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Exit Interview presentation guidelines

Exit Interview – Presentation Guidelines:
The time for completing your CAS journey has arrived.
If your progress is sufficient i.e. you “on track” or an excellent flag on your MB CAS worksheet at
least one week before your CAS EXIT INTERVIEW, you will need to prepare a presentation of your
CAS experiences to your CAS advisor or CAS Coordinator.
Students who are a cause for “concern” will not be able to give a CAS Presentation until the
progress of CAS on MB has been changed to “on track”. Unfortunately, a student who does not
complete the exit interview with a presentation will fail CAS. Contact your CAS advisor or
coordinator now, and find ways to remedy this problem, if this is your case.
Your Diploma depends on passing CAS.
Aim of the Presentation:
To clarify, comment and outline what you learned while being involved in various CAS
experiences – your CAS journey of 18 months. In particular, what you have learnt with
reference to the 7 Learning Outcomes of CAS and the IB learner profiles.
Both positive and negative experiences build up the matrix of who we are. Think about
who you were at the beginning of grade 11 and who you are now, a young adult about to
step into the world.
Content of the Presentation:
When: Between February Break and Spring Break; please reserve a time with your
CAS advisor. He or she will provide you with sign up information and links in the first week
after February break.
Duration: max. 10 min presentation and 15 min total interview, counting Q&A.
What: Your spoken presentation should be supported by visual material in the format
of a PPT which must be uploaded to your portfolio on MB (under CAS documents)
before your presentation. Be sure that the MB format works before your scheduled
appointment. Time is going to be important.
What: During the presentation, explicit reference must be made to the specific parts
of the CAS portfolio (e.g. certificates, photos, evaluations, correspondence, blogs
etc.) in order to provide evidence for the 7 Outcomes of CAS, for the usage of the 5
Stages of CAS, for at least one CAS project, and for a balance of experiences in the
3 strands of CAS: C + A + S.
Josselyn van der Pol
CAS Exit Presentation
Expected structure: Parts to cover in PPT
Brief introduction of the experiences classified as C, A and S, demonstrating
equal attention to all 3 strands of CAS,
Brief explanation of how documentation was done and how often it was done.
Documentation involves maintaining CAS reflection and providing evidence on
ManageBac or otherwise, by reflective writing, photographs, certificates, blog,
video report or a photo essay
Brief explanation of the completed CAS Project using the 5 stages of CAS:
leadership, initiative, collaboration
A thorough explanation of how the seven Learning Outcomes of CAS were met,
use evidence and reflection extracts
A thorough explanation of how, through the CAS programme, you have
developed as a human being. Use the IB Learner Profiles, choose at least three
of the ten IB Learner Profiles.
considered COMPLETE and you can graduate:
 VOICE RECORDING of the full presentation + Q & A
 Exit interview Questionnaire
Based on the evidence in the presentation and in the final version of the CAS
Portfolio, the CAS Advisor or CAS Coordinator will determine if the student has
completed the CAS requirement.
Important Reference Documents: All documents on MB under FILES > CAS > exit interview
IB Learner Profile: 10 IB Learner Profile traits described
A Brief Student Guide to CAS: CAS expectations, Learning Outcomes
CAS guide Aug 2019: 5 Stages of CAS project, Learning Outcomes, CAS strands
Josselyn van der Pol
CAS Exit Presentation