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Lifespan Development: Nature, Theories, and Stages

C. Nature VS nurture
Genes, cells, DNA= Nature
environment= Nurture
genes and environment interact with each other
Nature and nurture in development
Vulnerability vs resilience:
resilience: protective factors, born to us with genetics, experience, protects
from negative things
Vulnerability: witnesses, genetic, behavioral comes to us when we get
negative things in life.
Vulnerable child in a good environment: good environment= “makes up” for
the vulnerability by being nourished, nurtured. -- Child can overcome
vulnerability +
Vulnerable child in a bad environment: worst outcome for the child ( no
support) vulnerability takes over -Resilient child in a good environment: good outcome ++
resilient child in a bad environment: resiliences will overcome the influences of
the bad environment= child will be okay. +
C. Continuity & Discontinuity in development
Continuity: changes that happen with age, develops- quantitatively: amount or
Discontinuity: changes with age- qualitatively: type or kind
- discontinuity, brings changes to priorities Kids, new strategies and skills are
brought up - Freud and Piaget discuss it
accumulation of small quantitative change= qualitative change puberty
social clock: how a human should live their life
ageism: adults looking at older one = prejudicial behavior, judging what they
can and cannot do. older people having intimacy
reverse ageism: assumptions of what young adults can/can’t do by middle
age people
Cohort: description of a group of people borned around the same years Baby
boomers, hippies/rock and roll, Gen Y, Gen Z
Critical period: period where human beings can develop some characteristic of a
critical skills, learning a language fully: with environment during the first years of a
Sensitive period: once developped the ability to speak the first language - other
languages can be learned
Atypical development: difference from a “normal development” that causes harm to
an individual. Alcoholic, lgbtq is not atypical= diversity.
Theories of development
1. Evolutionary theories
Nativism: focuses on genetics traits= animals
Ethology: survival behaviors. Manifests when we are in danger: lack of
Behavior genetics: genes we are born with
Sociobiology: genetically programmed to be “social animals” = confort,
help from people. More chance of survival when we live in a group.
2. Psychonalytic theories
Developmental change happens because of the internal, drives and emotions.
The internal drive within us is at the core of this theory.
Freud Psychosocial Theory
“Born in the 19th century, one of the founders of psychoanalytic school, lived
in Vietnam and london in his last days of life”
- Behavior: conscious and unconscious process
- Libido: sex drive
- Personality: 3 part structure
- Id: instinctual drive for physical pleasure, motivating force. Sex, fun,
food, comfort, entertainment. Born with it and important for survival
- Ego: thinking part of our personality, between what it wants. Figures the
wants compared to the norms of society
- Superego: born with and developped on, moral judge of
personnality=norms and values. Develops in relationships (parents,
friends, partner)
Oral: everything babies touch, goes into mouth. Mother has to seperatesbaby
and the breast
Anus: how to use the potty, adults that havent vover this stage clean freaks
Phallic: getting along with the family
Latency: defense mechanism
Genital: sexually matured
Erikson Psychosocial Theory
Believes in internal drive like Freud
psychological strength
1. parents provides to baby’s needs and that builds trust
2. Parents let the kid do things on their own, but stay near by to build
autonomy - arrogance
Humanistic Theories
Internal drive: personal motivation to achieve their full potential.
Carl Rogers: “strict Christian discipline, confined in it and became atheist, then
agnostic: God exists?idk. Finally, understood there is a higher spiritual science
higher than science- God.”
- focuses on the human capacity to become a fully functioning person,
without guilt
Abraham Maslow: self actualization is the ultimate goal in human life, we must
meet each level from bottom to top.
Ultimate goal according to Maslow is to be really good and involved about
what we are passionate about.