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Globalization & Cultural Imperialism: Westernization Impact

Underneath the drive for globalization which led to several new products,
services, and ideas, is a query of whether or not it is a good thing on local communities
and global society. A major outcome that globalization brought in our lives is Cultural
Imperialism that tends to backfire in many countries and companies. As provided by
Gray (2007), Cultural Imperialism is the imposition of a larger country on others, its own
set of beliefs, principles,
ideas, social standards and its way of living. The rise of
globalization and cultural imperialism introduces one major idea of universalization, the
Westernization. Due to the ability of the Western world to maintain its strong emphasis
on innovation and invention, there is no doubt that they are leading the world when it
comes to technological and scientific disciplines. As we take a glimpse again in the
past, the world has high regards to the West also for the development of the steam
engine, electrical motor, transformers, and communication devices such as telephone,
radio, television and many more which the world has embraced.
As we can see, the Western world was able to control small clusters of nation
making them more powerful and richer day by day proving that globalization through
cultural imperialism operates mostly for the benefit of the richer countries. Hence, it
continuously drowns out local economies, traditions, and languages which is a threat to
cultural diversity. For example, multinational companies and products such as CocaCola, Nike, and KFC impose American or European consumer trends on other cultures
which slowly eliminate local companies in the market. George Ritzer states that America
will be known as every country’s second culture and everyone will be called as citizens
of McDonaldized planet. George Ritzer in his statement shows how globalization
through cultural imperialism kills other cultures and companies and his example of
McDonalds Company is a good one since it is one of the major leading foodservice
retailers in the world and it is located in more than 100 countries. The photo provided
below shows the domination of Mcdonalds company.
Also, the domination in media and internet services by Western companies
create a single set of cultural standard promoting their own culture as being more
correct than that of other countries’ or groups’ cultural values. Meanwhile, English has
become the main language being used across the world as it facilitates the
understanding of information between two people not sharing the same language,
making other languages less important. Like here in our country, the English language
plays a vital role in our communication wherein almost all Filipinos know how to speak
or understand the English language. Also, we are required to study the English
language wherein, we have our English subjects. It just shows that Filipinos continue to
embrace Western culture with the utmost importance. Meanwhile, in a survey
conducted by Pew Research Center, the results showed that 92% of Filipinos are proAmerican.
The idea of western cultural imperialism brought by globalization takes away a
large amount of culture from other countries. In today’s modern world, traditional
clothing that people usually wear is slowly being eliminated and replaced by what is
popular in the market. For example, countries like Japan, South Korea, and India are
continuously adopting the jeans and t-shirt style brought by Western culture instead of
their traditional clothing.
On the other hand, in the late 20th century, Western media outlets like CNN
controlled the news narrative wherein they only reflected Western views on world
events (Seib, 2011). Thus, Cultural Imperialism in the media climate that we have today
is very prevalent since the largest and main countries own the majority of global media
and export their cultural values all over the world. As we can see, the idea of
Westernization brought by globalization leads people and countries to a loss of
individualism and group identity. There is a cultural homogenization that occurs
wherein; there is global assimilation of a single culture which led to the reduction of
cultural diversity.
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Drysen, Elin. (2016). A critical examination of cultural imperialism and its impact on
Gray, Jonathan. (2007). “Imagining America: The simpsons go global.” Popular
McKenzi, Eleanor. (2018.) Negative effects of globalization on culture. Retrieved from
Petras, James. (2000). Cultural imperialism in the late 20th century. Retrieved from
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