakhstan and other Central Asian States actively participate in the creation and strengthening of regional
integration structures on the example of the SCO.
At the same time, one of the priority places is given to the SCO as a relatively dynamically developing
structure capable of creating a new geopolitical configuration in Central Asia [3]. The relevance and practical
significance of the topic are determined by a number of important circumstances:
First, ensuring political stability and security of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
secondly, cooperation with the SCO is an important tool for regional cooperation in various areas of life of
Kazakhstan's society;
thirdly, cooperation with the SCO creates conditions for the non-use of nuclear weapons and the settlement of
territorial issues, strengthening regional and global security.
The Shanghai cooperation organization created in 2001 on the basis of "Shanghai five", founded after the
signing by heads of Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Agreements on strengthening
confidence-building measures in the military field in the border area and the Agreement on mutual reduction
of armed forces in the border area. According to the SCO Charter of June 7, 2002, one of the priority goals of
the organization is to strengthen friendship, mutual trust and good neighborliness; promotion of effective
cooperation in political, trade and economic, cultural, educational, scientific and technical, energy, transport,
environmental and other spheres. The Republic of Kazakhstan was at the origins of the Shanghai cooperation
organization, and one of the main directions in the foreign policy of the country was participation in its
Currently, the SCO members are Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Mongolia (since 2004), India, Iran and Pakistan (since 2005) have observer status at the SCO. In June 2009,
the summit in Yekaterinburg decided to grant the status of SCO dialogue partners to Belarus and Sri Lanka
The Republic of Kazakhstan considers activities in the SCO as one of the priority directions of foreign policy
and positions the organization as a practical and important tool of regional cooperation in the political, military
and cultural spheres [4].
44 билет
1) The role and place of movement «Alash Orda» in the history of Kazakhstan. The secular elite of
Kazakhstan in the early 20th century.
The Alash movement is a national liberation movement against the colonial policy of the Russian Empire
in the first quarter of the 20th century. At the beginning of the last century, most of the territory of
Kazakhstan became the property of the state, the number of immigrants, whose population survived from
the inhabited lands, significantly increased. The struggle against the politics of tsarism formed the Alash
movement after the 1st Russian revolution. The program document of the Alash movement was the 1905
Karkaraly petition. At the end of 1905, in the city of Representatives of the five delegates of Kazakhstan, at
which a preliminary decision was made to create a party in the Kazakh language, on the basis of which the
Alash party later emerged. The national movement was allowed to revise the borders between the internal
regions of Russia on Kazakh land. Representatives of the Alash movement advocated the preservation of
traditional livestock, the development of agriculture, industry, and trade relations. A significant place in
their program was devoted to the development of national culture, education and the Kazakh language. The
purpose of the Alash party was to recreate the national state of the Kazakhs, which disintegrated in the
18th-21st centuries, and to introduce the institution of the presidency. The main program tasks of the party
were proclaimed: the liberation of the country from colonial enslavement; You have come to the
community of civilized countries; implementation of changes in the socio-economic and social life of the
Kazakh society. The program of the Alash party adhered to the unification of the Kazakh society not by a
general principle, but on the basis of national unity. The Alash party requires the adoption of laws on the
recognition of property rights in the Kazakhstan region, the granting of rights of freedom and equality to
the poor. Such a program provided the Alash party with widespread popularity. At the beginning of the
20th century, they left the Kazakh intelligentsia in the state arena. The leaders of the movement were
Alikhan Bukeikhanov, a scientist and economist, a member of the Central Committee of the Constitutional
Democratic Party of Russia, deputies of the I and II State Duma; Akhmet Baitursynov - poet, translator,
linguist, editor of the newspaper "Kazakh"; Myrzhakyp Dulatov, Zhakyp Akpaev, Mustafa Shokai,
Mukhamedzhan Tynyshbaev, Bakhytzhan Karataev, Halel and Dzhansha Dosmukhamedovs and others - in
higher education institutions of higher educational institutions in Moscow, Warsaw, Kazan, Tomsk, Omsk
and Oren. Not only the preservation of the national identity of the Kazakh people, but also the restoration
of the historical past and the cultivation of sensitivity. The participation of Kazakh deputies Alikhan
Bukeikhanov, Akhmet Beremzhanov, Bakhytzhan Karataev, Mukhametzhan Tynyshbaev in the State
Duma, in which experience of parliamentary work was accumulated, played an important role in their
public and state activities. The core of the Kazakh revolutionary-democratic intelligentsia, rallied around
the Kazakh newspaper, is Alikhan Bukeikhanov, Akhmet Baitursynov, We are always a candidate for the
national liberation struggle for opposition “Listen, don’t shed blood, don’t resist,” wrote representatives of
the national intelligentsia in appeal in October 1916. Thus, the leaders of the Alash intelligentsia adhered to
the tactics of a reasonable compromise with the colonial empire in order to ensure the survival of the
people and the preservation of their ethnic integrity.
2) Describe the Kazakhstan Declaration of Sovereignty on the 25th of October 1990, and
Declaration of Independence in December 16th , 1991.
Republic Day (Kazakh: Республика күні, Respwblïka küni, Russian: День Республики, Den Respubliki),
observed on October 25, is a Public holiday in Kazakhstan, celebrating the declaration of sovereignty of the
Kazakh SSR from the Soviet Union. In the waning days of Soviet rule, individual republics of the Soviet
Union sought greater autonomy. The Soviet Union agreed in early 1990 to give up its monopoly of political
power. Following the lead of the Lithuanian SSR, the Russian SFSR and others, the Kazakh SSR declared
its sovereignty on 25 October 1990, and Kazakhstan subsequently became independent on 16 December
1991 as the Soviet Union collapsed.At 2,717,300 square kilometres (1,049,200 sq mi) in area, it was the
second-largest republic in the USSR, after the Russian SFSR. Its capital was Alma-Ata (today known as
Almaty). Today it is the independent nation of Kazakhstan. During its existence as a Soviet Socialist
Republic, it was ruled by the Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR. On 25 October 1990, the Supreme
Soviet of the Kazakh SSR declared its sovereignty on its soil. Nursultan Nazarbayev was elected as
president – a role he remained in for the next 29 years. The Kazakh SSR was renamed the Republic of
Kazakhstan on 10 December 1991, which declared its independence six days later, as the last republic to
leave the USSR on 16 December 1991. The Soviet Union was disbanded on 26 December 1991 by the
Soviet of the Republics. The Republic of Kazakhstan, the legal successor to the Kazakh SSR, was admitted
to the United Nations on 2 March 1992. The country is named after the Kazakh people, Turkic-speaking
former nomads who sustained a powerful khanate in the region before Russian and later Soviet domination.
The Soviet Union's spaceport, now known as the Baikonur Cosmodrome, was located in this republic at
Tyuratam, and the secret town of Leninsk (now known as Baikonur) was constructed to accommodate its
3) Analyze the program "100 steps" main contents.
“100 concrete steps” is a clear implementation of frontal tasks that reveal the tremendous development
potential of Kazakhstan. This is a non-standard plan that contains 100 detailed and practical solutions
laying the foundation for the further vector of phased modernization of the state, economy and society. Five
institutional reforms are vital for Kazakhstan to create and replicate the competitive advantages of our
country at the global level. 15 steps are aimed at radically increasing the professionalism of the state
apparatus. The 19 steps are effective actions to modernize the judicial system and the work of law
enforcement agencies. 50 steps are clear and precise decisions that stimulate new high-tech economic
growth and the development of human capital, strictly focused on improving the quality of life of
Kazakhstanis. 6 steps - these are full-fledged measures involving the strengthening of the common Kazakh
identity, the unity of society, the development of the “Mugilik El” value system. 10 steps provide for
improving the mechanisms of the Open Government, transparency and accountability of state bodies,
strengthening public control and expanding civic participation. Refresh the judiciary in the West, teaching
young graduates of law schools, mandatory audio and video recording of all court hearings, remuneration
will be strictly based on the results of the work.
45 билет
1. Solid collectivization of agriculture in the USSR and Kazakhstan (1928-1940). Its results and values
In December 1927, the Fifteenth Congress of the CPSU (B.), Known as the Congress of Collectivization, took
place. According to his decisions, in a short time, by the spring of 1932, agriculture was to turn from a sole to
collective farm.It was carried out in the USSR in 1928-1937; The main stage occurred in 1929-1930. continuous collectivization. In Western Ukraine, in Western Belarus, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
collectivization was carried out after their accession to the USSR and was completed in 1949-1950.
Subsequently, Eastern European countries pursued a policy of decollectivization and returned to private
ownership of land. In Kazakhstan, collectivization was carried out by violent methods, forced at a pace
without taking into account the peculiarities of indigenous life. A number of regions even blocked these
“shock” rates, for example, in the Ural and Petropavlovsk districts more than 70% of households were
collectivized. By the autumn of 1931, 78 out of 122 districts in the republic embraced collectivization from 70
to 100% of farms. The tough, violent measures that accompanied this process resulted in illegal arrests,
deprivation of suffrage, evictions, many were shot. In 1933 alone, over 21 thousand people were arrested by
organs of the OGPU of Kazakhstan. The first secretary of the Krai committee of the party, F. I. Goloshchekin,
preached in Kazakhstan the idea of holding a “Small October Revolution”, where he argued that the aul “did
not feel the breath of the October Revolution and that it was necessary to conduct a small October
Revolution”. F. Goloshchekin chose a course to exacerbate the class struggle under the slogan "Sovietization
of the aul." Dissatisfied with this policy, national leaders - T. Ryskulov, S. Saduakasov, S. Seifullin, S.
Khodzhanov, Zh. Mynbaev were recalled to the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and accused of
2. Talk about the history of spiritual and social development of Kazakhstan (1991-2019).
Nursultan Äbishuly Nazarbayev (born 6 July 1940) is a Kazakh politician currently serving as the
Chairman of the Security Council of Kazakhstan and previously served as the first President of Kazakhstan, in
office from 24 April 1990 to his resignation on 19 March 2019] He is one of the longest-served non-royal
leaders in the world and ruled Kazakhstan from 1991 to 2019 for 29 years, nearly three decades. He was
named First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR in 1989 and was elected as the nation's first
president following its independence from the Soviet Union. He holds the title "Leader of the Nation". In April
2015, Nazarbayev was re-elected with almost 98% of the vote, as he ran virtually unopposed.
Nazarbayev has been accused of human rights abuses by several human rights organisations and
suppressed dissent and presided over an authoritarian regime. No election held in Kazakhstan since
independence has been judged to be free or fair by the West. In 2010, he announced reforms to encourage a
multi-party system.In January 2017, Nazarbayev proposed constitutional reforms that would delegate powers
to the Parliament of Kazakhstan.
Nazarbayev was born in Chemolgan, a rural town near Almaty, when Kazakhstan was one of the
republics of the Soviet Union. His father was a poor labourer who worked for a wealthy local family until
Soviet rule confiscated the family's farmland in the 1930s during Joseph Stalin's collectivization policy.
Following this, his father took the family to the mountains to live out a nomadic existence. His family's
religious tradition was Sunni Islam.[citation needed]
Nazarbayev's father, Abish, avoided compulsory military service due to a withered arm he had sustained
when putting out a fire. At the end of World War II the family returned to the village of Chemolgan, and
Nazarbayev began to learn the Russian language.He performed well at school, and was sent to a boarding
school in Kaskelen.
After leaving school, Nazarbayev took up a one-year, government-funded scholarship at the Karaganda
Steel Mill in Temirtau. He also spent time training at a steel plant in Dniprodzerzhynsk, and therefore was
away from Temirtau when riots broke out there over working conditions.By the age of twenty, he was earning
a relatively good wage doing "incredibly heavy and dangerous work" in the blast furnace.
Nazarbayev joined the Communist Party in 1962, becoming a prominent member of the Young
Communist League and full-time worker for the party, and attended the Karagandy Polytechnic Institute. He
was appointed secretary of the Communist Party Committee of the Karaganda Metallurgical Kombinat in
1972, and four years later became Second Secretary of the Karaganda Regional Party Committee.
In his role as a bureaucrat, Nazarbayev dealt with legal papers, logistical problems, and industrial
disputes, as well as meeting workers to solve individual issues. He later wrote that "the central allocation of
capital investment and the distribution of funds" meant that infrastructure was poor, workers were demoralised
and overworked, and centrally set targets were unrealistic; he saw the steel plant's problems as a microcosm
for the problems for the Soviet Union as a whole.
3.Interethnic harmony is the basis for strengthening independence and democracy in the Republic of
Kazakhstan. Agree or disagree with this statement and determine why?
Kazakhstan is a multinational country, where today representatives of more than 100 ethnic groups united in
more than 40 faiths live in friendship and harmony.
Throughout the years of the existence of independent Kazakhstan, we have been able to maintain harmony
between different ethnic groups. In time, Kazakhstan managed to assess the danger of interethnic clashes,
which began to fever the post-Soviet space. Maintaining stability in society has become one of the
cornerstones of our state’s domestic policy.
For a very long time, Kazakhstan has developed a special tradition of relations between peoples. All over the
world they began to talk about the presence of the Kazakhstan model of interethnic harmony. It is based on the
tolerant and tolerant attitude of Kazakhs to all ethnic diasporas, which, by the will of fate, ended up on the
territory of our common homeland.
Thus, a significant part of the Slavic population ended up in Kazakhstan during the years of mass migration of
peasants from the European part of Russia at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.
During the years of the Stalinist totalitarian regime, tens of thousands of political prisoners found themselves
in the vastness of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan has become a camp republic.
In the 30s and 40s of the last century, an unprecedented mass deportation of entire peoples to the region from
the Far East, Transcaucasia, Northern Caucasus, Crimea, Volga Region, etc., began.
During the years of development of virgin and fallow lands, massive industrial Soviet construction projects,
hundreds of thousands of young people in the person of Kazakhstan found a new homeland.
At any of these stages, the Kazakhs met the migrants with special warmth and cordiality.
With the personal participation of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, a powerful ideology of
preserving interethnic dialogue and peace was created, which he upheld and fervently promoted in the country
and in the world.
The country has a balanced language policy, and Kazakhstan is one of the few who have resolved these
problems without acute shocks. And today there is a natural process of mastering the state language by the
citizens of the country. The linguistic richness of the republic enriches the common Kazakh culture and is an
important factor in strengthening the unity of multinational Kazakhstan.
The head of state pursues a well-thought-out personnel policy when representatives of different peoples of the
country are represented in local and central authorities. At the forefront were the business qualities of a person.
From the very beginning of sovereignty, equal opportunities were created for all the diasporas of Kazakhstan
for the development of their native language, culture, customs and traditions. So, in 1995, on the initiative of
President Nursultan Nazarbayev, a unique public institution, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, was
created, designed to assist in the regulation and maintenance of international peace and stability in the
republic. Amendments and additions to the 2007 Constitution of the country allowed the Assembly to delegate
9 representatives to the country's Parliament. In 2006, the Palace of Peace and Accord (“Pyramid”) was
commissioned, where all the major national-cultural centers and religious associations were located.
The head of state contributes to maintaining peace and stability in society. Almost any of his speeches
emphasizes the importance of maintaining interethnic and interfaith stability in the country.
In the implementation of interethnic policy, the President began to rely on the mentality of the Kazakh people,
his traditionally tolerant attitude towards other ethnic groups.
Kazakhstan can serve as an example of interethnic harmony, stable and sustainable development for other
states of the world. In no country in the former Soviet Union do nations and diasporas live in such harmony.
This state of the national question in Kazakhstan is, of course, explained not by a paradox, but by a special
humane model of interethnic relations and a peculiar rich symbiosis of different cultures.