Uploaded by Ellery Queen

Medical Diagnosis Worksheet: Diabetes, Hypertension

Background Information: You are doing your residency at Mercy Hospital, when a patient
comes in with numerous new healthy symptoms. Considering the patient’s symptoms and
family history, you order a urinalysis, blood glucose check, and cholesterol blood draw, and
take the patient’s blood pressure.
Question: Does your patient have type 2 diabetes, hypertension, or hyperthyroidism?
Prediction: After reviewing your patient’s chart (see GC attachment), write an evidence-based
prediction. What do you predict their diagnosis to be?
Evaluate the symptoms on the chart, then check the next page for test results. Make notes
under the appropriate box when you find evidence to support the headings. You may not fill
out every box! Be sure to note if the result is high, low or normal (CITE what NORMAL is!)
Excessive thirst
BMI chart
Urinalysis chart
Blood glucose test
Symptom of type 2
Symptom of
Symptom of
Patient Age:
Diagnostic testing results:
Urinalysis (urine collection and testing)
Positive for glucose and albumin
Negative for blood, ketones, leukocytes, nitrites, and protein
pH: 6.8
Blood pressure (top number is systolic, bottom is diastolic): 125/85
Cholesterol Screening:
HDL: 25 mg/dL
LDL: 124 mg/dL
triglycerides: 150 mg/dL
total cholesterol: 179 mg/dL
Blood tests
glucose after 12h fasting: 127 mg/dL
hemoglobin A1C : 6.0%
Next steps: Are there any other tests you would run on this patient prior to making a
diagnosis? If so, which one(s) would you run and why?
Diagnosis: Evaluate your prediction. Write a formal claim and use details from your evidence
to explain WHY (reasoning) the patient does or does not have the illness you predicted.
One important job of a medical doctor is to explain to the patient how their disorder or disease is affecting
them. Educating the patient is very important to their health and wellbeing.
Based on what you have learned about the systems of the body, create a chart listing your patient’s symptoms
and what systems affected by each. Include some evidence to explain how you reached that conclusion. Draw a
line below each symptom to turn your list into a table.
System + Evidence:
History of hypertension (high blood pressure)
Cardiovascular system- high blood pressure is due to
the size of the vessels (mainly arteries) that carry
blood from the heart to the body.
Your patient’s symptoms are due to her body’s ineffectiveness at maintaining homeostasis. Using the feedback
charts we completed (hypertension and/or diabetes) and your symptom/system chart on the previous page,
write out a conversation you would have with your patient. Remember that you need them to fully understand
their symptoms, what is occurring in their body and how they could change their lifestyle to improve their
*This portion of your lab is individual and worth credit (Homeostasis strand). Use the scoring guide to make
sure you covered all the information required.
Evidence sheets to help you diagnose:
Symptom Chart- High Blood Pressure
Symptom Chart- Diabetes
How to interpret blood-glucose levels
How to interpret Blood-Glucose Levels
How to determine BMI (Body Mass Index)
BMI chart
How to interpret Cholesterol screenings
How to interpret URINALYSIS tests
Checkmarks indicate elevated levels for each test- based on symptoms of diabetes and kidney disease.
How to interpret blood pressure