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Bahrain English Exam Application - Al-Naeem School

‫مملكة البحرين‬
‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬
‫مدرسة النعيم الثانوية للبنين‬
‫تطبيقات الفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الدراسي ‪ 2021 / 2020‬م‬
‫اسم المقرر‪ :‬انج‬
‫اسم الطالب‬
‫الرقم األكاديمي‬
‫التطبيق (رقم ‪)5‬‬
‫رمز المقرر ‪ ( 302 :‬نموذج ‪)1‬‬
‫المسار ‪ :‬توحيد المسارات‬
‫الياس فيصل ادم علي‬
‫رقم السؤال‬
‫الدرجة النهائية‬
‫توقيع مراجع الجمع‬
‫المالحظات إن وجدت‬
‫توقيع المعلم األول‬
‫المالحظات إن وجدت‬
‫درجة الطالب‬
‫الدرجة بالحروف‬
‫توقيع المصحح‬
A_ Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (5marks)
decline , burst
, hostile , stimulation
1- Some people are quite angry at the moment and feel hostile towards their
new environment.
2- Many employers used some kind of roleplay or decline during the interview,
causing panic among the applicants.
3- There will be discussions on the analysis of burst and whether we can
handle future criminal activity from youthful behaviour.
4- I'm not keen on Indian cuisine - I find it too spicy.
5- Question of race, ethnicity and religion have been a perennial source of
conflict in American education.
B. Match the following words with their definitions. Write the words in the
spaces provided. (5Marks)
be thorough and careful in order to do a task well
unable to make decision quickly and effectively
members become more familiar with each other and start
develop confidence in each other
4- not wanting to do something
5- the group separates and members go their own ways
C- Complete the sentences with the suitable form of the verbs in brackets
1- Psychology magazines ........ out of the library must be returned within one week.
( taken / to take / taking)
2- You would not expect anyone ………intelligent to make………stupid mistake, but she did so.
(too much, those / so, that / too, much)
3- My mother is making a steady recovery from flu and………hospital by next week.
(has left / will have left / could have left)
4- The neutral mutation rate is known ……. widely along human chromosomes……….to
mutational hot and cold regions.
(to vary, leading / varying, led / to be varying, to led)
5- I'll carry your case. He ……… to carry my case.
(offered/ offer / was offering)