School System Analysis: Book Bans, Safety, and Poetry

I think we were shown this so we know that the school system needs to be fixed. I’m not entirely
sure how we would do them because a lot of schools have their own board and consciously
work together to decide what is allowed and not allowed in schools. The women in the video use
their poetry to make an example of this. I think it should be disclaimed that there is a big
difference between schools banning a book and banning firearms. They bounce around from an
abundance of different points, talking about all the problems we have in today’s society. (I think
they should make a follow-up the poem with solutions because it's easier to mention problems)
Video 2: No child behind is left behind, they point out their disdain for police officers in schools
and metal detectors, Personally I think if it prevents students or staff from bringing in potentially
dangerous weapons I’m all for it. They’re saying that poems come in all forms and that there are
not any Latino or African American poems shown in schools, I think this might be because the
poetry profession is predominantly older white people, I think we need to get more different
ethnicities involved in poetry to revive and teach all cultures. I think they are saying that rap
music is their cultures form of poetry, but I think that it's going to be overshadowed by the cloud
of people saying it's not because of how some (Not all) rap music use profanity and vulgarity.