Final-Term Project I: Chinese Oral Presentation • Any topic about your life and work • At least 6 slides (10 slides for native speakers) – Excluding the title slide at the beginning and the new word slide at the end • Content – At least ONE SENTENCE on each slide in Chinese characters and Pinyin both or Chinese characters only – Pictures that match the sentences Final-Term Project I: Chinese Oral Presentation • Presentation Tool – PPT or Prezi • Upload your oral project into Assignments in TalonNet by Nov. 29 NOTE: Be sure to have a library tutor or a native speaker proofread your final product. Chinese Oral Presentation CATEGORY Time - Limit 10 Presentation is 2 min long 8 Presentation is 2 min long Content Six or more than six pieces of information ; six or more than six slides with sentences in Chinese characters and Pinyin both or Chinese characters only as well as pictures that match sentences Speaks clearly and distinctly all 100% -90% of the time and no mispronounced words Three to four pieces of Less than three pieces of information; three to five information; less than three slides with Chinese sentences Chinese sentences and and pictures matching pictures Speaks clearly and distinctly 80% of the time or mispronounced 3-4 words often mumbles or cannot be understood or mispronounces more than 4 words Answering a question Answers a question from the floor correctly Answers a question from the floor partially correctly Answers a question from the floor correctly with the aid of the teacher and/or peers Posture and eye contact stands up straight, looks relaxed and confident, and establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation Sometimes stands up straight Slouches and /or does not and establishes eye contact look at people during the presentation Speaks Clearly 6 Presentation is 1 or less than 1 min. long Final-Term Project II: Skit • TOPIC: Making Plans, Discussing Plans, & Implementing Plans • Integrate one Chinese art form in the skit – Singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, calligraphy, sports, martial arts, Beijing opera, acrobatic, cooking, etc. Final-Term Project II: Skit • • • • Form groups of 2-4 At least 5 lines/person At least one prop At least 70 % of words and sentence structures you used are what we learned - These prep. and adv. Words and at least one M.W. word must be used: 跟,在, 常, 都, 很, 也,本/辆/个 Final-Term Project II: Skit • Scripts are written in both Chinese characters and Pinyin, with a list of new words being placed below the text • Prepare script handouts to be distributed to the class Final-Term Project II: Skit • Upload your group skit script to Assignments in TalonNet by Dec. 5 NOTE: Be sure to have a library tutor or a native speaker proof your final product. Skit Rubric CATEGORY Presentation- Oral content/gestures WOW! 10 points Everyone said more than 5 lines// Used excellent body language, gestures// Did not read from cardsknew lines well Good. 8 points hmmmm....6point Everyone said at least 3 Participants did not fulfill lines. // Used some body minimum requirements of language to fit with lines. // 3 lines. // Hardly any Needed to use cues for gestures or movement.// lines Did not know lines Pronunciation/pace/pauses I can tell you practiced! // Pretty good pronunciation! What did you say? // Nice smooth flow. // You // Kept average pace. // More than 10 errors. // sound great! // 0-5 errors You stumbled on a few Did you practice? words, but we were still able to follow you. // 5-10 errors Script (grammar, spelling, tone marks) Turned in on time. // Clean, neat, organized and easy for me to follow. // 0-3 errors. Answering a question Answers a question from Answers a question from Answers a question from the floor correctly the floor partially correctly the floor correctly with the aid of the teacher and/or peers Turned in on time. // A bit Script turned in but with 6+ messy and not very easy errors. No script= o points for me to follow. // 4-6 errors.